Global Weird: I Can Simulate In Advance

Chapter 268: The Tulip Empire, the Demon Hunter's Potions (4/4)

The latest website: The side quest [The Troubles of the Female Alchemist] is a sure-fire deal.

Helping Arya refine an animal transformation potion is equivalent to giving her a potion recipe.

But this is just an apprentice-level formula, not even a first-order potion.

Sending out such a recipe in exchange for the green quality reward of [Alchemy Specialization (Green)] is definitely a cry.

Although this reward has no details.

However, according to Li Guanqi's experience, rewards with the word "specialization", such as spell specialization, generally get a lot of spells in addition to spellcasting skills.

Thinking about it this way, [Alchemy Specialization (Green)] may not only give him alchemy abilities, but also a lot of pharmacy formulas from Tier 1 to Tier 2 potions.

After all, the reward of green quality corresponds to the level of two instruments.

"The basic medicinal liquid has been prepared."

in the middle of the night.

In the alley of Moxie Gu Village.

The chatter of a man and a woman rose and fell on the second floor of the mushroom house.

"Wait for it to boil."

"It's boiling, and the fox grass is now put?"

"No, the dog stomach fruit hasn't completely melted."


"Let it go now!"

"oh oh."

"Well, keep waiting."

"By the way, you said just now that the blue bird feather and the crow feather heart can only be chosen, so I will release the crow feather heart later?"

"Why? As I said just now, according to the price/performance ratio, the blue bird feather is cheaper. You open a shop to do the pharmaceutical business, don't you control the cost?"

"But according to the market conditions here, a Crow Feather Heart is only 80 gold coins, and a Blue Bird Feather costs 120 gold coins."

"Huh? It seems that knowledge in books can only be found in books,

Prices will fluctuate, so let's put the heart of Crow Feather. "

"Hmm, okay."

"What's next?"


Time passes slowly.

The second floor of the Mushroom House, the alchemy room.

Li Guanqi sat on the chair and waited with his eyes closed.

Arya stood beside the cauldron, glancing at the cauldron from time to time, and at Li Guanqi from time to time.

After half an hour.

"Turn off the fire."

Li Guanqi suddenly opened his eyes.

Arya quickly dissipated the flames at the bottom of the cauldron.

Immediately afterwards, a refreshing grassy fragrance escaped from the pot.

"It's done?!"

Arya opened the lid of the pot and looked at the pot of turquoise liquid inside, with a surprised smile on her face.


Li Guanqi stretched out his right hand, turned his index finger slightly, and the spiritual power rolled up a small cloud of blue liquid and flew into his mouth.

This is what Qin Lubai told him, the rules of the alchemy world.

An alchemist instructs another alchemist. After the first instruction of refining, the instructor himself needs to prove whether the pot of medicinal liquid is qualified.

And Li Guanqi, through the olfactory ability of a three-level martial artist, can be almost 99.9% sure that this pot of animal transformation medicine is absolutely qualified.

Artisans are bold.

Enough self-confidence, let him drink it directly.


The white smoke dissipated, and Li Guanqi immediately transformed into a black bird, flapping its wings and flying around the room.

"Success!" Arya's eyes lit up.

"Look how long it takes to transform."

The black bird spit out the voice of Li Guanqi.

Time passed little by little.

Li Guanqi, on the other hand, felt the shape of the bird with great interest, and found that the feeling of not being a human was also good.


Five minutes later, the black bird dissipated into a cloud of white smoke, and Li Guanqi turned into a human figure again.

"Five minutes?"

Li Guanqi looked at Arya curiously, "The book says that a bottle of this kind of animal transformation potion can be sold for 300 gold coins, how much can it be sold here?"

"At least 500 gold coins can be sold!"

Arya smiled slyly, "Because in Moxie Gu Village, I am the only one in Arya's apothecary who made the animal transformation potion, and I am the only one who doesn't have it, so I must sell it more expensive!"

"What about profit?"

Li Guanqi asked curiously, "What is the profit minus the cost?"

"I count..."

Arya turned her head and glanced at the cauldron, "This pot can hold about 10 bottles of dose, and 10 bottles are 5,000 gold, minus the material cost of about 1,000 gold..."

She immediately became excited, "I can earn 4,000 gold coins from this pot!"

"Ah, it can't go on like this forever."

Arya said, thinking to herself again, "There are only so many people in Moxie Gu Village, the rich people who have the money to buy this potion to play with are the same group of people, maybe 7 or 80 bottles are sold out, they I'm tired of playing, but if I sell it elsewhere, the price will be reduced, and the cost will be increased..."

This blond female sorceress from the Tulip Empire began to make business plans.

The more Li Guanqi looked at it, the more he felt that in the strange world, it was better to have a big fist to live comfortably.

With his current strength, he can easily hunt down four-level demons.

If he wants to make money, he can find a place to receive a bounty for hunting four elephant-level demons, not to mention how to sell the corpse materials. For this kind of bounty alone, generally speaking, the bounty has to go up by 10w gold coins.


In Li Guanqi's mind, a cold mechanical female voice sounded quietly.

"You have completed the side quest [The Troubles of the Female Alchemist]."

——HE ending: I teach you——

Ending evaluation: You successfully taught Arya the sorceress and completed the production of the animal-transforming potion, and the process was quite satisfactory.

Ending reward: a green ability.

[Alchemy Specialization (Green): You have mastered most of the alchemy knowledge of the one-level to two-level level! 】


The next moment, Li Guanqi suddenly frowned and began to endure the massive amount of information that rushed out of his mind. This process was uncomfortable.


Not as he expected.

[Alchemy Specialization (Green)] In addition to alchemy skills, it also contains a large number of first-order to second-order pharmaceutical formulas.

These are valuable treasures.

"Oh, right!"

Suddenly, Arya turned and ran to the first floor below, went to the store counter, took out a piece of paper, dipped a quill pen in ink, and began to write quickly on the counter.


The sorcerer took the paper and returned to the second floor again.

"Hey, is this share acceptable?"

Arya smiled and handed over the blank paper.

Or rather, a contract.

This is a sharing contract. She promises to give Li Guanqi a 5% share of the profits of the [Animal Transformation Potion] in the [Warlock Arya's Cauldron] pharmacy.

That is to say, in Arya's pharmacy, Li Guanqi can directly receive 5% of the profit for every bottle of animal transformation potion sold.

The issue is……

[Animal Transformation Potion] is a recreational potion, and only wealthy people can afford it, but there are only so many wealthy people in Moxie Gu Village, and they will soon get tired of it and stop buying it.

As for the market outside Moxie Gu Village?

Arya is not qualified to touch this store.

So this medicine is destined to not make much money.

Moreover, after Li Guanqi completed the mission of [Moxie Gu Village], the next time he came to the strange world, he would go to the Dongyang Islands. This little Gu Village probably would not come back in this life, and it would be troublesome to collect money.

Too lazy to do it.

"I do not need this."

Li Guanqi took the contract from Arya, folded it a few times, and gently placed it on the table next to it.


Arya was stunned, "I-I thought you came here in the middle of the night to teach me how to make medicines, just to discuss business cooperation with me..."

Li Guanqi glanced at the contract on the table, then looked at Arya, "You might as well give something I'm more interested in than this amount of money."


Arya was startled, and her face was full of fear.

"Hey Hey hey!"

The female magician hurriedly took a few steps back, backed into the corner, and looked at Li Guanqi in fear, "Then, that's no, no, no! I'm going to call someone!"


Li Guanqi was speechless, "You misunderstood."


Li Guanqi looked at Arya and said seriously: "The most important thing a magician needs is knowledge. I want to know about the Tulip Empire and the new school of magicians. Regarding these two points, there is no way other than seeing them with your own eyes. It would be better to ask a new school magician who is a tulip man."

"Oh, this is what you want, tell me earlier."

Hearing this, Arya breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled, "No problem, I'll tell you everything I know, just ask!"

"I heard that in the Tulip Empire, alien blood warriors are called witchers?"

Li Guanqi asked curiously, "You should be unfamiliar with Da Luowufu. Let's compare it with Southern Border. What's the difference between Demon Hunters and Alien-blooded warriors in Southern Border?"

"The difference is huge!"

Arya said without hesitation: "The alien blood warriors are actually not only called demon hunters on our side, but also called demon hunters and demon slayer masters.

What are the alien blood warriors in the Southern Border? They are all artificial soldiers, just a group of mutants bitten by Gu god insects.

The witchers in our Tulip Empire are different. They are all master alchemists and are proficient in the refining methods of various potions and potions.

They are also the encyclopedia of monsters.

They are all familiar with the restraint methods of various curse spirits and demon species, and they can use various potions flexibly in battle to deal with the weaknesses of monsters, attack the weakness of the enemy, and kill them easily.

There is both power and knowledge. This is called awesome!

It is said that a long time ago, the witchers of the Tulip Empire were not of high status and were even discriminated against.

Because the ruler of the Tulip Empire is the Holy See of the Fire of the Night, a magician.

But after the appearance of the army formation, the crowd tactics made sense, and the alien blood warriors like the Demon Hunter also had a role to play, and their status gradually increased, restoring their proper status.

However, there are differences within them.

Because the alien blood warriors of the army do not need to learn any potions and monster weaknesses, they only need to condense the army formation.

Therefore, the demon hunters actually looked down on these alien blood warriors who joined the army, and even publicly stated that these people were not worthy of being called demon hunters, saying that demon hunters were only for slaying the darkness and would never become the sword in the hands of kings and dignitaries. "

Speaking of which, Arya reluctantly spread her hands, "In the final analysis, they are all a group of mutants with different blood, and I don't know why they are arguing about a name."

"Of course it's going to be noisy."

Li Guanqi did not understand Arya, and said in surprise: "As you said, witchers are masters of alchemy, and they are professionals who are good at using potions to complement their own strength, and then better restrain the enemy.

In this way, the alien blood warriors of the Tulip Army are completely different from them.

A blood warrior who is proficient in alchemy and makes good use of potions is a witcher.

That can't do anything, just a human with a different blood physique, that is, an ordinary alien blood warrior, an ordinary soldier, how can it be called a witcher? "


Arya scratched her head, "A name, is it really necessary to care so much?"

"Is it really necessary?"

Li Guanqi looked at the white clothes on Arya's body, and then tugged at the black robes on her body with a half-smile.

White and black.

New school magician and old school magician.

"It's different!"

Arya was in a hurry.

Okay, double standard?

Li Guanqi put his hands around his chest and chuckled with interest: "Actually, I'm really curious, the new school magicians always claim that they are the innovative faction, so what new achievements did the new school magicians contribute to the magic world? Research?

As far as I know, the only truly epoch-making invention in the last hundred years is the blood test.

The appearance of the blood measuring ruler has made the discovery of talents in the magic world no longer limited to the period of ordinary people. Even if you become a magician, you can also use the blood measuring ruler to test your constitution.

Moreover, the display of the percentage of the cultivation level of the blood measuring ruler can also allow the magician to see more intuitively, how many percent of his current cultivation level has reached the limit of the current realm.

The inventor of the blood-measurable ruler is the director of the Instrument Institute of the Southern Border Headquarters, a seven-star magician, and the director of Ma Yuan.

And he is an old-school magician with a firm stance. "

Speaking of which, Li Guanqi looked at Arya and smiled: "Then what do you have with your new school of magicians? Am I ignorant?"

"I, I, we..."

Arya was speechless for a moment.

Li Guanqi smiled but not smiled.

In fact, he did it wrong.

There are definitely a lot of new inventions by the new school of magicians.

But it depends on what.

Ma Yuan's blood measuring ruler is definitely an epoch-making one, and he will not blow it at all.

The meaning represented by this thing has a long history for the entire conjuration world, and it almost eliminates the possibility of any special physique being buried.

Moreover, it can also allow the magician to visually see the changes in the cultivation base.

These extraordinary people like Li Guanqi have a system. They can see the three data of [spiritual power], [physical body], and [soul], which is equivalent to the digitization of power. If you improve a little, you can see a little bit, which greatly improves the enthusiasm for cultivation.

But where did the aborigines of the strange world come from?

And Ma Yuan's blood test gauge is equivalent to giving them a progress bar, and they can directly see the percentage of their cultivation base, and see how far they are from the current limit.

In fact, Ma Yuan is not a genius, he can be called the best inventor in a century.

The blood measuring ruler, the power is in the present, the benefit is in the future.

As for the cons?

The only drawback should be that so far, the blood measuring ruler has just been developed, and the price is too expensive.

The college can also buy one for all teachers and students to use together.

But grassroots magicians other than the academic school can't use it at all.

Also, the physique can't be too good.

It's too good, but it will make people jealous because the blood gauge is exposed.

Li Guanqi was almost killed by a blood test, but fortunately his Tongyou talent was an upgraded Tongyou (red).

Therefore, if you compare it with a blood test ruler, in the past 100 years, neither the new school magician nor the old school magician has any invention that can be compared.

...well, of course, there's one more to compare.

Zhuang Yuan.

Once his "surgical plundering technique" is made public, Ma Yuan's blood measuring ruler will have to stand aside even if the current technological progress can only be changed one by one.

I have to say that in these matters, it is not necessarily that the higher the cultivation, the more powerful it is.

"Have it!"

Li Guanqi was still thinking about his own affairs here, but on Arya's side, it seemed that after thinking about it for a long time, she finally came up with a new invention that could be compared with a blood measuring ruler.


Li Guanqi raised his brows.

In fact, he didn't think of himself as an old school, and he didn't want to discuss with Arya which is better, old or new.

But seeing Arya so serious, he couldn't help laughing, "What?"

"Different blood potion!"

Arya looked at him seriously, "The new magician of our Tulip Empire, together with the new potion developed by the witcher headquarters, can turn an ordinary person into a 100% one-level alien blood warrior!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Li Guanqi burst into laughter almost instantly.

"Haha... um."

But soon Li Guanqi couldn't laugh anymore, and his expression gradually became serious.

He shouldn't laugh.

Conjurers have many rules.

For example, always keep a skeptical mind about things.

But at the same time, there is another one:

Never say "impossible" to a thing.

Alien blood potion?

Make an ordinary person 100% become a one-level alien blood warrior?

This is outrageous.

Because it's "almost" impossible.

The secret method of adding different blood to the body is the most advanced in the Daluo Dynasty.

But even so, they can only guarantee that young people will not die when they go up.

That is to say, if a young man with strong body accepts the secret method, even if he cannot successfully absorb the foreign blood, he can survive well.

But they cannot guarantee success.

Only those young people who are strong and strong have the possibility of success.

As for the secret laws of other countries?

The alien blood warriors in the southern border need to be bitten by the gu god insect. If they can bear it, they will be the gu god warrior (alien blood warrior). If they cannot bear it, they will be a corpse. It is said that the mortality rate is as high as 30%.

And what is the alien blood potion that Arya is talking about?

——To make an ordinary person 100% become a one-level alien blood warrior?

If there is such a thing, Li Guanqi will do anything to get it.

He does not need it.

But his parents need it!

He had thought of countless ways to make his parents become practitioners, but he had found nothing.

First, they have no aptitude for magic.

Second, they are old and over fifty years old. Even if they use the Daluo Dynasty's alien blood to add a secret technique, it is 100% impossible to succeed, and there is even a chance of death.

Thirdly, Lin Xianbai once told him that his parents did not have spiritual roots, and they could not cultivate even the Taoism whose inheritance had been cut off.

This is for personal.

For the public?

If this potion is real and can be mass-produced, wouldn't it be possible to turn everyone in the real world into alien blood warriors? !

Assuming that the real world and the weird world will eventually have a battle, then the real world must become stronger, and the whole will become stronger!


Li Guanqi approached Arya and stared at the foreign woman's green eyes seriously, "What's the situation with this potion you're talking about?"

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