Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 348 Beast Familiar: Ancient Demon Sacrifice!

Qianying looked at Chunwu from the air, and after seeing Chunwu nodding, Qianying didn't show any displeasure or worry on her face, instead she smiled happily.

I can finally cast my natal Beast Familiar!

It has been decades since the last time she used her natal beast, and Qianying almost forgot what it was like to cast her natal beast!

Seeing the swarm of Lizard Lizards swarming nearby, Qianying put her hands on her heart.

A surging force swept out from Qianying's body.

The sound of the beating heart is like a ceremonial movement.

The Sickle Shadow Thorn Seeds just sowed by the Sickle Shadow Thorn Demon grew wildly outwards in an instant.

During this process, three pairs of green wings grew behind Qianying.

At this moment, Qianying seemed to have turned into a seraphim.

The four-winged goblin that originally fused with Qianying left Qianying's body, and merged into the shadow of the madly growing Sickle Shadow thornbush.

A light and obscure chant resounded from Qianying's mouth.

At this moment, the speed at which the sickle shadow thorns were born from the divisions unexpectedly surpassed the speed at which the splitting lizards were born.

The sickle shadow waved, and every time the sickle shadow danced, hundreds of thousands of Lizard Lizards were slaughtered.

And the goblin that merged into the shadow of the scythe shadow and the thorn bush was also transferred from the shadow to the swarm of rift lizards.

Using the previous method, he quickly strangled the Lizard's throat.

It takes time to prepare for the splinter lizard to secrete mucus from its limbs.

Qianying's sudden attack was something that the Fissure Lizard hadn't expected before.

Seeing this, many members of the human forces present showed excited expressions on their faces.

Yinqing Zhi said loudly.

"Once the splitting speed of the Lizard Lizard is restrained, the Lizard Lizard will have nothing to fear!"

"This first battle should be won by us humans!"

Fang Mu shook his head upon hearing this.

Before that, Yin Qingzhi had been competing with Fang Mu for the dominance of human forces, and Fang Mu naturally knew about it.

Fang Mu was too lazy to fight with Yin Qingzhi in the open.

But it is undeniable that gaining absolute dominance among human forces is beneficial to the exploration of the ruins later!

It is also conducive to the fame of the Boundless Tower.

Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun, and Qin Shao are not members of the Boundless Tower.

The three of them have always regarded themselves as members of the Boundless Tower, in order to give Fang Mu face.

As the leader of human forces, at least he must be able to see the actual situation of the battle clearly, and he can't even be confused about the outcome!

Since Yin Qingzhi made an obvious mistake, Fang Mu has no reason not to establish his own interests.

"I very much hope that in the first match, the human forces will win against the beast-fencing forces."

"However, Hall Master Chun should have known the outcome of this duel long before Senior Qianying used his natal Beast Master!"

"There are far more rift lizards underground than those on the ground. There is no way to deal with underground rift lizards through shadows."

"The strangulation of the roots of the Sickle Shadow thorn bushes alone can't keep up with the speed of the splitting of these underground rift lizards, and it can't reach the depth that the underground rift lizards reach."

Fang Mu's last sentence was not casually said to suppress Yin Qingzhi, and Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun didn't tell Fang Mu either.

It was what Fang Mu detected through the [Eye of All-knowledge].

Anyone present who has reached a certain level of strength can judge the truth or falsehood of what they say.

Otherwise, Xuanyu would startle Honghe, and the beast-monitoring group led by Liuli Chiyanlu would not be so calm.

Yin Qingzhi's expression froze upon hearing this.

Yin Qingzhi did see some of the Lizard Lizards burrowing into the ground, but he didn't know that there were far more of the Lizard Lizards in the underground than on the ground!

Seeing that Chunwu did not refute Fang Mu, Yin Qingzhi knew that Fang Mu was right.

Yin Qingzhi also saw the interaction between Chunwu and Qianying just now, and Yin Qingzhi only thought that Qianying needed to discuss with Chunwu if she wanted to use a killer move that required a certain price.

But she never thought what Qianying meant by asking Chunwu, whether it is necessary to try her best when she is bound to lose.

Yin Qingzhi glared at Fang Mu with her beautiful eyes, and then stopped talking.

Qianying had run out of energy and knelt down on the ground.

If it wasn't for her fists leaning on the ground, Qianying might have fallen to the ground.

Bursts of lizards sounded from the ground, and the raging swarm of Lizard Lizards rushed out of the ground and surrounded Qianying.

Due to the previous agreement, even though the Fissure Lizard's eyes showed fierce eyes, it did not hurt Qianying.

Once Qianying is killed, not only will the Beast Familiar force not get the 20% qualification to enter the ruins, but it will give the human force 20% of the qualification instead.

The Xuanyu Jinghong Crane uttered a loud and clear cry, boosting the momentum of the royal beast group.

"We won the first duel, and the second duel will start in ten minutes!"

"This environment has been damaged beyond recognition, so leave it to us to reorganize the venue!"

As soon as Xuanyu Jinghonghe's words fell, a giant elephant with a pure white body and a giant rhinoceros with a pale golden body walked out of the beast-guarding crowd.

The two giant beasts stepped towards the ruined and dilapidated field, and the whole land began to heal as if it had life.

The land integrated by the two giant beasts is like a huge arena, and the ground is so compacted that it is rammed.

If the Shadow and the Lizard Lizard were fighting in such an environment, it would definitely be difficult for the Lizard Lizard to split the group under the ground.

The behavior of the Beast Familiar force made Fang Mu understand two extremely useful messages.

The first one is the powerhouses of Huangquan Longxi and Biluo Rhinoceros, who will not participate in the subsequent duel.

The ones who came to level the field were obviously the leaders of the two ethnic groups. It would not be wise to expend your own energy before the battle!

The second one is the beast masters that will be sent by the beast master force next, and they should not be good at fighting under the ground.

Otherwise, what Huangquan Longxi and Biluo Rhinoceros did would limit the performance of the beast that will be played next.

Previously, Yin Qingzhi had predicted the ethnic groups that the Beast Familiar Force might play in this duel, including the Huangquan Dragon Rhinoceros and Biluo Rhinoceros Elephants.

Fang Mu's words just now suppressed Yin Qingzhi.

Now the behavior of Bi Luo Xi Xiang and Huang Quan Long Xi leading the team to level the land is tantamount to a second suppression of Yin Qingzhi.

Let Yin Qingzhi not take the initiative to make arrangements for the upcoming duel in the second round.

Chunwu helped Qianying back, Qianying's energy was overdrawn and her body was very weak at this time.

What Qianying overdraws is not only the mental power, but also the energy in the body, as well as the life energy hidden in the cells of the body.

This is one of the side effects of Qianying's casting of her own life to protect the ancient demon priest.

Chunwu is preparing to help Qianying recover, and strives for Qianying to have 80% of her previous combat effectiveness when exploring the ruins.

At this moment, Chunwu saw a bottle of green life potion thrown from Fang Mu's hand.

"With this bottle of high-purity life potion, the life energy in Senior Qianying's body can be replenished quickly."

"Otherwise it will easily affect the source!"

Chun Wu raised her hand to take the potion and looked at Fang Mu, only to see the ordinary-looking young man in front of her smiling and nodding to herself.

Chunwu knew that the young man in front of him would do this because he wanted to make friends with the Demon Binding Hall.

Chun Wu was not polite to Fang Mu, and said to Fang Mu with a smile.

"Let's get to know each other formally, my name is Chunwu."

"In the future, if you need any help, just ask, I owe you a favor!"

Having said that, Chunwu checked the life potion thrown by Fang Mu, and then fed it to Qianying.

Qianying, who had just experienced a brutal battle, did not feel any loss because she lost the duel, but was extremely satisfied.

Qianying drank the life potion, and instantly felt that her cells that had overdrawn her life energy were refilled again!

Qianying nodded to Fang Mu timidly, then put on her cloak and returned to the team in the Demon Binding Hall.

The leaders of the other forces present knew that the Demon Binding Palace and the Boundless Tower had become allies.

But according to Chunwu's meaning, this alliance is not limited to this large ancient battlefield.

The forces of the two sides have gone outside, and they also have the idea of ​​​​wanting to form an alliance!

It is by no means an easy task to make Chunwu owe favors!

Raising his hand, he took out a bottle of life potion with a purity of 92% and gave it away to someone.

But this level of master creation resources cannot be obtained by others, but Chunwu can still easily obtain them.

The news that Chunwu found a master as a licking dog is not a rumor.

Otherwise, relying solely on her strength and her status as the Hall Master of the Hall of Spring, Chun Wu would not be able to stand up to Yin Qingzhi, the granddaughter of Yin Hanrong Grandmaster!

Chunwu has such a pure life potion in her hands.

If Chunwu didn't want to come into contact with the Boundless Tower, she could throw back the life potion she got.

But Chunwu did not do this, but accepted the olive branch thrown by the boundless tower.

There were many leaders of forces present who wanted to make friends with Chunwu, but Chunwu didn't give the chance at all.

Fang Mu did not rush to establish a voice among human forces like Yin Qingzhi did.

Fang Mu knows very well that strength is the basis for establishing the right to speak, and those who have strength naturally have the right to speak!

Such things as the right to speak cannot be won by fighting alone!

Fang Mu just said a word.

"Since the seniors of the Bliss Palace want to see the strength of our Boundless Tower, then our Boundless Tower will be the next duel!"

Fang Mu's words stunned all the major forces present.

what happened?

This young man just made friends with the Demon Binding Palace, and now he wants to make friends with the Bliss Palace again! ?

Where is the Palace of Bliss so accessible! ?

If human forces are compared to beasts, then the Palace of Bliss is an odd number among beasts, similar to the existence of evil beasts!

After Fang Mu snatched her right to speak, Yin Qingzhi felt dissatisfied with Fang Mu in her heart.

In Yin Qingzhi's heart, Fang Mu is a courtesan with bright eyes and good looks, and he will make friends with whoever he catches!

It's just that Fangmu doesn't have the looks of a courtesan.

Yin Qingzhi complained about Fang Mu in her heart, but at this time the people from the Palace of Bliss came out from behind the crowd.

All the people in the Palace of Bliss wore loose robes and hats that could just cover their chins.

The person headed by Bliss Palace said in an old voice.

"I'm really interested in the strength of your Boundless Tower."

"If you and the Boundless Tower can win the next duel, I, the Palace of Bliss, would like to give you a Token of Bliss."

"By virtue of the Bliss Order, you can ask our Bliss Palace to help kill any member of the non-Bliss Palace!"

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows when he heard this, it's really fresh!

Others gave gifts to spiritual materials and beasts, and the more precious ones were medicines prepared by the creators or spiritual weapons created by the blacksmiths.

Fang Mu has never seen someone give a gift, and he will give him a chance to kill!

Fang Mu is very interested in this opportunity!

Fang Mu wanted to make friends with the Palace of Bliss, and he also had the idea of ​​placing orders in the Palace of Bliss in the future.

Bliss Palace took the order and even dared to kill the founding master, which is enough to show how good the reputation of Bliss Palace is!

Fang Mu wouldn't let the Palace of Bliss kill the founding master, but there are always some people that Fang Mu can't deal with through his various identities.

And let the Palace of Bliss handle it, it can be said that it is just right.

If you want to place an order in the Bliss Palace, you need to pay a high price, which Shu Liangjun has just mentioned to herself.

The purchasing power of the currencies of the major federations is not uniform.

In a large federation like the Dragon Federation, Dragon Coins are recognized by most federations and forces.

However, for some small and medium-sized federations, many forces in these small and medium-sized federations do not recognize their currencies.

This creates a huge problem in circulation.

Compared with the currencies of the major federations, the Palace of Bliss prefers the resources of creators and blacksmiths.

Among them, the potions and serial spirit weapons produced by the masters who created and forged spirits are more important.

With Jiang Weng, the spirit forging guru under Fang Mu's command, even if Shui Miao no longer needs to create spiritual weapons.

In the future, Fang Mu will never lack the serial spirit weapon in his hands.

Fang Mu can also tailor ghost weapons for Fang Qin, Fang Yuan, Fang Yan and the core members of the Infinite Tower.

But there is only one spirit forging master in charge, and Fang Mu's resources for the spirit forging master cannot be too rich.

But Fang Mu has plenty of resources to create a master!

After being promoted to the two-pointed star beast master, the rank of sucking is promoted to the gold rank.

Fangmu's ability to produce potions will be improved!

Fang Mu wanted to place an order at the Palace of Bliss, and it was easy to do so.

If any forces provoke Fang Mu in the future, Fang Mu will probably be able to become a major customer of the Palace of Bliss by continuously placing orders.

Ten minutes was up soon, and Fang Mu couldn't guess who would be sent by the Beast Familiar Force in this battle.

So there is no way to choose between Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun.

Both Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao knew that they must not lose this match.

First of all, the outcome of this battle is related to the momentum of human forces.

If they lost the second game to the Beast Familiar after losing the first game, then the momentum of the human forces would drop to the bottom.

Secondly, it is also related to the Bliss Land Order bestowed on Fang Mu by the Bliss Palace.

Both Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun saw that Fang Mu was quite moved by the Land of Bliss.

The third is also related to the reputation of the Boundless Tower.

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun didn't know that the Boundless Tower was Fang Mu's new power name.

Not to mention the news that there are more than two founding masters sitting in the Infinite Tower, Fang Mu deliberately let it out.

The two only thought that the Boundless Tower was a more secretive force than the ancient survivors, and Grandmaster Qixing was only one of them.

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun didn't want to spoil the reputation and aura of the Infinite Tower because of them.

Otherwise, let alone making friends with Qixing, it would be nice not to be complained by Qixing and other founders of the Boundless Tower!

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