Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 360: Fang Mu's Guardian!

What Dayan is most afraid of is that after Fang Mu controls him, Fang Mu will use him to endanger the entire Beast Familiar force.

If this is the case, the dark day needs to be measured!

Although Dayan is also a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, if a royal beast that has successfully set foot in order does not experience risks, it can live for thousands of years, and it is free and easy.

Dayan also has his own calculations, but whether he is born afraid of death or calculations are all within a small range.

Day An is not afraid of death when raising the level to the entire beast-monitoring group.

Fang Muhui chose to control himself obviously because he wanted to achieve a win-win situation between the Boundless Tower and the Beast Familiar forces, which made Day An feel much less guilty.

Of course, Fang Mu's specific purpose and method are definitely not known to Dayan, and Fang Mu will not let Dayan know!

Fang Mu gave Dayan five drops of blood-colored aging wine, and asked Dayan to come to him as a token.

In fact, Fang Mu had his own considerations in his heart.

It doesn't take a lot of blood to create creatures through the exclusive feature of "Blood Rich Rang" [Blood Life Creation].

When the time comes, Fang Mu will be able to set aside part of the blood that Dayan gave him.

As a member of the Yin-Yang Li'an Leopard clan, Day An must have Yin-Yang Li'an Leopards in those blood essences.

If Fang Mu asked Dayan for a cub of Yinyang Li'an Leopard for Fang Yuan, Dayan would definitely not agree to give him the cub of Yinyang Li'an Leopard.

When Fang Mu has the blood essence of the Yin-Yang Li'an Leopard in his hands, Fang Mu himself can create a leopard-like beast with the blood of the Yin-Yang Li'an Leopard for Fang Yuan.

This time in the place of inheritance, it is really hard to make money!

But in the eyes of all the beast-following forces outside, he is just a loser.

Seeing that Fang Mu was teleported out from the place of inheritance safe and sound, Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun rushed up to meet him.

The two looked at Fang Mu, and Fang Mu smiled and shook his head at them.

A group of members of the Beast Familiar Force also looked at Fang Mu nervously.

Fang Mu said directly.

"Senior Day An is still inside, and it will come out after Senior Day An counts the harvest!"

Hearing Fang Mu's words, the faces of all the beast masters showed excitement.

It turns out that in the contest in the land of inheritance, the Beast Familiar Force won a complete victory, which couldn't be better!

Especially He Xin, the hanging heart finally let go.

If Dayan died, he would return to the Emperor Beast Court with a group of royal beasts who had suffered heavy casualties without gaining anything.

Then he will become a joke of the Emperor Beast Court.

After going back, the doubts and inquiries from all parties were beyond my ability to deal with!

Fortunately, Lord Dayan is fine, and he has obtained the final inheritance in the land of inheritance.

In this way, if there are any questions, Lord Dayan will memorize them all by himself.

The Beast Familiar Force suffered such heavy casualties that some groups even lost their kings.

Even if Lord Dayan has gained a lot in the ruins, it may be difficult to explain it after he goes back! ?

Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao wanted to ask Fang Mu a lot, but after hearing what Fang Mu said to He Xin just now, the two of them remained silent even though they were curious.

I was afraid that any of my words would touch Fang Mu's sore spot.

Since Fang Mu ventured into the Land of Inheritance because of his master's order, he has not been able to win the day and night in the Land of Inheritance, and it may be difficult to explain to his master after returning!

Everyone has secrets, and we cannot be 100% honest with our friends.

Especially in the beast world where martial arts are the most respected.

So Fang Mu didn't intend to tell Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun about his subduing Day An.

Fang Mu didn't say it was Fang Mu's own decision, but Fang Mu was quite moved if the two didn't ask.

Fang Mu and his party had already walked out of the underground palace at this time.

Fang Mu handed Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun a suitcase each.

"Ah Shui, Mr. Shu, thank you for taking me out for a round of experience, which has increased my knowledge and made me have a good harvest!"

The two knew that the suitcase that Fang Mu gave them must be a master-level potion.

The suitcase that Fang Mu gave to the two of them was the standard suitcase specially used by the Founders Association of the Longteng Federation to hold medicines. The suitcase itself weighed no more, no less, exactly one kilogram.

There are many styles of suitcases used by all federations that have joined the Federation of Nations to load medicines.

Can be basically fixed in weight.

When the two of them took the suitcase, they felt that the suitcase was heavy, and there must have been a lot of medicine in it.

Originally, neither Shui Miao nor Shu Liangjun was the kind of person to open the suitcase to check the salary in person, but the potion was a bit too heavy.

Based on the understanding and friendship between the two of them, Fang Mu knew that it was impossible for Fang Mu to give less.

But if you give too much, the two of you can't take it!

After opening the suitcase, Shui Miao saw that her suitcase was neatly filled with high-purity water element potions.

Shu Liangjun's side is neatly filled with space potions.

Fang Mu thoughtfully prepared the attributes of the potion according to the attributes of the two of them, the Beast Familiar!

Shui Miao hurriedly returned the suitcase to Fang Mu.

"Amu, these potions are really too much! I don't..."

Can't accept these three words, Shui Miao was interrupted by Fang Mu before she could say it.

"Ah Shui, it's not like we won't work together anymore, there's no need to be so polite!"

"We may have many opportunities to work together in the future!"

After finishing speaking to Shui Miao, Fang Mu turned to look at Shu Liangjun.

"Old Shu is the same."

"Mr. Shu, you have been with me for a long time. By improving your strength, you can better protect my safety!"

Shu Liangjun's heart surged with enthusiasm when he heard this.

Shu Liangjun found out that he was a loner at the end of his life.

Jinchan Villa is a force that serves and collects money for Shu Liangjun, and cannot be fettered with Shu Liangjun.

An idea came to Shu Liangjun's mind. After this idea, Shu Liangjun did not restrain himself, but asked Fang Mu.

"Amu, I wonder if your master helped you find a guardian?"

"If not, let me be your guardian!"

"You don't need to answer me in a hurry, you can ask your master what it means."

"If your master agrees, I am willing to sign a contract with you as a guardian and accompany you to grow into a beast master with a sequence of beasts!"

Hearing Shu Liangjun's words, Fang Mu was very excited.

Fang Mu knew exactly what the protector represented.

Only the children of the truly powerful will have such things as guardians.

The conclusion of the relationship between the guardians is that a strong man swears to a spiritual material called Jianghunxiang through his soul.

The crimson soul fragrance will absorb part of the real spirit in the strong man's soul, and then transfer this real spirit into the body of the sheltered person.

It can stimulate the growth rate of the patron's spiritual power at one time, and can also improve the ability to comprehend the mysterious pattern.

The true spirit is very important to a strong person, so very few strong people would be willing to take the initiative to be a guardian of a certain younger generation.

To put it bluntly, a guardian is no different from a half-master.

Fang Mu's wild way of creating people in tiger skins needs a well-informed person to follow him and teach him all the time.

If Shu Liangjun became his guardian, it would undoubtedly be much more convenient for Fang Mu to ask Shu Liangjun questions in the future.

Fang Mu solemnly bowed to Shu Liangjun.

"Old Shu, I look forward to seeing you as my guardian!"

"After I return to the Dragon Federation, I will immediately ask the master what he means. I think the master will definitely not refuse such a thing!"

Shu Liangjun laughed loudly when he heard Fang Mu's words.

"For so many years, I have been at home all over the world, and it seems that I will have a home in the future!"

Shui Miao was a little surprised by Shu Liangjun's decision, but thinking about Shu Liangjun's attitude towards Fang Mu and Fang Mu's rescue of Shu Liangjun, all of this is reasonable again.

"Let's leave the ruins too."

"Even if there are any resources in this ruins, they have already been divided up by those human forces and beast-controlling forces."

"Once the inheritance in the ruins is obtained, the ruins will automatically close within an hour."

"Let's leave first to save those forces from making unreasonable guesses about us and causing unnecessary trouble."

"The Beast Familiar forces are unwilling to confront us head-on, but they won't stop using us to block their knives just because we helped them."

As the master of the Twelve Pavilions, Shui Miao is very well-informed about the news of human forces and beast-controlling forces.

It is very clear what kind of tone the Beast Familiar Force is.

In many cases, after the exploration of the ruins is completed, the major forces fight more fiercely than before the exploration.

Although it is teleported immediately when it is teleported in, but if you want to teleport it out, there is a central altar.

It can be teleported through the central altar.

On the way to the central altar, Fang Mu and his party met people from Poison Gu Villa and Zhenzhi Duting.

The two teams have now interacted together.

Seeing Fang Mu and his party, Gu Lian and Wang Xu immediately greeted them.

"Yan Luo, we were looking for you while collecting supplies, but we couldn't find you for a while!"

Fang Mu said with a little anger when he heard the words.

"Hey, the inheritance has been taken away by the Beast Familiar forces!"

"The exploration of the ruins this time is really boring. You haven't met us before. You can keep the harvest after entering the ruins for yourself."

After speaking, Fang Mu took the lead and walked to the side of the altar.

Shui Miao passed through the altar first, Fang Mu second, and Shu Liangjun last.

Fang Mu's words made Gu Lian and Wang Xu look at each other in blank dismay.

The inheritance obtained by the Beast Familiar Force so quickly?

How long has it been since everyone entered the ruins? Unexpectedly, the movement of the Beast Familiar Force is so fast!

Since Fang Mu already knew the news, it was probably because Fang Mu met people from the Beast Familiar force.

In other words, the ruins will be closed within an hour.

Both Gu Lian and Wang Xu wanted to lead the team to explore the ruins again.

But when I thought about the plowing of the land by the major forces just now to find resources, basically all the resources that could be obtained were emptied.

It will be difficult to find anything if you continue to search, and it will be easy to be looted by the Beast Familiar forces led by Yinyang Li Anbao.

Thinking of this, Wang Xu and Gu Lian also sighed, and led the team away from the ruins.

Now taking advantage of this time, Fang Mu is going to cook Mr. Zi.

Liu Xi possessed himself in the body of a member of Yin Qingzhi's forces, and also sneaked into the ruins.

It's just that he couldn't help Fang Mu in the ruins.

Fang Mu notified Liu Xi after leaving the place of inheritance, and asked Liu Xi to leave the ruins early and return to the ancient battlefield.

Void Witch Meng Sha lost Liu Xi's possession control, so she could only be remotely controlled by Liu Xi.

Mr. Zi found an opportunity and was seriously injured twice in succession.

Coupled with the curse of Satan's moth in Meng Sha's body, Meng Sha became very weak.

Liu Xi's manipulation of Meng Sha has become slower, and now Meng Sha desperately needs to be treated!

Otherwise, the puppet of Meng Sha would be completely broken.

These few escapes also allowed Liu Xi to further grasp the strength of Mr. Zi, and roughly understand the ability of Mr. Zi's ghost weapon.

After knowing that Fang Mu had come out, Liu Xi used Meng Sha to start a game.

It can be said that Meng Sha is the best way to lure Mr. Zi, and Fang Mu also released both Qin Shao and Jin Ya from the clever bunker.

Qin Shao has been on standby in the clever bunker.

I thought that I would be able to play soon, but I never thought that Fang Mu would not be able to use me.

This made Qin Shao somewhat disappointed.

It's just that Qin Shao didn't show this disappointment clearly on his face.

At this moment, Qin Shao only heard Fang Mu speak in a very serious tone.

"Aunt Shao, thank you for helping me in this exploration of the ancient battlefield!"

"I will fight for two more places for you to increase your lifespan with the master."

Qin Shao was overjoyed when he heard the words.

There is no emotional basis between Qin Shao and Fang Mu.

As the actual helm of the ancient survivors, Qin Shao has always been very indifferent to feelings.

Except for members of the Brilliant Clan, interests are always more important than those outside the clan.

If it weren't for this, the brilliant family would not have been passed down to this day.

I think back then that the four Apocalypse families came from the same origin and loved each other so much.

But in the end, it was not because the interests fell apart, and they split into each other and fell into a long battle.

Qin Shao has seen a lot of these things in the long years.

Qin Shao felt that judging from his help to Fang Mu, it would be very rich to exchange for a quota of increased longevity.

But Fang Mu increased the number of places from one to two.

It is impossible for Qin Shao to refuse the quota given by Fang Mu.

Because this opportunity is too precious for the Brilliant Clan, but Qin Shao will not take it for nothing.

It would be bad if the founders of the Boundless Tower felt that they had cheated Fang Mu!

Qin Shao didn't want to lose the watermelon and pick up the sesame seeds.

If possible, Qin Shao would like to have more cooperation with Fang Mu!

Qin Shao thought of the water half-elf contracted by Fang Mu, and gritted his teeth and took out a corked wooden bottle.

A bottle is a container for holding liquids or solids. Generally, bottles are seldom made of wood.

What's more, the wood used to make the bottle is the pure rhyme sandalwood that only exists in the legend.

Qin Shao handed the wooden bottle to Fang Mu, and said with a smile.

"Amu, the silver-rank water-type half-elf of your contract is extremely talented."

"If it can be matched with the spirit heart contained in this bottle, I think it won't be long before we can make great progress!"

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