Their small actions did not escape the commander's watchful eye.

It is clear that these two forces are not getting along very well, and they are even thinking of using each other and wearing each other down.

For them, this may not be a bad opportunity.

"You see those armies, they seem to want to wear down our forces. We can fully take advantage of their lack of unity and use it to carry out our breakout operation.

"Specifically, we will act when they start retreating and follow my command to break out.

"That's how we will do it. I still have a majority of our forces reserved, they can't do anything to us." 17

The battles between the holy realms can destroy planets with every move and technique.

In the starry sky, the battles of the commanders and others have completely destroyed several planets the size of Earth, leaving nothing but dust.

This area has already become a vacuum zone, devoid of anything except the six people facing each other.

Facing the cunning and evasive commander, the three generals from outside the domain are starting to get annoyed.

They are not enjoying this battle at all. The enemy is just dodging and dodging, not even thinking about engaging them head-on.

And it is very clear that they want to escape.

"You want to run? Do you think the millions of people here can't stop you?"

"Even your own subordinates say to abandon you, how heartless!"

In this operation, they only brought out a few million capable soldiers.

Although it looks like a lot of people, many of them are auxiliary forces, so it is impossible for all of them to engage in direct combat.

Helplessly, they can only deploy their forces behind them.

They are all acting in an orderly manner, their goal is to break out from among you and make us wary.

This battle is too disappointing. If we had known, we wouldn't have fought for the opportunity to participate in this battle.

Not only were we unable to fully enjoy the battle, but we also had to act as support to restrain these three individuals.

At this moment, the three of them understood the commander's intentions, and their powerful techniques instantly ceased.

Since the enemy doesn't want to fight head-on, no matter how strong your methods are, you can't do anything to them if you haven't figured out their bottom line.

The gap between the holy realms is not very obvious.

If you want to determine strength, you can only compare the rules they can use.

Using the rules is something done when the battle is about to end or when the situation is evenly matched. Since they haven't figured out the enemy's bottom line, it's better to wait and see.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous that you fought with me for this opportunity to participate in the battle. It's so laughable!"

The remaining general laughed heartily. His resentment had completely disappeared at this moment, and he even felt a bit of schadenfreude.

But as a basic quality of a general, he was still calmly arranging his troops to take over the remnants of the bio-mechanical army.

While arranging, he couldn't help but mock Zero.

"You claim to be an incredibly powerful army, claiming to be the righteous heavenly army that can help the marshal, but in the end, we have to clean up after you."

"I don't know what the marshal sees in you that makes him trust you so much."

Zero completely ignored his sarcasm and commanded the bio-mechanical army to retreat behind the righteous heavenly army.

In the next moment, a rain of arrows filled the sky, carrying a terrifying killing intent, shooting towards the forces of the heavenly armies that had just hurriedly gathered.

These arrows were very different from the arrows shot by the bio-mechanical army.

The bio-mechanical army is a combination of biology and technology.

The powerful arrows they released are naturally closely related to the dean's technology.

On the tip of the arrow, the blood and qi of countless extraterrestrial forces condensed into a point, rushing towards the gate.

If the biological army were to come, these arrows would definitely be imbued with spiritual runes and amplified several times.

"Our plan must have been discovered, that's why they arranged things this way."

"What should we do? These extraterrestrial forces seem much more difficult to deal with than the dean's army."

"There's no other way, we need to break out immediately, while they haven't completely replaced our forces. If we charge out now, there might still be a chance. Let's act now!"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them immediately displayed their strongest techniques and repelled their opponents.

At the same time, they flew towards the battle locations in three different directions without looking back.

Their speed was so fast that it reached the utmost limit of the Holy Realm.

Their destination was the area where the biological army and the heavenly army were engaged in combat, where they made contact with each other.

At this moment, the biological army was retreating and the extraterrestrial forces were joining in.

Please give me flowers...

It is difficult to deal with sudden arrivals of Holy Realm experts when one side is retreating and the other is advancing.

Unless the generals of these extraterrestrial forces are willing to ruthlessly kill all their subordinates, otherwise they will all become hostages used to threaten them.

"Not good, stop them!"

"It's too late, they had planned this in advance. Unless we completely eliminate their position and everyone in it, we have no other choice!"

At that moment, the generals of the extraterrestrial forces were extremely anxious.

If they let them escape, even if they managed to kill the heavenly army under their command, it would be useless.

The commander could escape from here and easily gather the heavenly army again with a wave of his hand.

However, Zero, who witnessed this scene, had no intention of taking action.


Firstly, this was the extraterrestrial forces' own fault, which allowed the three commanders to successfully escape without any connection to their biological army.

They had already informed the generals of the extraterrestrial forces of the location of the people, and according to the previous agreement, they had already clashed with the heavenly army as vanguards.

No one could blame him for these matters.

Secondly, this could be used to prevent them from interfering with him.

If they didn't think their biological army was strong enough and were being pushed back by the heavenly army, forcing them to send their subordinates into battle, it would have given the commanders a chance to break out.

"What are you all looking at us for? If it weren't for your arrogance and insistence on having your subordinates deal with the heavenly army, how could this have happened?"

Zero mocked the four generals who had become disheveled and dirty, and they all looked at him with dangerous eyes.

But in their eyes, these words were like a knife piercing their hearts.

"Nonsense! It's because your subordinates are too weak that we had to let our subordinates take your place in battle. Can't we just watch you being defeated?"

Facing their accusations, Zero remained calm and composed.

"Is warfare only about brute force? Can't you see through the strategy of showing weakness?"

Before the generals could speak again, Zero threw out another bomb.

"And even if they escaped, so what? Since I was able to find them the first time, I can find them one by one again!"

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