Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 343: The Beast Emperor Appears!

With such a goal in mind, Fang Mu must minimize the conflict with the Beast Familiar forces as much as possible.

Next, as long as it doesn't involve his own personal interests, Fang Mu is ready to deal with it with the attitude of watching a drama!

When Fang Mu and others rushed towards the direction of the ruins, they had no idea that there was a vision in the sky outside the ancient battlefield.

It was originally ten minutes at noon, and the sun was hanging high.

The climate near Rock Peak City is arid, and rainy days are rare.

In the cloudless noon, the people and members of the forces living in the city were all panic-stricken.

Suddenly the light of the sun is no longer so dazzling, and opposite to the sun is a full moon exuding the brilliance of the moon.

This round of full moon appeared at noon when it should not have appeared. This phenomenon of heaven and earth made the residents of Yanfeng City even more frightened!

This vision is not limited to the territory of the Panfeng Federation. There is a time difference due to different latitudes in all parts of the world.

At this time, it was a rainy area at night, and the creatures under the sky suddenly discovered that the moonlight had penetrated the clouds, coating the dark clouds with a layer of shimmering moonlight.

The creatures under the clear sky at night found that the moon that was originally a half moon suddenly turned into a full moon.

The moon is much brighter than usual tonight!

And for those areas that are in the daytime, the feelings of the creatures under the sky are the same as those of the creatures in Yanfeng City.

This scene of the sun and the moon shining together in the sky was recorded by many scholars for research.

Some people think it's a good omen, others think it's a bad omen.

Some members of the adventure group felt that the appearance of this vision was most likely caused by the birth of a treasure or a special royal beast.

In short, the full moon that suddenly burst into light has become the hottest topic in the world.

And all these members of the faction who are exploring in the large ancient battlefield outside Yanfeng City know nothing about it.

"As long as we can guarantee to enter the ruins, we can adapt to the situation!"

"We have space-familiar beasts like abdominal worms, which can hide some people and horses in the abdominal worms."

"But it's hard to guarantee that other forces don't have such means to save people."

"When it comes to the space storage spirit tools at the level of the sequence, many of them can also store people in a short period of time."

Hearing Fang Mu's words, Shui Miao shook her head first, then nodded again.

"Although the royal beasts similar to the ingenious bunkers are rare, they do exist!"

"But I haven't seen a royal beast similar to a belly worm before!"

"The ingenious bunker needs to attach the mechanical heart to a target in order to build a body through mechanical gears."

"It is precisely because the ingenious bunker is attached to the belly worm that it can be easily summoned without being contracted."

"Even if someone contracts the clever bunker through the natal illustrated book, if the clever bunker is full of people, there is no way to take the clever bunker back into the natal illustrated book!"

"Because of the contract, the beast master contracted by the beast master cannot be stored in the space equipment."

"So it is not an easy task for other forces to bring additional people into the ancient battlefield and hide them!"

"Sequence-level space equipment can be loaded with beast masters."

"But if it is equipped with a six-pointed star beast master, for every hour spent in the space equipment, it needs to be released for half an hour!"

"Let the space equipment calm down the internal space and prevent the internal space from collapsing due to the intrusion of spiritual force."

"In a place like the ancient battlefield, if there is a force doing this, it will soon be discovered by other forces."

"If any force wants to bring in more people, it can definitely provide some dead souls to the Qing Dian family."

"There's no need to go to such a big trouble!"

"It's okay for us to be wary, but we don't have to worry too much."

When Shui Miao explained to Fang Mu, she felt that Fang Mu's level was too high.

In Fang Mu's level, abdominal worms are not such a rare beast.

But in fact, if it weren't for some accidental factors, a master creator might not be able to breed the abdominal worms just right!

Hearing Shui Miao's words, Fang Mu also realized this problem.

After all, my own knowledge is still too little, and there is a certain deviation in the appraisal of material value from other people.

The abdominal worms were bred by themselves using 100% pure space energy. This is a cultivation path that even the holy creators cannot replicate.

Since it is difficult for other forces to hide their hands like him, Fang Mu doesn't need to worry!

Fang Mu turned to Qin Shao and said.

"Aunt Shao, take Aya and stay in the clever bunker for a while!"

"It's too dangerous for Aya to stay outside in case there is a need to fight against the Beast Familiar forces!"

"In addition, I want to use you as a hole card and let you make a move when necessary."

Qin Shao said it directly after hearing the words.

"I will wait for your call at the entrance of the ingenious bunker at any time."

"Leaving Xiaoya outside and relying solely on the animal soul protector inside the spirit weapon, I don't feel at ease."

When Fang Mu made his appearance just now, he was only accompanied by Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao.

Instead of letting Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao stay in the ingenious bunker, it is more appropriate to stay in the ingenious bunker by himself.

Fang Mu communicated with Liu Xi while on the road.

Liu Xi has been running away, and Mr. Zi of the evil sect was targeted by Fang Mu.

Other forces have determined that the Evil Heart Sect and the Witch School have colluded and become the target of everyone's shouting.

There is no way to compete for the qualification to enter the ruins.

Mr. Zi took all his anger on Meng Sha, and began to pursue Meng Sha relentlessly.

Liu Xi fought against Mr. Zi twice. Once, Mr. Zi severely injured Sister Niandun, the heroic spirit, and Liu Xi escaped with Sister Niandun.

The second time, after Liuxi judged that Sister Niandun could not escape because of her broken right leg, she directly let Sister Niandun blew herself up.

After injuring Mr. Zi's Sequence One's Stinging Shadow Bat, the Void Beast in Meng Sha's body attacked the Stinging Shadow Bat again.

Taking advantage of the severe injury and weakness of the stinging shadow bat, Liu Xi directly used all his strength to control the stinging shadow bat.

Forcibly cut off the contract between the Stinging Shadow Bat and Mr. Zi.

Taking advantage of Mr. Zi's soul injury, Liu Xi quickly fled with the ghoul shadow bat.

Swapping a Sequence One Familiar with a Sister Niandun who couldn't improve her strength, it is very suitable no matter how you look at it!

Mr. Zi is really not simple. Apart from a ghost weapon, Mr. Zi also has another Sequence One beast.

The other Sequence One Royal Beast is a moth-like beast with complicated and weird patterns on its wings and a body like a withered old man.

The scale powder emitted by the wing of the imperial beast landed on Meng Sha's body, making Meng Sha cursed.

Even though Meng Sha had already escaped, the vitality of her body was still continuously absorbed by that Sequence One moth royal beast.

Meng Sha will enter a state of aging within forty-eight hours.

If you can't find a way to break the curse within seventy-two hours, you will die due to the loss of life!

Fortunately, the scale powder released by the moth royal beast only targeted Meng Sha, and had no effect on Liu Xi.

If Sequence One's Stinging Shadow Bat is not injured, Liu Xi can still try to have a good touch with Mr. Zi.

The Void Earth Beast can display the strength of the Sequence One Familiar Beast, but it will take a while for the Void Earth Beast to be lifted.

Lifting the ban in front of Mr. Zi, Mr. Zi would not give Meng Sha this chance.

And if the ban is lifted elsewhere, the ground void beast is not as imitative as other royal beasts because of its huge body.

Meng Sha will be discovered by other forces the moment the ban is lifted, and she will no longer be able to hide her whereabouts.

If he can control Mr. Zi while controlling Meng Sha, Fang Mu will directly have two extremely strong men!

After controlling Meng Sha and Mr. Zi, Liu Xi has basically reached her limit.

Unless Liu Xi is promoted to Heavenly Evil Spirit, it will be difficult to control more targets!

Fang Mu originally wanted to kill Mr. Zi, but now Mr. Zi has become Fang Mu's fancy prey.

While commanding Meng Sha to fight and escape with Mr. Zi, Liu Xi commanded Huang Yuan to help treat the wounded who were injured by the forces of the beast.

Members of many factions saved their lives because of Huang Yuan's timely treatment.

This changed the attitude of these forces towards Huang Yuan from disdain to gratitude.

Liu Xi commanded Huang Yuan to greatly attract the favor of all the major forces.

Huang Yuan was able to lend a helping hand to members of various human forces because Huang Yuan cooperated with the Beast Faction.

It is inevitable that these forces of imperial beasts will sell Huang Yuan's face.

When Huang Yuan treated these human force members, he also ensured that these human force members would no longer fight for the relics.

Second, the purpose of the Beast Familiar Force is only to obtain the inheritance in the ruins, and does not want to kill the human forces.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain to the Federation of Nations afterwards.

Liu Xi asked Huang Yuan to do this because Fang Mu considered that Huang Yuan would be the head of the king's court of the Panfeng Federation in the future.

Compared with the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family, it is more appropriate for Huang Yuan to continue to manage the Panfeng Federation.

With Liuxi, many of Fang Mu's previous ideas can be adjusted to a certain extent.

As for how to arrange the members of the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family, Fang Mu is going to discuss with Jiang Weng before making a decision.

Jiang Weng can create a special spiritual weapon, which is a disguise mask.

The beast soul of the breath-changing dung beetle is added in it, which can change a person's appearance and temperament.

This kind of spiritual weapon can't reach the level of the sequence level, only the platinum level, and the three-pointed star beastmaster can use it!

The most special thing about this spiritual weapon mask is that after it is combined with the face of the living, it cannot be taken off again.

If it is taken off forcibly, it will make the user completely unrecognizable, which allows the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family to achieve a real facelift.

Let the members of the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family wear this spiritual mask and hand it over to Fang Yuan for deployment, and the business of the meditation hall can start!

Fang Mu already had the funds needed to build the visualization hall.

When Fang Mu, Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun rushed to the location where the ruins appeared, Fang Mu saw violent spatial fluctuations in the distance.

This spatial fluctuation comes from an altar, and various groups of royal beasts are surrounded by the altar.

The human forces are in a stalemate with these beast-following groups.

Although Fang Mu acted extremely low-key, he couldn't hold back the general trend.

The appearance of Fang Mu and others immediately lifted the spirits of the leaders of the human forces.

In the past, the major forces regarded Fang Mu as their biggest competitor, but now the major human forces and Fang Mu have become a cooperative relationship.

As a human force, everyone must fight against the beast-following force together. After all, no human force wants the ruins to be occupied by the beast-following force alone.

Previously, the Beast Familiar Force had always had the upper hand.

Now that the human forces are coming one after another, a balance has been reached with the forces of the imperial beasts.

Fang Mu's gaze fell on a group of beast-familiar forces, and soon his eyes were attracted by the two beast-familiar at the front.

Each of these two royal beasts represents a group, and both groups are on the list of beast kings.

The Beast Familiar Clan, which is listed on the Beast Emperor List, rarely shows up in the mortal world, and every time they appear in the mortal world, it means that the Beast Familiar forces have made a major move!

The black feather frightens the crane, and the glazed red flame deer, one represents birds and the other represents animals.

Representing the two most powerful lines in the Emperor Beast Court today.

The lineage of birds and beasts has always dominated fish and insects. Of course, this fish refers to fish and beasts in rivers and lakes.

The fish and beasts in the sea are not under the management of the Emperor Beast Court, but under the management of the four great empires and sea masters of the sea clan.

There was a faint cry of a crane, and then the crane fluttered its wings and flew high.

He told the decision of the Beast Familiar Force to a group of human forces.

"According to the words of you humans, everything must be said to come first."

"The relics that our Beastmasters found before your human forces should be explored by our Beastmasters!"

"Of course, our Beastmaster forces also understand that this relic appears in the area irradiated by your Human Federation."

"However, our Beast Familiar Force cooperates with the Qing Dian family of the Panfeng Federation to help the Qing Dian family expel the undead."

"The corresponding Qing Dian family also gave us the qualifications to enter the ancient battlefield to explore the major beast-following forces."

"However, in order to express our closeness to human beings, we are willing to hand over 20% of the quota to your human forces, who will be selected by your own."

Originally, after hearing what Xuanyu Jinghonghe said in the first part, the leaders of the major human forces had already thought about how to refute it.

But the words behind Xuanyu Jinghonghe blocked everyone's mouths.

The human forces and the Beast Familiar forces compete for the ruins here, and the biggest advantage is that this place is within the jurisdiction of the human forces.

However, the beast-monitoring force was invited by the Qing Dian family, a royal family of the Panfeng Federation.

Xuanyu Jinghonghe mentioned that the imperial beast force was invited to help the Panfeng Federation exorcise the undead, and exploring this ancient battlefield was a reward from the Qingdian family.

This made a group of beast masters famous.

Let the human forces and the imperial beast forces stand on an equal footing.

Yin Qingzhi glanced sideways at Fang Mu, and found that Fang Mu's eyes were leisurely, and he didn't have any intention of getting ahead.

The Green Magician, Dr. Body Refining, and Chunwu obviously didn't intend to speak, otherwise the three of them would have just represented the human forces to negotiate with all the beast-fencing forces!

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