Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 407: Fang Xiaomu's Confidence!

The potential of the python-like beast-controlling huaqiu that contains the blood of a dragon is much stronger than that of the worm-like beast-controlling huaqiu that contains the blood of a dragon.

This golden-ridged python was bought by the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce at an auction not long ago, spending nearly 50 million Dragon Coins.

It is the most precious item in the entire private auction.

It's just that there is still a big gap compared to the Shuangyu Xueqiu that was auctioned during the Lionheart Journey.

Right now, the length of this golden-ridged python has exceeded five meters, and it is obvious that its strength has reached above the gold rank.

At most, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old half-grown boy has only contracted a royal beast.

If the half-grown boy didn't have time to summon his own beast to resist, even if he was not dead, at least five ribs would be broken if he was hit by the ferocious golden-ridged python.

The young master of the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce is too arrogant.

How can this boy be an official member of the Scavenger? Could it be said that the young master of the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce is not afraid of the Scavenger being held accountable?

However, thinking of the style of the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce during this period, the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce has always been bullying.

The Nearshore Chamber of Commerce treats those individuals or forces with background and strength like a spring breeze.

But in the face of those spiritual material cultivation bases, the nearshore chamber of commerce will severely suppress prices to create profits for themselves.

It is rumored that two spiritual material cultivation bases refused to cooperate with the nearshore chamber of commerce because they were dissatisfied with the lower prices of the nearshore chamber of commerce.

As a result, within a week, the two spiritual material cultivation bases encountered many troubles.

Later, the persons in charge of the two spiritual material cultivation bases approached the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce and agreed to the acquisition request of the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce.

And gave a few big red envelopes to the person in charge of the nearshore chamber of commerce to manage the acquisition, and the trouble disappeared.

Facing this situation, some of the surrounding guests have already let out a cry of alarm.

I was afraid to see Fang Mu and Hu Tao being smashed into blood by this golden-ridged python.

Hu Tao trembled a little in the face of this sudden change, but she still let the iron-winged pheasant spread its wings to protect herself and Fang Mu.

Fang Mu's left leg bent slightly, his body moved forward slightly, and then he punched the golden-ridged python whose strength had obviously reached the gold rank.

In the beast master world, the beast master's body has always been weak.

Even a beast master as strong as the six-pointed star will not use his body to compete with the beast master.

Fang Mu's flying punch was full of the masculinity of a young man who rose up to resist, but no one believed that this punch could change the status quo.

I'm afraid that the boy's arm will be blown to pieces in the process of confronting the golden-ridged python soon.

Fang Mu's actions were beyond Li Qilong's expectations.

Li Qilong would release his imperial beast because Li Qilong was provoked by the words of the woman beside him, and became angry from embarrassment.

Square wood and walnut are just targets for venting their anger.

As the young master of the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce, Li Qilong lacked nothing since he was a child, what he lacked was the understanding of Xuanwen.

Li Qilong went to the meditation hall twice a week, but for nearly a year and a half, he still couldn't comprehend even one black pattern.

Seeing the boy in front of him casually enter the state of epiphany, Li Qilong felt jealous for no reason.

This is why Li Qilong deliberately wanted to interrupt Fang Mu's epiphany.

Li Qilong didn't dare to ignore the Scavenger Guild, just a young man of the Scavenger Guild would be fine if something happened.

With the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce pressing ahead, does this little guy still dare to report the situation to the Scavenger headquarters?

No matter how bad the injury is, the nearshore chamber of commerce will be rich and private!

Li Qilong did not intend to seriously injure Fang Mu and Hu Tao, but planned to let the Golden Ridge Python give Fang Mu and Hu Tao a tail.

In this way, I can regain the face I just lost.

Fang Mu strode forward and punched the golden-ridged python, and the golden-ridged python spontaneously entered a fighting state.

It was too late for Li Qilong to control the golden-ridged python.

If someone was killed at the product exhibition, even he himself would not be able to explain it!

At the moment when Li Qilong felt nervous, Li Qilong suddenly felt a headache and knelt down on the ground.

Dou Da's cold sweat seeped out from Li Qilong's forehead.

The golden-ridged python that kept neighing had already collapsed to the ground.

Fang Mu's punch hit the lower jaw of the Golden Ridge Python, and even broke all of the Golden Ridge Python's spine.

A very potential gold rank imperial beast just died in Fang Mu's hands.

Hu Tao was dumbfounded watching this scene.

At this moment, Hu Tao only felt that Fang Mu's figure was stalwart.

Looking at the man standing in front of her, Hu Tao's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a little.

Fang Mu shook his hands as if stained with something dirty, and looked at Li Qilong with lightning.

"You just want to interrupt my comprehension of Xuan Wen, but you even launched an attack on me and my friends."

"Your nearshore chamber of commerce must give me an explanation for this matter!"

Before Fang Mu finished speaking, Li Qilong hissed like a pig being killed.

None of the guards around Li Qilong expected such an accident to happen.

Otherwise, as the guards sent by the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce to protect Li Qilong with a lot of money, these guards will definitely stop Fang Mu.

Li Qilong died a beast worth 50 million and was mentally traumatized.

Unless the creator is found to take good care of it, it is possible to offset the sequelae.

But at least two years will be wasted, which makes Li Qilong lose directly at the starting line!

Faced with this situation, the guards didn't know how to explain to the senior officials of the nearshore chamber of commerce.

The only way right now is to control the boy and girl in front of him.

When the guards beside Li Qilong stepped forward, Fang Mu said in a cold voice.

"The six of you are guards hired by the near-shore chamber of commerce, not people from the near-shore chamber of commerce."

"I advise you not to get involved."

"If you still want to work for the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce after reminding you, then I will not be polite!"

"The most important thing you should do now is to find someone who can manage the near-shore chamber of commerce. I'll wait here for him to give me an explanation!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu looked at the guards coldly.

If these guards are really obsessed, Fang Mu will directly release Carlos, the blood prince controlled and transformed by the electronic butterfly.

Fang Mu knew very well that if he had agreed to Hutao's invitation half a year ago to hang out at the product exhibition, he and Hutao would have to go out sideways in such a situation.

The moment the young man on the opposite side summoned the imperial beast to attack himself and Hu Tao, Fang Mu already had a killing intent in his heart.

Today, if he didn't comprehend Xuan Wen by himself, but changed to anyone, as long as this person does not have a background that makes Li Qilong fearful, he will not escape the fate of being seriously injured.

To deal with this kind of inhuman dude, hands-on is the best solution!

Two of the guards were still about to attack each other, but they were stopped by the leader.

The person in the lead said to Fang Mu in a deep voice.

"I'm going to find the person in charge of the product exhibition of our nearshore chamber of commerce now. I wonder if you can let us take Master Long to treat the injury first?"


The guard was interrupted by Fang Mu before he finished speaking.

"You just need to notify the person in charge of the nearshore chamber of commerce to come over."

"As for healing, I don't think it's necessary!"

Having said that, Fang Mu naturally took Hu Tao's hand, and took Hu Tao to sit on the bench beside him.

It's not that Hu Tao has never held Fang Mu's hand before, but this time Hu Tao feels that Fang Mu's palm is extremely hot.

"Fang Mu, let's make a big mess."

"This nearshore chamber of commerce must have a great background, or let's stop shopping here and go first!"

"Report this matter to the school, and ask the school to mediate and deal with it!"

Hu Tao is just a little girl when it comes to dealing with this kind of matter, and she has never seen wind and rain.

Not to mention being a young direct member of the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce.

For Fang Mu now, even if Li Qilong is a disciple of a master creator, Li Qilong will end up in the same end.

"Walnut, don't worry, this matter will definitely provide us with a satisfactory solution after the people from the nearshore chamber of commerce come over!"

"Let's wait here for a while, and we'll go to the commodity exhibition after the nearshore chamber of commerce comes to deal with the matter."

Fang Mu is now the focus of the crowd.

What Fang Mu and Hu Tao said was heard by many people around, and these people couldn't help but secretly sweat for Fang Mu in their hearts.

Although everyone couldn't figure it out, how did the boy in front of him kill the golden-ridged python with a single punch.

Perhaps this is because of the ability bestowed on the boy by one of the juvenile's royal beasts or natal beasts.

But what everyone is more concerned about is how the person in charge of the nearshore chamber of commerce will deal with the young girl when he sees the dead Golden Ridge Python.

According to what the young man said, Li Qilong, the young master of the nearshore chamber of commerce, was just an insignificant episode.

Injured a member of the younger generation of his family on his territory, and even planned to continue visiting the merchandise exhibition.

What kind of confidence is this! ?

Even the guards refused to let Li Qilong be taken away for treatment of mental trauma. This young man is going to fight with the nearshore chamber of commerce!

An old man in the crowd looked at Fang Mu carefully for a while, and then a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hehe, the nearshore chamber of commerce has hit the iron plate!

The old man was already sure that the boy in front of him was definitely the Jianmu he had seen in the Lion Heart Garden before.

The Nearshore Chamber of Commerce has been looking for Jianmu's relationship for the past two months, hoping to have a banquet with Jianmu.

It's just that Jianmu has not responded.

Fortunately, Jianmu took the initiative to come to the product exhibition of your nearshore chamber of commerce, and happened to comprehend the will rune.

As a result, the members of your nearshore chamber of commerce not only interrupted Jianmu's comprehension of the will rune, but also attacked Jianmu.

This kind of thing that destroys people's chances is the most hated by the beast master.

Even if the girl next to Jianmu is not Jianmu's girlfriend, she must have a close relationship with Jianmu.

No man will allow his woman to be bullied.

Li Qilong committed two taboos, and Jianmu's handling of Li Qilong has been regarded as reserved.

Even if Jianmu killed Li Qilong on the spot, the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce would not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

Li Qilong is the most proud of the juniors in the nearshore chamber of commerce.

But now even Ao's capital is gone!

Jianmu killed one of Li Qilong's imperial beasts with his own hands, which traumatized Li Qilong's spirit.

Does the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce dare to restore Li Qilong's spirit?

This incident happened under the watchful eyes of everyone, even if Li Qilong died of a beast, it was completely Li Qilong's own fault.

No matter in which aspect of this matter, Jianmu is not at fault.

Offending a disciple who created a master, the good days of the nearshore chamber of commerce may be coming to an end!

As a cousin of the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce, the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce has the ability to dominate JA City and become the largest Chamber of Commerce in JA City.

It is not impossible to let the Chamber of Commerce irradiate the entire Tranquility Province.

But now the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce is afraid that it will decline.

A middle-aged woman stood beside the old man.

This middle-aged woman held a fat baby less than one year old in her arms.

The chubby baby was looking around with his round eyes open, and his little hands kept scribbling.

While patting the baby in her arms, the woman turned her head and was about to ask the old man to follow her into the arena.

My own chamber of commerce has just been suppressed by the nearshore chamber of commerce, and now I will inevitably feel embarrassed when I bump into the members of the nearshore chamber of commerce.

As soon as the woman turned her head, she saw the curvature of the old man's mouth, which surprised the woman.

Even the turnover of the own chamber of commerce has become a problem now, and the old man has been so worried that he can't eat for two days.

I found many old connections from the past, but those forces were unwilling to come forward to protect their own chamber of commerce, for fear of running into the bad luck of the nearshore chamber of commerce.

Why is the good old man so happy now? Could it be that the juniors of the nearshore chamber of commerce suffered a disadvantage?

My old man's status can't be so low! ?

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

"We've got to go in quickly and see if there's anything we want."

"Otherwise, our chance to come will be canceled by His Majesty Ma Shuo!"

It is not easy to get an appointment with a senior architect in JA City.

The middle-aged woman does not want to miss this opportunity, let alone put a senior architect pigeon.

If it causes dissatisfaction with this senior creator, it will be miserable if he no longer cooperates with his side in the future!

The old man waved his hands upon hearing this, and then stood there with his hands behind his back.

"Your Majesty Ma Shuo has taken a fancy to our family's two pieces of land early in the morning."

"As long as we donate one of the lands, His Majesty Ma Shuo will at least strengthen three royal beasts for us!"

"I brought you here this time mainly not to find spiritual materials. It is impossible for the nearshore chamber of commerce to sell such things at the commodity exhibition."

"I mainly want you to take a look at the business model of the nearshore chamber of commerce and see what we can learn."

"But I didn't expect to see such a big excitement!"

"We watched the nearshore chamber of commerce rise up, watched him entertain guests, and now it's time to see the nearshore chamber of commerce collapse!"

The woman next to the old man was at a loss when he heard the words.

The Nearshore Chamber of Commerce has been operating a network of relationships, and its foundation in JA City is extremely solid.

How could such a solidly erected building collapse so easily?

Could it be because of the conflict between Li Qilong, the young master of the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce, and the young man in front of him! ?

For the old man to say such a thing, he must already know the identity of the young man.

Just as the woman was about to ask questions, there was a rush of footsteps in the distance.

The middle-aged woman looked from a distance, and saw the headed middle-aged man with an angry face.

The guards who reported to the police just now had either bruises on the corners of their mouths or bruises on the corners of their eyes. It was obvious that they had been beaten!

The group of people from the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce made it clear that they were here to seek revenge.

Can these two sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys and girls really cope with such a posture! ?

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