Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 337: Fang Lan Rui's Immortal Butterfly!

"Eight evil species have relatively independent resource acquisition channels in the ancient germination, and there is little overlap in resource acquisition channels."

"If you want to help Grandmaster Qixing get a lot of pollution sources and pollutants, I suggest you fight for a green magician!"

Fang Mu heard Shu Liangjun's words.

At the same time, I remembered the three titles of Ji Honghuakui, Judge Commander, and Lady Frost Nightmare.

According to Shu Liangjun, these three people should be the same as the green magician, and they should be the eight evil species in the bud of ancient times.

Fangmu is intended to contain special pollutants.

Ordinary beast masters can only contract a special pollutant through mental power.

But Fangmu used the blood of the contract to contract the super pollutants.

As long as there is a contract, Fang Mu can contract the pollutants as he likes.

The weapon-type pollutant Holy Brilliance Bone Fragment, the enhanced-type pollutant Evil Desire Silk, and the augmented-type pollutant Baimu Rubik's Cube are the three special-grade pollutants that Fang Mu currently has.

It can be said that Fangmu is interested in these three special-level pollutants, and these three special-level pollutants are very powerful.

Other beast masters are very taboo to pollutants, because pollutants can wear down the emotions of living beings.

Once the Beast Master is contracted with pollutants, he will gradually become an emotionless monster.

But even with such consequences, there are still beast masters who are willing to contract pollutants in this way.

The power of special contract pollutants sprouted in ancient times came into being.

One reason is that contract pollutants can quickly increase their strength, and they don't have to be restricted by the level of beast masters like ordinary beast masters.

Secondly, pollutants can break free from the restrictions on the strength of the creator resources to the greatest extent, and you don't have to rely on the creator resources after reaching a higher level like the beast master who has contracted the beast master!

Fang Mu felt that after the establishment of the Boundless Tower, he might be able to cultivate a group of contract pollutant members.

It's not that Fang Mu's resources as a creator can't support a strong beast master who contracted beast masters.

But no matter how abundant the resources are, the strength of the Beast Familiar needs to be improved little by little, which cannot be achieved overnight.

Unlike contracting pollutants, as long as there is sufficient pollution energy and pollution sources, the strength can be raised quickly!

The Boundless Tower needs to use resources to quickly pile up some strong men who can stand on their own.

Since Fang Mu has such a purpose, it is imperative to trade with the ancient germination!

After contracting the super pollutants, they will lose their feelings and make people act extremely unstable.

Ke Fangmu has the soul-hosting heir born by the queen servant ant.

The Soul Ant Heir allows Fang Mu to control the soul of every member under his command who has contracted with super pollutants.

This made Fang Mu no need to worry about being betrayed by the people he trained.

I want to trade with a guy like the green magician who has contracted pollutants and lost his emotions, and possesses extreme rationality.

The best way is to put the chips straight to the point and let the other party understand the benefits that can be gained from trading with oneself.

Fang Mu didn't know how to transmit sound through the soul, so he turned his head and blinked at Shu Liangjun.

Shu Liangjun immediately understood what Fang Mu meant, and continued the soul transmission to Fang Mu.

"After we arrive at the scene, I will directly negotiate with the Green Magician through soul transmission to see if he is willing to trade."

"If he is willing to trade, I will ask him to talk to you alone!"

Wang Xu was right next to Fang Mu, and could feel the interaction between Fang Mu and Shu Liangjun.

Because the distance was too close, Wang Xu could faintly feel the soul fluctuations transmitted by Shu Liangjun to Fangmu.

It turned out to be a soul transmission!

Wang Xu subconsciously mobilized the power of his soul, but found that he couldn't detect the content of Shu Liangjun's voice transmission from Mu's soul.

If you stay farther away from Fang Mu, stand ten meters away from Shu Liangjun and Fang Mu.

Wang Xu felt that he might not even feel the fluctuation of the soul.

Soul sound transmission needs to be stimulated by spiritual power, and has nothing to do with the quality of the soul.

This shows that the man standing behind Fang Mu is very likely to be stronger than himself.

Thinking of this, Wang Xu's expression became a little dignified.

While Wang Xu rejoiced that he had started cooperation with this force named Boundless Tower, he secretly groaned in his heart.

The strength of the other party is stronger than their own. It's better not to know.

Once you know that when you have a conflict with the other party, your side will inevitably make concessions.

With such an ally by its side, it is almost impossible for the family of true knowledge to obtain the inheritance in the ruins.

If the strength of the Boundless Tower is weaker than the Court of True Knowledge.

When encountering an enemy, you can also rely on your allies to defeat a strong enemy, thereby weakening the strength of your allies.

But even if he encounters a strong enemy now, Zhenzhi Duting is probably the cannon fodder to rush forward!

Fang Mu didn't know that because Wang Xu felt the voice transmission between Shu Liangjun and his soul, the story session started in his heart.

Fang Mu was not ready to keep a low profile when he went to the second assessment site and completed the assessment in front of other forces.

It's just that Fang Mu hasn't had a chance to show his edge until now.

Suddenly Fang Mu heard a "rustling" sound not far away, and then a purple-black centipede with gold patterns crawled over from a distant wall.

Seeing this, Shui Miao drank in a low voice.

"What's the purpose of the thunder dragon, golden centipede and centipede clan entering the ancient battlefield of human forces and not keeping a low profile to fish in troubled waters, but actively showing up to block our way?"

"Could it be that you are going to block the way and want to touch us!?"

Fang Mu frowned suddenly after hearing the five words Thunder Dragon, Golden Electric Centipede.

Among all the beast-following forces, the insect-fearing beast-fellows have the worst relationship with humans.

The Thunder Dragon Golden Lightning Centipede is quite well-known among the forces of insects and beasts. It has a precedent of killing the master creator of human beings, and has always been hostile to human beings.

This small group of seven or eight thunder dragon golden electric centipedes hid on the stone wall.

If you didn't come here for yourself and others, there is no need to show up!

As soon as Shui Miao finished speaking, a scepter made of white crystal suddenly appeared in Wang Xu's hand.

The top of the white crystal scepter is inlaid with a golden spar.

A bead chain is hung on the handle of the scepter, and seven pure white holy feathers hang below the bead chain.

Holding the scepter, Wang Xu stomped on the ground with his left foot, and the energy of the light element suddenly gathered at Wang Xu's feet.

The energy of the light element created illusions at Wang Xu's feet, and the pure white bricks and tiles formed a pond.

There are several statues of humanoid girls in the pond, kneeling and kneeling on the surface of the pond with their hands folded devoutly, with platinum spring water gushing out from behind.

The radiant angel that Fang Mu had seen before stood in mid-air above Wang Xu's head.

Fang Mu could vaguely feel that the Radiant Angel was related to the pond in front of Wang Xu.

I think this pond is probably the Angel Reincarnation Pond of the Radiant Angel!

Only the beast master who contracted the angel beast master before fighting the fierce battle will summon the angel reincarnation pool for the angel beast master to reincarnate after defeating the battle.

Summoning and condensing the angel reincarnation pool requires a lot of mental power of the beast master.

It can be seen that Wang Xu has already made plans to fight the thunder dragon and golden centipede clan.

"Touch? We don't mean to touch you guys right now!"

"We came here to hope that you can return to the same way, or choose another area to explore."

"If you don't listen to the persuasion, then we Thunder Dragon Golden Electric Centipede Clan don't mind touching you!"

Hearing this, Wang Xu frowned and was about to speak out, when he heard the "rustling" sound again.

A total of five beetles that looked like white jade climbed to the side of the seven or eight thunder dragons and golden centipedes.

The five beetles tilted their bellies towards the direction of the Angel Reincarnation Pool, and the light wings behind them spread out and made a roaring sound.

The light element energy in the angel reincarnation pool was suddenly sucked by the five beetles, making the angel reincarnation pool gradually become illusory.

The holy light released by the radiant angel was also sucked into the belly of these beetles along with the energy in the angel's reincarnation pool.

It's like a water pump inserted into the aorta.

When Fang Mu donated blood to Feng Rang Nei of Blood, he didn't have such a speed.

With a wave of the blue folding fan in Shui Miao's hand, a water curtain covered the Angel Reincarnation Pool.

Only then did the five beetles stop absorbing the energy of the light element.

"The sacred blazing beetle family started to fight as soon as they appeared. Could it be that the beast royale forces are going to fight our human forces in this ancient battlefield!?"

"I'm curious if the Emperor Beast Court knows about your actions!?"

A soft female voice sounded out of thin air.

"We have no intention of fighting with you. Lei Zhe has already made it clear just now. As long as you change the route, we will be able to live in peace!"

"Our holy blazing beetle family can assure you of this!"

"Caixuan, you guys also come to make a statement!"

"Our three races are all ranked in the list of beast kings, and we have always been more committed than you humans."

As soon as the words fell, a faint fragrance suddenly arose in this dark and humid environment full of lifelessness.

In an instant, fresh orchid grass emerged from the ground, and soon various orchids bloomed quietly.

Three butterflies with phantom wings on their backs and blue stripes on their wings appeared high in the sky.

Fang Mu knew this clan of imperial beasts, and each of the imperial beasts of Fang Lanrui Xiandie group could be called a high-grade auspicious auspicious.

Nourished by the butterfly powder of Fanglan Ruixiandie, no matter how difficult it is to survive, orchid flowers and beasts can grow healthily!

The hidden power of Silkworm Cocoon Fairy Garden has been making friends with the Fanglan Ruixiandie family for thousands of years, and has been supporting the Fanglan Ruixiandie family.

The purpose is that Fanglan Ruixiandie can help the Silkworm Cocoon Fairy Garden to cultivate and inherit the Royal Beast Mudie Xianlan.

Ensure that Mudie Xianlan will not die when it is branched, and can successfully take root and sprout.

In the past hundred years, there have been some problems in the Silkworm Cocoon Fairy Garden, which has led to the decline of its power, and it has lost the glory of the top hermit family in the past.

Only then did Fanglan Rui Xiandie reappear in the world!

Excluding auspiciousness, Fang Lanrui Xiandie is also a top healing monster.

As long as Fang Lanrui Xiandie is not killed, the imperial beast guarded by Fang Lanrui Xiandie will be very difficult to die.

In the future, Fang Mu still plans to use his identity as the Infinite Tower to trade with the Beast Familiar forces, and he doesn't want to make enemies with the Beast Familiar forces.

But Fangmu, the last stone platform in front of him, must be cracked.

Fang Mu didn't want to waste time in a stalemate with these three Beast Familiar forces.

Most of the Beast Familiar forces have also confirmed the location of the ruins, and are planning to eliminate some human forces before exploring the ruins.

Eliminating some human forces by several beast-monitoring groups can effectively increase the proportion of the beast-monitoring groups in the exploration of the ruins.

Fang Mu thought about whether he wanted to transfer Liu Xi over so that Liu Xi could control the powerful members of Fanglan Ruixiandie's clan.

Without the support of Fang Lanrui's fairy butterfly clan, Thunder Dragon, Golden Lightning Centipede and Holy Blazing Beetle clan would not be so difficult to defeat!

Just let Liuxi control a few strong beast masters, and he can throw the pot away when he gets the inheritance in a while.

At this moment, Qin Shao's voice sounded.

"The Emperor Beast Court has not only signed a treaty with the Federation of All Nations, but both parties need to abide by the constraints of the treaty."

"The Emperor Beast Court also signed a unilateral treaty with Diyuan."

"Any beast-guarding forces are not allowed to fight against the direct-affiliated forces who created the Grandmaster, provided their lives are not threatened and their interests are not actively encroached upon."

"If the direct descendants of the founding master need the help of the Beast Master, the Beast Master needs unconditional help without affecting the safety and interests of the Beast Master's personnel!"

"The treaty signed with Di Yuan was initiated by the Emperor Beast Court at the beginning."

"Could it be that your three clans are going to blatantly tear up the treaty signed by Emperor Beast Court and Di Yuan!?"

Qin Shao's words immediately made the atmosphere weird.

Wang Xu and the other members of the Court of True Knowledge subconsciously looked at Fang Mu and the others.

Inside the Boundless Tower, there is actually a master who created it!

There are so many forces in the world, and there are definitely not many forces with founding masters sitting in them.

Even if the vast majority of founding masters join forces, they are only named in this force.

Originally, Wang Xu took the initiative to befriend Fang Mu, and Fang Mu even called him "Brother Yan".

It is to gain one more ally when exploring the ruins.

But now Wang Xu has turned into wanting to make friends with Fang Mu from the bottom of his heart.

Getting acquainted with Fang Mu can be said to be equivalent to obtaining a channel related to the creation of the master.

Thunder Dragon, Golden Lightning Centipede, Holy Blazing Beetle and Fanglan Ruixiandie, the three powerhouses of the Beast Familiar Force, were all very embarrassed.

Don't say that these three clans are only on the list of beast kings.

Even if he and other forces worked harder to get into the Beast Emperor Ranking, they would not dare to tear up the treaty between Emperor Beast Court and Di Yuan.

The Emperor Beast Court took the initiative to promote this treaty at that time, in order to give the Beast Familiar Force more opportunities to obtain the resources to create a Grandmaster.

This is something that is beneficial to all the beast clans.

Any ethnic group that tore up this treaty and affected the cooperation between the two parties is tantamount to becoming a sinner of all the beast-following forces!

No beast-monitoring force can take on this responsibility.

Fang Mu had heard of the organization Diyuan before.

If the Federation of Nations is an organization that protects the major federations of mankind, it has an official nature and has a large number of people in the organization.

Any force that can influence within the Human Federation is considered part of the Federation of Nations.

That Diyuan is an extremely loose force like a private party.

Any founding master will automatically become a core member of Diyuan to enjoy the rights of Diyuan, but does not have to perform any obligations.

Therefore, no founding master would reject Diyuan.

Fang Mu knew about the existence of Diyuan, but he didn't know that being a member of Diyuan had such benefits!

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