Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 414 Can you be Fang Mu's teammate? ?

The Dragon Federation is in late autumn, and this time is the most active stage of the dimensional rift in a year.

Frequent dimensional rifts make the scavengers very short of manpower.

If it was this period in previous years, Dragon Mother would be able to send people to reinforce JA City, or send a large number of strong men to JA City to investigate and eliminate the blood clan's conspiracy.

But now the major forces in the Soaring Dragon Federation are focusing on the selection of the younger generation of the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Although the scavengers were not the main official force in charge of this grand event, they also played an extremely important role in it.

Now if Fang Mu can help the scavenger find and solve the conspiracy of the blood clan in JA City, it will be a good thing for the scavenger.

The collisions with the higher blood races are nothing more than the bodies of some blood races, or special spiritual materials produced from the dimensional cracks of the blood castle.

Those bloodline spiritual materials are of no use to human beast masters.

Fang Mu should also know this.

Fang Mu was willing to take the initiative to help Longteng Federation, so that Mother Long felt that Fang Mu owed him a favor.

"Xiaomu, after you finish dealing with the lurking turmoil in JA City, I will share with you the items in the Scavenger Headquarters Hall of Merit."

"At that time, you can choose two of them as a reward."

Fang Mu hurriedly said upon hearing this.

"Senior Dragon Mother, I am also a member of the scavengers."

"I'm not willing to help the scavenger because I want to get paid from the scavenger."

Dragon Mother said with a smile.

"Xiaomu, I know you don't lack this."

"In the entire Dragon Federation, there are not many people who can control more creator resources than you."

"But one yard is one yard, it should be your reward and you still have to take it!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to ask you to help me casually!"

It is a good thing for Dragon Mother that Fang Mu does not take the resources of the scavenger.

None of the spiritual materials in the Hall of Merit of the Scavenger Headquarters can be obtained easily through resources.

Even if Long Mu, as Bishop Fanhua, wants to use the resources in the Hall of Merit as a reward for Fang Mu, she still needs to spend points in exchange for it.

The reason why Mother Long insisted on doing this was because the relationship between Mother Long and Fang Mu was not a false courtesy.

Mother Long has the idea of ​​getting closer to Fang Mu again.

Second, there is no real benefit to just asking Fang Mu to help, and it is very likely that it will arouse the dissatisfaction of the founding master Qixing.

Mother Long didn't want to cause Qixing to misunderstand, making Qixing think that he wanted to take advantage of Fangmu.

"Senior Dragon Mother, how can there be any words between you and me!?"

"I went out to practice some time ago, and the results I got are very satisfactory to the master."

"The master handed over two bottles of fire element medicine with a purity of 96% to me as a reward."

"I heard from my eldest sister that you have been looking for high-concentration fire element potion, trying to improve the bloodline of the beast."

"I will send the potion to the elder sister as soon as possible, and send it to you."

This communication with Dragon Mother allowed Fang Mu to be sure that Dragon Mother did not think about how to take advantage of him in the process of dealing with him.

Instead, I want to give back as much as possible after paying on my own side.

Fang Mu likes to deal with people like Dragon Mother very much.

Yi Han and Dragon Mother are the same kind of people, and the reason why Fang Mu agreed to Yi Han's request when Yi Han asked him for resources is also because of this reason.

The stronger the dragon mother is, the more she can be Fang Mu's help in the Longteng Federation.

Dragon Mother is a smart person, and Fang Mu understood Fang Mu's intentions as soon as he opened his mouth.

Among the elemental medicines I traded with Fang Mu before, the number of times I traded thunder elemental medicines was much more than that of fire elemental medicines.

I didn't mention what kind of resources Fang Qin needed to create a master.

Mother Long didn't want Fang Qin to feel that he, the master, was asking for something.

Fang Mu would say that he knew that he needed two bottles of high-purity fire-attribute potion, but it was not that Fang Mu really guessed what he needed.

It's just that Fang Mu wants to give these resources to himself, reminding himself to teach Fang Qin well.

Mother Long said to Fang Mu in a very solemn tone.

"Xiaomu, I am only Xiaoqin as an apprentice, and I have no intention of taking another apprentice after that."

"I did have a lot of considerations before accepting apprentices, but after accepting apprentices, people's thinking will change."

"Longteng Federation is going to screen out the top talents of the younger generation in different age groups. With Xiaoqin's current strength, he has the opportunity to compete for these seats."

"It's just that after winning these seats, I have to represent the Dragon Federation to compete with the younger generations of other federations."

"I can't guarantee Xiaoqin's safety during the competition. Do you think it is necessary for Xiaoqin to participate in this selection?"

Fang Mu never accepted any disciples, and Fang Mu didn't have such an opportunity as a lecturer in his previous life.

Just like a person who has never been a father cannot understand the sense of responsibility of being a father.

It is impossible for Fang Mu to empathize with Dragon Mother's words.

Across the phone, Fang Mu couldn't verify how sincere Long Mu's words were.

However, Fang Mu didn't pay much attention to these things. What Fang Mu valued was that Bishop Fanhua, who was listed as a scavenger by Dragon Mother, was willing to disclose these information to himself.

This shows that the relationship between himself and Dragon Mother has already taken a step closer invisibly.

"You shouldn't ask me about Senior Dragon Mother, but you should ask my elder sister."

"Her life is naturally in her own hands."

After Fang Mu chatted with Long Mu for a while, he just hung up the phone.

Fang Mu's cell phone rang again.

Seeing that it was Russell calling, Fang Mu pressed the answer button.

"Brother Fang, what's the situation with you?"

"I just got off the phone with Fang Lin, and she said that you are the only one who is dealing with the pollution caused by the Class B leak."

"I just sent reinforcements over here."

"The reinforcements were brought by Fang Lin's assistant, Su Yue, from Jing Haijun's side."

"If the reinforcements are not enough, just talk to me!"

"And don't be too reluctant when it comes to pollution control!"

"If you hurt yourself, the gain will outweigh the loss!"

Russell's words were extremely serious.

Because of the relationship between Lu and Yu, Luo Su always called Fang Mu one by one.

Ever since Fang Qin became a disciple of Dragon Mother and left Jing Haijun.

Russell didn't even have the chance to repay Fang Mu.

This made Russell feel quite sorry.

Hearing Russell's concern for him, Fang Mu said with a smile.

"Sister Russell, you should know that I've never been strong."

"Your Excellency Fang Lin has already communicated with me about the reinforcements."

"In two days, the pollution incident was indeed able to subside smoothly."

When Russell first heard the news from Fang Lin, he really thought that Fang Mu was trying to be brave.

It was hard for Russell to believe that Fang Mu could handle such a large-scale accident when he was a half-year-old boy who was a one-pointed star beast master.

This made Russell wary of Fang Lin, afraid that Fang Lin would pull Fang Mu into the game in order to shirk responsibility.

After communicating with Fang Mu, Russell was finally completely relieved.

He secretly thought in his heart that he underestimated Fang Mu's ability!

Originally, Russell wanted to say that when Fang Mu returned to JA City, he would find a time to welcome Fang Mu.

But in the end Russell still didn't get the invitation out of his mouth.

If you really want to say that the gap in status between yourself and Fang Mu is really too big, your initiative to invite is likely to be misinterpreted by Fang Mu, thinking that you have something to ask for.

From now on, I just need to watch Fang Mu from a distance.

When Fang Mu needs his own help, he can do his best to help Fang Mu.

On this point, Russell and Lu Yuyu have the same ideas.

Just when Russell thought Fang Mu was about to hang up the phone, Fang Mu continued to ask.

"Sister Luo Su, your wedding with Brother Lu should be held next month, right?"

"I will go to the capital in the middle of next month."

"If I can catch up with your wedding, I will be there to congratulate you!"

"If the time limit is not met, I will ask someone to deliver the congratulatory gift."

Russell couldn't help feeling flattered when he heard the words.

He had a sense of propriety and didn't take the initiative to invite Fang Mu, but when Fang Mu took the initiative to make friends with him, Russell had no reason to refuse Fang Mu's kindness.

Russell plans to call Lu Yuyu immediately to let Lu Yuyu know about it.

Only by setting up a place of honor for Fang Mu at the wedding site can he express his sincerity!


Everything in JA City is as usual, and the noon breeze blows through the weeping willows.

Weeping willows float lazily.

After the renovation of the urban area of ​​JA City, all the plants planted will not turn yellow and lose leaves in winter.

If it wasn't for the cooler weather, I would have worn sweaters at night.

JA city at this time looks no different from midsummer.

The community where Walnut is located was not attacked during the last invasion of JA City by the cult party.

It is precisely because of this that the prices in the community where walnuts are located have risen.

Walnut's parents had the idea of ​​changing their residence as early as a year ago.

Hu Tao's parents hope that Hu Tao can be admitted to Jinghai Tianyu University.

The place where he lives now is somewhat far from Jinghai Tianyu University.

The original intention of Hu Tao's parents to change their residence was very simple. The reason why they have not changed is because there are only large-sized houses in the few suitable communities near Jinghai Tianyu University.

Walnut's parents have a limited budget, and spending all the family money on the house will affect the resources devoted to Walnut in the future.

Now, taking advantage of the rising housing prices in the community, Hu Tao's parents have put the current house up for auction.

Selling the house at the current price is just enough to buy a medium-sized house near Jinghai Tianyu University.

Hu Tao's parents learned from Hu Tao's mouth that it was Fang Mu who saved Jinghai Yushou High School and also Hu Tao's life.

This matter is not a secret at all to JA City.

Hu Tao's parents didn't expect that Fang Mu, who had always been a pity for the two of them before, would be so capable!

Hu Tao's parents are not snobbish and utilitarian at all, otherwise they would not allow ordinary people like Hu Tao and Fang Mu to be friends.

Now knowing that Fang Mu's identity is extraordinary, Hu Tao's parents didn't expect to let Hu Tao climb up.

Hu Tao took a bite of mashed potato bibimbap after receiving the three fresh soup from his mother.

Looking up at her father, the mother said seriously.

"Mom and Dad, Fang Mu said that he would invite me to be his teammate and take me to play in the National University League."

Hu Tao's mother paused when she heard that she was serving the soup, and Hu Tao's father choked on the unswallowed mashed potato bibimbap and coughed.

The two elders looked at each other, and they both heard what Hu Tao wanted to express from Hu Tao's words.

Judging from the current strength of Hutao and the resources that the family can prepare for Hutao.

The Walnuts simply didn't qualify for the NCAA.

To be able to become a player in a large club guild is already a blessing from Hutaotian.

When Fang Mu invites Hutao, he must allocate part of the resources in his hands to Hutao, so that it is possible for Hutao to have such strength.

Fang Mu grew up under the watchful eye of the two, and they knew Fang Mu's character very well.

Before Fang Mu showed his amazing background, the improvement of Walnut's performance had a lot to do with Fang Mu.

When Hu Tao asked the two of them, it was both a discussion and a request.

Lin Wei couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

Lin Wei's long-cherished wish is simple, she hopes that Hu Tao can live a healthy and happy life.

There is basically no utilitarianism.

Lin Wei has never forced Hu Tao to achieve her current results, it all depends on Hu Tao's self-motivation.

Lin Wei was very afraid that after Hu Tao followed Fang Mu, someone would gossip about Hu Tao.

Gossip and gossip can ruin a life for a girl.

Lin Wei looked at Hu Xu.

When she couldn't make up her mind, Lin Wei preferred to seek Hu Xu's opinion.

Hu Xu saw that his wife and daughter were looking at him, and after pondering for a while, he asked Hu Tao seriously.

"Taotao, are you sure you can be Fang Mu's teammate?"

"You've grown up, you can make up your own mind when you're sixteen years old."

"But no matter what, no matter what choice you make, I hope to have a phone call with Fang Mu during this week."

Knowing a daughter is like a father.

Hu Xu has always known that Hu Tao is a very independent person.

If Hu Tao didn't want to be teammates with Fang Mu, he would have already directly rejected Fang Mu.

He would not ask for the opinions of himself and Lin Wei here.

In this matter, Hu Xu felt that instead of asking why Hutao made such a choice, it would be better to have a serious communication between men with Fang Mu, the inviter of Hutao.

Only in this way can Hu Xu, a father, rest assured that his daughter can make such a decision.

Hu Tao felt relieved when he heard the words, Hu Tao was very afraid that her parents would object to her agreeing to Fang Mu's invitation.

Dad let himself make up his mind, Hu Tao can reply to Fang Mu tomorrow morning.

As for her father's need to communicate with Fang Mu, Hu Tao didn't think it was difficult.

When Fang Mu sent himself home before, his school uniform got wet because of the rain.

I was also called by my father to have dinner at home, and then went back after changing into my father's clothes.

Because Fang Mu showed superb chess skills that time, he would come home to play two games of chess with his father every once in a while.

Hu Tao is a little curious about how Fang Mu, who studies the knowledge of beast control every day, is so good at chess! ?

Fang Mu, who was feeding the Huyan twins with the crystals of the poison system, suddenly sneezed.

Fang Mu rubbed his nose.

As the saying goes, think twice, scold and talk three times, I don't know who is thinking about myself at this time! ?

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