Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 397: Qixing's Pattern!

Originally, Shu Liangjun liked to guide Fang Mu very much, but now he has become Fang Mu's guardian and guides Fang Mu, and he doesn't even care about it.

Shu Liangjun has always liked Fang Mu's thirst for knowledge.

If my thirst for knowledge can be like Fang Mu's when I was young, then I'm afraid I will be much stronger than now in terms of strength!

When people get old, they will always think of some things in their childhood. Shu Liangjun is also from a wealthy family in the hidden world.

It's just that something happened to Shu Liangjun's hidden wealthy family, which led to the collapse of the Wannian foundation.

When Shu Liangjun was young, he had countless resources. At that time, Shu Liangjun was a comfortable young master.

Although he is also improving his strength and learning knowledge, he is far less diligent than Fang Mu.

Fang Mu has something that Shu Liangjun lacked when he was young. Watching Fang Mu grow up all the way, Shu Liangjun can't help feeling like he has lived a new life.

Fang Mu's face didn't change when he heard the words, but he thought about it in his heart.

Until now, the resources of the holy creator level have never been revealed to the outside world.

But Fang Mu is able to come up with resources of this level.

Fang Mu was a little uncertain for a while, whether he wanted to show this level of resources in front of Shu Liangjun.

But only by revealing this level of resources can Shu Liangjun's strength be improved.

Shu Liangjun became his guardian, Fang Mu can be sure that Shu Liangjun regards himself as a valued junior and has no malice in his heart.

Fang Mu's promotion of Shu Liangjun's strength is of great benefit to him.

For a long time, Fang Mu needed Shu Liangjun to protect his own safety.

Fang Mu felt that he had revealed the resources of the Holy Founder to Shu Liangjun, and as long as he reminded Shu Liangjun a few words, Shu Liangjun would not be able to reveal the news.

Thinking of this, Fang Mu said to Shu Liangjun very seriously.

"Mr. Shu, there is one thing you may not know all this time. My master is a holy creator!"

"This retreat is to seek an opportunity to see through a higher level."

"In the future, I will ask the master to ask for the resources of the Holy Creator for you. You can tell me the resources you need."

"As for how much I can ask for, I'm not sure."

"But if Master agrees with you to be my guardian, he will not be stingy with the resources to help you improve your strength!"

Shu Liangjun just said casually just to answer Fang Mu's question.

After stepping into order, Shu Liangjun no longer only thought about improving his strength.

It is too difficult for the strong orderly to improve the strength of the beast by himself.

In this world, it is so rare to even create master resources, let alone holy creator resources!

Shu Liangjun didn't think she had such ability and opportunity.

In the end, Fang Mu told himself a piece of explosive news, Fang Mu's master, Qi Xing, turned out to be a fucking Holy Creator!

According to Shu Liangjun's estimate, Fang Mu's master should be a high-level creation master, at most a top-level creation master.

Although the orderly strong can only further improve their strength through the resources of the holy creator, they still need high-level master creator resources to strengthen the bloodline of the beast!

Only by raising the bloodline and potential of the beast master to a certain level, will it be possible for the beast master to have a chance to break through on its own.

Shu Liangjun can swear with his conscience that he has no utilitarian thoughts in wanting to become Fang Mu's guardian.

But he got such a great opportunity because of the original choice, Fang Mu is really his lucky star!

At this moment, Shu Liangjun somewhat understood why Fang Mu would not take the resources of creating a master seriously, and trade with others at will.

Now Shu Liangjun understands.

For a holy creator, the resources to create a master are not precious.

It's like creating masters who don't take resources of creating masters seriously.

The Boundless Tower, as a force with a holy creator, can already be equivalent to the Palace of Bliss and the Federation of Nations in terms of level!

It's no wonder that there are several creation masters living in a hidden force at the same time!

Fang Mu was accepted as a disciple by a holy creator, and he can be said to be the most honorable person in the entire world.

But Fang Mu has always been very low-key.

This made Shu Liangjun a little shocked by Fang Mu's appearance as a young man.

Han Ming, the holy creator of the Federation of Nations, has taken more than a dozen outer disciples, and three of his own disciples.

All of Han Ming's outer disciples had their nostrils upturned, and the direct disciples were even more disregarding everything.

Not to mention the treatment of those with strong sequences, even those with strong orders, Han Ming's three personal disciples were equally arrogant.

Shu Liangjun had lost face in front of one of Han Ming's personal disciples, which made Shu Liangjun have a very bad impression of Han Ming.

As a holy creator, knowing that his disciple has such a temperament but not stopping it, it is enough to show that Han Ming himself is also a person with this personality.

In this regard, Qixing has to beat Hanming completely.

Shu Liangjun's life essence was missing before, and only one or two years of life energy was left.

When Shu Liangjun determined that improving his strength would not prolong his life, Shu Liangjun had given up on the idea of ​​continuing to improve his strength.

Later, after Fang Mu extended his life span to ten years, Shu Liangjun still didn't arouse his enthusiasm for improving his strength.

This is not to say that Shu Liangjun is unwilling to improve his strength, but that Shu Liangjun feels that it is difficult for his own beasts to make breakthroughs in just ten years.

But after Fang Mu promised himself a hundred and thousand years of life, and knowing that Qixing is a holy creator, he can obtain the resources of a holy creator.

In Shu Liangjun's heart, the idea of ​​improving his strength again aroused.

And as soon as this idea appeared, it burned in Shu Liangjun's heart, but Shu Liangjun still said it.

"Amu, I am very grateful that you are willing to tell me your master's true creator level."

"I really need the Holy Creator resources to improve my strength."

"But while you are helping me seek resources, don't make your master unhappy!"

"Even if I don't get the resources of the Holy Creator, this body strength is enough!"

Fang Mu felt relieved when he heard what Shu Liangjun said, and secretly thought that he had not misjudged the person.

Shu Liangjun can still think of himself at this time, such an elder deserves Fang Mu's respect.

What's more, Fang Mu and Shu Liangjun have become old friends.

"Two days after Mr. Shu, the king's capital will hold a banquet for Master Yi Han's acceptance of apprentices. Some forces from all over the Longteng Federation and even outside the region will come to the king's capital to participate in this banquet."

"Tomorrow, I'm going to Yale Mountain to visit the two masters of Changlefang. Come with me!"

"After visiting the two owners of Changlefang, I will stay in the capital for another night and return to JA City the day after tomorrow."

"When you arrive at my mountain manor, you will know that the hot springs in my manor are no worse than the ones here!"

"As for the members of the Brilliant Clan, I will notify them when the time comes, and ask them to send two natural disaster grade ice attribute ghost beasts to JA City."

Fang Mu originally planned to stay in the capital for a while.

The reason why he changed his mind now was that after Fang Mu confirmed Fang Yuan and Fang Qin's plans, he knew that they would participate in the selection of the younger generation of the three age groups by the Dragon Federation.

Fang Mu felt that instead of wasting their time in the capital, he might as well go back to JA City to spend resources with Fang Yuan and Fang Qin, and improve his strength with peace of mind.

There is only one or two months left before the Dragon Federation's selection of the younger generation.

After these two months, he will be dedicated to representing the Dragon Federation in the East Division to fight against other federations within three months. This time cannot be wasted.

Fang Mu has already explained the pros and cons to Fang Qin and Fang Yuan.

Even if the development speed of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce is slowed down, the improvement of Fang Yuan's strength must be given priority.

Back at the back of Longteng Federation, Mu's mobile phone received many messages from Walnut.

After JA City was attacked by the evil sect, JA City has not recovered from the panic until now.

The same is true for Ludu.

Although Ludu has been rebuilt, this disaster may not be erased from the memory of those who witnessed it for decades.

Hu Tao must feel very insecure at this time.

In addition, Fang Mu did not inform Hutao before leaving, which made Hutao worry about his safety.

After seeing it, Fang Mu replied to Hu Tao with a chat software, saying that he went outside for some experience.

After receiving the message from Fang Mu, Hu Tao immediately called.

After hearing Fang Mu's voice, he was completely relieved.

Fang Mu never thought that there would be a girl in this life who would be so attached to him!

In elementary school, Fang Mu was the absolute leader among his peers. He was among the best in all grades, and it was common for him to be the first in the exam.

This caused many friends to gather around Fang Mu.

But on the eve of graduating from elementary school and being promoted to junior high school, Fang Mu unexpectedly failed to become a beast master at the ceremony of awakening his real name illustrated book.

It was not until then that Fang Mu really tasted the warmth and coldness of human feelings.

Because Fang Mu has the soul of an adult, he sees people much more transparently than a kid of fifteen or sixteen years old.

Fang Mu knew that Bai Hao and Bai Ya made friends with him because they saw his potential and wanted to see if he could become a creator assistant in the future.

On weekdays, the two would always ask themselves for tutoring lessons and ask about matters related to the cultivation of royal beasts.

Fang Mu even customized a recipe for the two of them.

It can be said that only Hu Tao has been following her with nothing to ask for, and has not underestimated herself because she is not a beast master.

Fang Mu still remembered the surprise on Hu Tao's face when she knew that she had become a beast master.

Hu Tao's natal role as a puppet guarding beasts and birds has not yet been developed.

After the level and quality of the bird costume performance has been improved, it is like a set of spiritual tools specially tailored for the bird and beast.

It can stimulate the strength of birds and beasts to the maximum extent.

After stepping into the sequence, it is equivalent to a whole set of sequence artifacts.

And different from the spiritual weapon, the function of acting as a puppet is not monotonous.

In addition to possessing the exclusive characteristics of skills, it also possesses the unique innate supernatural powers of being a natal beast.

Hu Tao's ability to comprehend the three black patterns at a young age is enough to show her amazing perception of the natural environment.

Walnut is worthy of being cultivated by Fangmu as a partner!

After talking with Shu Liangjun, Fang Mu returned to his room, and Shu Liangjun lived next door to Fang Mu.

Shu Liangjun's heart is very happy. In the future, he will not only be able to guarantee his longevity, but also improve his strength.

Became a protector who is a direct disciple of the Holy Creator. Although he and Qixing have never met before, the relationship can be said to be very close!

Fang Mu didn't rest in a hurry but summoned the abdominal worm and entered the abdominal space of the abdominal worm.

Both the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family stayed in the Panfeng Federation, maintaining the prosperity of the Panfeng Federation.

The three major families of the Panfeng Federation were not persecuted as the outside world said, which made the Federation of Nations not hold the Panfeng Federation accountable in the end.

The Panfeng Federation has been completely controlled by Fang Mu at this time, and it has become a channel for Fang Mu to interact with external resources.

Gu Anxing and Gu Tianfan left Gu Kun with Fang Mu, and let Gu Kun join Fang Mu's command.

Fang Mu arranged Gu Kun in the abdominal space of the abdominal worm.

Gu Kun has been doing groceries in this aura-filled environment, and when he saw Fang Mu, Gu Kun hurried up to greet him.

Gu Kun has always been a person who can bear his temper since he was a child, and he doesn't like to play with power like Gu Che.

Rather than playing with power, Gu Kun prefers to travel and play with beasts.

Gu Kun loves the life in the abdominal space of abdominal worms very much.

This abdominal space is like a fairyland to Gu Kun.

Gu Kun organized this space very well.

Fang Mu found some wood and stacked it in this space before, and wanted to see how long it would take for these wood to turn into jade under the influence of aura.

When he came in this time, Gu Kun had already neatly stacked the lumber in the corner, and purposely used the lumber to build a wooden shelf.

Put the cleaning utensils on the shelf.

I don't know if it's his own illusion, but Fang Mu always feels that Gu Kun's skin has become better than before.

"Master, I just finished cleaning."

"If you have other places that need to be arranged, just arrange for me to go!"

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard the words.

"You did a good job. I will put a large number of era relics in this abdominal space later, and then give you a batch of life potions."

"You are responsible for watering these era relics with life potions, and try to let me open these era relics as soon as possible!"

Fang Mu has never been to other ancient battlefields, only this experience of exploring ancient battlefields.

But according to what Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao said, this ancient battlefield is very unusual.

Fang Mu has obtained the inheritance in this ancient battlefield, and he really wants to open the era relics obtained in this ancient battlefield as soon as possible to see what good things are contained in it.

In order for Fang Mu to open these era relics as soon as possible, the purity of the life potion used must reach 100%.

Fang Mu gave these medicines to Gu Kun, so there was no need to be afraid that Gu Kun would reveal the news.

Because Fang Mu didn't intend to let Gu Kun leave the abdominal space of the abdominal worm.

And later, when there are enough soul ant heirs in his hands, Fang Mu will use a soul ant heir born from a bond servant ant to control Gu Kun.

In return, as long as the Zhenyan family does not violate Fangmu's bottom line, there will be some principled mistakes.

Fang Mu is willing to protect the prosperity of the Zhenyan family for three generations!

When Gu Tianfan and Gu Anxing decided to keep Gu Kun with them, it was for this purpose!

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