Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 335 Ghost Tool: Soul Adjusting Scorpion Key!

Yin Qingzhi has never been a disadvantaged personality, but at this time Yin Qingzhi has no way to conflict with Chunwu.

Chunwu is familiar with her grandfather Yin Hanrong, and another master who is familiar with Chunwu is her grandfather's fellow apprentice.

With this relationship, Chunwu can be regarded as an elder of her own.

Even if Yin Qingzhi doesn't want to admit it, it's an indisputable fact!

I can't kill Chunwu by myself.

But once he conflicts with Chunwu, Chunwu may not hold back from him.

Behind the demon-binding hall is related to the legendary race, it is by no means as simple as it appears in the mortal world!

Yin Qingzhi didn't want to cause trouble for herself, nor did she want to cause trouble for her grandfather.

So even if Yin Qingzhi had torn off Chunwu's hair in her heart, a big fight had already been slapped.

But Yin Qingzhi had to maintain a calm state on the face.

Yin Qingzhi responded neither humble nor overbearing.

"Senior Chun, I am not interested in the assessment on the stone platform, and I happen to have the same thoughts as Senior Chun to stand here."

"I thought Senior Chun was going to go to the stone platform for the assessment, and I wanted to cheer for Senior Chun here and see how heroic Senior Chun is!"

"I didn't expect Senior Chun to say that the assessment on the stone platform has no fate with you!"

No one could find anything wrong with Yin Qingzhi's words, but after hearing Yin Qingzhi's words, the corners of Chunfu's mouth suddenly curled up.

He looked at Yin Qingzhi playfully.

Anyone who is familiar with Chunwu knows that Chunwu's expression like this is because Chunwu has already started to get angry.

What Chunwu hates the most is when others mention her age.

The word senior seems to be polite, but in Chunwu's ears it is no different from being called aunt, aunt, or old lady.

Even if she was called a stinky bitch, Chun Wu would probably not be as angry as she is now!

Chunwu and Yinqingzhi are facing each other here, and the undercurrent is surging.

Even though Chunwu had expressed his judgment on the assessment on the stone platform, some leaders of the forces did not listen to Chunwu's words, and were still trying the assessment on the stone platform.

Yin Qingzhi found that no matter which direction she walked, the Tianfang spirit pole pointed in the direction of the stone platform.

Yin Qingzhi thought of a possibility, put away Tianfang Lingdao and looked at Shitai with a solemn expression.

According to human exploration of large ancient battlefields, the ruins in large ancient battlefields need to meet certain conditions before they can be triggered.

Could it be that the appearance of the ruins of this large ancient battlefield that is currently being explored is related to the assessment on the stone platform! ?

Before, Tianfang Lingji obviously responded to the three directions, and the reason why he rushed here was because this place was the closest to him.

According to the reaction of Lingji Tianfang just now, the attraction of the other two places seems to have suddenly disappeared.

Yin Qingzhi asked a silver-haired, stooped old woman standing behind her.

"Mr. Sun, how confident are you that you can break this chess game!?"

The silver-haired old woman whom Yin Qingzhi called Sun Lao raised her hand when she heard the words, and a golden spoon appeared in her hand.

The old woman held the spoon backwards, and the scorpion tail at the end of the spoon was suddenly exposed.

"If the old body uses the ghost tool to hook out a few healthy souls with the soul-tuning scorpion key, and swallows these souls, it is sure to be able to walk eight steps!"

"Whether you can walk out of the nine steps or not depends on fate!"

"I think the probability of surviving after the ninth step is no more than 30%!"

"If you let me try, I will try my best!"

After hearing the words, Yin Qingzhi pondered for a moment, then raised her hand, and a bottle of bright silver potion appeared in Yin Qingzhi's hand.

"This is a bottle of soul stimulating medicine, which can activate the activity of the soul to the maximum."

"Three drops of Quenching Flower Juice are added to it."

"If this bottle of soul-stimulating potion is added, how much do you think the success rate can be increased, Mr. Sun!?"

Sun Kumei pondered for a moment when she heard the words, but she was still not very sure when she said it.

"It can be increased to 50% at most!"

"Before I actually break the game, my estimates don't count!"

"Everyone who tried the test is dead, and I can only guess."

Yin Qingzhi was a little shaken when he heard the words.

The probability that Sun Kumei would say that is definitely less than 50%.

It's a little risky to bet on one of his masters with a probability of less than 50%.

Sun Kumei is the guardian arranged for him by his grandfather, and he grew up with him all the way.

There is a deep relationship between Yin Qingzhi and Sun Kumei.

Chun Wu saw the trick from the side.

Judging from Yin Qingzhi's performance just now, this assessment probably has a lot to do with the ruins.

After several days of exploration, the interior of the entire ancient battlefield has basically been explored in sevens and eighties, but there has been no precondition for triggering the appearance of the ruins.

It is precisely for this reason that Chunwu followed Yin Qingzhi.

Among the people Chunwu knew, only the Tianfang Lingpole in Yin Qingzhi's hands had the ability to find relics.

It was also for the same reason that the other forces did not disperse and followed behind.

If this stone platform assessment is really related to the ruins, then the rewards must be extraordinary!

It's just that Chun Wu's subordinates don't have anyone who can break the situation.

If Chunwu herself wants to try to break the situation, she will have to pay a huge price, but there is no guarantee of success.

Yin Qingzhi has already made a decision.

"Old Sun has just had a fight with several forces here, and the living soul is still floating around without being transformed by the dead energy."

"Why don't you use the soul-tuning scorpion key to blend a few healthy souls first, and then drink the soul-stimulating potion to feel it!"

"If you are sure that the success rate is more than 60% based on your feelings, you should try to break the situation."

Hearing this, Sun Kumei shook the spoon in her hand, and a gray-gold ghost flame suddenly ignited on the golden spoon.

In the gray-gold ghost flame, there are several phantoms with scorpion tails floating in the surrounding space.

Even if the forces that can enter the ancient battlefield and get here all the way don't have ghost weapons, they still know ghost weapons very well.

The aura released by Sun Kumei's ghost weapon is very evil.

In the world of beast masters, no matter whether it is a beast for the soul, a spirit weapon, or a ghost weapon, they are all extremely dreadful existences.

Physical and mental wounds can heal, but spiritual wounds are extremely difficult to heal.

There are many powerful beast masters who have become disabled because their souls have been wounded or cursed.

The phantom of the scorpion tail kept flicking, as if it was hooking something between heaven and earth into the spoon in Sun Kumei's hand.

After a while, there was a wailing sound from Sun Kumei's spoon.

Seeing this, the expressions of the people and horses of several forces present immediately sank, and several leaders stepped forward and said together.

"Miss Yin, it's inappropriate for you to do this!?"

"These souls come from the powerhouses of our forces, you..."

Before the leaders of these forces had finished speaking, Sun Kumei spoke first.

"Our lady is easy to talk, but my old body is not a soft persimmon!"

"The people in your power are already dead. You didn't go to collect the souls before, but now the old man collects them, but it's sloppy."

"I can return the souls I collected to you, but if you want the souls I collected, you need to replace them with living souls of the same quality!"

"The number of these living souls is not enough, I don't mind getting some more living souls to increase the success rate!"

Sun Rongmei's voice was gloomy, and her eyes were sullen.

The phantom of the scorpion tail bloomed frantically behind Sun Kumei, and the golden-gray ghost flame was even more turbulent before the light.

The leaders of these forces immediately fell silent upon seeing this.

Firstly, the leaders of these forces knew that they must not offend Yin Qingzhi.

Although Yin Qingzhi represented the Tianfang Academy on this trip, Yin Qingzhi is a direct relative of the founder of Yin Hanrong, and belongs to the core members of the younger generation of the Federation of Nations!

Secondly, the aura from Sun Kumei's ghost weapon was extremely powerful.

The ability of the ghost weapon is determined after the ghost weapon is made, but the aura emanating from the ghost weapon is equated with the strength of the beast master.

The stronger the beast master is, the stronger the aura emanating from the ghost weapon when using the ghost weapon!

The ghost weapon will continue to grow with the improvement of the beast master's strength.

The leaders of these forces have no doubts at all, if they wait for others to continue talking, Sun Kumei will immediately attack him.

There are two reasons for not having a conflict with Yin Qingzhi, and the leaders of these forces do not want to cause unnecessary trouble for a few dead people.

Sun Kumei drank the gray liquid in the spoon in one gulp, and the soul breath on Sun Kumei rose instantly.

Sun Kumei took the soul-stimulating potion from Yin Qingzhi.

The formula of the soul-stimulating potion was researched by the founder of Yinhanrong, and it is a potion that only the master of Yinhanrong can concoct!

Sun Kumei drank the soul stimulating potion in one gulp.

Sun Kumei felt the strength of her soul, and walked towards Shitai resolutely.

At this moment, a low, hoarse but strange voice sounded.

"You have been in front of the stone platform for so long, now it is our turn!"

"How can there be any reason for you to stay by the stone platform to accept the assessment!?"

It was Dr. Body Refining who led the team of the Immortal Alchemy Association who said this.

Beside this Doctor of Body Refining stood Mr. Zi from the Evil Heart Sect.

Wearing a green robe that could cover her whole body, Meng Sha stood among the troops of the Evil Heart Sect and the Eternal Life Alchemy Society.

The doctor who refined the body and Mr. Zi would suddenly speak, purely because they were provoked by Liu Xi.

Otherwise, the two of them are the same as other forces, unwilling to get involved in the competition with the subordinate forces of the Federation of Nations!

It will take a few minutes before Fang Mu arrives here, and Liu Xi is not sure whether Sun Kumei will complete the assessment.

In case Sun Kumei really completed the assessment and obtained the string pendant, Fang Mu's acquisition of two string moon pendants would be exposed.

Fangmu also has no way to combine the string pendant into a full moon pendant.

If the crescent moon pendant cannot be combined into one, it will not reveal its ultimate benefits.

Both Dr. Body Refining and Mr. Purple are greedy people.

It didn't take much effort for Liu Xi to use only one sentence, which attracted Doctor Lianshu and Mr. Zi to jump out.

"Yin Qingzhi has been testing with Tianfang Lingdao for so long, and he has to complete this assessment at the cost of his men's lives."

"Based on the background of the Federation of Nations, Yin Qingzhi probably discovered something."

"Do you think it is possible that the thing corresponding to this assessment is related to the inheritance in the follow-up ruins!?"

Liu Xi's words directly poked at the sensitive nerves of Dr. Lianshu and Mr. Zi.

Other forces will be afraid of the Federation of Nations, but the Evil Heart Sect and the Alchemy Society of Eternal Life are not afraid!

Seeing people from the Evil Heart Sect and the Eternal Life Alchemy Society appear, Chun Wu turned around and left Yin Qingzhi's side.

It is clear that there is a need to draw a clear line with Yin Qingzhi, and it feels like sitting on a mountain and watching a tiger fight!

Then Chunwu shouted,

"Green magicians, don't hide with your people, I can smell the pollution from you from a long distance away!"

"They all want to compete for the assessment on the stone platform, so no matter who they are, you should be unwilling!"

As soon as Chun Wu finished speaking, a total of fifty-four green playing cards flew over from a distance.

Except for the people who are being assessed on the stone platform, everyone within 20 meters of the stone platform has become the target of these green playing cards.

These people use their own methods to avoid the attack of playing cards.

Some people were hit by playing cards and turned into green slime.

Some people were directly killed, and their bodies turned into green slime balls like slimes.

Still others escaped the attack of poker.

These playing cards were neatly arranged around the stone platform after the attack was completed.

The person who was conducting the assessment on the stone platform was already nervous, and he was so frightened that he set the wrong chess piece in a panic.

Soon he fell down from the stone platform.

"Since everyone wants to try to complete the assessment on the stone platform, then everyone can speak according to their own abilities."

The appearance of the Green Magician, one of the Eight Evil Species, made Yin Qingzhi show a fearful expression on his face.

It's not that the ancient sprout is stronger than other forces, so strong that even the Federation of Nations is afraid.

It's because the people who sprouted in ancient times were affected by the pollutants absorbed by the super pollution sources, and they were all lunatics without emotions.

Madmen have no scruples about their actions.

Liu Xi informed Fang Mu of the situation here.

Fang Mu, who was on his way, sighed.

It was Fang Mu who instructed Liu Xi to push the people of the Evil Heart Sect and the Eternal Life Alchemy Society.

Fang Mu could only choose the former between triggering multiple conflicts and making it difficult to obtain the opportunity to complete the assessment and the possibility of the Crescent Moon Pendant being taken away.

The addition of the ancient germs turned the current situation into a big pot, which made Fang Mu very headache.

If Fang Mu wants to have the opportunity to conduct the assessment, he must have conflicts with other forces.

This was prepared by Fang Mu in advance.

It's just that Fang Mu never thought of conflicting with so many forces at once, including lunatics like the ancient germination.

Fang Mu also heard the rumors of Tianfang Lingpole from Shui Miao.

Judging from the reaction of Yin Qingzhi holding the silver bowl just now, this test probably has a lot to do with the ruins.

Fang Mu obtained all the crescent moon pendants after completing this last test, and the ruins appeared.

The eyes of the major forces will be attracted by the ruins immediately, and they will not trouble Fang Mu again.

But after Fang Mu entered the ruins, because he got the Crescent Moon Pendant.

Other forces are afraid that the crescent moon pendant is related to the inheritance in the ruins, and they will definitely attack their own people.

There is no chance of getting lucky in this matter, because all the forces are very keen on obtaining the inheritance in the ruins.

Fang Mu felt that he had to think of a way to prevent himself from being targeted by other forces after getting the Crescent Moon Pendant.

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