Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 438: Magic Wind Giant!

As soon as the raindrops touched the firecracker dogs, the four firecracker dogs howled violently!

The four raindrops that Fang Mu raised his hand did not actually contain any force.

It failed to bring any physical damage to the four firecracker dogs.

But after the four raindrops touched the firecracker dog's fur, the acid and putrefaction in the raindrops corroded the firecracker dog's fur.

The firecracker dog, a living beast, does not have any poison resistance.

In an instant, yellow smoke rose from the fur under the erosion of acid and putrefaction.

In the blink of an eye, the four firecracker dogs were rotten into pus.

The hyphae climbed on the pus, like grinning the corners of the devil's mouth in the arena.

The four firecracker dogs died, and the pair of middle-aged men and women had no beasts to continue fighting. The system naturally judged that Fang Mu and Hu Tao had won the duel.

Under the stunned eyes of this middle-aged man and woman, Fang Mu went straight to the next match without wasting any time.

Fang Mu's move excited the audience who had just entered the Hutao live broadcast room.

【Xiaobai Wangwang】: Wow! Jianmu didn't even summon the imperial beast, and immediately dropped the four firecracker dogs! Jianmu, you are my god!

[Moyue Tianyu]: Jianmufan, please be sober, anyone with a bit of combat power can deal with these four firecracker dogs! This is amazing, what are you shouting at that moment! ?

[Wish you a happy spring breeze]: Is the Yan Luo fan upstairs? Get out if you don't like it! I see that Jianmu's account is bound to this live broadcast room, it seems that there will always be a duel to watch in the future!

[Bai Xiaobai with a name and surname]: It’s not that Jianmu bound the live broadcast room with his Battle.net account, and formed a team with this anchor named Must be Awakened. It seems that Jianmu doesn’t plan to bring her in the future girl!

[Island in the forest]: It doesn't matter if you bring a girl or not, the key is whether the girl is strong or not! If you keep dragging Jianmu back, this girl will definitely be raped by the Internet! I don't know if this girl's psychological quality can handle it?

Hu Tao watched Fang Mu's duel video carefully, and was not surprised by Fang Mu's methods.

Hu Tao watched the barrage in the live broadcast room while interacting in the live broadcast room.

Hu Tao watched the audience questioning his strength in the live broadcast room, but did not try to defend himself.

It's useless to justify something like strength, it can only be proved through fighting!

If it had been two days ago, Fang Mu would have taken his own duo.

Seeing these questioning walnuts will definitely feel extremely inferior.

But now that Hutao's strength has been improved, even if he doesn't need to act as a puppet to increase the city guard Luanjiu, the city guard Luanjiu can still take on the responsibility of guarding his teammates.

So Walnut calmed down.

Fang Mu's Battle.net account was bound to the live broadcast room.

So although Fang Mu is not the anchor, he can also see the questioning of Hu Tao in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Fang Mu was not worried about Walnut.

Since Hu Tao has plans to become a star, she must have a psychological quality far beyond ordinary people to face doubts from all sides.

Hu Tao is a newcomer who suddenly appeared on Battle.net, and has never entered the public's field of vision before.

The more voices questioning Hutao now, the moment when Hutao proves his strength, all these doubts will be converted into praise.

Fang Mu will not let Walnut suffer for too long.

Fang Mu plans to take Walnut all the way to the gold rank promotion match tonight.

Hutao will definitely find an opportunity to show his strength!

Fangmu and Walnut quickly matched their opponents again.

[Wind Knife Team]: 4 games in total, 4 wins, winning rate: 100%

The Wind Knife team has won four consecutive victories until the last match of the placement match.

The two members of the Wind Knife team are also a man and a woman.

The man and woman looked much older than Fang Mu and Hu Tao.

Most people at this age are already university students.

The girls of the Wind Knife team rubbed their eyes subconsciously after seeing Fang Mu, and then cried out in surprise.

"Ahh! You are Jianmu!"

"Boss! I'm your fan!"

"I didn't expect to meet you in the double division!"

When she spoke, the expression on the woman's face was full of excitement and joy.

Fang Mu was very unfamiliar with this kind of scene, but he still smiled and nodded to the girl who recognized him at a glance and called her "boss".

Hu Tao guessed that Fang Mu, who spends all his time on books, doesn't know the meaning of the title "Boss".

Walnut explained to Fang Mu.

"Amu, the sister on the opposite side should have joined your fan club."

"Generally, the senior fans in the fan group are the so-called only fans, and they will call their idols the boss!"

Hu Tao's explanation was serious, and Fang Mu listened carefully.

Fang Mu didn't expect that the fans of the world of beasts would join the fan club and form such a small group just like the fans in the previous life when they chased their idols.

Fang Mu has never managed his own fame, so Fang Mu's fan clubs are all formed spontaneously by fans.

Battle.net has extremely strict control over these private fan groups, basically eliminating the situation where fan groups manage to make money.

Therefore, Fang Mu's star-chasing atmosphere in this life is much better than the previous life, and there are not so many dirty things.

You can follow your heart to follow your favorite stars and players.

Seeing Fang Mu, the young man beside the woman was quite depressed.

The young man knew early in the morning that his new girlfriend had an idol.

It turned out that it was such a coincidence that they ran into each other directly on Battle.net!

This young man has also watched Jianmu's video, and he is well aware of the gap in strength between himself and Jianmu.

But now that they have been matched, there is no reason to back down.

The man coughed lightly.

"Yaoyao, do you want to have a good fight with Jianmu!?"

"After the fight, you will most likely become a celebrity in your group!"

Zhang Yao nodded excitedly upon hearing this.

I became a fan of Jianmu because of his strength, and it can be called Zhang Yao's pursuit to get a chance to fight Jianmu.

This is very similar to those fans in Fang Mu's previous life who paid high prices to snatch tickets to the concert of the Heavenly King and Queen.

Zhang Yao summoned her natal illustrated book, and a gust of wind spread around Zhang Yao.

A group of humanoid creatures composed of wind elements appeared beside Zhang Yao.

This kind of humanoid creature is six or seven meters tall, and the frenzied wind element inside makes a violent buzzing sound of birds.

Zhang Yao still held a huge folding fan in her hand.

The folding fan could completely cover Zhang Yao's body without fully unfolding it.

There are three cyan snake patterns painted on the folding fan.

Seeing this, Xie Ming knew that Zhang Yao had become serious.

Xie Ming took a step back, and three little sables with blue fur stood in front of Xie Ming.

The mink tails of these three little minks are raised high and bent downward.

There is a sharp wind element on it.

These high-speed flowing wind elements are adsorbed on the mink's tail, like a sickle.

Can easily tear apart the opponent's defense.

Zhang Yao and Xie Ming are indeed not well-known on Battle.net now, but they have already signed a contract with a large club and will soon become official players of this large club's guild reserve team.

It is not an easy task to be selected as an official player by the reserve team of a large club from the very beginning.

For a large club to make such a decision, it must have repeatedly considered the strength of Zhang Yao and Xie Ming.

More and more viewers came to the Hutao live broadcast room.

Liu Tiantian had just finished the promotion, and opened her personal account to enter Fang Mu and Hu Tao's live broadcast room.

Liu Tiantian did not expect that in the second positioning match of Fangmu Battle.net, she would encounter a high-quality opponent who had contracted a golden rank beast.

It's just a coincidence that this happened!

Liu Tiantian looked at the folding fan in Zhang Yao's hand, and the three cyan mink in front of Xie Ming who were interlocking.

Liu Tiantian's eyebrows condensed, and she recognized Zhang Yao and Xie Ming at once!

These two ranked in the top 1,000 in the National High School Beastmaster Professional League!

Xie Ming broke into the top 500 by relying on the linkage of his three identical beasts.

In addition to having good talents in combat, the two also have amazing talents in mental power.

Because the two became the two-pointed star beast master just after entering the freshman year, they were directly favored by the Xifeng Club and invited them.

Zhang Yao, Xie Ming, Jian Mu, and Hu Tao met together, it can be said to be a win-win situation.

Firstly, this duel can increase the reputation of Zhang Yao and Xie Ming.

As long as the two perform well, there is a great chance that the Xifeng Club will improve their treatment.

And Fang Mu also needs valuable opponents like Zhang Yao and Xie Ming to help Hu Tao attract more fans.

The strength of Zhang Yao and Xie Ming really surprised the audience in the live broadcast room.

[While holding a sword as a beauty]: What the hell? Isn't this a positioning match? How can you match such a strong opponent! ? Is there a problem with the matching mechanism of this two-person partition? If I match with my sister and meet such an opponent, wouldn't I be ashamed in front of my sister?

[Xiao Cheng is stupid]: Battle.net's solo ranking seems to be matched in this way, it depends on the rank, and does not consider the actual strength of the rank holder! If the opponents were allocated according to the real strength of the rank holders, wouldn't those strong players be stuck in the lower ranks forever?

[Gushengliu]: Jianmu's teammates didn't make a move at all in the last match, so the girl led by Jianmu can't do nothing in this matchup! ?

Liu Tiantian looked at Hu Tao expectantly.

Liu Tiantian was very curious about how strong Hutao was in order to be selected as a teammate by Jianmu.

Since Walnut wants to be an anchor, he must prove himself through this battle.

Hu Tao took a step forward, and the natal illustrated book appeared in Hu Tao's hand.

Hu Tao held her natal illustrated book backwards, and the sturdy and handsome guard Luanjiu spread her wings directly in front of Fang Mu and Hu Tao.

Don't look at Luanjiu, the guardian of the city, who is now only a tenth-ranked beast of the silver rank, and has not yet been promoted to the gold rank.

But because of the quality of the moat's dove, the power of the silver-level tenth legendary quality moat's dove is no less powerful than that of the wind elemental giant and the three little blue minks in front of Zhang Yao.

Hutao's Royal Beast did not live up to the expectations of the audience in the live broadcast room at all.

[Elegant with the wind]: Gan! The beast that must be awakened is so handsome! Judging from the breath, this big silver bird should have awakened the blood of the luan bird, right?

[Millennium flute]: This is not just awakening the blood of the ostrich. The blood of the ostrich will make the figure of the royal beast light and elegant, and the tail feathers will generally grow very long. The tail feathers of the silver-ranked giant bird have not passed The special development shows that there must be other bloodlines that are checking and balancing the bloodlines of the Luanniao.

[Millennium Flute] This Battle.net account is very famous.

In the past, the millennium flute could always be seen in the forums of the Diamond Division.

Millennium Die is more interested in diamond-level beasts than analyzing those low-level beasts.

The millennium flute has only recently paid attention to Jianmu, and has begun to appear frequently in forums related to Jianmu.

Published many views on Jianmu Yushou.

Even a senior creator once liked the post of Millennium Dip.

However, because the barrage rolled too fast, the barrage of the millennium flute did not cause much splash.

Millennium Flute has already defined its own research direction, and is ready to study the walnut beast.

Let's see what bloodline is actually able to balance and suppress Luanniao's bloodline!

A silver-ranked royal beast can exert such power, and the quality of this silver-ranked beast that Millennium Die is sure to awaken is destined to be legendary.

The Millennium Die couldn't be more clear about what it means to have a silver-ranked legendary quality imperial beast.

This means that the girl brought by Fang Mu can obtain the resources of creating a master to train the beast master!

This is a girl who won at the starting line.

Creating master resources is a gap that no amount of talent and luck can bridge!

Judging from Hutao's royal beast alone, Millennium Dip is sure that Hutao will definitely become a super anchor on Battle.net!

There is no loss in investing!

Thinking that Millennium Di followed Hu Tao's personal account, and then opened a fan card in the live broadcast room.

When Walnut summoned the beast master, Fang Mu didn't summon his beast master immediately.

Instead, use [Eye of All-knowing] to investigate Zhang Yao's two imperial beasts.

【Name of Beast】: Magic Wind Giant

[Genus of Royal Beast]: Elemental Family/Like Elemental Genus

[Beast Familiar Level]: Gold Rank (6/10)

[Beast Familiarity]: Wind

[Beast Familiar Potential]: Platinum Rank

[Beast Royal Quality]: Perfect Quality


[Magic Wind Fist]: Compress the non-directional wind element and condense it on the surface of the fists. When the target attacks, the wind element will penetrate the target's body like a needle.

[Wind pressure bomb]: Compress the wind element in the body and compress it into a high-speed rotating wind pressure bomb in the mouth. When it hits the target, it will form a hurricane with a splitting effect in a large area.

[Element Disintegration]: Destroy your own body structure, let yourself become elements and blend into the surrounding environment to cause changes in the environment.

Exclusive features:

[Wind injection empowerment]: Inject its own energy into other wind elemental beings, boost the lethality of the wind elemental beast, and restore energy for the empowered wind elemental beast.

This magic wind giant should have evolved from a life form of wind element similar to clean water.

Fang Mu was more curious about the huge fan in Zhang Yao's hand than the magic wind giant.

The duo ranking of the rank division is the same as the rank division, and spirit weapons cannot be used to fight.

The fan in Zhang Yao's hand showed that it was transformed into a weapon by the Beast Familiar through the extremely rare and exclusive characteristic [Equipment Transformation].

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