Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 344 Fight every fight!

Yin Qingzhi gritted her teeth and stepped forward to speak.

"All the resources in the ancient battlefield are reserved for those who are capable. I have never heard of the saying that first come first come first!"

"If your Beast Familiar forces know how to come first, then why do you want to plunder our human forces' gains in the ancient battlefield!?"

"So don't talk so nicely!"

"Our human forces must have at least 60% of the qualifications to enter the ruins!"

"All of you Beast Familiar Forces surrounded the members of the Human Forces with a large number of people, and seriously injured and killed so many members of the Human Forces."

"I will definitely report this matter to the Federation of Nations and let the Emperor Beast Court give an explanation!"

Yin Qingzhi brought out the Ten Thousand Nations Federation in order to use the name of the Ten Thousand Nations Federation to overwhelm the aura of the two powerful beast clans who were born in the Beast King List in front of them.

Among the many human forces present, it is most appropriate for Yin Qingzhi to bring out the Federation of Ten Nations.

As soon as Yin Qingzhi finished speaking, Liuli Chiyanlu's hooves stomped on the ground.

The gorgeous crimson glazed flames formed a field under the feet of the glazed red flame deer.

A cold and firm voice sounded.

"As far as the matter is concerned, the Emperor Beast Court and the Federation of All Nations are mutually beneficial. You humans have often obtained spiritual materials from the Beast Familiar Clan under the jurisdiction of the Emperor Beast Court!"

"These spiritual materials have allowed our human forces to cultivate many more powerful people. If you move out of the Federation of Nations, can we also move out of the Emperor Beast Court!?"

"Those personal relationships that created the Grandmaster and the Emperor Beast Court have nothing to do with the Federation of Nations itself."

"Besides, our Beast Familiar forces didn't do anything directly when blocking the way, but have been advising your human forces not to participate in the competition for the relics."

"It is these human forces who are obsessed with obsession, and the conflicts arise!"

"This kind of fault should not be blamed on our Beast Familiar Force!"

"Giving a 30% quota is already the limit we can accept. If you humans agree with the 30% quota I said, we are willing to share the relics!"

Yin Qingzhi bit her white teeth when she heard Liuli Chiyanlu's words.

These two guys are more able to speak than the other, and what they say is very clear, they are simply the best debaters among the Beast Familiar forces!

Not only refuted what he said one by one, but also knew how to sing red faces.

Showing a very majestic look, he gave up 10% of the quota to the human forces.

If my side really agrees, only let human forces occupy 30% of the quota.

After entering the ruins, it's not up to you to control the beast forces at will! ?

Moreover, whether these beast-controlling forces persuaded them to return or took the initiative to do so when they blocked the way, there was no verification at all.

Naturally, whatever you say is right!

Yin Qingzhi raised her eyes and looked at Fang Mu and Chun Wu. The green magician was obviously on Fang Mu's side.

Apart from herself, Chunwu and Fang Mu have become the most important people to speak at the moment!

Now that he has made his mark, it's time to hand over the burden to Fang Mu and Chun Wu.

Yin Qingzhi has been inquiring about the situation of the Boundless Tower.

The Boundless Tower is extremely mysterious, and few forces understand it.

But Tianfang Academy and Poison Gu Villa belong to the forces under the Federation of All Nations, and Gu Lian stood on Fang Mu's side and walked very close to the Boundless Tower.

Yin Qingzhi asked Gu Lian, and learned from Gu Lian that there is a master-creator sitting in the Infinite Tower.

Chunwu is also involved with several master creators, and both of them have the capital to negotiate with a group of beast masters.

Chun Wu listened to the words of Xuanyu Jinghonghe and Liuli Chiyanlu, and she was furious.

What pride is there in an ugly bird and a stupid deer! ?

No matter how high the bloodline level is, it will not surpass the restrictions of Sequence One, and it is not without human beings who have subdued members of the Xuanyu Jinghonghe clan and the Liuli Chiyanlu clan.

It was rumored that when Grandmaster Shuoyang of the Dragon Federation went to the Ten Thousand Nations Federation to attend a meeting, the beast-chariot he was riding in was pulled by a glazed red-flame deer.

If the strength of the Beast Familiar force has an overwhelming advantage over the strength of the human force.

The Beast Familiar Force proposed that only 30% of the qualifications to enter the ruins, the Human Forces could only grit their teeth and endure.

But in the current situation of being evenly matched, what qualifications does the Beast Familiar force have to make such a decision! ?

Chun Wu sneered.

"Do you think we are bargaining with you!?"

"20% to 30% pimping, you have such a mood, we don't!"

"Our human forces put forward 60% of the requirements because this ancient battlefield was opened in the territory of our human forces."

"The authorization of the Qing Dian family only allows you to enter the ancient battlefield. When did you compete with human forces!?"

"Now we both have equal strengths, and each has 50% of the qualifications to enter the ruins, which is the fairest!"

"Otherwise, it will be a big deal, and the losing side will be wiped out, and all the ruins will belong to the winning side!"

Chun Wu's voice was delicate, and when she said these words, her voice was gentle, just like a lover's whispering.

However, Chunwu's words brought the atmosphere of the scene into a tense state again.

When Xuanyu Jinghonghe was thinking about how to speak, Liuli Chiyanlu's temper was aroused by Chunwu's words.

"What's the big deal about fighting!? Could it be that our Beast Familiar forces will be afraid of your human forces!?"

Hearing the words of the Liuli Chiyan Deer, the face of the human forces hadn't changed yet, but the face of the Xuanyu Shocked Crane changed first.

What an idiot whose head is wrapped in fire elements and can explode at the slightest touch!

The Emperor Beast Court sent the two of them here with a clear request, to find evidence and clues about the sage's inheritance in the ruins.

Fighting against human forces now will affect your purpose!

Even if the human forces are really defeated, the human forces will be slaughtered.

Not only is the Emperor's Beast Court unable to explain to the Federation of Nations, but it is also very likely that there is no spare energy on its side to explore the ruins.

You must know that the ruins are also accompanied by danger!

Xuanyu Jinghonghe wanted to bring back the eccentric situation, but no matter what, Xuanyu Jinghonghe couldn't hurt his partner.

Otherwise, not only will the human forces think that there is discord within the Beast Familiar Force, but it will also affect the morale of the entire Beast Familiar group.

Both Yin Qingzhi and Chun Wu expressed their views on behalf of the human forces, and they both looked at Fang Mu at the same time.

In addition to Yin Qingzhi and Chun Wu, members of other human forces also made the same moves.

Just when Yinqing Zhichunwu and other members of the human forces looked at Fang Mu, Fang Mu stretched out his hand and clapped with a smile.

Accompanied by the applause, there was a light and joyful voice.

"Well said! Fight every fight!"

Fang Mu's words shocked the audience, including Liuli Chiyanlu, who had expressed his intention to fight.

What a crazy batch! ?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is the beast-controlling forces who are talking harshly, why did you take advantage of the slope to get off the donkey! ?

Can this kind of slope be descended casually? ?

Could it be that you, the Boundless Tower, are sure that you won't suffer losses in the battle with the Beast Familiar forces! ?

Fang Mu paused for two seconds before continuing.

"The fighting between the members of the two forces has caused huge losses to both sides, which neither side wants to see."

"Let your beast-monitoring forces give us 50% of the quota for human forces to enter the ruins, and your beast-monitoring forces are not willing."

"Then we human forces can only find ways to prove ourselves!"

"It's better for both sides to send five strong men each, and each battle involves the ownership of 20% of the quota."

"As far as the battle is concerned, it's best not to cause a kill."

"The party that caused the killing will be deducted 20% of the qualification to explore the ruins!"

"If there is no deduction, you need to use resources to compensate all the opponent's forces!"

"The specific amount of compensation will be negotiated between the two parties after there are casualties!"

Fang Mu's remarks seemed to be just a casual suggestion, and he was rushed here by the words.

But in fact, these words were carefully planned by Fang Mu!

Fang Mu wanted to use this battle to learn about the current strength of the powerhouses of the Beast Familiar and Human Forces.

It's also good to be aware of it when exploring the ruins.

At the same time, Fang Mu also intends to show his own strength through Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun, so that other forces will fear him!

Let no matter whether it is the human forces or the beast-following forces, when they enter the ruins and face the division of interests, they must understand what the end will be when they fight against themselves.

This will undoubtedly save Fang Mu a lot of trouble.

Not only Xuan Yu startled Honghe rolled his eyes, even Liuli Chiyanlu was dumbfounded by Fang Mu's proposal.

Fang Mu's proposal didn't sound like any problem, but it directly resolved the situation where the beast-fencing forces had the upper hand!

If there are ten battles, and each battle accounts for 10%, the people in each battle will be much less stressed.

If you lose, as long as others win more, it will be fine.

However, in the case that each battle accounts for 20% of the qualifications, it is necessary to ensure that every game is won.

Some hole cards that are going to be used in the ruins must be used during the duel.

Because if you can't enter the ruins, no matter how many hole cards you hide, there is no use!

Fang Mu's words made all the members of the forces complain in their hearts, but they could also feel from Fang Mu's words that Fang Mu was actually a pacifist.

Don't want this battle to cause casualties!

Otherwise, no additional conditions will be raised later.

If there is no such additional condition, the two sides are bound to get angry if they really fight.

In addition to the anger of the fight, after weighing the interests, the two sides definitely hope to severely injure the opponent's top powerhouse or simply reduce their staff.

In short, it is enough to prevent it from participating in the subsequent exploration of the ruins.

If the situation of compensation is explained in advance, both forces will have a yardstick to measure the price in their hearts.

Don't mention compensation now, wait until there is a real problem, and then ask for compensation, you will face the other party's low price!

Not to mention the loss of 20% of the quota!

The powerhouses of the various ethnic groups of the Beast Familiar Force knew that they should not agree to this request, but this request was indeed made by the Liuli Chiyanlu first, so the Beast Familiar Force could not deny it!

Before Fang Mu made this suggestion, he had already talked with Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao.

Both Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun believe that it is the best choice to take advantage of this opportunity to show their strength.

As long as you show enough strength to become the leader of the human forces, you can at least bear less pressure from the human forces when you enter the ancient battlefield!

Xuanyu startled Honghe helplessly looking at Liuli Chiyanlu, and then let out a cry.

"We accept your human's proposal!"

"Both sides have ten minutes to discuss each time before deciding on the manpower."

"Now let's decide the manpower for the first duel!"

After finishing speaking, Xuan Yu Jinghong Crane flew and landed in the center of the crowd of beasts.

Fang Mu calmly accepted the baptism of the eyes of all human forces, and then spoke seriously.

"I exchanged a fight for a fair chance for both sides. This is the best way at present!"

"Otherwise, all the beast-following forces will never give up the advantage they have now!"

Although Fang Mu made some presumptuous claims to help the other forces present to make a decision, what Fang Mu said was indeed the truth, and no one could refute it.

Yin Qingzhi stared at Fang Mu for a long while, not understanding why Fang Mu was so confident.

Chunwu has always been interested in the power of the Boundless Tower, and in Chunwu's view, now is an excellent opportunity to learn about the Boundless Tower.

Suddenly an idea appeared in Chunwu's heart, Chunwu wanted to explore the reality of the infinite tower.

Said to Fang Mu with a half-smile.

"Our Demon Binding Hall can send a man to fight against the Beast Familiar forces."

"Since this idea was proposed by you Boundless Tower, how about sending two of you Boundless Tower to fight!?"

When Chunwu said these words, she never thought that Fang Mu would agree.

The other human forces present also did not think so.

But in the end, Fang Mu accepted Chun Wu's proposal calmly.

"It's not a problem for us to have two places in the Boundless Tower, but correspondingly, we won 40% of the places in the Boundless Tower, and we want to bring in friends from the Poison Gu Villa, Zhenzhiting and Ancient Sprout!"

"Stop grabbing the quota after the quota is determined!"

Fang Mu's words made the leaders of the major human forces present silent for a while, but none of them objected.

If the Boundless Tower can really win 40% of the places, then Fang Mu's request is not too much at all!

It's just that everyone doesn't understand why Fang Mu or the Boundless Tower is so confident!

You must know that Xuanyu Jinghonghe and Liuli Chiyanlu will definitely participate in the battle.

Wang Xu and Gu Lian were quite excited.

The two of them did not take the members of the power for nothing, and stood on the side of the boundless tower at the risk of becoming the target of public criticism!

Through this incident, Fang Mu also practiced the saying "Boundless towers are better for friends"!

On the contrary, the green magician felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Since when did someone actually cover the ancient germination! ?

Although I feel a little strange in my heart, I don't think this is necessary for the Infinite Tower.

Even if there are only 20% of the quota, the ancient germination can become one of the selected human forces.

But the green magician still accepted Fang Mu's favor from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at Fang Mu, there was a touch of warmth in the extremely rational eyes.

Although contracting super pollutants will cause emotional loss, you can still judge whether you can be close or not.

A battle between human forces and beast-fencing forces is about to start!

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