The second exclusive characteristic of Fang Mu's natal Beast Fending Blood Feng Rang is "Blood Life Creation" after "Jin Dye End Yan".

The life created by [Blood Life Creation] is not only very special in the eyes of the beast master, but also in the eyes of the beast master.

The beast master will fight desperately for the beast created by [Blood Life Creation], because the beast master created by the contract [Blood Life Creation] only needs to spend one-tenth of the mental power of the contracted ordinary beast master .

The faction of beast masters will value the beast masters created by [Blood Life Creation] because the beast masters created by [Blood Life Creation] have the bloodlines of several racial fusions.

If he let Yinyang Li Anbao bring a few imperial beasts created by him with [Blood Life Creation] back to the Emperor Beast Court.

Said that these royal beasts created by [Blood Life Creation] are the harvest of this ruins, Yin Yang Li An Leopard can think of it!

After all, the Emperor Beast Court didn't know what was in the ruins.

The prophets of the Chimao family were also ignorant.

If the prophet knew the situation in the ruins, he would not have sent the Yin Yang Li An Leopard to die, instead of making other preparations in advance!

Thinking of this, Fang Mu summoned five creatures that he had created with [Blood Life Creation] during this period of time.

Each of these creatures is paired with at least ten high-quality bloodlines from more than ten royal beasts.

Fang Mu asked to Dayan.

"Do you think you can have an explanation for bringing these five beasts back?"

When Fang Mu summoned the five royal beasts, Yinyang Li Anbao had already started to investigate the five royal beasts.

The more he explored the Yin and Yang, the more surprised Li Anbao became.

Although the strength of these imperial beasts is very weak, they are all at the bronze level.

But the bloodlines of these imperial beasts are actually mixed with those bloodlines that shouldn't be fused with each other, and these bloodlines are actually fused so well!

The bloodlines of different types of beasts are mutually exclusive, and only a few beasts like dragons can continue their bloodlines in other species.

But this is destined to make the inheritance of the bloodline thinner.

This is also the reason why there are so many Yalongs!

The five imperial beasts summoned by Fang Mu overturned Dayan's cognition and the common sense of blood inheritance.

It would be very difficult to bring these five imperial beasts back to the Emperor's Beast Court.

Because the inheritance in the ruins of a large ancient battlefield cannot be so simple.

"Master is telling the truth, treating the five special imperial beasts as the inheritance harvest in the ruins can indeed confuse the real ones."

"But the bloodline level of these five imperial beasts is still a bit weak!"

"And some of the bloodlines of these royal beasts evolved in the seventh era."

"If you bring these back, you'll probably only be able to make an addition!"

When he said these words, Dayan was very afraid that Fang Mu would be angry.

Although what I said is true, it is inevitable that there will be a suspicion of bargaining in others' ears.

And I have no qualifications to bargain at all!

Fang Mu didn't feel any dissatisfaction when he heard Zhou An's words, as he had imagined.

On the contrary, Fang Mu's heart moved, and a new idea was born.

The royal beast created by [Blood Life Creation] is essentially the fusion of Fang Mu's own blood and the blood of other lives.

Fang Mu's blood is the basis for creating other life.

As long as those imperial beasts created by [Blood Life Creation] are still alive, they can be controlled by Fang Mu.

Fang Mu originally wanted to take some of the creatures created through [Blood Life Creation] and let Day An go back to work.

By the way, let the forces of the beast master help him cultivate these creatures.

This is tantamount to the Beast Familiar forces spending resources to help Fang Mu cultivate loyal subordinates.

In addition to Yin Yang Li An Bao, Fang Mu will have more undercover agents in the Beast Familiar force.

Since Day An suspected that the bloodlines of the beasts created by the five [Blood Life Creations] were low-level, Fang Mu spoke directly.

"I think you should have the blood of a high-ranking beast in your hand?"

"You can give me the blood of these high-level beast masters, and I will be able to cultivate beast masters for you to go back to work with!"

"In addition, you take this drop of blood back. If someone asks you, tell me that you also found this drop of blood in the ruins."

"You can put the blood of multiple beast-monitoring groups into this drop of blood, and then the bloodlines contained in these essence blood will automatically fuse and become a new life!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu gave a drop of ordinary blood-colored aged wine to Yinyang Li Anbao.

Yinyang Li Anbao felt a power to induce life evolution from the drop of blood that Fang Mu gave him.

This kind of power that induces the evolution of life makes Yinyang Li Anbao very fascinated by it.

If it wasn't for Fang Mu's presence, it would be very difficult for Yinyang Li Anbao to restrain his instinctive impulse and want to swallow this drop of blood into his belly.

"Master, is this drop of blood really so miraculous?"

Hearing this, Fang Mu looked at Ri An like a fool, and said speechlessly.

"This is just an excuse I gave you, so that you can have an explanation when you return to the Beast Familiar force."

"If you want to try to use the blood of various beasts to create creatures in the future, you can bring this drop of blood to me."

"If you want to come to the Emperor's Beast Court, your personal freedom should not be restricted!"

Even though Day An heard the words, he knew that this drop of blood did not have the ability to fuse multiple bloodlines of imperial beasts to create living beings.

But the feeling that this blood gave Dayan still fascinated Dayan very much.

Thinking that Fang Muguan wanted the blood of the high-ranking beast for himself, but Dayan really didn't have the blood of the high-ranking beast in his hands.

Beast masters tend to only hoard resources that are useful to them.

As a leopard royal beast, Yin Yang Li An leopard needs the blood of a high-level beast master to strengthen itself, this so-called high-level beast master must be a leopard beast master!

But the Yin Yang Li An Leopard is already considered the topmost existence among the leopard royal beast clan.

Although there are some leopard groups that can compete with the Yinyang Lian leopards, they are not as good as the Yinyang Lian leopards in controlling the light and dark attributes!

For these useless things, not only Dayan, but also other beast masters will not carry them with them.

Day An explained to Fang Mu very seriously, and Fang Mu did not doubt the truth of what Day An said.

If Day An's words are false, the Ant Si can send a reminder to himself by relying on the fluctuation of Day An's soul.

Dayan's performance just now has proved that Dayan is very aware of current affairs.

At this moment, Fang Mu only heard Zhou An gritted his teeth and said.

"Master, I wonder if you can give me more opportunities like this?"

"After I bring this news back to the Emperor Beast Court, there should be many beast king races hoping to marry with other races."

"Creating offspring that represent the symbol of friendship between several ethnic groups!"

Zhou An was very nervous when he said these words.

Fang Mu only gave himself this chance, and he could do business even when he returned to the Emperor's Beast Court!

But in his heart, Day An hopes to get a few more opportunities like this.

In this way, his status in the Emperor's Beast Court will be greatly improved!

Through Fang Mu's attitude towards these creatures fused with the blood of various royal beasts, Day An could vaguely feel that such creatures were not precious to Fang Mu.

Day An didn't know why Fang Mu took these imperial beasts as his response to the Emperor Beast Court.

If he knew Fang Mu's purpose, Fang Mu would imagine that he would occupy the magpie's nest like a cuckoo bird, and let the forces of the imperial beasts help him raise his children.

Those guys who were trained by the Beast Familiar force still only recognize Fang Mu as "Cuckoo's Father".

Dayan would never say that he wanted more opportunities like this.

Although Dayan has become Fang Mu's servant, but Dayan's heart is more towards the forces of the beast.

Attaching to Fang Mu and obeying Fang Mu's arrangements is just to survive.

Day An only thought that Fang Mu's age could not judge the value of this kind of Beast Familiar to the Beast Familiar force.

Hearing this, Fang Mu looked at Zhou An playfully.

"Since you said that these five imperial beasts cannot be transferred, then I will take these five imperial beasts back."

"I can only give you five opportunities right now. If you perform well in the future, I can use this opportunity as a reward for you!"

"Remember that when you come to look for me, each beast-monitoring group will bring a few more drops of blood essence."

"With less, I can't guarantee that the fusion will be successful!"

"Furthermore, these fused bloods do not require the attributes of the beasts to be the same, but the families must be the same!"

"The expression of the bloodlines of the created beast masters has priority. Only one kind of beast master's bloodline can be used as the main template, occupying at least 50% of the bloodlines of the created beast masters!"

"You need to know this clearly!"

If it is true what Dayan said, those king races who guard beasts hope to give birth to offspring that represent the friendship of several ethnic groups, then they will make a lot of money!

The beasts created by these [Blood Life Creation] will definitely occupy a high position in the beasts group in the future, and may even be higher than Dayan!

The more he listened to Fang Mu's words, the happier he was, and the five opportunities had far exceeded his expectations.

Day An could think of how he would be treated when he returned to the Emperor Beast Court.

Suddenly Fang Mu thought of the evil beast that showed great power in the confrontation between the two sides, the split evil lizard.

Fang Mu asked to Day An.

"How many evil beasts have you mastered in your beast-controlling force?"

Fang Mu's question involved the secrets of the Emperor's Beast Court, which made Day An feel quite embarrassed, but Day An still told Fang Mu truthfully.

"Master, there are probably more than 1,400 evil beasts in the imperial beast court."

"Most of these evil beasts are in a sealed state."

"There are only seventy-six evil beasts in active service in the Evil Beast Legion, and the Split Evil Lizard is one of them!"

Fang Mu felt somewhat strange when he heard this.

The strength of the evil beasts is so strong, why don't the forces of the imperial beasts cultivate more evil beasts?

Seeing the puzzled expression on Fang Mu's face, Zhou An hurriedly continued to explain.

"The chaotic thinking of the master evil beast is extremely difficult to control, and the split evil lizard is one of the easier to control among evil beasts."

"If those sealed evil beasts are activated, the Beast Familiar Force itself will face certain risks."

"Moreover, many evil beasts are extremely difficult to cultivate, and it is difficult for these difficult-to-cultivate evil beasts to raise their strength above the sequence."

"Actually, the number of evil beasts captured by the Emperor's Court of Beasts is not limited to these 1,400. The number of evil beasts captured by the Emperor's Court of Beasts has already exceeded 10,000."

"Those evil beasts that are difficult to tame and are too harmful will be dealt with after they are discovered!"

"The Federation of All Nations has been suppressing the cultivation of evil beasts by the Emperor Beast Court for these years, and signed a number of treaties for this."

"Otherwise, the current stock of evil beasts in the Emperor Beast Court will at least exceed 3,000!"

That's not what Fang Mu wanted to hear. Fang Mu wanted to ask Dayan for an evil beast, to see if he could make a contract with the evil beast through the blood of the contract.

If the evil beast that passed the blood contract cannot obey Fang Mu's instructions, Fang Mu will also deal with the evil beast!

"When you come back to me with those five drops of blood, remember to bring me an evil beast."

After hearing the words, Zhou An agreed without any burden, and it is not difficult at all to get an evil beast with his status in the Emperor's Beast Court.

As a member of the Eternal Dark Seat, one of Day An's tasks is to collect evil beasts from all over the world.

It's just that Zhou An didn't know what Fang Mu wanted from the evil beast.

Fang Mu finally arranged for himself to do something, and Day An hoped that it could be done more beautifully.

In this way, I can get more rewards from Fang Mu in the future.

"Master, I don't know what kind of evil beast you are interested in?"

Since Fang Mu wanted to test whether he could pass the contract and contract the evil beast with blood, he said it directly.

"The stronger and more dangerous the evil beast, the better, don't worry about whether it is easy to cultivate!"

Zhou An's pupils shrank when he heard Fang Mu's words.

The stronger and more dangerous the evil beast, the better? What a condition! ?

Could it be that Fang Mu didn't know the danger of evil beasts! ?

Day An originally wanted to dissuade Fang Mu, the reason why the Federation of Nations opposes the cultivation of evil beasts by the Emperor Beast Court.

It is because the Emperor Beast Court once caused damage far beyond the dimensional crack of the natural disaster level because of the cultivation of evil beasts, which caused the four human federations to be wiped out in this damage.

Otherwise, the Emperor Beast Court would not have signed such a treaty.

But before the dissuading words were spoken, Dayan suddenly thought of his identity.

Judging from his identity, he is not qualified to dissuade Fang Mu at all.

What if Fang Mu is angered, and the promises that Fang Mu made to himself before will not count! ?

Since Fang Mu wanted a powerful evil beast, he did not consider the danger and cultivation of evil beasts.

Then I happen to have one on hand now!

This evil beast was captured on the way to the Panfeng Federation during the day's dark mission.

The ability of this evil beast is very powerful, but the degree of danger is extremely high, and it will definitely be destroyed after being brought back to the emperor's beast court!

Of course, even if the danger of this evil beast is extremely low, it is impossible to be bred.

Because cultivating this evil beast requires a lot of resources, it is like a bottomless pit.

This evil beast just met Fang Mu's requirements.

"Master, I have one of the evil beast you mentioned, so I'll take it out to see if it can meet your requirements!"

Having said that, Dayan opened his big mouth, and there was a black and white crystal ring on the slender teeth on the upper left side.

This black and white crystal ring is the storage tool used by Dayan.

A gray and fluffy thing was released from the storage equipment by Dayan.

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