Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 408 This is a difficult situation!

The scene at this time made the middle-aged woman stunned for a while.

There are many people on the opposite side, but the boy and girl in front of them are so calm.

If the other side makes a move, the one who suffers must be the side of the teenagers and girls.

Even if he could deal with a gold-ranked beast at this young age, he might have nothing to do with a platinum-ranked beast.

Ever since Li Bohai's younger sister married into the Cai family of the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce, with the support of his brother-in-law, he started running the Chamber of Commerce and started to go smoothly.

This aspect is due to the resources and channels provided by the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce for the nearshore chamber of commerce.

Li Bohai's younger sister asked for many resources and channels from Jinghai Province for Li Bohai.

These resources and channels allowed the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce to continue to grow and develop. To put it bluntly, Li Bohai relied on his connections to attract the blood of the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce.

The Qingshi Chamber of Commerce's family has a big business, and it doesn't care which young in-laws are sucking up the pie.

These small in-laws who have risen through ties can also be regarded as part of the power held by the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce.

All the powers are very indulging in the wanton growth of these bond forces, building a relationship network with the family as the core, so that more people can serve the family.

In particular, chambers of commerce attach great importance to the construction of relationship networks.

The Wood Building Chamber of Commerce did not build this network, entirely because the Wood Building Chamber of Commerce did not need to do so.

Because the Wood Building Chamber of Commerce has an unusually stable resource acquisition channel.

Otherwise, if the Wood Construction Chamber of Commerce wants to build this network of relationships, it will be able to connect hundreds of thousands of forces casually.

On the other hand, Li Bohai is very good at making money, he flatters his superiors and is strict with his subordinates, and has made friends with many senior creators.

Frightened by Li Bohai's prestige, those royal animal breeding bases that produce resources can only earn less money and accept their fate to cooperate with nearshore chambers of commerce.

I'm afraid that the nearshore chamber of commerce will come to trouble me.

After Li Bohai developed the near-shore chamber of commerce, he did not forget who he relied on for his relationship.

There has been sending resources to the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce's own brother-in-law.

After getting the feedback, when my brother-in-law poured resources for himself, he was no longer as reluctant as he was at the beginning!

With the continuous development and the acquisition of more and more resources, Li Bohai has the ability to use these resources to try to make friends with the followers and disciples who created the master.

Li Bohai is no longer satisfied with just making friends with those senior creators.

When life is the most proud, people often become more arrogant.

Once this nouveau riche mentality breeds among smart people, smart people can easily lose their sense of proportion.

A few years ago, when Li Bohai was educating his youngest son, Li Qilong, he mentioned that Li Qilong should be a man with his tail clamped and not to cause trouble.

In the years when Li Qilong was sent to Wangdu to go to school, he lived in Caifu.

Li Qilong has been like a horse boy to curry favor with Cai Boshen who is several years younger than him.

What Cai Boshen hates the most are these offspring who flatter him and flatter him.

Cai Boshen was very upset that these guys who weren't even considered collateral came to occupy his family's resources.

This made Cai Boshen a lot of trouble for Li Qilong.

Every time Li Qilong gets troubled, he will lick his face and continue to please Cai Boshen.

After coming down a few times, Cai Boshen really took him by his side as a pony.

By Cai Boshen's side, the children of the big chamber of commerce did not learn the manners and manners when socializing, but they learned the stinking problems of a dude!

After being taken back by Li Bohai, Li Qilong became a bully in JA City.

Li Bohai knew about this.

Li Qilong caused a lot of troubles, and Li Bohai helped Li Qilong take care of them.

Li Bohai has a concept, that is, what happened to me, a capable son of Lao Tzu, who caused some trouble?

Li Bohai's connivance and his wife's pampering towards Li Qilong are the fundamental reasons why Li Qilong chooses to summon the imperial beast to attack Fang Mu and Hu Tao.

A person does not know that he is afraid of nature and dares to do anything.

Li Bohai was furious when he heard that the main battle beast that his son had just contracted with died.

Li Qilong is the junior with the most talent for fighting among the direct and collateral descendants of the Li family.

Li Bohai is going to use resources to forcibly cultivate Li Qilong into a strong sequencer.

Cultivating one's own son is far more reassuring than cultivating other members of the family.

Now that Li Qilong's main battle beast is dead, it will take at least two years to recover from the trauma.

After two years of delay, the day lily is cold!

Even if Li Bohai is unwilling, he can only choose another junior from the Li family to train.

I can no longer raise my own son.

The more he thought about it, the more annoyed Li Bohai was, and he was about to vent his anger on those two ignorant juniors.

In JA city, someone dared to do such a cruel thing to his own son, what audacity!

But the moment Li Bohai saw Fang Mu's appearance, Li Bohai's menacing aura immediately subsided, and his waist immediately bent down.

The angry face turned into a smiling face, completely ignoring Li Qilong who was kneeling on the ground and crying in cold sweat.

"Jian...Your Excellency Jianmu, I have always wanted to invite you, but you have never had the time."

"I didn't expect you to come to the product exhibition held by our nearshore chamber of commerce!"

"If you want to pick out precious materials, please send me a message directly."

"I will put all the good resources of the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce on display for you to choose at will!"

For the past two months, Li Bohai has been thinking about how to get in touch with Jianmu, the master-disciple who created him.

That's why he made such a gesture when he saw Fang Mu.

But soon Li Bohai realized that there was a woman beside Jianmu.

Could it be that my son had a conflict with Jian Mu? ?

If this is the case, then the flood really rushed to the Dragon King Temple!

Thinking of this, Li Bohai's cold sweat already seeped from his forehead.

Fang Mu snorted coldly when he heard this.

"You said that your near-shore chamber of commerce invited me. Is this the attitude your near-shore chamber of commerce has shown to me?"

"I happened to see the scenery in Yongquan Square and had an epiphany, and I was about to comprehend a black pattern."

"My companion summoned the imperial beast to protect me, but Mr. Ling wanted to interrupt my comprehension of the Xuanwen, and even ruthlessly attacked my companion."

"I need an explanation from your near-shore chamber of commerce now!"

While Fang Mu was speaking, Shu Liangjun appeared behind Fang Mu out of thin air.

Shu Liangjun has been paying attention to Fang Mu. Before that, Shu Liangjun always thought that Fang Mu had a kitten temper, too much like a good old man.

Now seeing Fang Mu's solution to the situation, Shu Liangjun realizes that Fang Mu is not a little milk cat.

It's a little leopard that can shine its paws.

Fang Mu's words confirmed Li Bohai's guess.

Now Li Bohai looked at Li Qilong who was kneeling on the ground and howling, his heart was no longer distressed.

Instead, she wished she could rush up and kick Li Qilong fiercely.

To put it bluntly, his own rise mainly depends on the relationship with the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce.

The Bluestone Chamber of Commerce is afraid that they will not offend a disciple who created a master for their own sake.

As a small force in Tranquility Province, it was only possible to rely on the support of other chambers of commerce.

Li Bohai claimed that he went to the capital to participate in the Chamber of Commerce Festival, but in fact he just went to the headquarters of the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce for a walk.

If you don't get an invitation, you don't have the qualifications to attend the Chamber of Commerce Festival.

A chamber of commerce will often choose the ally or strongman who can best demonstrate its identity, and bring it to the chamber of commerce festival to support its own chamber of commerce and demonstrate its own heritage.

If the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce brought Li Bohai, a young in-law, there, it would definitely become a big laughing stock in the Wangdu Chamber of Commerce circle.

The near-shore chamber of commerce is not well-connected in JA City, and it is even more blocked in the capital.

Li Bohai didn't know that the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, which was favored by the major chambers of commerce at the Chamber of Commerce Festival, was actually related to the boy in front of him.

If he knew that when Li Bohai saw Fang Mu, he would have knelt on the ground with weak knees.

"Jian...Your Excellency Jianmu, this...all of this is a misunderstanding!"


Li Bohai hadn't finished speaking when he heard the young man's cold and alienated voice.

"Misunderstanding? Are you saying that it was a misunderstanding that the young master interrupted my comprehension of Xuan Wen, or that it was a misunderstanding that he attacked me and my companions?"

"If you think all this is a misunderstanding, can the collapse of the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce also be regarded as a misunderstanding?"

Fang Mu didn't show any anger on his face, but in fact his heart was full of anger.

This kind of behavior of interrupting others' comprehension of Xuanwen is tantamount to breaking the way forward, apart from anything else, summoning the imperial beast to attack is an act of murder.

If it weren't for this, Fang Mu wouldn't have killed Li Qilong's imperial beast as soon as he made a move, and also cut off Li Qilong's way forward.

Li Bohai is also the chairman of a large chamber of commerce.

If Li Bohai had taken the attitude of solving the problem properly from the beginning, Fang Mu would not make things difficult for the nearshore chamber of commerce.

As the saying goes, the family is not as bad as the disaster, Fang Mu will not be buried with the nearshore chamber of commerce because of Li Qilong's behavior.

But Li Bohai didn't show any sincerity to solve the problem at all.

Misunderstand! ?

If Fang Mu can resolve this matter as a misunderstanding, then Fang Mu can face it with a smile even if his family is ruined by others!

It's one thing for Li Bohai to be afraid of Fang Mu, the disciple who created the master, but he was also a little angry because of Fang Mu's words.

In Li Bohai's eyes, the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce is a colossal entity, and even has the opportunity to participate in the Chamber of Commerce Festival.

Li Bohai once heard from his own sister that there are stable and cooperative master builders within the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce, who can obtain resources from master builders.

The old man in the family also has a little face with Grandmaster Xiaoxiang, and once obtained a grandmaster-level potion.

Li Bohai felt that no matter how much a founding master loves his new disciple, there is a limit to it.

Thinking of where Li Bohai's courage came from, he said with his head swollen.

"Jian...Jianmu, if you do something to our nearshore chamber of commerce, the Qingshi chamber of commerce will not ignore it!"

"If there is a conflict with the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce because of this, I think even you need to think about it!"

Hearing this, Fang Mu had a look of surprise on his face, and was almost laughed angrily by Li Bohai.

Fang Mu did not expect to hear the words Qingshi Chamber of Commerce here.

You must know that Fangmu, the king's capital, just met Cai Guili, the president of the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce, and traded a spirit mayfly from Cai Guili.

This spirit mayfly transformed Fang Mu's strength.

To be able to trade the spirit mayfly, Fang Mu inherited Cai Guili's favor.

It's just that Fang Mu didn't expect that the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce was actually related to the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce!

Fang Mu sneered.

"I know Cai Guili, the president of the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce, so you must know who Cai Guili is, right?"

"Since you said that the strength of your near-shore chamber of commerce is the Qingshi chamber of commerce, then I will call Cai Guili here now."

"Let him come and give me an explanation!"

I didn't give Li Bohai a chance to attack the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce as soon as I came up, but I didn't expect that Li Bohai brought out the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce to suppress me.

Since he gave the opportunity and Li Bohai didn't cherish it, there was no need for him to hold back.

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu took out his mobile phone and dialed Cai Guili's number.

That night, Cai Guili hesitated for a long time before carefully begging for the mobile phone number of the other party.

Fang Mu has always used his mobile phone to chat only with his family, and rarely has the opportunity to call outsiders.

This time, Fang Mu felt a little ironic that he would call Cai Guili for such a reason.

But calling Cai Guili over is indeed the fastest way to solve the problem.

Fang Mu didn't want to waste time here with Walnut.

With the ability of the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce, it is qualified to use the teleportation circle of the Beastmaster Alliance.

It only takes a few minutes to rush to JA City through the teleportation circle.

Cai Guili will definitely bring a special driver when he comes to JA City, and he will be able to arrive here within ten minutes.

The phone was connected after a few rings.

This is not because Cai Guili has a lot of time.

Because of Fang Mu, Cai Guili got in touch with Yi Han and became a partner of the Yi family.

The Yi family handed over the sales channels of some of the medicines to the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce. Cai Guili was afraid of making mistakes, so he personally supervised the sales and management of these medicines by his Bluestone Chamber of Commerce.

So far, I haven't closed my eyes for two days and two nights.

Cai Guili just closed his eyes and squinted for less than two hours.

If someone else had disturbed him at this time, Cai Guili would have been furious already.

Seeing that the call was from Fang Mu, Cai Guili was pleasantly surprised.

It took two seconds to clear my throat, return to social status, and then the enthusiastic other party didn't say hello.

Fang Mu ignored Cai Guili's greeting and asked Cai Guili directly.

"I heard that the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce in JA City has a close relationship with your Qingshi Chamber of Commerce?"

"Now come to Yongquan Square in JA City!"

"I hope this matter is just a misunderstanding between me and the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce, and I have always disliked misunderstandings with my partners!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu hung up the phone directly.

Fang Mu's words shocked Cai Guili's last drowsiness.

Fang Mu probably had conflicts with the nearshore chamber of commerce in JA City, and the nearshore chamber of commerce raised the Qingshi chamber of commerce when it had conflicts with Fangmu.

Most of the time Fang Mu called himself because he hoped to solve the problem by himself, and by the way, he gave Fang Mu an explanation.

As the president of a chamber of commerce, if Cai Guili couldn't even figure out this kind of thing, he could have abdicated a long time ago.

After thinking about it in his mind for a while, Cai Guili didn't remember when the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce was related to the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce.

But Cai Guili didn't dare to neglect Fang Mu's words, and hurriedly asked someone to ask him.

After inquiring, Cai Guili finally understood how the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce and the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce got together!

This small in-law relationship has indeed bound the nearshore chamber of commerce with the Qingshi chamber of commerce.

This time things are difficult!

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