Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 187 What is an international star? Tactical back! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

Whether it's the wonders of Jurassic Island, the shocking prehistoric dinosaurs, the debate between Qin Yi and Elena, and Qin Yi's arrogant and outrageous exit pose...

They have attracted great attention from the world!

It's almost a matter of course.

The appearance of dinosaurs has already become a world-class hot topic!

But, at the beginning, even Qin Yi himself didn't think of it...

The Jurassic Park he created with his own hands, as well as his words and deeds, will become a lever to move the world.

Obviously it didn't take much effort, but...

November 30.

Watson Shield Street.

A tall and thin woman in a trench coat pushed out the door of the coffee shop and walked quickly to the newsstand across the road.

The woman looks to be in her forties, but her figure is well maintained, but her face is too thin, her figure is too tall, and those cold eyes are a bit too repulsive.

"Bring me a copy of Time Magazine.

"Hey! The last one!"

The owner of the newsstand is very old, his gray eyebrows are almost covering his eyes, and he is too lazy to fix it. He muttered: "This broken weekly has not been sold out for a long time... It's strange."

The woman took over this weekly magazine and frowned when she saw the cover that looked like a sci-fi movie.

Da da da.

The high heels hit the ground, quite rhythmically.

With her long legs, she carried this heavier-than-usual magazine and walked a block away.

There was a pure white Jaguar F-TYPE parked on the side of the road. A passing policeman was about to give her a ticket. When she saw her approaching, she immediately showed a small book, "Hey! Madam! Is this your car? Very Sorry, I want to...

The woman also took out a small book, shook it in front of him, without slowing down, opened the car door, and sat in, as if the police did not exist at all.

Outside the car window, the policeman was stunned for a while. He swallowed his words before he finished speaking, gave a simple salute outside, and then hurriedly rode away.

What he saw was a very new document.

But recently, the police station specifically told all police officers that those who encounter this kind of documents must cooperate very well.


They still don't know the meaning of this institution, they only know that it has not been long since it was created, but it is extremely powerful.

The woman in the car is the number two person in this organization.

Her name is Eve Koch, her parents are big figures in the political and business world, and with the strength of her family and her own efforts, she has finally become a big figure.

"The world has finally begun to change..."

Eve took out the coffee from the paper bag, took a sip, and opened the packaging of Time Magazine.

Time magazine, one of the three major current affairs weekly magazines in the Stars and Stripes, is also the most famous weekly magazine in the world.

This time the cover photo, they announced to the public, used a photo provided by an unnamed photographer.

This camera enthusiast is Admiral Kaiser who is sitting in the five-legged building at the moment.

Due to the image rights involved, the use of this photo has also been approved by Qin Yi.

For Qin Yi, he doesn't care what Time Magazine will say with his photos, as long as he says it, it is effective publicity!

There is absolutely no reason to refuse!

The reason why Eve came to buy this weekly magazine is mainly because Time magazine has caused too much controversy this time.

As the top weekly magazine of the Stars and Stripes, the characters on the cover are very important. This time, Qin Yi is used.



This time, the weekly magazine used all the pages like never before!

No other news in it! Anything else!

An entire issue is devoted to Jurassic Park!

well known!

If Time magazine wants to write about a person, it used to take two pages, which is a whole page, it means that this is a legend! It's a lot of face to say it!

This time it's actually the whole issue! All pages!!

This is too much!!

Eve weighed the weight, "Why is it so much heavier than before? It's also a lot thicker...~"..."

She is also curious.

Can't wait to open.

As soon as it was opened, she was shocked!

Not a word on the first page!

Just a photo!

It was a group of pterosaurs fighting for food in the sky!

The second page is also a photo. One and two pages are linked together to form a big picture! There are several pterosaurs rushing over, and the capture is very clear and hideous!

Those sharp beaks and sharp teeth! It's like breaking out of paper!

I have to say that Time Magazine is very bold this time, but the effect is really amazing!

Eve adjusted her mentality and turned back.

Still a photo!

Flip again!

Still a photo!

One after another, all kinds of amazing and magnificent photos!

Eve seems to feel the anxiety and mania of the editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine!

He desperately wants to show all this incredible to the people of the Stars and Stripes!

Eve seems to feel...

That is not the mentality that an editor-in-chief should have, it is not to attract attention, but to express the anxiety in his heart...manic!

Turning to page ten, Eve saw that many tourists were happily boarding some huge hot air balloons.

Flip back.


Eve was stunned for a moment, only then did she know why this issue of the magazine was so thick.

It turned out to be a very thick piece of paper.

She opened it slowly and found that this thing was bigger than she thought.

Adjust the seat back and continue to unfold...

This is a poster that is at least one meter long!

Eve's pupils trembled...

The poster is also a photo, very clear, HD photo of Jurassic Island from a hot air balloon!

The height of the hot air balloon is obviously not enough to take a picture of the whole island, but it is enough!

Mountains and rivers, forests and wetlands, plains next door... So many landforms, gathered in one photo, are extraordinarily peculiar and beautiful!

And those animals...

All you can see are large dinosaurs!

Spinosaurus in twos and threes waited for their prey to be hooked by the water... Tyrannosaurus rex appeared in multiple areas, either killing or waiting! Apatosaurus crossed the river in groups, and their huge bodies even blocked the river.

Triceratops, which can only be seen in movies, run in groups on the field!!

Eve can't control her eyes and can't help but want to explore every tiny detail in this rich picture!

So beautiful!

So spectacular!!

Her eyes wandered quickly on this poster...

And at the end, she was even startled!


Because in the lower right corner of the photo, where her thumb is pinched, there is a head of a dragon, and it stretches out abruptly, as if to open her fingers and look at her curiously!

The reason for this illusion is because the Argen Tinglong is so big!! This one stretched its neck and looked in the direction of the hot air balloon, so there is such a visual error that it almost touches the camera! !

Eve slowly let out a sigh of relief and put away the poster.


Next, Time Magazine finally has words.

Eve soon knew why the weekly was scolded this time.

After a lot of blank space.




Three questions in a row.

'I tell everyone, this place is called Jurassic Park.

'That's right, it's the same name as our great director who once made a classic movie.

'such a pity……"

'The real Jurassic Park obviously has nothing to do with us. "

'Except one point.

'The great director became the first tourists to visit this strange world. ’

The choice of words and sentences, between the words, is full of ridicule and disappointment.

Eve knows that the current editor-in-chief of Time Magazine is called Reid. He is a real scholar and an elite in the literary world of Stars and Stripes. He has not written anything for many years.

It seemed that this time, he was really in a hurry.

'These miraculous beauty and amazing prehistoric dinosaurs have the nationality of the Xia Kingdom.

'That's right, it's that thing with a gold content far more than 10,000 times that of the Green Card of the Stars and Stripes.

His entire article carries a strong irony to the end.

Only this time, his sharp irony was aimed at his own people.

'There is ample evidence pointing to him, the creator of miracles.

A photo of Qin Yi is inserted here.

The photos are very thoughtfully processed into black and white.

Because this photo was also taken by tourists, Qin Yi was standing in front of the central square, surrounded by many overly brightly colored giant raptors and the mounted police on them.

After processing into black and white, the texture comes out all at once.

Standing in the middle of many giant raptors, Qin Yi was wearing a very oriental white shirt and black trousers, like a young hermit.

His own appearance is very handsome, and his smile is shy and restrained, but he has a special talent attribute - the same dark temperament of Yue Qiluo.

The fusion of two completely different temperaments makes him seem to have a sense of alienation from the times, as if he is not a person of this era. With the addition of black and white filters, his smile is even more mysterious.

summer country.

The Asian edition of Time Magazine uses nearly the same photos, layout, and translation.

An old school meeting.

Qin Yi's (Li Zhao's) mother put on reading glasses for the first time, held this magazine, and read it with great emotion: "There is ample evidence that the creator of miracles is him!

Qin's mother pointed at herself to the people around her excitedly: "He is my son!! Qin Yi!! My son!!"

The old classmates around were envious.

Then read on: "Qin Yi, who is this young man from the East? How did he accomplish these incredible miracles?"5

"It is understood that he was born in a mediocre low-level family, and his parents did not discover any of his talents since he was a child.

"Exactly how, we don't know."

"His extraordinary talent is likely to be buried for too many years by his parents who ignored him growing up..."

After reading it, Mother Qin burst into tears, blaming herself while wiping her tears: "It's all my fault! I'm sorry Xiaoyi! I buried him, righteousness! 95

The crowd urged:

"It's okay, it's okay! Isn't Xiaoyi still famous? And he is famous!"

"Yeah! I heard that he is being reported abroad now!"

"That's right! It's very promising!


Qin Yi suddenly discovered that this person, once famous, will be repackaged by a strange substance from head to toe.

He himself was reading what the magazine wrote.

The scalp looks numb...

So embarrassed that I can use my toes to buckle a balala magic fairy castle on the ground...

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