Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 357: The Triggered Jinran Comes to an End!

Hearing this, Fang Mu looked at the table where the small purple-black tower was originally placed, and found a brocade box that was just big enough to hold a grapefruit on the top of the table.

The brocade box is made of a kind of black satin, embedded with four black diamonds that still sparkle in the dark environment.

The workmanship of this box alone can tell that it is absolutely extraordinary!

If Fang Mu's guess is correct, the four black diamonds on the box should be ink seal diamonds produced only in cracks in the natural disaster level underground dimension.

A single ink seal diamond has a strong ability to isolate breath.

The four ink seal drills let Fang Mu know that the contents in the box must have a strong aura, otherwise it would not be suppressed with four ink seal drills.

The Yin Yang Li An Leopard has now been completely parasitized in the soul by the soul ants.

Because the Yin-Yang Li Anbao specially provided its own soul energy to the soul-hosting ants, so that the soul-hosting ants had already built a nest in the soul of the Yin-Yang Li'an Leopard.

So Fang Mu no longer needs to use this small purple-black tower to control and suppress Dayan.

Fang Mu tried to control the small purple-black tower, and let the small purple-black tower fall into his hands.

I started to observe this small purple-black tower.

Fang Mu used [Eye of All-knowing] to investigate this small purple-black tower, but the rank of this small purple-black tower was obviously higher than Fang Mu's natal Beast Fending Shadow of the Fool.

So the data didn't show up.

Fang Mu was not surprised by this at all. After all, the Shadow of the Fool can only detect the data of creatures and objects within five ranks of itself.

In any case, this small purple-black tower can restrain a strong orderly man, and it can be used as a new hole card in Fang Mu.

Fang Mu felt the attraction of the full moon pendant on his chest to this small purple-black tower.

Fang Mu did not suppress this attraction, the full moon pendant has been contracted by Fang Mu, and it belongs to Fang Mu himself.

Fang Mu let the full moon pendant attract this small purple-black tower.

This small purple-black tower turned into a stream of light and entered the full moon pendant.

Seeing this, Fang Mu thought to himself, it seems that this small purple-black tower and the full moon pendant really have the same origin!

Fang Mu tried to summon the small purple-black tower again.

As soon as Fang Mu's thoughts moved, this small purple-black tower appeared in front of Fang Mu.

Fang Mu found that he could not only control the small purple-black tower at will, but also make the small purple-black tower bigger and smaller.

Day An was completely dumbfounded at this time.

Dayan couldn't help thinking in his heart, the inheritance in this ruins could not be left by the young ancestor in front of him! ?

Otherwise, how could the situation in front of me happen! ?

When Fang Mu controlled the small purple-black tower, he didn't shy away from the darkness.

Firstly, it was because Fang Mu felt that there was no need to hide his servants whose lives were controlled by him.

Secondly, what Fang Mu did was also a deterrent to Day An.

Fang Mu looked at the stunned Ri An, and asked casually.

"How much do you know about this inheritance related to the sage?"

Dayan's breath stagnates when he hears the words, Dayan didn't expect Fang Mu to ask himself such a question!

If there are other questions, even if they are about the secrets of the Emperor Beast Court, Day An can answer them casually.

But this matter involved the Prophet of the Zhimao family, which made Day An embarrassed for a while.

At the same time, I was also thinking in my heart, how did Fang Mu, as a human being, know the confidential information of this beast-fencing force?

At this moment, Zhou An only heard Fang Mu snort coldly.

Fang Mu's cold snort made Zhou An's heart tremble.

Thinking that his life was in Fang Mu's hands, Day An told Fang Mu all the news he had.

"Master, I wonder if you have heard of the prophet of the wise cat family?"

"This is the news from the Zhimao family. That's why the Emperor Beast Court sent so many beast-monitoring forces to the Panfeng Federation to explore this large ancient battlefield."

"But in fact, I only know so much information."

"If I could learn more, I wouldn't have been threatened with death the moment I arrived at the place of inheritance!"

Hearing this, Fang Mu looked away from Day An's body and returned to the black brocade box.

Fang Mu knew that Dayan would not dare to lie to himself.

If Dayan deceives himself, there will inevitably be fluctuations in his soul, and the soul-absorbing ant heir can detect it!

The soul-absorbing ant heir did not devour Dayan's soul, which means that what Dayan said is the truth!

Walking to the black brocade box, Fang Mu found that there were actually restrictions on the pitch-black brocade box.

To put it bluntly, this kind of restriction is similar to the curse of the black moon that Fang Mu received when he went to break the chess game.

In other words, most of the time, only those who touched the restriction of the brocade box can open the brocade box to obtain the items in the brocade box.

If he hadn't discovered this, Fang Mu would have let Dayan open the brocade box.

Just in case there will be some unsafe factors in the brocade box that threaten your own life.

But because of the existence of this layer of restriction, Fang Mu couldn't let Day An open the brocade box.

Otherwise, this inheritance is tantamount to becoming the dark day!

Fang Mu touched the brocade box with both hands, and Fang Mu, who touched the restriction, immediately had a connection with the brocade box.

Fang Mu took a deep breath, and rotated the four ink seal diamonds inlaid on the brocade box.

After hearing four crisp sounds, Fang Muyi forcefully opened the brocade box.

At this moment, a worm the size of a thumb and covered with thick scales suddenly jumped out of the brocade box and bit Fang Mu.

Fang Mu instantly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis chilled my heart.

At this moment, a phantom of a blood well suddenly appeared in front of Fang Mu.

The phantom of the blood well squirmed violently on the wrinkled walls like a cavity, and thousands of blood-colored ghost hands sprang out of the well to grab the worm that sprang out of the brocade box.

Fang Mu knew that he had triggered the exclusive characteristic of Feng Rong of Blood [Jin Dye End Yan].

Under the cover of the bloody mist, Fang Mu's short black hair instantly turned red.

Immediately afterwards, the short red hair continued to grow and hang down to Fang Mu's shoulders.

The whites of Fang Mu's eyes turned completely blood-colored at this time, and the black goat's head in his pupils was spinning rapidly.

At this time, the pair of rotating black goat heads were not restrained by bubbles, and the rotation became faster and faster.

Let the bloody mist form two vortexes in front of Fang Mu's eyes.

Fang Mu was dealing with the danger, and he didn't know how intriguing the breath he was releasing at this time.

Yin Yang Li An Leopard couldn't help shrinking its neck, its front paws were restlessly pawing on the ground.

Day An was basically sure in his heart that the human youth in front of him was probably not a human in essence.

It is impossible for a human being to undergo such a change!

Moreover, Zhou An felt a very oppressive blood force from Fang Mu's body.

This kind of bloodline power is chaotic and disorderly, but it seems to be able to contain and nurture all things.

Day An has never felt such a special power of blood from any kind of creature.

The judgment of the exclusive characteristic [Jin Dye End Yan] was completed very quickly.

The scaled worm, which was only a finger thick and less than eight centimeters long, had turned into a corpse and fell on the stone platform in front of Fang Mu.

The moment the judgment was completed, the phantom of the blood well in front of Fang Mu completely disappeared, and Fang Mu's hair also turned back to black.

As if nothing just happened before!

Before Fang Mu picked up the corpse of the worm to investigate, he saw Dayan rushing towards him anxiously.

After Dayan let the soul-absorbing ant into his soul, he became clear about the situation of the soul-abusing ant.

To put it bluntly, this soul-absorbing ant heir is the offspring of an insect imperial beast.

Fang Mu used the offspring of the worm-like beast to control himself, which meant that Fang Mu must have made a contract with the mother of the worm-like beast.

If Fang Mu died because of the accident just now, the host soul ant offspring who lost the control of the mother would become restless.

After devouring his own soul, he will destroy himself!

So don't look at Day An being forced to become Fang Mu's servant, but Fang Mu's concern cannot be faked at all.

Fang Mu ignored Yinyang Li Anbao's concern, Fang Mu always had two attitudes towards friends and servants.

In addition, Fang Mu also knew why Yinyang Li Anbao was so worried about his safety.

In Fang Mu's eyes, there is no difference between the Yinyang Li Anbao and the members of the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family.

If Yinyang Li Anbao is sensible and obedient in the future, Fang Mu will naturally give Yinyang Li Anbao enough benefits.

This is the reward for being a well-behaved kitty!

If Yinyang Li Anbao couldn't help him inquire about news and trade supplies in the beast clan.

There is absolutely no need for Fang Mu to give Yin Yang Li An Leopard any favors.

Anyway, Fang Mu didn't point out that Yinyang Li Anbao could improve his strength again in a short time.

Fang Mu really didn't expect that there is a killer move in this brocade box!

For a moment, Fang Mu really didn't know what kind of mentality the person who left the legacy had.

Only two people are allowed to come in. The small purple-black tower and this worm are two killing moves. This is to take all the people who enter the inheritance land together!

If it is said that this inheritance is related to the sage, Fang Mu has reason to suspect that the sage is a master who is proficient in killing pigs!

Inside the brocade box was a brooch in the shape of a black feather.

Fang Mu regarded the black feather-shaped brooch as a sequence artifact.

Fang Mu subconsciously communicated with this spiritual weapon through mental power before preparing the feather-shaped sequential spiritual weapon, wanting to see the specific effects of this spiritual weapon.

But as soon as his mental power touched this spiritual weapon, Fang Mu, he suddenly discovered that his spiritual power immediately penetrated into the black feather-shaped brooch.

There turned out to be a huge storage space inside.

And the storage space is even larger than the storage space of the purple ice crystal ring!

With the strength of Fang Mu's current one-pointed star beast master, he can't even activate the gold-ranked spiritual weapon, but he can easily activate the black feather-shaped spiritual weapon in this brocade box.

It proves that this black feather-like spiritual weapon does not have a level limit for use!

More importantly, there is a large amount of spiritual material stored in this black feather-like space spirit weapon.

Although there are no living things, most of these spiritual materials were produced in the fifth and sixth eras, which are of great research value!

Just take out one that can attract high-level creators from the outside world.

Even the master creator is willing to pay a lot of money to buy this thing if he meets it!

If you use this kind of thing to ask the founding master for help, as long as the request is not too much, the founding master will probably not refuse!

Nearly half of the spiritual materials are piled up in this spatial spiritual weapon, and the wealth it represents is extremely incalculable.

Fang Mu needs to find some time to sort out these spiritual materials.

These spiritual materials have been regarded by Fang Mu as the reserve materials of the Boundless Tower.

Besides the black feathery brooch, there was a folded letter.

Fang Mu opened the letter, and saw a line of words painted on the letter with silver hooks and iron.

From this font alone, it can be seen that the person who wrote it has a strong sense of killing, giving people a sense of killing like eagles and wolves.

[The predestined person is very happy that you can get a little thing I left behind, don't blame me for leaving too many killer moves, these are all tests for you! 】

[If you can't survive these tests, you can't keep the things in the diamond-level spirit box either! 】

Fang Mu couldn't help frowning when he saw the contents on the letter paper.

Among the people who came to this ancient battlefield to explore, only he could complete the three assessments outside the ruins.

To put it bluntly, only you can get the full moon pendant.

If there is no full moon pendant, it is likely that anyone who enters the land of inheritance will not be able to escape the fate of the dark day.

At the same time, Fang Mu keenly grasped the term "diamond-level sleepy spirit box".

Presumably, the Spiritual Chest of the Diamond Stage is the name of the black feather-shaped brooch by people from the fifth and sixth eras.

Now Fang Mu has a spirit forging master under his command.

After Fang Mu planned to transfer all the contents of this diamond-level spiritual box to the purple ice crystal ring, he handed over the diamond-level spiritual box to Jiang Weng for research.

Let's see if Jiang Weng, a spirit forging master, can figure out a way to make a diamond-level spirit box!

When taking away the black feather-shaped diamond-staircase, Fang Mu did not forget to take away the black brocade box.

From Fang Mu's point of view, this black brocade box is very suitable for storing pollutants.

Four ink seal diamonds are enough to cut off the breath of super pollutants.

Now that the inheritance has been taken by him, Fang Mu's eyes fell back on Day An.

Fang Mu straight to the point and said to Day An.

"I give you two choices. The first choice is that you will follow me from now on and become a member of the Beast Familiar under the command of the Boundless Tower."

"The second option is that you return to the Emperor Beast Court to do things for me and help me facilitate a large deal with the Beast Familiar forces."

"If you choose to be the former, every year I will provide you with ten bottles of life potion with a purity of 92%, five bottles of light element potion with a purity of 94%, and five bottles of potion with a purity of 90%. Four dark element potions."

"If you choose the latter, the resources I will give you will be doubled on the original basis."

Yinyang Li Anbao is an old Jianghu, and immediately understood the meaning of Fang Mu's words.

Choosing the former is nothing more than dying in the place of inheritance. From now on, he will only serve the Boundless Tower and become an existence similar to a "dark guard".

Compared with the former, Dark Day is definitely more willing to choose the latter.

Day An's status in the Emperor's Beast Court is quite high, and he lived a carefree life after returning.

And Dayan also doesn't want to lose his status as a member of the Eternal Dark Seat.

The Yinyang Li Anbao clan pushed themselves to this position, and their own death failed the dedication of the Yinyang Li Anbao clan, which is tantamount to being a sinner of the family.

It's just that I got nothing in the ruins, so it's not appropriate to choose the latter.

Yinyang Li Anbao deliberated for a while, and expressed his concerns to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the words, and an excellent idea came to his mind.

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