Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 361 Elf: Lanhe Rain Mother!

Spirit heart!

It turned out to be the heart of an elf!

Although I have never seen such an Eastern and Western tree as the heart of the elf, I have heard of it.

The heart of an elf is the substance condensed from the elf blood in the body after the death of an orthodox elf.

The heart of an elf can be directly absorbed by other elves of the same series to enhance one's own elf blood.

There is also a certain probability that one's existing bloodline can be changed.

It can be said that the heart of the elf is the best tonic for a half-elf.

Fangmu's Yunyu Doll evolved through purified water, and basically the water-type Fairy Heart Yunyu Doll can digest and absorb it.

Maybe in the process of absorbing the heart of the elf, Yunyu doll can inherit some methods of the owner of the heart of the elf.

Fang Mu took the Jingyun sandalwood bottle from Qin Shao's hand, first looked at the Jingyun sandalwood bottle briefly, and then asked Qin Shao.

"Aunt Shao, I wonder if you know the origin of this spirit heart?"

Qin Shao said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Of course I know which water-type elf this spirit heart came from, otherwise I wouldn't just recommend a water-type spirit heart to you!"

"This elf heart was condensed after the death of a sequence-level elf named Lanhe Yumu."

"Lanhe Yumother's main ability is to bring down rain, which fits perfectly with your water-type half-elf."

"The rain from Lanhe Rain Mother has the characteristics of rain erosion. If your half-elf can inherit its ability, it can be regarded as an added means of killing."

Hearing the ability of rain erosion, Fang Mu's eyes suddenly burst into excitement.

Fang Mu has heard of the ability of rain erosion, and among all the abilities of the water system, the ability of rain erosion can at least rank A+.

Rain erosion refers to offsetting the energy transmitted from the target body through rain, and at the same time has a certain erosion effect on the energy in the target body.

If Yunyu Doll can really acquire the ability of rain erosion, then he will meet those beast masters who can spontaneously induce elements to set up elemental shields, or use blood energy to form a defensive layer on the body surface.

It is no longer a threat from Yunyu doll!

Otherwise, during the ring battle, this kind of imperial beast would easily attack the opponent's wooden body through the rain curtain made by Yunyu doll!

The Brilliant Clan is worthy of being an ancient bequeathed clan, there are so many good things!

After Fang Mu returned to Longteng Federation, there were many imperial beasts waiting for Fang Mu to cultivate.

By that time, a new drop of contract blood will probably have condensed out.

Because I left Longteng Federation, I can no longer communicate with people at home through my mobile phone.

Fortunately, Fang Qin, Fang Yuan and Fang Yan thought that they had gone out to practice with their master, otherwise the three of them would definitely be worried about it!

Besides Fang Qin, Fang Yuan, and Fang Yan, Fang Mu also missed Hu Tao.

I don't know how Xiao Hutao is doing in school during this time, will she always get injured in the actual combat class?

At this moment, Shu Liangjun, Shui Miao, and Qin Shao focused their gazes into the distance at the same time.

The person who came was Meng Sha who was dispatched by Liu Xi's control!

However, Shu Liangjun, Qin Shao, and Shui Miao did not know that Meng Sha had been controlled by Fang Mu.

Just when the three of them were about to do something, they only heard Fang Mu speak.

"Ah Shui, Aunt Shao, Mr. Shu is one of his own."

"When Mr. Zi from the Evil Heart Sect comes over, I hope you can help me take down Mr. Zi!"

"I have an enmity with the evil sect, and this enmity cannot be resolved!"

What Fang Mu said right now was the first time he made such a formal request to the three of them during this trip to the ancient battlefield.

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun took so many medicines from Fang Mu, and Qin Shao felt ashamed of taking Fang Mu's two promotion quotas.

Just thinking about how to repay Fang Mu, the opportunity came!

Qin Shao was the first to express his opinion.

"Amu, I haven't been of much help by staying in the ingenious bunker."

"Since you have spoken, even if Mr. Hei from the evil sect comes, I will let him stay!"

After Qin Shao made his statement, Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun were going to let Qin Shao take the main attack, and the two of them could support it from the sidelines.

Mr. Zi's mind is full of revenge. Meng Sha was obviously cursed by Satan and ambushed by him many times, but she still fled around like a slippery loach!

After his Sequence One's ghoul bat lost control and broke his spiritual link, Mr. Zi fell into madness.

It takes a lot of resources to cultivate a sequence beast, let alone a sequence one that has the ability to advance to order!

Therefore, Mr. Zi never thought that Meng Sha might still have teammates, and he had always been regarded as a prey.

Since a trap was set up to invite Mr. Zi into the urn, Fang Mu and his party would definitely hide.

Ever since Fang Mu passively used the exclusive feature of "Blood Rich Rang" [Jin Dye End Yan], he has become more aware of safety.

Fang Mu will always be on high alert until [Jin Dye Ends] has not recovered from the cooldown.

If there is no [Jin Ran End Yan] skill, Fang Mu would probably be dead!

The more Mr. Zi pursued Meng Sha, the angrier he became.

Finally, Mr. Zi found Meng Sha wilted on the ground.

Mr. Zi grinned grinningly and walked towards Meng Sha. Ghost flames rose in his hands, and a long hook with a thorn on the head appeared in Mr. Zi's hands.

"Meng Sha, you can't hold it anymore!"

"I want my Soul Devouring Bone Hook to swallow your soul and body!"

"You despicable witch full of lies!"

As if she didn't hear Mr. Zi's words, Meng Sha lay down on the ground and tried her best to release the Void Beast.

This is completely a desperation, but still tenacious to survive.

Meng Sha's demeanor made Mr. Zi not have any doubts.

The moment Mr. Zi came close to Meng Sha and raised the ghost weapon in his hand to stab it.

A coquettish and cold whisper rang out.

Mr. Zi's eyes blurred all of a sudden, and the movements of his subordinates also slowed down.

At this moment, Meng Sha, who was controlled by Liu Xi, suddenly exploded, and four virtual beast tentacles came out from the spar in Meng Sha's chest.

The four tentacles were like a corkscrew, stabbing hard into Mr. Zi's body.

The tentacles protruded from the body, binding Mr. Zi tightly.

The mucus secreted by the virtual beast contracted by Meng Sha has the effect of confining energy.

This tie made Mr. Zi a living target.

The energy was imprisoned, making it impossible for Mr. Zi to even summon the Satanic Moth.

Seeing this scene, Fang Mu knew that Mr. Zi had completely become Liu Xi's possession.

From now on, Liuxi just needs to try to control Mr. Zi!

"Let's go, go outside the ancient battlefield and wait for the green magician who sprouted in ancient times."

Shu Liangjun, Qin Shao, and Shui Miao were surprised that the witch would be described as one of his own by Fang Mu.

Fang Mu was able to control a serial witch, could it be said that the relationship between the Boundless Tower and the School of Witches is extremely close?

The Witch School acts strangely, and some actions can only be described with the word absurd.

But the Witch School is indeed very powerful!

In terms of hard power, the Witch School should be stronger than the Evil Heart Sect, and slightly inferior to the Immortal Alchemy Society.

But the Witch School has the most tricks.

Because Fang Mu and the others were the first to leave, Liu Xi had already completed the control of Mr. Zi after Fang Mu and the others left, and still no one noticed this scene.

In order to express his sincerity in cooperating with the Green Magicians, Fang Mu waited at the entrance of the ancient battlefield instead of resting in the royal court.

Standing at the gate of the ancient battlefield, Fang Mu was admiring the Gobi scenery which is hard to see in Longteng Federation, while communicating with Liu Xi in his mind.

Controlling Huang Yuan, Meng Sha and Mr. Zi had already reached Liu Xi's limit before Liu Xi went further.

If Liu Xi wants to control other targets, he can only wait for Huang Yuan, Meng Sha or Mr. Zi to reduce their staff!

Controlling Huangyuan Liuxi didn't consume much mental power and soul power. Almost all of Liu Xi's mental power and soul power were spent on controlling Meng Sha and Mr. Zi.

After Fang Mu realized the danger inside the ancient battlefield, Fang Mu asked Jiang Weng and Jiang Tuo to follow Huang Yuan.

Whether it's Jiang Weng or Jiang Tuo, Fang Mu doesn't want to see any mistakes in anyone!

Fang Mu waited at the entrance for less than half an hour, and then other forces began to come out of the ancient battlefield one after another.

Before entering the ancient battlefield, Fang Mu and the other five were unknown. Anyone who saw Fang Mu and the others would choose to ignore them.

But now, no matter whether it is the human forces or the beast-following forces, after seeing Fang Mu, they will go forward to say hello to Fang Mu very warmly.

The Boundless Tower, a power that didn't exist in the world before, is now considered to be a towering building rising from the ground.

It has become a powerful and mysterious existence in the hearts of other forces.

After the green magician left the ancient battlefield, his eyes fell on Fang Mu.

Seeing Fang Mu waiting at the entrance of the ancient battlefield, the green magician's eyes flashed with relief uncontrollably.

The green magician has an embarrassing position among the eight evil species that sprouted in ancient times. It can be said that they are their own pollutants, and they are also their own pollutants.

At the beginning, I was promoted to the eight evil species by relying on the strength of pollutants.

However, after being promoted to the Eight Evil Species, the rate of improvement of his pollutants slowed down.

This made the Green Magician's ranking among the Eight Evil Seeds drop to sixth place.

The pollutants of the latter two want to upgrade, and the resources consumed are much less than their own pollutants.

It won't be long before the strength of those two people will surpass themselves.

The green magician has always acted calmly. When Shu Liangjun sent the soul sound transmission to the green magician at the beginning, the green magician did not believe Fang Mu's promise.

It was after Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao showed order-level power that the green magician believed Fang Mu's words.

And he pinned on Fang Mu the way to get out of the predicament.

The more rational people are, the more they are afraid of disappointment.

The moment he saw Fang Mu waiting here, the green magician knew that as long as he could afford the price, the deal would be confirmed.

The Green Magician knows well that strength is everything.

As long as the strength can be improved, the green magician is willing to pay any price!

Of course, Fang Mu's request should not be too much.

"Yan Luo, how about the harvest in the ruins?"

The members of the forces on the side were already very afraid of the green magician, and the green magician was definitely the kind of guy who would kill them if they disagreed.

There were at least 200 members of the faction on this trip to the Panfeng Federation, and they died at the hands of the green magician before entering the ancient battle.

There are not a few members of the faction who died under the hands of the green magician after entering the ancient battlefield.

The eight evil species that sprouted in ancient times have always given people the feeling that they are indifferent to human.

Unexpectedly, the green magician would take the initiative to greet people!

Fang Mu shook his head with a smile.

"There are harvests in the ruins, but it's a pity that the inheritance in the ruins was taken away by the beast-controlling force!"

The green magician obviously heard about this, and there was no unexpected expression on his face to comfort him.

"There is certain information in the ruins on the side of the Beast Familiar Force, otherwise, with the strength of your Boundless Tower, the inheritance in the ruins should be obtained by your Boundless Tower!"

It is a fact that people who have contracted super pollutants have no emotions, but it does not mean that people without emotions will not say the so-called scene talk.

When the green magician spoke, a crane croaked.

He Xin proudly looked at the green magician.

Because I received Fang Mu's help at the place of inheritance before, I still didn't forget to bend down and bow to Fang Mu when I saw Fang Mu.

Although the Infinity Tower and the Emperor's Beast Court are competitors in the inheritance of the ruins, one yard is equal to one yard.

The Emperor Beast Court would like to thank the Boundless Tower for its help to the Beast Familiar Force!

The other beast kings all had the same expression as He Xin.

Seeing this, Dayan felt a little guilty, and a leopard roar sounded from Dayan's mouth.

"Go back! There is no need to stay in human territory anymore!"

To avoid suspicion, Day An ignored Fang Mu.

Several space-type beast masters immediately opened the space magic circle, and teleported away with a group of beast master forces.

Yinyang Li Anbao was a little uneasy in his heart, he was very afraid that the human forces would send strong men to plunder the Beast Familiar forces.

Human forces are very good at this kind of behavior!

The green magician was somewhat surprised when he saw a group of beast masters greeting Fang Mu.

I didn't expect that the popularity of the Boundless Tower with the Beast Familiar Force would be so good!

You must know that it is precisely because the Infinite Tower and the Beast Familiar forces compete for the places to enter the ruins that the human forces account for 60% of the places.

Fang Mu shook his head with a smile when he heard what the green magician said.

"It belongs to whoever it should be, and there is no way to be inferior to others!"

While speaking, Fang Mu waved to Huang Yuan who was beside him.

"This is not a place to talk about cooperation, why don't we go to the King's Court of Panfeng to talk!"

"Being in the ancient battlefield for so long, I also need to find a comfortable environment to take a good rest!"

The green magician agreed with Fang Mu's decision.

It is indeed much better to talk about cooperation in Panfeng Royal Court than here.

Huang Yuan was controlled by Liu Xi, so he would naturally cooperate with Fang Mu with all his strength.

Just when Fang Mu, Shu Liangjun, Shui Miao, Qin Shao, Jin Ya and the green magician were leading the people from the ancient sprouts and were preparing to go to the royal court under the leadership of Huang Yuan.

Suddenly, an old voice came from the sky.

"Since the Palace of Bliss has appeared in the mortal world, let this old man see which of the servants under the command of Fairy Yongle is the team leader this time!"

"Also let the old man see if he is an old friend!"

Fang Mu keenly felt the infinite killing intent from this old voice.

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