His words made the faces of those generals look a little better.

If they couldn't find the commanders of these breakout forces, even if they wiped out all the celestial armies here, their momentum would not be significant.

It's similar to the races they previously exterminated, completely worthless, just cannon fodder.

The truly valuable people to be killed are the important figures of various forces and the strong ones in the Holy Realm.

And now, apart from the hidden forces in the undiscovered hidden universe, the only ones who meet their requirements are the strong ones and important figures of these celestial forces.

Three people have escaped from under their noses, and saying this would become a laughingstock among the righteous celestial army.

The best way is to find these three commanders and kill them in order to avenge themselves.

"It would be best if we can find them, hmph!"

The generals of "393" naturally couldn't find a way to find the three commanders, so they didn't say much harsh words when they had to ask for help.

They each returned to their positions and commanded their subordinates to start slaughtering these newly gathered celestial armies.

With the power of their extraterritorial forces, these celestial armies were quickly wiped out.

Tens of thousands of corpses, both from the celestial armies and the extraterritorial forces, floated in this starry sky.

After their great battle, they needed to digest the gains from the battle and reorganize their troops, so they all came to the planet where the three commanders had hidden before.

"These people really know how to find a place. The spiritual energy on this planet is abundant, but all the benefits have been taken by them."

"It doesn't matter. After we kill them, we can take back the benefits they obtained."

"Is what you said earlier about finding them true? You're not joking, are you?"

"If we can find them, we will set off immediately after reorganization. We can't let them encounter the Marshal, otherwise we will become a laughingstock to everyone!"

As they spoke, the topic shifted to Zero's body.

It was nothing more than doubting whether Zero could find the three fleeing commanders again, as well as their resentment towards the commanders.

Facing their questioning, Zero, with an expressionless face, looked at the screen.

On the screen, three crimson marks were quickly moving away from this planet, flying towards an unknown universe.

"Why don't we go find those three rulers? I'm curious about where they went."

Zero didn't know what he was thinking, and the generals thought he was calculating, so they didn't disturb him.

After a while, Zero saw the three dots disappear from this world and reappear in the next universe.

Only then did he look at the anxious generals.

"Why the rush? They have already left this universe, so they shouldn't encounter the Gardener."

"Is that so? That's great, we still have a chance!"

"But there are so many of us, we definitely can't catch up with them in terms of speed. It might be difficult to catch up as soon as possible."

"What else can we do? They were surrounded by us once, and it won't be so easy next time."

"And they can't stay in one place anymore. Unless we go out individually, it's impossible to catch up with them."

Upon hearing that the commander had left this universe, the three of them first breathed a sigh of relief, but then began to worry.

There was no way around it. They were not alone; there were millions of troops behind them.

These troops were all brought out by the marshal. If they were abandoned at will, going back would surely mean death.

The marshal would definitely not let them off the hook. Even if the marshal spared them, the future holy lord would surely imprison them for life, or even annihilate their souls.

"How about sending three more people out and leaving one person here to command the army?"

"Are you sure? Although that kid said he could find them, if it takes as long as before, won't the remaining person be waiting here indefinitely?"

"Then why not split up? Or simply ask him for help. I see that he still has two holy realm powerhouses under him. If we just ask for assistance, we only need to send two people out, and the remaining two can continue with the marshal's mission of cleaning up this world."

"Ask him for help? I can't believe you came up with that! When has our Heavenly Army ever bowed down to others?"

"Then what else can we do? When they meet the marshal, it won't be as simple as bowing down to others! Do you want to be ridiculed by others for the rest of your life?"

After the general proposed seeking help, the others fell into an unusual silence.

After all, this kind of thing had happened before. A general had let the enemy escape due to carelessness and was mocked by the other generals in the Heavenly Chamber.

In the end, that general died under mysterious circumstances, and no one knew why he died.

But gradually, people began to associate it with him being treated as a failed case and becoming a laughingstock of the Heavenly Army.

So everyone attached great importance to letting the enemy escape, and they had to consider seeking help from others.

"Well, let's do it this way then."

For a while, they all looked like defeated roosters, with their heads hanging low.

Helpless, they decided to split up and send two people along with Zero to depart together with a holy realm powerhouse.

In this way, with the support of two holy realm generals, they didn't have to worry about being weaker than a biological army led by a single holy realm.

They split up, with the army sweeping through this universe according to the previous plan, while the others tore open space and chased after the three fleeing commanders.

The army set off mightily once again, while the other universe's commanders were unaware that their whereabouts were no longer a secret.

They were now considering their next plan.

"Damn it, we just gathered the team and now they're all sent away like this!"

"It doesn't matter. We can start over from scratch. And the purpose of gathering troops was to have the ability to save our lives when the external forces arrive, right?"

"It seems that our previous speculation was true. Xingyan and the others left the Divine Realm to avoid the external forces, and they used us as scapegoats!"

"Now it seems that the three elders have long since perished, and they must have left behind some instructions. We are indeed the few who are not trusted!"

"Now it's useless to say these things. Should we gather the troops again or search for Xingyan and the others on our own?"

"Let's search for Xingyan and the others. As you can see, these external forces have already colluded with the dean. If we surrender, we will definitely be manipulated by the dean. We will be trapped and won't be able to escape even if we want to."

The three commanders learned from their previous lesson and completely gave up on the plan to gather troops, instead focusing on the plan to find Xingyan and the others.

However, with their abilities, finding Xingyan and the others would require a great deal of effort.

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