Global Shock: You Call This An Amusement Park? !

Chapter 191 I didn't think about the showdown! (Thanks for subscribing!)\r

"Hey, Brother Ziqiu...

"Brother, brother, brother!!!

A lion's roar in the east of the river!!

Qin Yi quickly took the phone away to prevent the eardrum from perforating.

Even if he has been strengthened with all attributes... it seems that he has not been strengthened so comprehensively.

Yu Ziqiu roared, "Don't take your phone away!!"

Qin Yi's eyes widened! Unbelievable!

Then looking around, he suspects he's being watched!

Yu Ziqiu seems to have the ability to read minds: "I'm too lazy to monitor you!!! Don't use the heart of a villain to treat a gentleman's belly!!"

Qin Yi laughed angrily: "Do you also have super powers?"

The other end of the phone froze.

In fact, they haven't communicated about the Awakened, even though... it seems... already friends.

Qin Yi himself almost forgot about this. He learned about the existence of the Awakened by following Yu Ziqiu through Yue Qiluo's paper figurine.

Later, when they met the trio of fools of the Stars and Stripes, they didn't let Yu Ziqiu know.

So suddenly making such a joke, Yu Ziqiu was a little surprised.

After a while, 12 Yu Ziqiu guessed that he just said something nonsense, without thinking much, he returned to his previous emotions: "Humph! I thought you were already dead!"

Qin Yi said with a smile: "Don't use such a strange tone, you just have a mission, you are asked to find me, right?"

Yu Ziqiu said angrily: "I have a mission, and the top asked me to find you, but that doesn't prevent me from caring about you sincerely, right? Don't you think of me as a friend?

Qin Yi thinks there's no need to be too entangled with girls... hurry up and say haha, and get off the topic.

"Then what... Actually, I just ran out of battery on my phone for the past two days and forgot to turn it on..."

"Your reason is really..."

"Meet tomorrow? Treat you to a meal? Meet and talk?


Yu Ziqiu hesitated.



Qin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

I always feel that this girl is standing on the moral high ground, it's too scary, and I can't suppress her as a Virgin Biao like Elena.

Because people really care about themselves...

"Whatever you want to eat, please." Qin Yi said generously.

Yu Ziqiu thought for a while, "You are also a local tyrant now! Then I have to rub you hard...

Qin Yi seconded: "I am indeed a big loser now... the negative of negative numbers!! You should know how much I owe the bank! It's the person you introduced!"5

In theory, Qin Yi is indeed in debt now, a high debt at the level of an immortal.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is 10,000 times poorer than the poorest.


In Xia, no, in any country in the world.

Those who can owe banks more than 100 million are rich people at the top of the wealth pyramid, and the country does not want you to go bankrupt!

What's more, he already owes more than one billion!

And now Thriller Valley can contribute at least one million in net profit every day, which can be said to be a veritable money-sucking machine!

Jurassic Park... not to mention.

The first wave of experience tickets sold hundreds of millions, and when the park officially opens, the world will be shocked by its ability to make money!

Therefore, girls like Yu Ziqiu, who have seen the world, don't take his self-humility seriously at all, and are not hypocritical: "I know a private restaurant with a good location and a very beautiful price. The address is at No. 998 Jiujiang Road...

"Okay, what time.

"At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, it's Jiangzi, my mother went to buy beautiful clothes for the New Year! Let's go!""

Qin Yi was walking on the street, walking in the cold wind.

But he wasn't cold at all.

Now his physical fitness has been strengthened to the level of dinosaurs. Although it is not to say that he is not afraid of cold at all (after all, the climate in the Jurassic era was warm, and most dinosaurs also evolved feathers to keep out the cold in the cold era), but he is indeed stronger than normal people. Too much.

He was wearing a khaki trench coat.

It is worth mentioning that, in the process of strengthening all attributes, his bones developed for the second time and grew a few centimeters taller.

Now it is about 1.86 cm, and it is stylish to wear a trench coat.

Wear a mask for fear of being recognized.

After all, I have been a bit popular these days, and Qin Yi is still a bit of a force.

Then take a taxi.

The taxi quickly arrived at a quiet area in the center of the city. Two streets away is the commercial area where people come and go, but here are art schools, public offices, museums and other places.

Came to this private restaurant called Bieyuan.

Qin Yi reported his name, and the waiter in a classical palace suit welcomed him in.

This is an ancient style hotel with a very small front.

The inside of the restaurant is extremely spacious, and there are exterior scenes under the eaves, three steps and one scene, small bridges, flowing water, rockery, and the waiters are dressed in palace costumes, which look like the inner courtyard of the palace.

Qin Yi looked around, there were very few diners, sitting in pavilions and lofts, the curtains were fluttering, like returning to ancient times.

"The enjoyment of the rich...still don't quite understand. 99

Qin Yi was a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he soon saw Yu Ziqiu.

The atmosphere is gone, back to reality!

Yu Ziqiu was sitting under a water pavilion with a unique feeling, and the curtains were fluttering outside, but she was wearing a thick black down jacket, wrapped in... It can't be said to be like Michelin.

She is a ball.

Qin Yi was picked up by the waiter, looking at Yu Ziqiu who was still sneezing, he couldn't help laughing: "Why are you wearing a quilt to eat? Why don't you want to get up?

Yu Ziqiu's thick down jacket really looks like a quilt.

She blew her nose, the tip of her nose was red, and glared at Qin Yi: "Can't you tell I have a cold! Don't say nasty words!"

Qin Yi smiled and sat down to order 057.

The food was served quickly and it didn't take long for the two of them to eat. Qin Yi felt that the taste here is the same, not as fragrant as roadside stalls.

After eating for a while, Yu Ziqiu glanced at him: "Tell me..."

Qin Yi was taken aback: "What? 39

Yu Ziqiu said impatiently: "Stop pretending! You were hiding a few days ago and suddenly called me! You suddenly invited me to dinner! Is it really a discovery of conscience? You don't want me to worry? Fart! What is there to ask me!

Qin Yi couldn't believe it: "I always thought girls were not very smart..."

Yu Ziqiu caught a cold and blew his nose again. After blowing it, he rolled up into a ball and threw it towards Qin Yi: "Why are you discriminating against women!"

Qin Yi tilted his head, dodging nimbly.

"That's right, my request may be a little strange."

Yu Ziqiu bowed his head to eat: "I am a girl who has seen the world, you dare to say it. 35

Qin Yi organized the language and asked earnestly: "That's are a staff member of the National Security Agency, right? There are some, strange existences, for example, some supernatural phenomena...are you able to come into contact with a little bit? ?

Yu Ziqiu's cheeks gradually stopped.

She raised her eyelids and looked at Qin Yi with sad eyes: "Ah? Do you know about the Awakened?"

Qin Yi clapped the table and was very helpless: "Actually, I didn't want to show you a showdown!

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