Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 413 The plot of the blood race!

Su Yue didn't expect Fang Lin to attach so much importance to Fang Mu's words.

After Fang Mu made the request, he didn't even ask, and let himself create conditions for Fang Mu.

You must know that Scavenger and Jing Haijun belong to two departments.

The behavior of the scavenger seconding this tool-type beast to Jing Haijun will be reported by Jing Haijun layer by layer.

This will magnify the situation of this turmoil, which will not benefit Fang Lin in any way.

But now the situation is urgent, since Fang Lin took the initiative to speak, Su Yue immediately started to act according to Fang Lin's order.

Su Yue is extremely capable, and soon after arranging everything, she went to the headquarters of Jing Haijun.

Several spirit craftsmen employed by the scavengers commanded the goblins to build a frame covering an area of ​​3,000 square meters and a height of about 20 meters in just over ten minutes.

Fang Lin guessed why Fang Mu wanted to build such a frame.

Fang Mu probably didn't want his methods to be exposed in front of others, so when these spirit craftsmen ordered the goblins to build the frame.

Fang Lin purposely left a door for Fang Mu to pass through, and semi-closed the entire infrastructure.

Only fine pores are left on the walls to facilitate gas exchange between the interior and exterior of the infrastructure.

Fang Mu said to Fang Lin before entering the semi-closed infrastructure.

"I want to deal with this level of pollution. Even with the cooperation of the scavengers, it will take at least two to three days."

"Auntie Fang, wait until I finish dealing with the pollution here."

"Before that, I will inform Dragon Mother of the situation when dealing with the pollution."

"Don't worry, if you ask me to bring it, I will definitely bring it!"

Fang Lin finally had a smile on her face when she heard this.

Fang Mu could always remember what he said to Fang Mu, which made Fang Lin very happy.

From this, it can be seen that Fang Mu attaches great importance to himself.

"Fang Mu, you go, remember that if you find that you can't handle it, don't try to be brave!"

"If it doesn't work, I can also activate the energy array that His Excellency Jiuji laid under the Scavenger Branch when building this Scavenger Branch."

"Activate the energy array, open the array fire to purify the toxin!"

Fang Lin's words seemed easy, but there was no other way to stir up the fire!

The energy array laid by Jiu Ji under the scavenger branch does have the effect of preventing accidents.

However, this is by no means the root cause of Jiuji's efforts to lay this energy array.

This energy array can absorb energy from the leylines and provide fire for all incineration houses.

Once Fang Lin activates the energy circle, the energy in the circle will be consumed a lot.

Then the incineration room in the scavenger branch will be useless.

Therefore, Fang Lin would never do this unless it was absolutely necessary!

The opening of dimensional rifts is random, but on average, there are more than 20 dimensional rifts opening in the entire Tranquility Province every week.

Although the vast majority of the dimensional cracks are pioneer-level heavy artillery-level existences, they can easily kill the gushing tide of alien beasts.

But the remains of those alien beasts will eventually be transported to the Scavenger Branch in JA City.

If the incinerator in the scavenger branch really stops, the corpses of the alien beasts transported here will not be incinerated in time.

In the end, it will pollute the surrounding environment.

As a scavenger, Fang Mu is rated as an SS-level talent, and has the ability and opportunity to get in touch with the core secrets of the scavenger.

So it is very clear the consequences once the energy array below the scavenger is activated.

"Aunt Fang, I have never been a brave person."

"Even if the pollution in the environment is stronger than I imagined, the most I can do is extend the time to complete the treatment."

"Just wait outside for my good news!"

After speaking, Fang Mu walked towards the portal of the infrastructure ahead.

Every time Fang Mu took a step, there would be green space flashing under his feet.

Behind Fang Mu, Lian Du Wang Lian quietly melted into the ground under Fang Mu's feet.

Fang Mu entered the interior of the infrastructure and summoned Liandu Wanglian again.

This time Fang Mu didn't hold back, and directly let Liandu Wanglian use its exclusive feature [ground-bound lotus body] to penetrate its roots deeply into the ground, absorbing the nutrients deep in the ground to strengthen the lotus body.

Let the lotus body present a huge state.

Liandu Wanglian almost filled the entire infrastructure after casting [Earth-Binding Lotus Body].

After the roots of Liandu Wanglian penetrated into the ground, it is better to use the skill [Poison Healing].

The poison contained in the ground quickly gathers towards the root system of Liandu Wanglian.

Lian Du Wang Lian uses the skill [Poison Healing] to transform the absorbed toxin into healing energy.

In an instant, majestic healing energy gushed out from the infrastructure.

Fang Lin, who was standing not far from this infrastructure, could intuitively feel that the concentration of toxins here was rapidly decreasing.

You must know that the corpses of Medusa Snake Demon and Poison Drinking Snake Dove were transported from here.

This can be said to be the place with the highest concentration of toxins.

Fang Mu's ability to purify the polluted land surprised Fang Lin who had clearly overestimated Fang Mu.

According to this speed of purification, all the effects of this turmoil can really be offset within two days.

It's just that Fang Mu's rapid purification of toxins must consume a lot.

Fang Lin was a little worried that Fang Mu wouldn't last long, and even more afraid that Fang Mu would force herself.

Because overdraft damages one's own origin.

Fang Lin didn't know that Fang Mu was sitting comfortably on the leaves of Liandu Wanglian, feeling the nourishment of the healing power released by Liandu Wanglian.

Shu Liangjun has already contacted Fang Mu through soul transmission.

Fang Mu asked Shu Liangjun to guard the periphery of the scavenger branch.

And asked Shu Liangjun to investigate in JA City to see if he could find the whereabouts of the blood race creatures.

Fang Mu took Fang Lin's concerns very seriously.

Fang Mu was very afraid that his hometown JA City would suffer another catastrophe.

After Shu Liangjun knew that Fang Mu asked him to investigate the situation of the blood clan, the expression on his face could not help but become a bit dignified.

The blood clan has been really active in recent years!

Not only is he keen to make friends with major forces, but he has also established relationships with many forces both openly and secretly.

It even started to tamper with the Human Federation!

The activity of the blood race made Shu Liangjun feel very abnormal.

It is said that several federations under the Federation of All Nations have repeatedly proposed that human-dimensional creatures such as blood races should not be active in the human federation.

However, due to Han Ming, the holy creator in the Federation of Nations, he has a cooperative relationship with the upper echelons of the blood clan.

The Federation of Nations has not passed this proposal.

Shu Liangjun was quite curious about the plans of the blood race, so he just took this opportunity to see if he could find out why the blood race was so active.

Anyway, JA City is such a big place, as long as Fang Mu is in danger, he can always rush to Fang Mu's side as soon as possible.

From Shu Liangjun's understanding of Fang Mu, Fang Mu was never a weak boy.

Fang Mu has many means of self-protection.

Otherwise, if Fang Mu stepped into the land of inheritance alone, it would be impossible for Yinyang Li Anbao, a powerhouse of order, to take advantage of it.

This shows that Fang Mu has the means to check and balance the strong in order.

Fang Mu used Shadow of the Fool's innate supernatural ability [Eye of All-knowing] to check the surroundings.

After confirming that no one checked the environment here, Fang Mu released Sisi.

As soon as Xixi appeared, he put his handle on Fang Mu's palm and shook it coquettishly.

Fang Mu squatted down, and hugged Xixi directly like a pet cat.

After the advanced stage, a large number of mechanical gears are derived from the suction body, and these mechanical gears increase the weight of the suction.

But no matter how heavy the suction is, it can only be regarded as a trivial matter to Fang Mu who has the blessing of the blood.

"Fang Mu, I miss you already!"

"You haven't let Xixi accompany you for a long time!"

Fang Mu patted Xixi's body apologetically.

Sucking is so special that it is inconvenient for Fang Mu to summon him in front of others. .

During this period of time, Fang Mu has been in contact with outsiders and other forces, so the time of contact with suction is naturally less.

However, in the next period of time, Fang Mu will focus on cultivating the royal beasts, and will be in a semi-closed state before the Dragon Federation selects the younger generation.

During this period of time, Fang Mu must have time to spend more time with Xiexi.

After playing with sucking for a while, Fang Mu spoke seriously to sucking.

"Shut up, you go to the root system of Lian Du Wang Lian, and use the skill garbage recycling to absorb the toxicity in the land as much as possible."

"Help me condense more toxin crystals."

The poison-drinking snake dove and the Medusa snake demon, the two alien beasts, have very special toxins, which the Huyan twins don't have at the moment.

The more types of toxins the Huyan Twins control, the stronger the Huyan Twins' aggressiveness will be.

Poison-type attacks have always been the Huyan Gemini's attack method.

The toxin of the poison-drinking snake dove is extremely inclusive, and can fuse other toxins together to form an effect where one plus one is greater than two.

The toxin itself also has a certain degree of mental paralysis.

If the twins of Huyan can master the toxin in the body of the poison-drinking snake dove, it can be said to be a great improvement in the strength of the twins of Huyan.

The poison of the Medusa basilisk can confuse the mind.

Although it can't petrify other life like the binoculars, it can make the carapace, fur, and ossified cuticle of the body brittle after invading the body.

Easier to destroy by physical means.

These two toxins can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the Lake Flame Twins.

After hearing Fang Mu's request, Xixi slid down Liandu Wanglian's lotus neck.

The metal cilia in front squirmed quickly, causing Xixi to sink into the ground.

He found a comfortable position near Lian Du Wang Lian, and began to condense the poison crystals.

After Su Yue arrived at the headquarters of the Jinghai Navy, she explained her intentions, and the Jinghai Navy immediately dispatched 60,000 gale sparrows to help.

In addition to these 60,000 Gale Sparrows, there are also ten Wind Curtain Dragon Eagles.

These ten wind curtain dragon eagles opened an arc-shaped wind curtain in the sky, allowing the wind curtain to sweep the hurricane inward.

Its ability to gather toxins that escape in the air is much stronger than that of Gale Sparrow.

Fang Lin sent 30 earth-moving giant elephants with extremely high poison resistance, and let these earth-moving giant elephants crush the sand and rocks under the ground and form a surge.

Then let the toxin-containing sand and stones keep pushing towards the infrastructure where the square wood is located.

The efforts of the scavenger allowed Fang Mu to ensure that Lian Du Wang Lian was always at the fastest purification speed.

In the process of purifying toxins, Lian Du Wang Lian is also being nourished.

The lavender lotus petals of Lian Du Wang Lian became a bit more delicate and beautiful.

Fang Mu dialed Longmu's phone number when he had nothing to do.

If it wasn't for Fang Lin's request, Fang Mu would rarely communicate directly with Dragon Mother on weekdays.

However, the deal with Dragon Mother to create master resources has been going on all the time.

As much as Fang Mu is to Yi Han, he is also as generous to Dragon Mother.

Because Fang Mu knew why Mother Long accepted Fang Qin as his disciple.

Only by doing this can I keep getting closer to the relationship between myself and Mother Long, so that Mother Long can teach Fang Qin seriously.

In the process of dealing with Dragon Mother, Fang Mu gained a lot of benefits by using the master creation resources that can be cultivated casually.

The phone was quickly picked up by Dragon Mother.

"Xiaomu, it's rare for you to take the initiative to call me. This time you came to the capital and didn't say you came to sit with me!"

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Senior Dragon Mother, I only stayed in the capital for two days, and I had no choice but to rush back to JA City."

"I didn't even attend the banquet held by Master Yi Han for my third sister."

"Next time I go to the capital, I will definitely visit you!"

Speaking of this, Fang Mu changed the subject.

"There was an accident in the scavenger branch of JA City, Senior Mother of Dragons. I think you have received the news."

Mother Long on the other end of the phone nodded in disbelief.

Fang Lin, as the green screen knight in charge of the JA City Scavenger Branch, immediately reported the situation to Mother Long after the accident.

Mother Long was a little surprised. Why did Fang Mu suddenly take care of matters related to the Scavenger Branch?

At this time, Jiuji has already sent people to reinforce the scavenger branch in JA City.

"That's right, I received the news. How is the situation over there now?"

"If the situation is really difficult to maintain, let Fang Lin activate the energy array."

"Be sure not to cause panic among the residents of JA City again!"

Mother Long knew very well that JA City, which had just experienced catastrophe, was not suitable for another twists and turns now.

Fang Mu said solemnly upon hearing the words.

"Senior Dragon Mother, the problem of toxin pollution caused by the accident in JA City has been successfully resolved."

"The pollution caused by the accident can be completely cleaned up within two days, so you don't need to worry about it!"

"I'm calling you because Your Excellency Fang Lin noticed the blood race in JA City."

"The blood race is very likely to have some unknown conspiracy in JA City!"

"If Senior Dragon Mother is inconvenient, I can investigate the traces of the blood clan on my behalf!"

Fang Mu explained the current situation in JA City to Dragon Mother in detail.

Long Mu designated the accident as a Class B pollution leakage accident.

If the B-level pollution cleanup team that sent the scavengers wanted to solve the pollution within two days, at least six teams would need to work together.

Since Fang Mu gave such a guarantee, Mother Long would naturally not doubt the authenticity of Fang Mu's words.

All Fang Mu's actions are related to the face of the founding master Qi Xing.

Fang Mu is willing to extend a helping hand to JA City, which saves a lot of resources of the scavenger.

The scavenger must accept Fangmu's love.

When Fang Mu said that he found traces of the Blood Race in JA City, Mother Long determined that the cooperation between the Blood Race and the Xiexin Sect must have other plans.

It's just that after the evil sect was beaten back, the plot of the blood race did not come true.

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