Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 351: Sunset Yalian!

Fang Mu's words finalized the final decision on the human side.

It can be regarded as agreeing to the proposal of Yinyang Li Anbao, an order-level beast.

At the same time, Fang Mu's words also explained the cruelty after entering the ruins, and it was a reminder to both the human forces and the beast master forces present.

Yinyang Li Anbao heard Fang Mu's words, and the leopard's eyes stared at Fang Mu.

"If I don't feel wrong, you are younger than that little girl."

"But you speak more than that little girl listens to!"

After finishing speaking, Yinyang Li Anbao landed lightly on Huangquan Longxi's back with a bounce.

Liuli Chiyanlu's injury has completely recovered at this time, and Yinyang Li Anbao obviously doesn't want to care about the allocation of quotas.

He Xin and Lu Zhuo were given the right to allocate quotas.

Fang Mu didn't expect Yinyang Li Anbao to be able to see his real age, and tell his age after seeing through his age.

The eyes of the powerful human beings present all fell on Fang Mu, especially Chun Wu, Wang Xu, and Gu Lian, who had intersected with Fang Mu.

These strong men never thought that Fang Mu would be so young!

Two order-level powerhouses guarded such a young boy.

Rather than saying that they came to explore this large ancient battlefield, it would be better to say that they accompanied this young man to practice.

Wang Xu remembered that Fang Mu said that he was one of the Infinite Twin Envoys of the Infinite Tower.

He has been in a high position at a young age, and he will definitely have more and more power to speak in the Infinite Tower in the future.

This makes making friends with Fangmu all the more meaningful.

The meaning of making friends with the minions of a faction is completely different from making friends with the managers of this faction!

Yin Qingzhi was once again verbally taunted by Yinyang Li Anbao, and she was extremely angry.

But what was more in Yin Qingzhi's heart was shock.

Yinqing Zhike never thought that Fang Mu and herself would be the same age, even younger than herself!

This made Yin Qingzhi feel defeated.

This feeling is something that Yin Qingzhi has never experienced when facing her peers.

The Beast Familiar force selected the forces that entered the ruins.

After looking around at the human forces for a week, Chun Wu spoke to Fang Mu very seriously.

"You Boundless Tower has won 40% of the qualifications for human beings to enter the ruins to explore. I wonder if Yan Luoyou has any opinions and requirements for the forces entering the ruins?"

The purpose of Chunwu's question is to let Fang Mu decide which force should enter the ruins.

After competing with the Beast Familiar forces, it is impossible for the human forces to arrange internal competitions.

It has been too long to enter the ruins.

In this case, Fang Mu's choice is equivalent to direct assignment of forces.

All the major forces present knew that Chunwu's statement was understandable, after all, most of the qualifications were won by the Boundless Tower.

However, if any of the forces present failed to enter the ruins, they would feel somewhat unhappy in their hearts.

Fang Mu has no interest in these forces, so he doesn't want to help some forces properly or make some forces hate him.

In this case, the forces that are fulfilled by oneself may not necessarily be grateful to themselves!

Fang Mu shook his head and said.

"I have no opinions or requests. My request has already been finalized before the duel."

"I still follow what I said before, just let Poison Gu Villa, Ancient Sprout and Zhenzhidu Court enter the ruins together with our Boundless Tower!"

Chun Wu was somewhat surprised when she heard this.

At this time, the old man in the lead of the Bliss Palace also spoke.

"Our Bliss Palace only needs to occupy a seat to be eligible to enter the ruins!"

"The rest of the places will be chosen by everyone according to their strength!"

"It's no regret that the forces that were not selected are not as good as others. They can just stay outside and explore the ancient battlefield."

"There are probably a lot of era relics in this ancient battlefield that have not been discovered."

Naturally, no one would object to the orderly man in the Bliss Palace speaking.

It's not fair to judge the strength of a faction just by its superficial strength, and how can the current resources in the ancient battlefield be as rich as the resources in the ruins?

However, no one from any force dared to refute the words of a strong man of order.

Soon the twelve human forces that entered the ruins were selected.

The Beast Familiar faction has also selected eight Beast Familiar Clans, and the previous battles have determined the ratio of the quota.

The major beast-following factions took the initiative to give way to the side of the altar, allowing the twelve selected human forces to come to the side of the altar.

Yin Qingzhi was about to speak, but when she thought of the current situation of Tianfang Academy, Yin Qingzhi closed her mouth.

Shui Miao knew that Fang Mu had no experience in exploring ancient battlefields before, so it was naturally impossible for him to explore the ruins.

So Shui Miao spoke on behalf of Fang Mu.

"The relics vary in size. Every wave of teleportation on the altar will be teleported to a different location in the relic."

"I suggest that one faction be a group, and transfer in batches of 20 groups!"

"There is no need for the forces of the alliance to transmit together, so that each force can obtain more resources."

"Our Boundless Tower side won 40% of the qualifications, and our Boundless Tower will transmit first. I think everyone will have no objections."

After talking about Shui Miao, Fang Mu and Shu Liangjun stepped onto the altar first.

No matter whether it is the human force or the beast power, there is no one to stop it.

On the one hand, this is because the Boundless Tower does have such qualifications, and on the other hand, it is also because no force can stop the Boundless Tower.

There were only four order experts present, half of which were inside the Boundless Tower.

The main purpose for Shui Miao to say such words is to prevent the beast-guarding forces from group teleportation.

Once the Beast Familiar forces teleport in groups, no matter which human forces collide with the Beast Familiar forces in the ruins, they will definitely be besieged.

On the other hand, in the process of exploring resources and looking for inheritance, the human forces will calculate each other, and they cannot work together.

And it is beneficial to enter the ruins first.

In addition to the Infinity Tower, there are nineteen forces that want to enter the ruins. It will take a long time for these nineteen forces to finalize the order of entry.

Taking advantage of this time, I and others can also help Fang Mu find some more treasures.

That ancient book only recorded the situation other than the ruins of the ancient battlefield. At this time, the ancient book was completely useless.

Ever since Liuxi took control of Mr. Zi's Sequence 1 ghoul bat, and kept helping the ghoul to recover from his injuries during the escape, Mr. Zi hid in the dark.

Anyway, Meng Sha was cursed and would enter a state of aging within forty-eight hours.

If you can't find a way to break the curse within seventy-two hours, you will die due to the loss of vitality!

The devil's blood was infused into his own Satanic Curse Moth, which strengthened the effect of the curse.

It is impossible for Meng Sha to find a way to break the curse without preparation!

The nun who has the effect of healing and breaking the curse has been killed by himself.

If Meng Sha really broke the curse, she would be able to feel it from her own Satanic moth.

Mr. Zi was able to confirm that there must be something wrong with Meng Sha. Most of the strength of the Void Beast Witch is reflected in the Void Beast.

Meng Sha's virtual beast does not have the ability to control it.

And even if Meng Sha somehow gained the ability to control it, it was impossible for her to control her ghoul.

After Fang Mu knew that Mr. Zi had hidden in the dark, he asked Meng Sha to rush to the area where the altar was located.

Those who are strong in order can easily perceive Liuxi's existence.

With Yinyang Li Anbao and the old man from the Palace of Bliss around, Fang Mu couldn't let Liuxi appear in front of people.

But wait until the old man in the Palace of Bliss and Yin Yang Li An Bao set foot in the existence of order and teleport them to the ruins through the altar.

Fang Mu can let Liuxi attach to any member of the human force at will, and then enter the ruins.

As for Meng Sha, stay outside and take Sequence One's Stinged Shadowbat around with Mister Zi!

After Mr. Zi was sure that he had cursed Meng Sha, he would not risk serious injury to fight Meng Sha to the death.

It is impossible for Mr. Zi, Fang Mu, to let go. Even if Mr. Zi is about to withdraw from the ancient battlefield, Huang Yuan can still receive the news.

Mr. Zi was mentally traumatized without a beast, even if he was about to leave Liuxi, the ancient battlefield, he could direct Huang Yuan to invite Mr. Zi to rest in the royal court for a period of time.

Once Mr. Zi accepts Huang Yuan's invitation, he will become Fang Mu's shackles!

There was a violent spatial fluctuation from the altar, and Fang Mu felt a strong sense of dizziness and weightlessness.

This is still under the condition that Fang Mu contracted the messenger.

If Fang Mu did not have a contract messenger, he would most likely fall into a coma under such violent spatial fluctuations.

Seeing Fang Mu holding his head with his hands, Shu Liangjun immediately took out a silver fruit and handed it to Fang Mu.

"Amu, first smell the fruity fragrance of this shuttle olive."

"The fruity fragrance of shuttle olives can relieve the dizziness caused by long-distance teleportation."

"After you get out of the ruins, Amu, you can eat this shuttle olive, which will prevent you from being affected by negative effects in the process of space teleportation in the future!"

Fang Mu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he hurriedly put the silver shuttle olive in front of his nose.

Most of the discomfort that Fang Mu felt before disappeared immediately.

According to what Shu Liangjun said, Fang Mu knew that this shuttle olive could definitely be called an excellent treasure.

For this kind of treasure that can strengthen oneself, Fang Mu has never been polite.

"Mr. Shu thank you for the shuttle olive, I..."

Fang Mu hadn't finished speaking when he heard the humming of cicadas in front of him.

Fang Mu looked forward and found a row of tall weeping willows in front of him.

Fang Mu inspected these weeping willows through his gifted supernatural ability [Eye of All-knowing], and found that these weeping willows are just very ordinary plants, not even beasts.

Shu Liangjun said in surprise after a little notice.

"I can feel the presence of spiritual energy in the air, and there are probably royal beasts that can produce spiritual energy in front of me!"

"This relic doesn't look small, but we also need to prevent being preempted by others."

Fang Mu nodded when he heard the words, and walked quickly towards the direction of the cicadas.

As for the words of thanks, Fang Mu felt that he didn't need to say it out loud.

Anyway, Shu Liangjun has to stay by his side for a long time, Fang Mu is fully capable of thanking Shu Liangjun during this time.

Across groups of tall weeping willows, Fang Mu saw these tall weeping willows surrounding a pond with an area of ​​only seven or eight square meters.

There are no fish in this pond, only a budding lotus.

The buds of this lotus show a sunset color, and the color becomes more purple as it goes down.

The upper part of the buds is a golden orange color.

A jade-like cicada was sitting on the purse, fluttering its wings and making a leisurely chirping sound.

The space where the ruins are located is not much different from the outside world, any life can go through the process of rebirth, reproduction, and death in it.

There were many traces of withered prosperity in the weeping willow forest just now.

There are many willow trees that have died, but the wicker that fell for unknown reasons has grown into tall and straight weeping willows.

Fang Mu could feel the aura coming from the buds of the lotus.

Fang Mu immediately used [Eye of All-knowing] to investigate the lotus and cicada in the pool.

[Name of Royal Beast]: Sunset Yalian

【Genus of Royal Beast】: Lilyaceae / Lily

[Beast Familiar Level]: Gold Rank (3/10)

[Beast Royale]: Water/Wood

[Beast Familiar Potential]: Platinum Rank

[Beast Royal Quality]: Perfect Quality


[Blooming Sunset]: After the flower blooms, it enters the sunset state, and the production capacity of all water and wood dual-attribute beasts covered by the sunset will increase on the original basis.

[Spirit-containing stamens]: The sunset state will activate the stamens that can already produce aura, so that the stamens can contain more aura.

[Raw Bone Lotus Root]: The born lotus root has the effect of activating the gene template, and the long-term warming of the lotus root can prompt the target to complete the incomplete gene template.

Exclusive features:

[Accelerate lotus root formation]: In a high-concentration aura environment, there is enough life energy, wood and water dual-attribute energy absorption, which can speed up the production of lotus roots, and can maintain its current growth state by consuming lotus roots when necessary.

Evolution route:

①: The setting sun of the lotus, ②: The tranquil wave of the lotus, ③: The new day, the lotus.

[Name of Royal Beast]: Companion Lotus Jade Cicada

【Genus of Royal Beast】: Cicadae/Cicadae

[Beast Familiar Level]: Silver Rank (8/10)

【Family of Beasts】: Wood

[Beast Familiar Potential]: Gold Rank

[Beast Royal Quality]: Elite Quality


[New Ye Ming]: The sound of cicadas can accelerate the growth of plants and stimulate new leaves. The daily time of cicadas should not exceed a certain time limit, otherwise the new leaves will wither and turn yellow.

[Yu Chan slough]: The cicada slough will shed every once in a while. The cicada slough has the effect of accelerating the overall growth of the plant and making the rhizome of the plant stronger.

Evolution route:

①: Jade cicada with wood, ②: Jade cicada with lotus, ③: Jade cicada with spring wave.

Fang Mu already has a beast that can produce aura, and the main way for Fang Mu to obtain aura is to let the abdominal worms use aura as their secret energy.

Therefore, the royal beast that can produce aura is no longer so attractive to Fangmu.

Fang Mu just held the mentality that the more the better.

But after seeing the data of Xizhao Yalian, Fang Mu couldn't restrain his excitement.

Fang Qin's severed finger has always been Fang Mu's heart disease, and now it seems that Fang Qin's severed finger may have a way to recover!

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