Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 336 Lady Frostmare!

Fang Mu frowned and thought while hurrying.

After thinking for a long time, Fang Mu couldn't think of a way not to be targeted by other forces.

But no matter what, the third crescent moon pendant square wood must be obtained!

According to the introduction in the kit, the crescent moon pendant itself has the possibility of providing life-saving chances.

But if you want to use the Crescent Moon Pendant to save your life, you need to crush the Crescent Moon Pendant.

This doesn't fit the purpose of making a full moon pendant out of square wood.

Since he couldn't think of a solution for a while, Fang Mu simply stopped messing with his brain.

When you arrive at the scene, act accordingly!

If it is really a last resort, Fang Mu can expose Meng Sha.

After he got the Crescent Moon Pendant, Liuxi ordered Meng Sha to hold him hostage and snatch the Crescent Moon Pendant from him.

Meng Sha is a Void Beast Witch of the Witch School, not an unknown person.

Meng Sha has played tricks on the major forces once.

Now snatching the Crescent Moon Pendant in front of the major forces will definitely attract a large number of people to chase Meng Sha.

If Liu Xi controls Meng Sha and cannot escape, she can only let Liu Xi abandon Meng Sha.

Then find a suitable target of other forces to control!

Fang Mu told Shu Liangjun, Shui Miao and Qin Shao about the situation there.

The three are responsible for protecting their own safety, and it is necessary to know the corresponding situation.

The three of them knew of Liu Xi's existence, but they didn't know that they had made a contract with Liu Xi, and transformed a handsome evil spirit into an earth evil spirit in one fell swoop.

Therefore, the three of them didn't think about Liu Xi at all, thinking that Fang Mu had other people in this large ancient battlefield.

Qin Shao regards Shu Liangjun as Fang Mu's bodyguard, but Jin Ya knows Shu Liangjun's identity.

Shu Liangjun has nothing to do with Fang Mu's guards.

Shu Liangjun is an official member of Xinglun, and Shu Liangjun and Fang Mu did not know each other at all three months ago.

When a disciple of a founding master travels abroad, he will most likely have a guardian.

Qixing gave Fang Mu so many resources to create a master, how could Qixing be at ease without a guardian to protect Qixing! ?

Fang Mu probably learned the information from his guardian.

Shui Miao was the first to express his opinion.

"Amu Even if this assessment is related to the ruins, I can guarantee that you will be safe and sound after you complete the assessment and get rewards."

"Other forces are unwilling to break out of large-scale conflicts before competing for the inheritance of the relics. Once the staff is reduced, it means losing the qualification to compete for the inheritance."

"It's just that after entering the inheritance of the relics, most of those forces will attack us with one mind."

As the head of the Twelve Pavilions, Shui Miao has collected information about the exploration of various ancient battlefields.

Once any force is labeled as related to the inheritance of the relics, it will immediately become the target of public criticism and the target of collective attack.

Shui Miao was able to guarantee Fang Mu's safety when he was outside, but Shui Miao did not dare to make such a guarantee when he was inside the ruins.

In this large ancient battlefield, apart from human forces, there are also a large number of beast-following forces hidden, and these beast-fearing forces are also enemies.

Fang Mu nodded upon hearing this.

Fang Mu had already expected what Shui Miao said.

In Fang Mu's previous life, no matter if it was a board game such as Three Kingdoms Killing or Werewolf Killing, the first one to show his flaws would be the first to be eliminated.

Fang Mu likes Shui Miao's honesty to him very much.

If Shui Miao still takes care of everything at this time, Fang Mu will be worried instead!

Qin Shao also made the same judgment and statement as Shui Miao.

Qin Shao is more cautious than Shui Miao in expressing his attitude because of bringing Jin Ya.

Shu Liangjun thought of something and said suddenly.

"By the time we arrive, there are probably many forces gathered here."

"Many forces have entered the ancient battlefield for a few days, and they have already verbally reached a complicated alliance."

"At this time, every faction doesn't mind sharing the news with their allies, so that they can have a greater chance of completing the assessment."

"From the perspective of Yin Qingzhi's style, whether this assessment is really related to the ruins or Yin Qingzhi deliberately guides it in this direction."

"It will give the forces on the scene the motivation to call in the forces that have reached an alliance with themselves."

"After the ruins appear, energy needs to be injected inward. When the energy reaches a certain value, the ruins will open."

"Absorb these people who have injected energy into the ruins."

"People who have not injected energy into the ruins cannot enter the ruins."

"That's why the major forces are competing for the qualification to inject energy into the ruins."

"The more alliances there are, the more they can guarantee that their power will be stronger in the ruins."

There was no need for Shu Liangjun to describe the situation in such detail, but Shu Liangjun felt that Fang Mu had no experience in exploring large-scale ancient battlefields before.

Even if they learned about the situation of the relics from Qixing, they probably didn't know the rules of competition for the relics by the major forces.

So Shu Liangjun simply explained to Fang Mu.

After explaining, Shu Liangjun changed the topic.

"Actually, we can try to make a game, pretending that the results of the assessment were taken away by the forces of the beast."

"I don't know if the Jiaosnake family has entered the ancient battlefield."

"If you use the high-purity light element potion as a bargaining chip to trade with Jiaofeng, it's a good way!"

As soon as Shu Liangjun finished speaking, Qin Shao shook his head.

"In the ancient battlefield, the forces of beast masters and human forces are naturally hostile. Any force of beast masters who cooperates with human forces will be regarded as a traitor in the beast master group and will be judged by the emperor's court of beasts!"

"The cooperation between Jiaofeng and Amu is for the better development and continuation of the Jiaoshe clan."

"Looking for Jiaofeng to make this deal is contrary to Jiaofeng's original purpose, and Jiaofeng will never agree to it!"

"Instead of thinking about finding a beast-following force to make a game, it's better to find a force that doesn't plan to enter the ruins to make a game."

"The pity of the Poison Gu Villa is a good choice."

What Shu Liangjun and Qin Shao said was their way of saying it casually.

According to the information Liuxi has, the Jiaoshe clan did not enter the ancient battlefield.

And just as Qin Shao said, Jiaofeng was willing to trade materials with him because of the face of creating master resources in his hands.

Fang Mu had seduced Jiaofeng during the transaction, but Jiaofeng had always put the interests of the Jiaosnake family first.

Although there is greed in his heart, this greed has always been placed under the identity of the elder of the Jiao Snake clan by Jiao Feng.

Even if Jiaofeng is in the ancient battlefield at this time, if he uses Jiaofeng himself, he may be sold by Jiaofeng in the end.

Furthermore, the strength of the Bright Snake Clan is only moderate among the Beast Familiar Clan, and they cannot bear such a burden in terms of hard power.

The idea of ​​cooperating with Gu Lian once appeared in Fang Mu's mind, but was quickly rejected by Fang Mu.

As the deputy owner of the Poison Gu Villa, whether he can lead the Poison Gu Villa into the ruins depends on his ability and leadership.

Gu Lian definitely doesn't want to compromise his leadership in front of his subordinates and affect his prestige in the power.

And just like Gu Lian would not easily trust Fang Mu, Fang Mu also did not believe in Gu Lian's guarantee to himself.

Shu Liangjun and Qin Shaoneng came up with such a solution immediately after hearing the news, the boss's heart is really dirty!

Fang Mu was startled suddenly when he felt such emotion.

I seem to have thought of a similar method. Could it be that I am also a guy with a heart! ?

Thinking of this, Fang Mu shook his head.

My interest in biology is all in the study of life evolution, how could my heart be dirty!

Suddenly, Fang Mu felt the familiar violent light element fluctuation again from the fork next to him.

Juyang giant clam sprayed out a curtain of water directly, blocking the spreading scorching light.

The people on the other side of the fork in the road noticed the situation here, and quickly restrained their breath.

A hearty and upright voice sounded.

"Our old friends meet again!"

"Yan Luo, what's the harvest in the ancient battlefield? Have you found a beast that can produce aura!?"

"I have obtained a lot of era relics here, but I haven't found any beasts that can produce spiritual energy!"

"This really doesn't match my perception of large ancient battlefields!"

"I heard that there are a large number of beast-controlling forces working together, and some groups in the beast-controlling forces are very sensitive to aura."

"Isn't it true that all the beast masters that can produce spiritual energy have been taken away by the beast master forces!?"

The one who spoke was Wang Xu, one of the twelve archangels of the Court of True Knowledge.

Wang Xu didn't say this to complain, but to find a topic to get closer to Fang Mu.

Wang Xu has heard the news from other cooperative forces and is about to rush to that strange stone platform.

The ruins will probably appear soon, and Wang Xu wants to make some powerful allies.

Although I have never heard of the power of the Boundless Tower before.

But these people still walked in front of the court of true knowledge without the angelic beasts, which is enough to prove the strength of the infinite tower!

With such a purpose, Wang Xu's words are so passionate.

Otherwise, Wang Xu wouldn't bother to communicate with people he didn't know.

Yan Luo led the people from the Boundless Tower to rush in this direction, and he must have heard the news.

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Everyone spends the same amount of time exploring, and the harvest is not much different."

"We haven't seen a large number of collective activities of the beast-controlling forces. Could it be possible that any force that explored the ancient battlefield was wiped out by the beast-controlling forces!?"

Apart from facing his family members, Fang Mu rarely experienced rapid emotional ups and downs.

And even if Fang Mu's emotions fluctuate rapidly, it won't show on his face.

Wang Xu's heart was quite surprised by Fang Mu's calmness, as if the collective actions of the beast-guarding forces were not enough to touch Fang Mu.

"That's not true. After all, this large ancient battlefield is on the chassis of the Human Federation."

"The Federation of All Nations has always acted domineeringly, and the Emperor Beast Court has to cooperate with human forces."

"The Emperor's Beast Court will not allow those beast-guarding forces to attack and kill human forces in the Human Federation!"

"This time there are so many beast-guarding forces exploring this large ancient battlefield."

"Even if these beast-monitoring forces have a cooperative relationship with the Panfeng Federation, the Federation of All Nations has no reason to hold them accountable."

"The Emperor Beast Court wants to continue exchanging supplies from the Federation of Nations, so it must take the initiative to give an explanation to the Federation of Nations!"

Wang Xu's words made Fang Mu once again realize the arrogance of creating a master.

Fang Mu suddenly felt that when he was using the identity of the creation master's disciple before, he seemed a little too easy-going.

The Beast Faction is so lacking in the resources to create a master, so Fang Mu feels that if he has the opportunity, he can obtain a large amount of spiritual materials for the development of the Construction Wood Chamber of Commerce by cooperating with the Beast Faction.

The resources I transformed from these spiritual materials are used to support the Infinite Tower, laying one entity industry after another for the Infinite Tower.

At the same time, he can also use these resources to develop the Dragon Federation, which can be regarded as Fang Mu's feedback to the Dragon Federation.

Seeing that Fang Mu didn't answer his words, Wang Xu coughed lightly and continued.

"Brother Yan thinks that you will definitely enter the ruins when you come to the Boundless Tower, and we are destined to obtain the corresponding qualifications in the Court of True Knowledge."

"I hope we can support each other in the ruins."

"We will cooperate according to the actual situation at that time when the inheritance appears."

"I don't know what brother Yan wants!?"

Shui Miao, Qin Shao, Jin Ya and Shu Liangjun all had weird expressions when Wang Xu called Fang Mu.

The four of them knew Fang Mu's age very well.

A teenage boy was called "Brother Yan" by Wang Xu, a 200-year-old guy.

If Wang Xu knew Fang Mu's age, he probably would have burrowed into the cracks in the ground!

On the other hand, Fang Mu said as if nothing happened.

"It seems that Brother Wang understands what I mean!"

"This kind of flexible cooperation is more sincere than a so-called friend!"

Fang Mu's words were regarded as a response to Wang Xu, and the two sides formally formed an alliance immediately.

It's just that whether this kind of alliance will become "green tea sisters" is unknown!

Shui Miao and Qin Shao didn't have much contact with Zhenzhiduting, but Shu Liangjun was quite critical of Zhenzhiduting.

In Shu Liangjun's mouth, most of the people who have angel beasts are hypocrites.

Thinking about it, Shu Liangjun should have been tricked by the higher-ups of the Court of True Knowledge!

Shu Liangjun's words are not groundless, there must be something wrong inside the Zhenzhi court!

Fang Mu and his party walked with the court of true knowledge. Shu Liangjun was inconvenient to speak directly to Fang Mu, so he simply switched to soul sound transmission.

"I know all about the green magician who sprouted in the ancient times of Amu. His super pollutants have a great demand for high-purity wood element medicines because they absorb a special pollution source."

"Need to find a creator to help purify the polluted energy!"

"If you want to get pollutants or sources of pollution, the green magician is the best deal target among the eight evil species!"

"Compared to the Evil Heart Sect and the Eternal Life Alchemy Society, people from the ancient sprouts are much easier to contact."

"The people who sprouted in ancient times were rational enough because they contracted pollutants, but they were extremely crazy in order to achieve their goals."

"The ancient sprout cannot be defined by simple good and evil!"

"In the past five hundred years, the ancient sprouts have done a lot of good and evil things."

"Ji Honghuakui and Judge Si Ming, who sprouted in ancient times, once prevented a giant tsunami that could overturn hundreds of thousands of miles of land in order to achieve a certain project, and saved sixteen small and medium-sized federations!"

"If you trade with the green magician, you can try to handle it."

"Ancient Germination has a bad reputation among the major founding masters, and few founding masters are willing to give face to these lunatics."

"Green magicians have the lowest reputation among the eight evil species because of killing, because the demand for resources to create a master is too great, and resources for creating a master are very scarce for him."

"As long as there is a channel that can stably obtain the resources of creating a master, the green magicians will firmly grasp it!"

"I would trade with the ancient germs before, and I still have contact with the ancient germs after the transaction, because these lunatics treat their allies well."

"I can also help you obtain pollution sources and pollutants, but my channel is not the Green Magician, but Ms. Frostmare, one of the eight evil species."

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