Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 190 In a safe world, looking for dangerous containment! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

The emergence of this main quest gave Qin Yi a very novel experience.

Just like the original Jurassic Park main quest.

"What does it mean to... safely contain a paranormal phenomenon, object, or creature in my world in one's own way?

Qin Yi hasn't talked to the system for a long time, but this time he was really surprised by this main quest, "Does that mean, the world I live in also has these abnormal creatures similar to those found in SCPs?

The system responded quickly, and two words jumped out.

【Yes. 】

Qin Yi was stunned.

Thinking of those awakened ones, I was not so surprised.

After a while, Qin Yi murmured, "Then... how much?"

Qin Yi wanted to know if there were many unknown dangers in his world.

The SCP Foundation universe is too dangerous! Often compared to the world of Cthulhu fiction!

Dangerous objects may have various images. "Zero Five Seven" is hard to guard against. Maybe you just poop and the toilet will eat you - then the toilet will become a dangerous object of scp-xxx.

Fortunately, the system replied:

[Not much, the world where the host is located is quite safe. 】


Qin Yi estimated that this amusement park system may have a very high standard for judging a dangerous world.

After all, it can draw so many terrifying existences from the heavens and the world.

Thinking about it this way, from the perspective of the system, those so-called awakened people in this world may be at best ordinary people who are a little stronger, and they are nothing.

Qin Yi was also relieved, and looked at the task again.

[Main quest 2: First, use your own method to safely contain supernatural phenomena, objects, or creatures in the world where a host is located. (can't be human)]

[After the task is completed, the host can get the reward and meet the qualifications to create the amusement project! 】

"It's kind of interesting.

Qin Yi touched his chin, "This should be a big amusement project, otherwise there is no need to set up a task threshold."

He read the game project introduction of [Building SCP Foundation from Scratch] again, and noticed that it mentioned 3 core elements of this gameplay.

1. Mystery.

2. A sense of security.

3. Openness.

"So...Is it part of understanding the mystery of the world by letting me grab a containment in reality?"

"Understand the mystery first, then create the mystery?""

Qin Yi didn't think any more.

This task is almost like a guide for a novice game, thinking that there are some strange supernatural beings in the world he lives in, which makes him eager to try it now.

"So where do I start?

Qin Yi sat at the writing desk, and his first reaction was to turn on the computer.

Skillfully start searching with Du Niang.

Key words.

Mysterious Creatures!

I watched with interest for a long time...

Qin Yi was so angry that he almost threw the computer!

"Why are more than half of my Jurassic Park dinosaur photos now!!"

"The other half is some shitty Shanhaijing game!! Did the artist make it with drawing software?!

"Going to swallow a mother!!

Annoyed for a while.

He continued to patiently search for a few keywords.

Fantastic creatures!

supernatural event!!

Supernatural event!!!

As time passed by, Qin Yi's face became more and more ugly.

From the movie "Where Are the Fantastic Creatures", he has always seen Area 51, where the legendary Xingtiao Kingdom studies the crooked stars.

Not reliable!!

Qin Yi stood up and crossed his waist for a while to rest.

Then a brainstorm!

He suddenly leaned over and quickly typed in the words 'Awakened'!

Then nervously waiting for the page to jump!

Throat throbbing!

Swallow saliva!

"There will definitely be! There will definitely be! There is no airtight wall in the world! Since the Awakened does exist...

Slap, the page jumped.

Du Niang found relevant results for you14,000,000…

Entry: Awakened (2017 Yan Jiangang directed TV series...)

Entry: The Awakened (TV series, Director: Huang...)

Entry: Awakened (noun of anime "Great Sword")

Qin Yi reluctantly turned back dozens of pages, except for TV dramas, anime, and various online novels, but there is no one! Even if it is just a piece of news that looks reliable!


"In the novel, if there is a world where spiritual energy is revived, won't all the ghosts and ghosts come out?! Don't they all cause intense discussions on the Internet?!"

"Why is there no news at all?!

Indeed it is.

Almost all the most abnormal and supernatural news on the Internet are created by Qin Yi himself.

Except for Horror Valley.

It's the Jurassic.

Nothing else.

Qin Yi calmed down and thought for a while.

This shouldn't be a bad thing.

The good news blocking does not mean that so many countries in the world have strong enough blocking strength.

Rather, it shows...

Whether it is abnormal humans like the Awakened, or other supernatural beings, they are not eye-catching, just a very small number of them, and they are not very threatening, and they are firmly controlled...

Since knowing the existence of the Awakened, Qin Yi realized this through the Internet for the first time.

In this way, the system said that the world was safe, and what it said was true.

But in this way, the way to search on the Internet is completely cut off.

How should I search for the rare supernatural existence?

Qin Yi went to the bathroom and thought about this issue while pooping.

It was very tangled and painful, and I even hoped that my toilet could mutate a little and let myself contain it.

This is the next step...

Created this project of the SCP Foundation!!!

While thinking hard.

The phone rang again.

Open it and see Yu Ziqiu's information.

[Big brother... see it again? Okay? Don't play and disappear! 】

【You are so famous now! I am very worried about you!】

【Don't be capricious!!】

【Whether I am your friend or an ordinary employee of the National Security Bureau, I should remind you!!】

【You are now the top talent of Xia Guo! World-class talent! Someone will want to kill you!!】

【We just want to provide protection!!】

【Back to information!!】

【Otherwise I will treat you as having been killed!!!】

Qin Yi turned on the airplane mode on his phone before, and didn't pay attention to WeChat and Weibo, but now he sees all the social 4.8 platforms that can contact him...

All exploded!

Most of the information was sent by Yu Ziqiu.

Qin Yi thought about it and understood.

But he still does not want to be protected by the state.

At first, he really didn't want to be watched in the name of protection.


Who knows whether the final danger will come from the outside, or from the side?

Qin Yi is such a character, there is no way not to think about the worst possible situation.

He would rather rely on the strength he has improved, and rely on the props and employees given by Infinite Paradise.

After flushing the toilet, I went out, just wanting to send a casual message to perfunctory.

He stopped suddenly.

Because he suddenly thought of something.

"To find those supernatural beings that are very rare in the world...


"Only the state will know..."

Figured this out, the scumbag immediately made a phone call enthusiastically.

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