Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 398 Powerful Bloodvines!

Gu Kun carefully remembered Fang Mu's explanation to himself.

Hearing that Fang Mu said that he would use life potion to baptize those era relics and speed up the opening time of the era relics, Gu Kun secretly thought it was extravagant.

Gu Kun can definitely be regarded as a wealthy family in the Panfeng Federation, and the Zhenyan family is the real nobleman of the Panfeng Federation.

In such an environment, Gu Kun has been a genuine noble son since he was a child.

But even in this way, when the Zhenyan family obtained the relics of the era, they always stored those relics of the era.

Wait for the death energy lingering on those era relics to dissipate on their own.

Anyway, sooner or later, the death energy on the relics of the era will be scattered, and the generation of the Zhenyan family will not be able to open them, and family members of subsequent generations will always have the opportunity to open the relics of this era!

Era relics have always been regarded as things that are eligible to be inherited among the great forces.

The Zhenyan family doesn't even have a master creator, so they can only rely on the resources produced in the family territory to exchange for master creator resources.

Under such circumstances, even Gu Kun Gu Che, a direct descendant of the family, needs to report to the family's elder council if he wants to use the resources of the founder.

This is also the fundamental reason why when Fang Mu took out the potion of creating a master, the people of the Zhenyan family were so afraid of Fang Mu, and they didn't even dare to resist!

At this moment, Gu Kun saw Fang Mu handing him a brocade box. It stands to reason that Gu Kun should not have opened the brocade box to check it.

But after taking over the brocade box, Gu Kun thought again and again that he had to count the medicines in the brocade box in front of Fang Mu.

I don't have the intention of hiding the medicine, and I don't know how to tamper with the medicine.

But what if Fang Mu misremembered the amount of potion and blamed himself! ?

Although Gu Kun is young and not good at maneuvering, he also knows the meaning of being by Fang Mu's side.

Gu Kun didn't want to annoy Fang Mu because of a misunderstanding, and cause his family to be angered by Fang Mu!

Seeing that the brocade box is full of thirty tubes of potions that are blooming with green brilliance.

Gu Kun's expression froze for a moment.

Then Gu Kun opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

This, this, this... This is actually a grand master life potion!

Before Gu Kun could ferment the surprise in his heart, the green light that bloomed from the potion bottle in the brocade box turned into a green flower.

Thirty green flowers are gathered together like a delicate bouquet.

Gu Kun suddenly remembered a legend.

According to legend, there was a holy creator in the main world who broke through the boundaries and became the supreme existence in the realm of the creator.

It is said that the manifested form of the highest purity of life energy is "life blossoms"!

The scene in front of him matches the legend. Could it be that the concentration of the brocade box of life potion that Fang Mu gave himself has reached 100%! ?

Even the top powerhouses in this world would flock to things of this level, but in the end Fang Mu actually wanted to use this kind of potion to get rid of the dead energy on the relics of the era!

What a waste of money!

Looking at Fang Mu's appearance, Fang Mu didn't care about it at all.

Seeing the surprised expression on Gu Kun's face, Fang Mu raised his eyebrows.

To put it bluntly, Gu Kun is Fang Mu's avatar who stayed in the abdominal space of the abdominal worm, helping Fang Mu to do odd jobs in the abdominal space, and taking care of the imperial beasts planted by Fang Mu in the abdominal space.

As Fang Mu's tool man, he will definitely know more and more secrets about Fang Mu.

"Young...Master, are these life potions too precious!?"


Before Gu Kun finished speaking, Fang Mu interrupted Gu Kun.

"There is no saying that waste is not wasted, you just need to use these life potions to purify those era relics according to my requirements!"

"Remember, this is half a month's worth. After half a month, I will provide you with the same amount of life potions, so that you can use these life potions to continue refining these era relics."

"So you don't have to save it."

"You guessed it right, the purity of these medicines has indeed reached 100%."

"A 100% pure potion is nothing to me."

"Your Zhenyan family is my family, as long as you do things well for me, I will revive the Zhenyan family!"

"During this time, you have taken care of everything in this space very well, and I just need such a person."

"I hope you won't let me down in the future!"

While speaking, Fang Mu stretched out his hand and patted Gu Kun's shoulder, causing Gu Kun's body to convulse subconsciously a few times.

Gu Kun is indeed not good at maneuvering, and is far inferior to Gu Che in managing the family.

But Gu Kun is not a fool.

Gu Kun knew very well that Fang Mu told himself that he was frankly explaining the truth to himself.

What Fang Mu revealed was beyond Gu Kun's imagination!

Gu Kun had long ago decided to work well under Fang Mu in order to give back to the family.

In case the family really did something wrong one day, I will work diligently for Fang Mu.

When the time comes to intercede for the family, Fang Mu will most likely spare the family for his own sake!

Now Gu Kun's change in Fang Mu's cognition is entirely due to the resources Fang Mu has mastered.

After knowing that Fang Mu has more resources than he imagined, apart from being shocked, Gu Kun felt more delighted.

The stronger Fang Mu is, the more benefits the Zhenyan family can gain by following Fang Mu!

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely plan to use these life potions!"

"Since these life potions are used for half a month, I will take out two bottles of potions from the brocade box every day and use them!"

"Two bottles of life potion with 100% purity every day are enough to wash away the dead air and curse on these era relics!"

Fang Mu nodded in satisfaction.

Fang Mu didn't carry Gu Kun behind his back, walked directly to the side of the blood-making vines, and watched the current situation of the blood-making vines.

Fang Mu found that the blood-brewing vines grew extremely vigorously under the moistening of vegetation and clear springs, absorbing the energy in the environment.

As a biologist in his previous life, Fang Mu would habitually look at the growth of plant roots when observing the state of plants.

The better the root system of a plant grows, the healthier the plant will be in the future.

Fang Mu pressed his hand and found that the root system of the blood-brewing vine basically filled the entire plain jade basin.

The soft and breathable recovery soil is rolled together with the root system, and it feels like an iron lump.

Fang Mu hurriedly took out a stone hammer and pounded the Suyu flowerpot twice.

Fang Mu didn't use any force, and the plain jade vase burst open!

Fang Mu secretly said in his heart, thanks to his visit to the abdominal space today, otherwise it would affect the growth of the roots of the blood grape vines!

The plain jade basin I prepared before was still too small.

Because Fang Mu owns the Purple Ice Crystal Ring, when hoarding supplies, he tends to prepare as many supplies as possible that may be used, and prepare the amount in advance.

Fang Mu's purple ice crystal ring contained a larger plain jade basin, but Fang Mu took out a clay basin with a diameter of nearly three meters this time.

First, soft pine needles and ceramsite were placed under the clay basin, and then Fangmu released the Huyan twins.

Let the Lake Flame Twins manipulate the water flow to right the position of the blood vines.

Then Fang Mu added the recovery soil.

After confirming that the recovery of earth pressure was enough, Fang Mu soaked the clay basin in the clear spring of grass and trees.

Since the root system of the blood vine has such potential, Fang Mu intends to make the root of the blood vine as strong as possible.

In this way, the grapes produced after the blood vine will be more and fuller.

With the strength of the root system of the blood grape vine, if there is no space for the blood wine vine to continue to grow in the clay pot.

The root system will burst the clay pot by itself.

Afterwards, Fang Mu only needs to wait for the root system of the blood-making vine to burst through the three-meter-diameter clay pot, and then find a five-meter-diameter clay pot to plant the blood-making vine.

The growth of plants will be accompanied by constant metabolism.

There will always be a few dead leaves on a healthy plant.

Fang Mu picked those few vine leaves that were not growing well from the blood vines.

Thinking of the huge blood energy contained in the blood grape vine, Fang Mu put a vine leaf in his mouth and chewed it carefully.

Every time I chew two pieces of wood, I feel the blood in my body swell.

Perceiving himself through mental power, Fang Mu found that his spleen accelerated the speed of hematopoiesis.

Fang Mu thought that only the fruits produced by the blood-brewing vines would be helpful for him to condense the blood of the contract, but he did not expect that these vine leaves that were about to be metabolized would have such a powerful effect!

With Vine Leaf assisting him, Fang Mu can at least shorten the time it takes to provide blood for Xue Feng Rang by at least one-third each time.

This can be regarded as great news for Fang Mu!

Originally, Fang Mu could condense three drops of contract blood at the same time, but now he can condense four drops.

This is just the beginning, after the bloody grapes are produced, the time for the blood of the contract to coagulate will be even shorter.

Fang Mu took out another bottle of full-purity life potion and wood element potion, and poured them into the clay pots planted with blood vines.

To induce blood vines to a new environment can accelerate rooting.

Fang Mu didn't have such careful care of beasts like Xizhao Yalian and Yunling Hibiscus.

Soaked in grass and spring water and nourished by spiritual energy, the other imperial beasts will not have any problems.

If there is any news, Gu Kun will tell himself immediately!

Fang Mu summoned Xixi, and asked Xixi.

"Can you absorb the spiritual energy in the air?"

Hearing the words, he did not answer Fang Mu immediately, but squirmed the metal cilia, and inhaled the air mixed with aura in the abdominal space of the abdominal worm.

After a while, Xixi replied to Fang Mu.

"Fang Mu, inhalation can turn this kind of energy in the air into crystals, and the conversion time is much slower than that of condensing life potions."

"However, inhalation can suck away these gases first, and then slowly transform them."

"Don't be afraid to suck and not be able to do other things in the process!"

Fang Mu nodded when he heard the words, and asked Xixi to absorb the aura in the abdominal space first.

Even if it is faster than the speed of condensing life medicine, Fang Mu is ready to make a few crystals of spiritual energy by sucking.

On the one hand, Fang Mu is going to see if the aura in the aura crystal can speed up the production capacity of the blood-making vines.

On the other hand, Fang Mu, relying on these aura crystals containing pure aura, wanted to test to see if the aura could improve his other beast masters!

Xixi was absorbing the aura here, while Fang Mu checked the other imperial beasts in the abdominal space one by one.

Fang Mu found that the fish eggs that had been taken care of by Wufu Lanshou Suling Goldfish had a tendency to hatch.

The originally tightly closed buds of Xizhao Yalian have a tendency to bloom.

Soon the creatures in the abdominal space will be given a layer of sunset state, increasing the output of resources.

After inhaling enough of the thin aura in the abdominal space of the abdominal worm, Fang Mu left the abdominal space with a suction.

Fang Mu didn't rest last night, and Fang Mu is going to have a good sleep tonight.

Before going to bed, Mu also swallowed the last two leaves of the blood vine.

As a result, Fang Mu was woken up by the heat not long after the Qi servant soul ant queen absorbed Fang Mu's soul energy.

After waking up, Fang Mu found that his spleen was producing blood non-stop, and the excessive amount of blood was surging back and forth in his body.

Fang Mu hurriedly summoned the Fengfeng Rang of the Blood, and after releasing the blood into the Fengfeng Rang of the Blood twice in a row, Fang Mu didn't feel that hot feeling all over his body anymore.

And after donating blood twice in a row, Fang did not feel any weakness.

Soon Fang Mu thought of the reason, and Fang Mu secretly said in his heart.

The hematopoietic effect of the blood vine leaves is stronger than I imagined!

Following Fangmu's cultivation of the blood grape vines twice, Fang Mu found that the leaves of the blood grape vines grew extremely fast.

Removing some vine leaves will not have any effect on the health of blood vines.

Fang Mu's preparation is worse than picking a few vine leaves every day to assist himself before the blood vines mature.

Congeal the blood of the contract as soon as possible, so that Fang Mu can make a contract with the evil beast, the phantom arrow, and the few super pollutants he fancy.

After breakfast, Fang Mu took Shu Liangjun to Yale Mountain in the beast car of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

Knowing that She Wan admired She Wan very much, Fang Mu, the two owners of Changle Fang, specially brought She Wan along and asked She Wan to drive in front.

Under normal circumstances, it should be Lu Bo who took Fang Mu and acted as a guide for Fang Mu's capital.

But because Fang Yuan put his mind on improving his strength, Lu Bo was reused by Fang Yuan last night and became the golden glove agent of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

Instead of Fang Yuan, the real golden glove, to manage the affairs of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

After Shu Liangjun learned that Fang Mu was going to Yale Mountain to meet the two owners of Changle Fang last night, he was somewhat surprised.

Lang Huan, the master of Changlefang, is like a cold-faced Shura, whose strength has touched the threshold of order as early as thirty years ago.

Thinking about it, if nothing happened, Lang Huan, the owner of Changlefang, should already be a strong man of order!

Er Fangzhu Li Xu treats people like a spring breeze blowing willows, but in fact he is a more terrifying person than Lang Huan.

The coldness of the master of Changlefang is in the light, but the cruelty of Li Xu, the second master of Changlefang, is in the dark.

This kind of ruthlessness often catches people off guard.

Shu Liangjun asked Fang Mu seriously. After knowing that Fang Mu and Chang Le Fang had reached a cooperative relationship, he also confirmed that the two owners of Chang Le Fang did not know that Fang Mu's master was a holy creator.

Shu Liangjun always felt that the two owners of Changlefang should have other intentions for treating Fang Mu like this.

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