Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 350 Yin Yang Li An Leopard!

When Lu Zhuo said these words, he emphasized on the sequence.

The layers below the sequence are unable to spy on the layers above the sequence.

Therefore, Lu Zhuo didn't know how powerful the beast summoned by this ordinary-looking middle-aged man was in order.

When Lu Zhuo speaks, he will emphasize that there are two purposes above the sequence.

The first purpose is to be really surprised in my heart. It is not normal for a strong man who has meddled in order to come here to explore.

In Lu Zhuo's eyes, the powerhouse who gets involved in order should not look down on the harvest in a large ancient battlefield.

Could it be that the Boundless Tower has heard rumors about the succession of sages! ?

Only such a powerful tower can send out such a strong man.

The second purpose is to tell He Xin and other members of the Beast Familiar Force that there is a reason for losing the duel.

Even if He Xin met this strong man who meddled with order, he had no choice but to lose.

Don't look at yourself as the king of beasts who participated in the exploration of the ancient battlefield, but this honor is mainly because the Emperor Beast Court gave him authority.

Otherwise, when the other powerful members of the Beast Familiar Clan saw him, they would only be polite to him because of his background, but they would not listen to his orders.

The main commander of this operation is He Xin. In the royal court of the Panfeng Federation, He Xin has repeatedly gone to see a small mimic animal behind his back, with a very respectful demeanor.

This mimicking little beast is very likely to be the backhand prepared by him.

Of course, this is just Lu Zhuo's guess.

Lu Zhuo wanted to take the lead, on the one hand, because Fang Mu really made him angry, and on the other hand, he wanted to prove himself.

He Xin was furious that Lu Zhuo had lost the duel, but after knowing that Lu Zhuo's opponent was beyond the scope of the sequence, half of the anger in his heart disappeared immediately.

He Xin issued an order to the two strong men of the Beast Familiar Group to bring Lu Zhuo back to the team.

After the red flame on the glazed red flame deer burns again, it can recover its own injuries by virtue of its own fire elemental energy.

Therefore, there is no need for special treatment for Luzhuo at this time.

Lu Zhuo can't blame Lu Zhuo for his defeat in the face of the strong one above the sequence, but Lu Zhuo just lying there without any image is really too defeated!

He Xin subconsciously looked at the little leopard with a yin and yang face lying on Huangquan Longxi's back behind her, half black and half white.

The little leopard was no longer as sleepy as before.

At this time, the little leopard with a yin and yang face looked sharply at Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao, who was guarding Fang Mu with Shu Liangjun just now.

Both of these two are strong men of the power of the Boundless Tower, and they both stand by the young man named Yan Luo every step of the way.

The strength of the other strong man in the Boundless Tower has probably reached the level above the sequence.

After the little leopard with a yin and yang face looked away, he nodded to He Xin.

Immediately, he jumped off Huangquan Longxi's back and walked to He Xin's side.

Seeing the glazed red flame deer with scars and broken limbs, the little leopard with a yin and yang face snorted softly.

An imperceptible white light was released from the hair and landed on Liuli Chiyanlu.

It's just that the glazed red flame deer whose energy was exhausted rekindled raging red flames.

This scene was noticed by Fang Mu keenly.

Most of the strong human beings present set their sights on Shu Liangjun.

Especially Wang Xu and Gu Lian, they both talked with Shu Liangjun in the past.

Facing Wang Xu, Gu Lian and others, Shu Liangjun was much more talkative than Shui Miao.

Shu Liangjun's strength was exposed, and even Rang Shui Miao was scrutinized by many powerful human forces.

Fang Mu turned his head to look at the area where the Palace of Bliss is located, and asked with a smile.

"I don't know if the strength of my boundless tower can catch the eyes of the Palace of Bliss!?"

The old man with a hoarse voice laughed twice when he heard the words, and directly took out a token carved from topaz and threw it to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu took over the so-called Token of Bliss and put it into the Purple Ice Crystal Ring.

The old man was not good at words and didn't say much, but the old man's actions have clearly expressed the old man's intentions.

Before, it was Fang Mu who was teasing the Palace of Bliss, but now it was Palace of Bliss who took the initiative to make friends with Fang Mu.

The meanings of the two are completely different.

After throwing the bliss order to Fang Mu, the old man didn't care about the ten minutes of preparation time.

Stepping directly towards the front, he said in a hoarse voice.

"Your Boundless Tower just proved it to my Palace of Bliss, and now our Palace of Bliss will also prove it to your Boundless Tower."

"I hope we can cooperate more than killers."

After all, the figure covered by the robe didn't take off the hood, but a fierce breath was released, and the killing spirit swept the audience.

Two ghostly shadows, one black and one red, emerged from under the robe, and soon melted into the world.

"Don't ink the ten-minute preparation time, anyway, you have already decided on the candidate, so come up and fight!"

"My whole body's ability is focused on killing the enemy, and I will try not to cause killing when I fight later!"

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, this guy from Bliss Palace is quite good at playing cool!

Just now this guy said that he hopes not only to cooperate with the killers, which shows that the Palace of Bliss is ready to conduct in-depth exchanges with the Boundless Tower.

On the bright side, the Palace of Bliss wants to fight Han Ming, who has probably become a holy creator, and must also want to attract a few powerful allies.

There is an olive branch thrown from the Palace of Bliss in Fang Mu's secret channel, and the olive branch from Han Ming's side will probably also be thrown towards the Infinite Tower!

Grandmaster Han Ming has a solid foundation in the Federation of Nations, but that doesn't mean that Han Ming can completely control the Federation of Nations.

Through communicating with Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun, Fang Mu learned about it.

On the human side, it is the Diyuan organization that really plays a leading role.

Han Ming and the Immortal Mother of Yongle in the Bliss Palace are both part of Diyuan.

Immortal Mother Yongle has kept the Palace of Bliss away from the world for more than two hundred years, precisely because she does not want to be expelled from the Diyuan.

From this we can see the status of Di Yuan in the hearts of all the founding masters!

Fang Mu also took advantage of Diyuan's dividends before, but in fact Fang Mu didn't have a real master of creation.

But it depends on human effort. When communicating with the people from the Palace of Bliss and the Federation of Nations, Fang Mu can gain a deeper understanding of Diyuan.

And try to sit on the position of the infinite tower after understanding it.

In the eyes of others, creating a master is omnipotent, but the blood-colored aged wine produced by Fangmu and the special imperial beasts produced through [Blood Life Creation] are all abilities that a creating master does not possess!

The strength of the strong beast master is generally stuck at the critical point, and it has been cultivated for decades or even hundreds of years and still cannot break through.

At this close point, it is very likely that a few hundred milliliters of blood-colored aging wine can act as a catalyst to help it go further!

Even if this trip to the Panfeng Federation failed to obtain the inheritance in the ruins.

I have harvested a lot of dead souls, the earth evil spirit Liuxi, more top-quality undead beasts, the Xuanyue pendant that can help the growth of spiritual power, and the friendship and favor of those powerful forces.

These are Fangmu's harvest!

These achievements are impossible for Fang Muwo to obtain in high school in JA City.

Just as Fang Mu was thinking about it, He Xin flapped his wings and prepared to fly into the battlefield to meet the old man who appeared in the Palace of Bliss.

He Xin's aura released from the old man had already vaguely guessed that his strength should also be above the sequence.

He Xin couldn't detect the two ghostly shadows that appeared in his robe just now with his spiritual sense.

But the strange sense of sharpness on those two phantoms has always existed!

Such a situation will appear, indicating that one's own level is not up to the level of those two ghostly shadows.

He Xin has always been conceited about her own abilities, but she will not be so arrogant that she thinks she can defeat the powerhouse who meddles in order!

It is very likely that he will be defeated in a few rounds, but He Xin can't let this go.

The Beast Familiar forces also need to be respectable.

As a leader, if you send cannon fodder at this time.

Then he will lose his prestige among the Beast Familiar forces!

He Xin was stopped by a black light before he left the area where the royal beast group was located.

The little leopard with a yin and yang face stepped forward and said loudly.

"According to the regulations, it should be the Beast Familiar force that sends troops first, and then the human forces will send out people."

"Stepping into order is not a reason to break the rules!"

"The purpose of both parties is to explore the ruins. In addition to inheritance, there are also a lot of precious resources in the ruins."

"The level of resources inside the ruins is much higher than outside!"

"Even if the battle at the order level does not involve life and death, it will end with serious injuries to one party."

"I think the order-level powerhouses among you humans should not be willing to fight with me!"

After all, this little leopard with a yin and yang face also released an aura that far surpassed that of the serial beast.

Immediately afterwards, the little leopard with a yin and yang face spoke.

"The two sides each won one game and lost one game. There are two order experts on your human side, and there is only one on our side."

"Every orderly person is counted as 20% of the share, your human power is 60%, and our beast power is 40%."

"I don't know what you think!?"

The old man who played in the Palace of Bliss said without knowing what to say.

"Yin Yang Li An Leopard Clan was born!"

"Say hello to the prophet of the wise cat family for me!"

After finishing speaking, the old man who played in the Palace of Bliss went straight back to the crowd.

Yin Qingzhi had never heard of the so-called Yin Yang Li An Leopard Clan, but the Zhi Mao Clan had vaguely heard about it from her grandfather.

It's just that I don't know what other so-called prophets are in the wise cat tribe.

Yin Qingzhi disagreed with what the leopard with a yin and yang face said.

"We humans don't want to collide with beast masters who step into order. Are you beast masters who step into order willing to collide with our orderly powerhouses!?"

"It's impossible to say whether the two sides will win or lose the battle. At most, each side will count as 10%!"

"We human beings have one more strong player above the sequence to win one more game, and we still have to fight the rest!"

"After the fight, it is only fair to allocate the 20% quota according to the result."

While speaking, Yin Qingzhi's eyes flickered.

Yin Qingzhi was able to confirm that the Beast Familiar Clan would send out for a duel next, and only the strongest of the Xuan Yu Jing Hong Crane Clan, who was ranked on the Beast King List, remained.

The human forces can target it.

Yin Qingzhi's remarks can be said to be for the sake of human power, but Fang Mu shook his head subconsciously after hearing Yin Qingzhi's words.

Yin Qingzhi's idea is still too simple.

The Beast Familiar force took the initiative to expose the strong who set foot in order, just like playing cards.

Forty percent of the admission qualifications are already the bottom line of the Beast Clan.

If it is lower, this Order-level Yin-Yang Li An leopard does not mind fighting a human beast master who is also Order-level!

If Yin Qingzhi had sent an Order-level powerhouse, it would be understandable to say such a thing.

But in fact, there is no such strong person on Yin Qingzhi's side.

This is tantamount to Yin Qingzhi making a decision for herself and the orderly powerhouses at the Palace of Bliss.

Fang Mu could vaguely guess that Qin Shao's strength had also reached the order level, perhaps even stronger than Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun.

But Fang Mu has no plan to release Qin Shao.

For one thing, Fang Mu didn't want Shui Miao and Qin Shaozhong to confront this Order-level Yin-Yang Li An Leopard.

The two of them were doing themselves a favour, and whoever suffered any losses would be greatly owed by Fang Mu!

Secondly, Fang Mu didn't want to have an affair with the Beast Familiar forces.

The old man in the Palace of Bliss would greet the prophets of the Zhimao Clan, indicating that the Zhimao Clan must be an extraordinary existence.

Fang Mu didn't refute Yin Qingzhi's words, it was Yin Qingzhi's words that were not easy to refute.

Once rebutted, it will appear that the Boundless Tower does not want to contribute to human forces.

This is a behavior that will be criticized by other human forces.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that the old man at the head of the Bliss Palace would have already refuted Yin Qingzhi!

But different from his own standpoint, the Yin-Yang Li An Leopard, who is the strong orderly of the Beast Familiar Force, would naturally refute Yin Qingzhi's words.

"Girl doll, you really have a good plan!"

"Do you think our Beast Familiar Force is only worthy of 30% of the quota?"

"If you really want to fight, you won't necessarily win if you get injured!"

"It's not that our Beast Familiar forces have a 60% chance of obtaining the qualification to explore the ruins."

"Didn't the elders of your family who walked outside taught you that enough is enough?"

The words of Yinyang Li Anbao made Yin Qingzhi's face turn red instantly.

If this Yin Yang Li An Leopard were a little uncivilized, he would almost point to Yin Qingzhi's nose and ask Yin Qingzhi if he wanted to be ashamed.

On the opposite side was an order-level imperial beast, and Yin Qingzhi couldn't say much.

Only his own grandfather is worthy of an equal dialogue with such a strong beast master.

At this moment, Yinyang Li Anbao continued to speak.

"Girl doll, you don't seem to have sent an order-level existence. I don't know where you have the confidence to decide the fate of order-level powerhouses?"

After finishing speaking, Yinyang Li Anbao looked at Fang Mu.

The old man in the Palace of Bliss has just made a statement that the human forces have the most say in the Infinite Tower, where there is still one strong orderly man who has not played.

And Fang Mu is the decision maker of the Boundless Tower.

Only at this time did Fang Mu finally make a statement. Fang Mu smiled and waved to Yin Yang Li An Bao.

"I have seen the sincerity of your Beast Familiar forces, so let's distribute 60% of the human beings and 40% of the Beast Families!"

"After entering the ruins, everyone will compete based on their strengths. At that time, there will be no need to restrain your hands and feet, and you can live and die!"

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