Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 356: True Inheritance!

Hearing Fang Mu's words, Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun showed surprise and horror on their faces.

Neither Shu Liangjun nor Shui Miao thought that Fang Mu would make such a decision.

From their point of view, Fang Mu has never been a reckless and overbearing person.

Even Yin Yang Li Anbao will encounter danger when entering the place of inheritance, why does Fang Mu think that he can obtain the inheritance smoothly! ?

Neither Shu Liangjun nor Shui Miao knew what cards Fang Mu had, but they both knew that Fang Mu's decision was very firm.

Could it be that Fang Mu made such a choice because of his master Qixing's request?

Only this reason can explain everything.

Qixing treats Fang Mu so well, and discovers that the resources of the master can be used by Fang Mu, so Fang Mu will definitely not lose his life easily.

But there are contingencies in everything, even the strong who set foot in the order can't guarantee that they won't overturn.

Thinking of this, Shui Miao gritted her teeth and said to Fang Mu through the sound transmission of her soul.

"Amu, if you have to enter the place of inheritance due to some objective reasons, we can change the way."

"It's a big deal to kill all the Beast Familiar forces present, so that the news in the ruins will not be spread!"

Although Shui Miao communicated through Fang Mu's soul voice transmission, Shui Miao nodded firmly when Fang Mu looked at him.

Seeing this, Fang Mu's heart moved. Fang Mu has always created his own identity in front of the two.

This kind of construction is carried out imperceptibly, and it takes a long time to pave the way.

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun must have firmly believed in their identities at this time.

At this time, people's thinking will change, and they like to make brain supplements by themselves.

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun are at this stage.

Fang Mu shook his head at Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun, then firmly stepped into the altar.

This time, I don't know if it's because the space teleportation distance is not far away, or because Fang Mu ate the olive fruit that Shu Liangjun handed him.

In short, the space teleportation did not make Fang Mu feel any discomfort.

Fang Mu raised his head and looked around, and found that the place of inheritance was like a secret room with less than 80 square meters.

The body of Yin Yang Li An Leopard is being suppressed by a small purple-black tower.

This purple-black small tower released pure dark elemental energy outwards.

It stands to reason that the Yin-Yang Li An Leopard, as a monster with dual attributes of light and dark, has a much higher resistance to dark energy than beasts with other attributes.

This small tower is constantly pulling away the life energy from Yin Yang Li An Leopard's body.

Although there were no wounds on Yin Yang Li An Leopard's body, its hair had become dry and lost its luster.

Even his figure became a bit stooped as before.

Fang Mu secretly thought, this should be due to the loss of life energy due to a large amount of life energy being stripped away.

When Fang Mu observed the small purple-black tower and Yin Yang Li An Leopard, Yin Yang Li An Leopard also found Fang Mu.

At this time, Yinyang Li'anbao's eyes were very complicated. When he saw Fangmu Yinyang Li'anbao, he knew that this human force called the Boundless Tower had found the entrance to the land of inheritance.

I don't know what the current situation of those imperial beasts guarding outside the altar is!

Yinyang Li Anbao asked He Xin for help, this was just a chance for Yinyang Li Anbao to survive.

Although He Xin is stronger than Lu Zhuo, the two are comparable in terms of realm.

What Lu Zhuo can't do even with life, He Xin probably can't do it.

But the young man in front of him is not necessarily unable to do it.

Yinyang Li Anbao has always been very curious about Fang Mu, and Yin Yang Li Anbao found out that Fang Mu's age is under twenty years old.

A person of this age can be guarded by two powerful human beings who have set foot in order. He must be a noble existence in the human world, and there is a master who created him behind him.

This young man will enter the land of inheritance alone, so he must have a hole card to protect himself.

Otherwise, a talented person with thousands of honors will not be in danger easily!

Yinyang Li Anbao underestimated this place of inheritance, and did not expect that there would be such a dangerous test after stepping into the place of inheritance.

If Yinyang Li Anbao had known about this situation early in the morning, he would not have come in himself.

In normal times, Yin Yang Li An Leopard would protect those imperial beasts.

But at such a critical moment involving his own life and death, those beast masters are just the tools of the Yin Yang Li An Leopard.

Under the suppression of this small purple-black tower, Yin-Yang Li Anbao could feel himself becoming weaker and weaker.

A large amount of life energy was extracted, and there was not much life left.

But as long as there is a glimmer of life, Yinyang Li Anbao still hopes that he can survive.

Yinyang Li Anbao was thinking in his heart, how to let the Infinite Envoy of the Infinite Tower save him, Fang Mu was also observing Yinyang Li Anbao seriously.

The Liuli Chiyan Deer died not far from the Yinyang Li An Leopard, and it was obvious that his life energy was drained by this small tower, leading to his death.

Either Yinyang Li Anbao let Liuli Chiyanlu go to investigate the inheritance first, and kept a hand.

Either Yinyang Li Anbao took the lead in investigating the inheritance, but was suppressed by this small purple-black tower, and blocked the knife with the glazed red flame deer.

But even so, Yinyang Li Anbao still couldn't escape.

No matter what the possibility is, it means that the background color of Yin Yang Li An Leopard is cold.

There is no guarantee for trading with creatures with a cold background in their hearts.

The agreement is not binding in the hearts of such creatures.

Fang Mu stood in the distance and didn't step forward immediately, allowing the small purple-black tower to take away the life of Yin Yang Li Anbao.

Yin Yang Li An Leopard dead or immortal does not matter to Fang Mu.

If Yinyang Li'an Leopard can give himself a great benefit, and allow himself to successfully make a home in the soul of Yinyang Li'an Leopard with the offspring produced by the servant soul ant queen.

Only then can Fang Mu save Yinyang Li Anbao.

Otherwise, if Yinyang Li'an Leopard dies, Fang Mu will get the corpses of Yinyang Li'an Leopard and Liuli Chiyan Deer, and Shuisu can use the electronic butterfly to control the Yinyang Li'an Leopard's corpse.

It's just to do this to absorb the current rank, and it will take a long time for Fang Mu to gain a combat power to set foot in order.

Fang Mu stood still here, but Yinyang Li Anbao was anxious.

Let this little purple-black tower be drawn down again, and his life essence will be drawn out!

Just like human beings, it is very difficult for royal beasts to increase their lifespan.

Because most imperial beasts fight with their bodies, the blood in their bodies is strong.

As a result, some spiritual materials that are useful to humans and can increase lifespan are greatly reduced in effect on imperial beasts.

"Hello, my name is Day An, and I am a member of the Eternal Dark Seat of the Emperor Beast Court."

"I hope you can help me get rid of the control of this small purple-black tower!"

"I will definitely thank you for helping me!"

Fang Mu didn't step forward immediately after hearing the words, but looked at the Yin Yang Li An Leopard who was about to burn out with interest, coughed lightly and asked back.

"Does it have anything to do with whether you are a member of the Eternal Dark Seat of the Emperor Beast Court and whether I want to help you?"

"Could it be that at this time, the councilors in the Eternal Darkness seat of the Emperor Beast Court will only make insincere requests?"

"If our Infinity Tower entered here first, I would be controlled by this small purple-black tower."

"I ask you for help without sincerity, will you help me?"

Fang Mu's words moved Yinyang Li Anbao's heart, and the young man in front of him didn't say that he couldn't help him.

He only said that his promise was not sincere.

This shows that the young people in front of them are very likely to have the ability to help themselves out of trouble!

Thinking of this yin and yang, Li Anbao gritted his teeth and lowered his figure.

"Master Infinity Envoy, Dayan asks for your help!"

"As long as you are willing to help me out of the control of this small tower, let me do anything!"

Feeling his little life essence left, Day An's four claws directly crawled on the ground.

Dayan would do this because he knew that doing so was his only chance to survive.

Secondly, it was because there were no members of the Beast Familiar force present at this time.

If there were really members of the Beast Familiar force present, after this incident, even the strong Beast Familiars like Lu Zhuo and He Xin, Dayan would deal with them for his own reputation.

Seeing this, Fang Mu knew that Dayan was already mentally prepared.

Dayan had no choice but to agree to his own request in order to survive.

Fang Mu would not be so big based on his existing hole cards.

But after entering the place of inheritance, Fang Mu felt the sense of belonging of this small purple-black tower to the full moon pendant.

It seems that the small purple-black pagoda and the full moon pendant should have been integrated into one!

Fang Mu tried to give instructions to the small purple-black tower through the full moon pendant, and found that the small purple-black tower responded to him.

Fang Mu can put the small purple-black tower into the full moon pendant at any time.

That's why Fang Mu used this as a reason to subdue the Yin Yang Li An Leopard.

"Willing to do anything is not just talking about it!"

"I don't believe your verbal promises."

"As long as you can let this soul ants make a home in your soul, so that I can control your soul with the soul ants, I will help you!"

After speaking, Fang Mu took out a soul ant heir that had just been born less than a day after the queen servant ant, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The blood prince controlled by the electronic butterfly immediately walked towards Dayan with the ant heir in Fang Mu's hand.

Dayan did not expect the young man in front of him to act so cautiously.

Day Dark really doesn't take promises seriously.

But when facing Fang Mu, Dayan didn't think about what to do with Fang Mu after he got out of trouble.

First, Dayan was not sure whether he had the strength to hold Fang Mu firmly, and Dayan was not clear about Fang Mu's hole card.

And even if he really killed Fang Mu, there are still two strong men from the Boundless Tower waiting outside the ruins.

Dayan doesn't think that with his current state, he can survive the hands of two angry order experts.

But Fang Mu's request is also a good choice.

After he was controlled by this thing called the soul-absorbing ant heir, the young man in front of him could decide his own life and death with a single thought.

This will make the young people in front of them no longer have to be on guard against themselves.

Otherwise, some of my actions are likely to cause misunderstandings.

However, there is a very critical issue that has not yet been resolved.

That is, when the small purple-black tower covers him, as soon as he touches this soul-hosting ant, the soul-hosting ant will immediately be sucked away by the small purple-black tower.

So if you want to control yourself through the soul ant heir, you still have to help yourself get rid of the control of this little purple-black tower first!

Before Day An asked this question, a bright moonlight was seen coming from Fang Mu's chest.

This moonlight directly enveloped the small purple-black pagoda, so that the small purple-black pagoda no longer controlled Dayan at once, nor absorbed the life energy in Dayan's body.

Day An was frightened by this scene.

what happened! ? How could the ultimate move of this place of inheritance be cracked by the young man in front of him all of a sudden! ?

It's as if this place of inheritance is specially reserved for the young people in front of them.

The situation in front of him can be said to be beyond Dayan's cognition.

But Dayan knew that since the young man in front of him could control this small purple-black tower, he must be able to control this small purple-black tower.

Yinyang Li Anbao hurriedly took the soul ant heir from the blood prince Carlos, and honestly let the soul ant heir enter his soul.

Even at the expense of his own soul energy, using his own soul energy as nutrition to support the soul-hosting ants to build their nests.

Although Yinyang Li Anbao is out of danger at this time, Yinyang Li Anbao has been worrying about the longevity in his body.

His own lifespan has been almost absorbed by this small purple-black tower.

Yinyang Li Anbao carefully calculated that his remaining lifespan is only about seven to ten years.

For the Yin-Yang Li Anbao whose lifespan is as long as thousands of years, this is just a snap of the fingers.

Not to mention the strong, even ordinary people who have endured hardships since childhood hope that their lifespan can be longer.

Fang Mu felt the depression of Yinyang Li Anbao, and also guessed the reason why Yinyang Li Anbao was so low.

To let the horse run, take full control of the horse.

Just being the owner of a horse is not enough, you must also have the motivation to let the horse run around!

Fang Mu said directly to Yinyang Li Anbao.

"This little purple-black tower has absorbed your life essence. I can't let this little purple-black tower spit it back to you."

"But I have a way to increase your lifespan. When your lifespan is less than one year, I can increase your lifespan by ten years."

"If you perform well in the future, it is not impossible to increase your lifespan by another hundred or thousand years!"

While speaking, Fang Mu stepped forward and came all the way to the side of the Liuli Chiyan deer corpse.

Unceremoniously put the carcass of the Liuli Chiyan Deer into the purple ice crystal ring.

No matter how long it took, having the corpse of the Glazed Red Flame Deer under Fang Mu's hands was equivalent to having a Sequence One beast master!

Ri An was still sighing in his heart about his longevity, but he was overjoyed when he heard Fang Mu's words.

If the young man in front of him could increase his lifespan by a thousand years, then the loss of his own lifespan would be nothing to worry about.

Just like Day An will not necessarily keep his promise, Day An does not think that Fang Mu will keep his promise 100%.

But right now, An An didn't question Fang Mu's qualifications.

Day An took a deep breath, and pointed towards the place where the small purple-black tower was originally placed.

"The things stored in the master's brocade box are the real inheritance in this ruins!"

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