Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 349: Above the Sequence!

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun exchanged glances.

Finally Shu Liangjun nodded to Shui Miao, and then spoke softly to Fang Mu.

"Boundless Envoy, let me play first in this duel!"

Shu Liangjun's tone was full of respect.

Fang Mu knew that this was Shu Liangjun's play to cooperate with him, and Fang Mu was very grateful for it.

For a powerhouse at Shu Liangjun's level, there is no need to lower his status and regard himself as a member of the Infinite Tower, let alone call himself an Infinite Envoy.

But the more powerful the internal rules of the forces, the stricter they will be.

Shu Liangjun's behavior immediately raised Fang Mu's status as an ambassador of infinity.

"Mr. Shu, thank you for your hard work!"

Fang Muyun said to Shu Liangjun calmly, seemingly calmly, and did not take all the beast-guarding forces seriously at all.

But in fact, Fang Mu was quite nervous at this time.

Fang Mu was not sure whether Shu Liangjun would definitely win in such a duel with the Beast Familiar forces.

In fact, when it comes to winning or losing, Fang Mu himself is the most sure of winning.

As long as the opponent kills him and reaches the judgment of the exclusive characteristic of "Blood Rich Rang" [Jin Dye Ending], the opponent may be deprived of his life because of the attack on him.

Fang Mu is not sure if he has suffered more injuries than the beast that grew up following the law of the jungle while working hard outside when he was young.

But for these beasts who were born in a powerful beast family and were nurtured by top experts, these beasts rarely have the chance of being seriously injured.

Even if the top powerhouses of the Beast Familiar Clan have grown up for a long time, they may not necessarily suffer more injuries than Fang Mu has suffered in the past few months.

Just like Takihun Whale Ji treated her offspring as if they were her eyeballs.

Fang Mu learned from the conversation with Long Soul Whale Ji that being caught by the Gao family this time was the most serious injury that the descendants of Long Soul Whale Ji had suffered since childhood.

It is much more difficult for a powerful royal beast clan to have new members born than it is for a famous human family to welcome a new generation.

Therefore, the forces of beast control are far more doting on the newborns in the group than the forces of human beings.

But Fang Mu couldn't do that.

In the first place, Fang Mu's appearance would kill the opponent's Yushou, even if it was because of the opponent's attack.

Fang Mu will definitely attract the hatred of the opponent's Beast Familiar group.

This kind of hatred has nothing to do with identity, and it is often endless.

Fang Mu is not willing to stand up to a powerful beast clan as his enemy.

Secondly, if the opponent died during the duel, not only would Fang Mu not be able to win the qualification to enter the ruins, but he would have to pay 20% of the qualification to the Beast Familiar Force.

These hole cards of Sanlai Fangmu are not easy to be exposed in front of the crowd.

Fang Mu can only use these trump cards when someone sneaks up on Fang Mu and Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun and Qin Shao can't protect Fang Mu.

In the first duel, the Beast Familiar force came out first. According to the rules, the human forces should come out first in this match.

Xuanyu Jinghonghe and Liuli Chiyanlu frowned when they saw Shu Liangjun who came forward.

Both He Xin and Lu Zhuo have heard of Qianying, a famous and powerful person in human forces.

Shu Liangjun, who can be disguised with the faceless star paper, looks like a middle-aged image with a refined face but unusually ordinary facial features.

The two really couldn't figure out the identity of this strong man among the human forces.

Not only the people from the Beast Faction couldn't recognize Shu Liangjun, but the people from the human side were also guessing about Shu Liangjun.

The human forces present had seen Shu Liangjun make a move.

With only one ghost weapon, forty body-sewing hackers whose strength was comparable to the Sequence Four Royal Beasts were taken away in an instant.

This made Mr. Zi lose the capital to compete for the hegemony.

Judging from the power shown by Shu Liangjun through the ghost weapon just now, the ghost weapon of Shu Liangjun is a ghost weapon of space attribute.

Spatial attributes are not considered conventional attributes, and are much rarer than natural attributes.

Just now Shu Liangjun used the ghost weapon to deal with the hacker, but stopped in a short moment.

It is difficult for people to find out what is so extraordinary about Shu Liangjun's space-type ghost weapon.

Some groups of the Beast Familiar force would tell humans internal information for their own benefit. For example, Jiao Feng, the elder of the Jiao Snake Clan, revealed a lot of internal news about the Beast Familiar Clan to Fangmu.

It is estimated that the human forces also secretly sent news to the beast-fencing forces for their own benefit.

Otherwise, those beast-following forces would not have blocked the human forces so precisely.

A large part of the members of the human forces failed to reach the area where the ruins were located.

He Xin flapped his wings twice, and said to Lu Zhuo.

"Why don't you let me fight this duel!?"

He Xin knows that her fighting style is very special, and the ability of space attributes cannot counter her.

On the contrary, Luzhuo's ability is mainly based on elemental energy, which is easily countered by space ability.

Both He Xin and Lu Zhuo received the news that the Boundless Tower and the evil sect had just started.

Another person who is about to play in the Boundless Tower is using a water-related ability.

At that time, just send out another secret weapon on your side.

Lu Zhuo can face the remaining two strong men on the human side, and can basically win another round.

Even if the secret weapon of the Beast Familiar Force against the strong water attribute fails to take effect, the Beast Familiar Force can at least obtain 60% of the qualifications to enter the ruins.

The victory in the first match against the Beast Familiar faction greatly boosted morale.

If they win again in the second round, the aura of the Beast Familiar forces will be unstoppable, and the aura of the human forces will plummet!

He Xin originally thought that Lu Zhuo would agree with his proposal, but in terms of strength, he is stronger than Lu Zhuo.

The Xuanyu Jinghonghe clan is not good at fighting.

As an outlier of the Xuanyu Jinghonghe clan, many of the clans on the Beast Emperor List who are similar to me have been taught a lesson by myself.

But He Xin didn't expect that Lu Zhuo had been suppressing his anger.

Especially seeing Fang Mu's indifferent face, the anger that Lu Zhuo had been suppressing was instantly ignited.

It was this young-looking youth who deceived himself with words just now.

All Lu Zhuo thinks about is getting back the place, what is the space attribute capable of! ?

In the end, it's not about who is stronger! ?

Before coming, his ghost weapon was sacrificed by the remains of his ancestors. Now Lu Zhuo just wants to teach the young man in front of him a lesson and get back on the spot.

"He Xin, hold the battle and leave the second round to me!"

As soon as Lu Zhuo finished speaking, before He Xin opened his mouth, Lu Zhuo had already stepped forward.

There is no way for He Xin to stop Lu Zhuo.

He Xin closed her sharp beak tightly, wishing to poke a bloody hole in Lu Zhuo's ass.

Damn it, after I go back, I must report Lu Zhuo's situation to the Emperor Beast Court.

Next time I have a mission, I will definitely not go with Lu Zhuo or members of the Liuli Chiyan Deer Clan!

Why is it so hard to earn some points from the Emperor Beast Court!

If Lu Zhuo loses the duel, he must give Lu Zhuo a good meal after exploring the ruins.

How could a poorly cleaned deer look like a gas tank, blowing it up before anyone else lit it! ?

The members of the beast-monitoring group present didn't know what He Xin was thinking, they all roared when they saw Lu Zhuo come on stage, and they were cheering for Lu Zhuo in the way of beast-monitoring.

The human forces are much calmer here.

Members of the major forces all want to learn about the strength of the Boundless Tower through this battle.

Shu Liangjun looked at Lu Zhuo calmly.

Shu Liangjun couldn't help thinking that when he was a teenager, he had eaten venison from Liuli Chiyan deer in his family.

The venison of the glazed red flame deer tastes a little spicy because it is soaked in too much fire element energy, and the meat is also hard and not delicious.

In terms of texture and taste, it is not as delicious as the meat of the diamond-ranked golden-spotted deer.

Thinking of the past when he was a teenager, Shu Liangjun's eyes narrowed.

Liuli Chiyanlu thought that Shu Liangjun was intimidated by his aura, and had no idea that Shu Liangjun was despising the taste of the flesh and blood of members of his own group.

Shu Liangjun didn't want to fight like Qianying, she didn't want to expose too much of herself.

Therefore, the best way to fight is to use the strongest strength to directly suppress the glazed red flame deer.

If you keep summoning the imperial beasts to fight against the glazed red flame deer, wouldn't it be equivalent to playing an exhibition match?

How many beasts I have can't be exposed. Once exposed, there is a high probability that I will be recognized by some human forces and beasts present.

Right now, the Boundless Tower has been promoted to a high position and has become the current leader of human power.

There is no need to keep a low profile anymore.

Suddenly a terrifying spatial fluctuation rose from Shu Liangjun's body, and behind Shu Liangjun turned into a rotating black hole, which was constantly devouring the surrounding space.

Shu Liangjun took a step back and stepped into the black hole.

Before stepping into the black hole, everyone saw that Shu Liangjun summoned his natal illustrated book.

After Shu Liangjun took the initiative to step into the black hole, the black hole expanded rapidly, directly sucking the glazed red flame deer into it.

Yin Qingzhi was angry and couldn't help muttering.

"It's really secretive to fight a duel, really..."

Before Yin Qingzhi finished speaking, Chun Wu frowned and shouted.

"This black hole is the incarnation of a sequence-space-type domain-like beast. It is a routine operation for a strong person who has contracted a domain-like beast to fight in the domain. Why is there such a cover-up?"

"You like to study the major beast-guarding forces so much, you will choose one of you and the Palace of Bliss to play in the next game!"

"If you have this skill, why don't you study carefully, who should be sent to win the duel!"

Chunwu was just looking for fun against Yin Qingzhi before, and Chunwu didn't like a woman who was always holding her hand.

Even if this woman is very young, she probably doesn't have much experience and experience.

But now Chunwu is really disgusted with Yin Qingzhi.

From what Yin Qingzhi just said, it can be seen that Yin Qingzhi's situation is not high.

If you want to become the top powerhouse in the world, you must cross the hurdle of the sequence.

A strong person with a pattern may not be able to do it, but those who have no pattern will definitely not be able to do it!

The figure headed by Bliss Palace said in a cold voice.

"Since it has already been decided that our Bliss Palace will be the third to play, we will send people up for the next game!"

"After so many years, the forces under the Federation of Nations are still so powerful, and they really have the demeanor of Han Ming back then!"

The words of the old man named Bliss Palace attracted the attention of members of the major forces.

Even the Beast Familiar Force couldn't help but look sideways at this.

There are rumors that Han Ming has been successfully promoted to the Holy Creator after retreating.

Even if he didn't become a holy creator, Han Ming is still a top creator.

He has great authority in the Federation of All Nations, and the one who dares to say that Han Ming must be Han Ming's old friend.

There are no more than five people in the Palace of Bliss who are qualified to say this, except for the owner of the Palace of Bliss, Immortal Yongle, there are only four attendants of Yongle under the seat of Immortal Yongle!

It's just that I don't know which one of Yongle's servants is the speaker?

No matter who this person is, these words will definitely reach Grandmaster Han Ming's ears in the end.

It seems that the fairy mother of Yongle has probably broken through to the level of the holy creator!

The collision of a few words between forces can reveal a lot of news to interested people.

Immortal Mother Yongle would choose to let the Palace of Bliss be a hermit before, it is said that because of the death of the founding master, Diyuan put pressure on Immortal Yongle.

Immortal Mother Yongle did not want to give up her identity as Diyuan and she made such a choice because she knew she was wrong, not because Immortal Yongle was afraid of Han Ming.

If Fairy Yongle becomes the Holy Creator, there is really no need to take Han Ming seriously.

It is estimated that the Palace of Bliss will most likely collide with Grandmaster Han Ming.

Members of the major forces, including Chunwu, are not prepared to participate.

In the collision of the two great sage creators, the most important thing is to protect oneself wisely.

Yin Qingzhi admitted that she was indeed a little impulsive before, and that's why she said such words without restraint.

Now Yin Qingzhi has completely calmed down.

Judging from the attitude of the Palace of Bliss, it is obvious that they have come prepared and are not afraid of the Federation of Nations.

Knowing that Tianfang Academy is a force under the Federation of All Nations, and she is the granddaughter of a founding master, she still said so.

There is a bit of suspicion of fishing!

When Yinqing Zhiyi was explaining the situation to her grandfather, she was going to explain the situation in detail.

In order to facilitate his grandfather to make a correct judgment.

At this moment, there was a violent turbulence inside the black hole.

Suddenly, the black hole spit out from the inside the Liuli Chiyanlu whose limbs were interrupted and seriously injured like vomiting.

The red flame that had been burning on the colored glazed red flame deer had long been extinguished, revealing the glazed red glazed red flame deer's body that was as clean as colored glaze.

The Liuli Chiyanlu, who was struggling on the ground and unable to stand up, was in a much more embarrassing situation.

Liuli Chiyanlu looked at the inside of the black hole with eyes full of horror.

It just so happened that Shu Liangjun came out from the inside of the black hole with his hands behind his back.

Shu Liangjun smiled and cupped his hands at Liuli Chiyanlu.


Liuli Chiyanlu couldn't turn his head around for a while.

The strong man sent by the Infinite Tower just now carried out inhumane methods on himself in the black hole, but how did he suddenly become polite after he came out! ?

The sinister smile when he broke his four legs makes Lu Zhuo feel horrified whenever he thinks about it.

Lu Zhuo laughed twice.

"It's my skills that are inferior to others. I didn't expect that among your human forces, there are strong people who have crossed the sequence threshold and participated in the exploration of this large-scale ancient battlefield and the scramble for the relics!"

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