Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 188 Beheading Plan! Qin Yi! Dangerous!! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

Time magazine editor-in-chief Reid's column masterpiece, Qin Yi's own speculation, it is really hard to say.

Because there is not much information.

Ruide bought Qin Yi's previous news through various channels, and then panned for gold in the feces, and found Qin Yi's excellence!

such as...

'As a teenager, Qin Yi showed a deep understanding of chemical science early. When he was in the fifth grade of elementary school, he successfully extracted nitric acid, glycerin, Chemical substances such as concentrated sulfuric acid ... and successfully caused an explosion accident!

'At the time, he was only 11 years old!'

'He was asked after the fact why he did it. "

"He said, because he felt... an inert world is dull and tasteless, and the instant release of energy is the true meaning of life!

'Xia Guo's education also knows how to use talents far better than we do. "

'Since then, Qin Yi has been secretly protected and given special education. Dozens of scientists in the most cutting-edge fields of Xia have become his personal teachers...'

When he saw this, Qin Yi finally couldn't help tearing up the magazine.

He was in the main building of the Umbrella Company, in his suite, while tearing it up, he said frantically: "It's a little bit of a nonsense!!

"When did I ever do a bomb maniac thing!!

“I literally blew up the class that year!!35

"But that's an alcohol lamp!!""

"The pot of fake and shoddy products!!!

"And when did I say such a philosophical thing? Don't say eleven years old! I can't say it now, okay!!!

"Don't make Deidara's famous saying "Blast is art" and stretch it out on my head!!!"

"And... Xia Guo's education... secret protection..."

"I was almost beaten to death by the head teacher if I blew up an alcohol lamp!!!"

"Dozens of cutting-edge scientists teach privately..."

"I almost didn't even get into the university. Soul Dan-!! Do the famous weekly magazines of your star country come with such a mouth?! What on earth are you 057s and those stupid x public accounts of Kou Kou Kandian? difference!!!

"I don't want to be so inexplicably popular!!!! Years

bang! bang!! bang!!!

Hearing the sound of things falling in the room and the fierce and irritable voice, the employees of the umbrella company outside the door shivered.

"Why is the boss so angry?"

"I don't know! It seems that I bought a magazine and came back... There is something written about him..."

"Tsk tsk, it sounds like it may have been scolded lightly!""

"Yeah, these magazine editors are the meanest talkers!!

Fishing reels can easily lead people to think differently.

When you talk, people believe.

Qin's mother and Qin's father are both proud and regretful now. They feel that they have not paid close attention to Qin Yi and have not been able to develop his brilliance in advance.

And Qin Yi's former classmates also began to fall into the active distortion of memory, self-defense.

"Qin Yi... In fact, I could tell back then that he was not an ordinary person!

"Yeah! I said that he always reads books alone... He doesn't play basketball with us, and I even laughed at him. It turns out that I am too low, and people don't like our entertainment at all...

"Well, doesn't he read novels?"

"No! Certainly not! 99

"Yes, no! I glanced at it, and it was a technical term that I couldn't understand! Like something like 'entanglement of living things' or 'Hilbert space'... Anyway, I thought it was not simple at the time! 35

"It seems so! I've seen it too, and he told me at the time, don't believe he can kill a Tyrannosaurus rex with one punch when he's extremely angry! I thought he was just a second grader! Now that I think about it... he said may be true!

"I'm going! Qin Yi is still not human... I won't say he cloned a dinosaur, and he can still be killed with one punch?"

"It is estimated that he has developed a potion to strengthen his body or something... genetic modification or something..."

"I just want to go back to the past and worship him!

(bcei) "Oh, I didn't hold such a thick thigh!!

As for Qin Yi's ex-girlfriend, she didn't like him at all, and said:

"I'm just playing with you, we can't get married."


"Because love is just entertainment, marriage is reality. No matter how hard you try, you can't change your class. We can't accept a lifetime of hardships."

"Yes, it's always the class of our parents' generation that decides marriage, and individual efforts... are almost meaningless."

"Goodbye, I really...would rather cry in a Porsche."

At this moment, Jianghai City.

She was in the passenger seat of a once-dream Porsche.

Look at the excerpt from the article on the Internet.

cry so loudly.

Howling and crying!!

She collapsed and covered her face:

"So you've just been testing me!!! You bastard!!!"

In the driver's seat, the man's face turned green.

Although, the editor-in-chief of Times Weekly wrote a little exaggeration about Qin Yi's personal part.

But the final part is indeed the level of the world's top critics.

First, I mentioned Qin Yi's current industry, and indirectly made a world-class advertisement for Thriller Valley. By the way, it satirized Disney, which lost a lot of tourists and couldn't even sell the discounted annual pass.


Mentioned Qin Yi and Elena, this is a global spectator debate.

In his words, he ridiculed Elena very much.

Then he highly praised Qin Yi's ideological value.

The editor-in-chief, Reid, is known for his pungent writing and sarcasm, and most of his articles are satirical and poignant.

But his views on this debate, and Qin Yi's views, are really sincere and can't be more sincere.

"Losing humanity, losing a lot; losing animality, losing everything.

'What a refined summary.

‘What did Western civilization in modern history rely on to reach its peak?

'No one dares to say such a thing now.

Dare I say it!

'It depends on animal nature! It depends on plunder!

'It is the primitive accumulation of sin!

'What's wrong? What's going on now?'

'Too long ease, to degenerate the fangs and fangs of the beast?'

'We've forgotten how we got it all. ’

"Now, animal advocates and vegetarians, the extreme left ideology... has spread and expanded into cancer cells! They will not hesitate to fabricate lies, break the law and commit crimes! Even sacrificing "human" lives to save animals!"

'Chaos! Quarrel! Damn ZZ right! Wildfire internal friction!

'No one wants to open their eyes and see how fast we are going!!'

'Look at Qin Yi! Look at this oriental young man who works in a low-key manner! What a shock he has brought to the world!!"

‘Look at what Xia Guo is doing!! Look at us again!!!

Time magazine is indeed too influential.

Especially after the live broadcast of Jurassic Park, this issue was published again.

In the end, through Jurassic Park, he criticized all kinds of stupid Zheng Ce in his country, criticized the stupidity of Naitule's theory, and pointed out that the rise of Xia Kingdom was unstoppable and so on.

The Stars and Stripes have been arrogant for too long.

They can't accept that others are ahead of them in a certain field.

If it is said that it is just a certain Xia people or the media boasting, the arrogant they will only respond with ridicule.

But now, the emergence of Jurassic Park has proved that genetic technology has greatly surpassed the lead!

Elena, the moral leader in their hearts, was bullied by Qin Yi again, and she was even in front of the camera, full of ugliness, and even ate dinosaur meat!

Therefore, after watching the live broadcast, the people who fell into a manic state were once again ignited.

The elites and ordinary people of the Star Striped Nation were highly opposed to each other.

The elites agreed with Rhett's statement in a low-key manner, and were worried and anxious about the fortune of the country.

The people criticized in a high-profile manner, and many people even took to the streets spontaneously and picked up placards!

It says:

Rhett = traitor


"Reject Time Magazine!""

"Fire Reid!!

"Reid is the dog of Xia Guo!!"

These pictures were shown endlessly in Xia Guo's news practice broadcast.

Of course, Xia Guo's CCTV also arrogantly helped them to mutate the sound appropriately, so as not to be too boastful.

Even when the host of the show was broadcasting, the smile on his face couldn't hold back: "The above is the latest situation report of the Stars and Stripes, let's see the next news... pff‥

Five-legged building.

An emergency meeting is underway.

Going deep into a certain area of ​​the underground building, there is a well-known 'war conference room', only a very small number of high-level librarians from the Star Striped Nation can enter.

In several corridors, the high-level executives who came here have undergone extensive physical examinations before entering this oval conference room.

Admiral Kaiser, dressed in military uniform, sat in the main seat with a solemn expression.

It seems that he is much older than when he was "undercover travel" in Jurassic Park a few days ago.

After more than a dozen high-level executives took their seats, he spoke heavily.

"People all over the world know that the people of our Star Country are very patriotic."

No one at the top thought that Admiral Kaiser's opening remarks would be so strange.

Admiral Kaiser did not look at them, but at the pen in his hand.

While turning the pen, he said in a low voice to himself:

"But people all over the world don't know that the patriotism of our Xingtiao Kingdom is different from that of the Xia Kingdom.

"The patriotism of the Xia people can last for thousands of years.

"What they love is the land and the shared culture.

"What we love is..."

"Powerful. 35

"Yes, powerful!"

"Today, the Stars and Stripes is still the most powerful country! People will love it!"

"Tomorrow, if another country is stronger, they will leave here, get there, and love that country just as much!35

The people present are all high-level executives of the Star Striped Nation.

They all sounded awkward.

But no one dared to refute it, not because of their lack of identity, but because they knew in their hearts...

Admiral Kaiser tells the truth in every word.

He let out a long breath.

"Do you know the Awakened?"

The conference room was heavy, and everyone nodded silently.

The high-level people present knew it.

Among them, there are the Minister of Defense, several core members of the Senate and House of Representatives, military generals, and the director of the CIA's FBI.

Of course, there is also the newly born agency, Eve Koch, the deputy director of LOS.

Admiral Kaiser gave her a look, and Eve took the initiative to speak: "That's right, we may have underestimated the power of the Awakened, because in our previous observations, the Awakened, despite having many incredible abilities, is due to The sheer scarcity of its absolute numbers, and...even the most powerful Awakened, is by no means an existence that is difficult for the army to eliminate at present, so we may have made a mistake in strategy and made a major omission.

The Secretary of Defense asked: "What the hell is going on? So serious?

Admiral Kaiser said: "Qin Yi of the Xia country, who created the young man from Jurassic Park, he should be the strategic awakener of the Xia country. Although I don't know what his abilities are and how he did these things. , but we now judge that his personal existence is enough to affect the course of the world.

The director of the CIA said: "Yes, a Jurassic Park that has thrown our genetic sciences far away... God knows what's next!"

Eve looked to the seat: "So, what is the purpose of our emergency meeting...?

"The Beheading Plan!"

Admiral Kaiser said coldly: "I propose, beheading plan! Even if the price is high, kill him! 35


"Kill Qin Yi!

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