Global Weird: I Can Simulate In Advance

Chapter 267 New School of Warlock Arya, Specialized in Alchemy (Green)! 【Three/Four】

Latest URL: "Hello."

Li Guanqi stepped forward, walked to the door of the apothecary called "Arya's Cauldron", raised his hand and knocked on the door.


The next moment, a cyan light instantly covered the entire mushroom house.

Li Guanqi laughed dumbly.

A meta-level defensive spirit shield.

It is estimated that the magician inside... ah no, it should be said that it is a new school magician, and I thought it was a neighbor who came to trouble her, so she did such a thing.


Li Guanqi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he took a closer look at the turquoise protective cover, but he didn't think of any cracking method for a while.

A new sorcerer?

This spiritual power shield is indeed different from the spell shield in the book. Some of the structures are different. With his existing knowledge, it is actually a bit obscure to understand.

It is certainly feasible to destroy it with brute force, after all, this is a one-level shield.

But it doesn't make sense.

By bullying the small, the one-level shield can be broken with brute force, so what about facing the same level in the future?

The magician's power comes from knowledge, which is the unchanging truth.

Li Guanqi just stopped outside the pharmacy, constantly releasing blood, trying to crack the spiritual shield, and ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye.



Li Guanqi forced a drop of blood from his fingertips and splashed onto the cyan protective cover in front of him. Then the blood began to spread rapidly, and abruptly melted the protective cover into a large hole as high as a person.

successfully cracked.

He couldn't help but smile.

This is like a math problem. Faced with a difficult problem, although the process of solving it is very painful, generally speaking, after getting the correct answer, people will have a sense of satisfaction.


Just as Li Guanqi cracked the protective cover,

A female voice came from the second floor of the pharmacy: "Don't come in! If you dare to come in, I will report to the Moxie family that you trespassed into the house!"

"But you are a pharmacy here, so you don't do business."

Li Guanqi smiled and reached out to grab the door handle of the pharmacy.

"In the middle of the night, it's going abroad now!"

The woman shouted again.


The door of the pharmacy was locked, but after Li Guanqi held the door handle, his wrist shook slightly, and the skill passed out, directly shattering the internal door lock structure to several small pieces.

The door lock seems to be still there, but in fact it can't lock the door.

Li Guanqi pushed open the door directly and stepped into the pharmacy.


"You triggered the mission condition."

"You've got a new side quest."

——【The Troubles of the Female Alchemist】——

Mission introduction: Alchemy is an esoteric science, and at this time, the sorceress Arya has a big trouble.

Quest Requirements: Help Arya complete the potion.

Mission Clue: Go upstairs to see?

Mission success reward: [Alchemy Specialization (Green)]

Mission Failure Penalty: None.


Li Guanqi couldn't help but smile.

Good guy, since the quest system started, there are new quests everywhere.

In other words, this side quest is obviously different, and the rewards and punishments are actually given out in advance.

Is it for oversimplified reasons?

"Hey hey hey! You, if you don't leave, I'm going to call someone!"

Upstairs, the woman's voice came again, and she was obviously a little panicked.

"Why are you shouting?"

Li Guanqi looked around, looked at the bottles of potions and labels on the surrounding shelves, as well as the many alchemy materials, and chuckled: "Don't you want to boil that pot of animal transformation potion?"


The woman seemed a little surprised, "How do you know? You are a peer!"

Li Guanqi smiled and walked straight towards the stairs.

When the explosion just now, in addition to the thick smoke, the smell of various materials spread to the outside.

Fox grass, dog stomach fruit, blue bird feathers, cockscomb leaves, crow feather heart... and so on and so on.

Putting these materials together, they can only be used to refine animal transformation potions.

It was a potion for ordinary people to have fun.

After drinking it, you can change into several fixed animal forms within a few minutes, including foxes, dogs, birds, chickens, etc., but it is a random change.

This thing has no meaning for practitioners.

Alien-blooded warriors can clearly feel the strangeness of the qi and blood in this "animal", and sorcerers can see through it at a glance.


Li Guanqi came to the second floor of the pharmacy and nodded to the foreign female magician in front of him with a smile.

Different from the first floor where the lights are not turned on, the second floor is bright, with many suspended white light spheres undulating up and down under the ceiling, emitting soft white light, providing illumination for the entire second floor.

The first floor is the store section of the pharmacy.

The second floor is the alchemy room.

Instruments and equipment used in alchemy, such as beakers, stills, and anti-corrosion vessels, are neatly placed around.

At the back is a cauldron, with black smoke billowing at this moment, which seems to show how bad the refining of the medicine just now is...

And beside the cauldron, stood a woman who was "black and dark".

She is about 1.7 meters tall, and her waist is very slender, but there is a lot of "meat" in the place where she should be fat.

She was wearing a pure white robe, but from the chest up, her white clothes, like her face, were all smoked into pitch black by the black smoke just now.

【One-level magician】


Li Guanqi frowned slightly.

Even the system of the strange world thinks that the new school magician and the old school magician are different? It is actually directly displayed as the word "artist".

"You shouldn't have an alchemy teacher?"

Li Guanqi glanced at the black smoke cauldron, then looked at the one-level female magician next to him, and said with a chuckle, "If you add the blue bird feather to the animal transformation potion, you can't add the heart of the crow's feather. You can only choose one of the two materials, and the heart of the crow's feather is relatively rare, considering the cost-effectiveness, you should add the blue bird feather."


The sorcerer scratched his head, and there should be an expression on his dark face, but Li Guanqi really couldn't tell the difference.

"Are you also an alchemist?" She looked at Li Guanqi curiously.

Although her expression was indistinguishable, her big, agile eyes and her green eyes were full of curiosity.

"It should only be considered an apprentice."

Li Guanqi smiled.

"That, that..."

The female sorceress was a little overjoyed, but she quickly remembered the problem of her appearance, and said quickly, "Wait, I'll go wash my face!"

With that, she rushed to the third floor.

This mushroom house is divided into three floors.

The first floor sells medicines, the second floor makes medicines, and the third floor should be the living and sleeping room.


Li Guanqi looked around, looking at the alchemy equipment around him.

Including the smoky cauldron.

The pot of animal transformation medicine that failed to refine was exuding an unspeakable stench and sour smell.

Animal Transformation Potion is one of the introductory potions of alchemy, and many alchemy apprentices have to learn it.

During the three days that Li Guanqi studied alchemy with Qin Lubai a while ago, he had also refined this potion, so he was familiar with the usage of these materials, and most importantly... the taste.

In fact, different blood warriors are more suitable to become junior alchemists than conjurers.

Because the body of the sorcerer is that of an ordinary person.

The physical sense ability of the alien blood warrior is even more powerful.

If they want, they can smell and distinguish more smells and see more colors when they are fully absorbed, and can see more colors than ordinary people can see.

There are two kinds of materials that seem to be indistinguishable to ordinary people, but in the eyes of alien blood warriors, they are completely different.

A pot of potion that is half-cooked, the Alien Blood Warrior can smell every ingredient in it, and smell the state of cooking.

But, that's all.

Alien warriors are better suited to become junior alchemists.

But not suitable for becoming a senior alchemist.

In the process of refining high-level medicines, alchemists often need to release spiritual power to control the state of materials in more subtle ways, and through "micro-manipulation", to make medicines and pills reach the perfect state they want.

And alien blood warriors have no spiritual power, and to do this, they can only rely on a large number of precision instruments and equipment.

But in the current weird world, powerful individuals are still above equipment after all.

What magical equipment can do, powerful magicians can do too.

But what top magicians can do, the existing instruments and equipment can only sigh.

So it's basically complementary.

A powerful alien blood warrior alchemist, he will raise a magician to help refine medicine.

Powerful conjurers and alchemists also have to raise an alien blood warrior to help select materials.

The relationship between the alien blood warrior and the magician should be the best way to help each other.

But man, it's reality.

There is nothing as beautiful as a fairy tale.

"Da da da."

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps on the stairs.

Li Guanqi followed the reputation and looked.

I saw a blond and blue-eyed foreign woman walking down from the third floor, wearing a slim low-cut white dress, which showed her hot figure vividly.

"Hello, my name is Arya, and I'm the owner of this pharmacy."

She walked up to Li Guanqi, spoke without any accent, and smiled brightly.

This is a typical foreign woman, Caucasian, with a tall nose and deep eyes.

But whether a person looks good or not has nothing to do with race.

Judging from Li Guanqi's oriental aesthetics, Arya is not a big beauty either. Just looking at her appearance, it can only be regarded as ok, and there are some small freckles on her face.

But Arya's smile is contagious, and it makes people feel happy when they see it.

If you count your body...

Li Guanqi glanced down.

It was as if he saw a deep ravine in the turbulent sea, chowing down on people.

This body is quite bursting.


Li Guanqi coughed, looked away, looked into Arya's eyes, and asked, "Are you from Violet?"


Arya's face collapsed in an instant, "Do you people from the southern border know only one Violet Empire, and the Western countries are not the only one."

"I'm the Tulip Man!"


Li Guanqi was stunned.

Tulip Empire?

This is rare.

The Tulip Empire is also one of the top powers in the Western Continent, but it has always had no sense of existence. It is the kind of empire that everyone knows that it is very powerful, but can't think of it without mentioning it.

Compared with the Violet Empire, which is always looking for a sense of existence, the Tulip Empire is too "quiet".

But in the West, violets are unique.

"As a tulip person, why did you come to the southern border?"

Li Guanqi looked at Arya curiously.


Arya was silent for a while, turned her head, looked through the window, and looked at the bright moon in the night sky, her eyes were complicated, "It was a random teleportation array. At that time, I provoked an enemy in the Tulip Empire and was hunted down. in a cave.

There is a teleportation array in the cave, and the materials are all placed.

I start directly.

But I didn't expect that that thing was a random teleportation array over a long distance, which directly teleported me from the Tulip Empire to the Southern Border. After careful calculation, I have been in the Southern Border for seven years... Sigh, the money for the teleportation ticket back to my hometown is Enough is enough, but the enemy is still there, so I dare not go back. "

Saying that, Arya's face was full of sadness.


Li Guanqi wanted to comfort, but found that he didn't know how to speak, so he had to say: "Let's go with the flow, at least the scenery in the southern border is beautiful, and you speak oriental language very well."

"Really? I also think, hehe."

Arya knew what he meant, and immediately smiled and responded kindly.

In the strange world, Chinese is not called Chinese or Daluo, it is called Oriental.

But although English is also called Western language, in the Eastern Continent, many people call it Violet language.

There is no other reason. The Violet Empire always likes to do things, and the Violet people like to go abroad very much. Both Daluo and Nanjiang have their footprints of businessmen. Like the Violet Empire.

Over time, everyone called this violet language.

But obviously, in the face of a tulip man, it would be too offensive to call western language violet.

"Say it."

Li Guanqi looked at Arya's white clothes, hesitated, and said, "Are you... a new school magician?"

"um, yes."

Arya nodded.

But the tulip woman seemed to have misunderstood what Li Guanqi meant.

Li Guanqi was looking at the white clothes on her body. After all, these days, it is a very sensitive thing for spellcasters to wear black clothes and white clothes.

But Arya misunderstood that Li Guanqi was looking at her physical condition.


Arya raised her right foot and removed a section of her calf, including her leather shoes.

This is a mechanical prosthesis.

But the outer layer is wrapped in a layer of human-like leather, which looks very realistic, the pores and blood vessels are clearly visible, and it is completely invisible from the outside as a prosthesis.


Seeing this, Li Guanqi was a little surprised.

Because Southern Border doesn't have this habit.

For spellcasters, the incompleteness of the body represents the excellence of talent and is a symbol of nobility.

The Southern Border Magician never hides his mechanical prosthesis, and even inlays gold and jade on the mechanical prosthesis. It is so luxurious that he can't wait to let people see his mechanical prosthesis at a glance.

In fact, the same is true even if the word "Southern Xinjiang" is removed.

A conjurer who never hides his mechanical prosthesis.

Unless, it is a magician.

"The new school of magicians... are they all like this?"

Li Guanqi looked at Arya slightly hesitantly.

"Don't you think robotic prosthetics are too ugly?" Arya asked rhetorically.

Saying that, she also looked up and down at Li Guanqi.

However, although Li Guanqi changed his appearance, he did not conjure up a mechanical prosthetic limb. Although he could do the transfiguration technique, he was not used to it.

"I'm born sick."

Li Guanqi looked at Arya and smiled.

It is not only physical disability that is "not given by God".

Some inherently terrifying diseases are also not given to a healthy body by God. They are also in the category that God does not give, and they also have the aptitude for incantation.

"By the way, I'm actually curious, what is the Tulip Empire like? In the Tulip Empire, are there any groups of new magicians?"

"The Female President's Almighty King"

Li Guanqi didn't wait for Arya to ask him what his illness was, and took the lead in asking this question with a smile.

Talent activated!

[Long night talk (green): You are full of charm to the opposite sex, you can let women put down their defenses in front of you and chat openly. You can get the information you want by talking all night with the opposite sex. 】

"That's it."

However, Arya seemed to be lacking in interest. "It's no different from the southern border. Nobles nourish and commoners suffer."

She didn't even bother to talk to Li Guanqi about the new school magician.


The smile on Li Guanqi's face froze.


His appearance has been changed using the Transfiguration technique, and in order not to attract attention, he has deliberately made an ordinary public face.

Without the tall and majestic stature before, the handsome and masculine face was gone.

To put it simply, it is not handsome.

People are not handsome, [Long Talk (Green)] is not good anymore...

To put it bluntly, his own eloquence is just average. In the past, he could let women talk to him all night, all because of his handsome and masculine appearance. Now that this appearance is gone, which woman wants to talk to him all night long after she is full?


At this time, Arya was lying beside the black smoke cauldron and looked at Li Guanqi curiously, "You said just now that with the addition of the blue bird feather, you can't add the heart of the crow feather, you can only choose one of the two, right?"

Li Guanqi raised his brows.

Don't rely on face, you can also rely on talent.


Li Guanqi walked to the cauldron, bent down, approached the pool of dark green medicinal liquid in the cauldron, smelled it carefully, analyzed the taste, and asked, "Are you self-taught alchemy?"


Arya nodded, "I picked up a few books in the cave before, and then I started to teach myself."

"I see."

Li Guanqi said calmly: "But unfortunately, books and recipes related to alchemy are strictly controlled by the Magic Academy, and almost never circulate in the market, and alchemy is an esoteric subject. What's the real thing... ah, I get it."

He straightened his back and pointed to the dark green medicinal liquid in the pot, "The material of Weng fish fin is too old to choose. If you want to choose the newly born baby Weng fish, the old Weng fish fin will have a violent reaction with the dog stomach fruit. It's no wonder that the explosion just now was so loud."

"I, I have a small fish."

Arya was stunned for a while, then left quickly, rummaging in the corner of the second floor.

At the same time, she choked with one hand, released a bright yellow spiritual power, rolled up the black cauldron, and poured all the failed medicinal liquid into a waste liquid bucket.


Under the guidance of Li Guanqi, Arya began to prepare another batch of materials, lit the black cauldron again, and started the production of animal transformation medicine again.

He needs to teach the sorceress to complete the potion.

Li Guanqi had guessed that as long as the main quest is not delayed, it should be no problem to perform side quests in the middle.

And now, I can finally get that green quality reward.

[Alchemy Specialization (Green)]!

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