Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 439: The Power of Tianhe Waterfall Dragon and Dragon Tail!

[Organization] This exclusive feature has always made beast masters love and hate.

First of all, the exclusive feature [Organization] is very rare.

The rarer something is, of course, the more precious it is.

There are some nobles of the Federation in the world of beasts, and it is very popular to use the utensils transformed from beasts.

The Longteng Federation does not have such a culture, but it is undeniable that the exclusive feature [Materialization], if it can be transformed into a weapon that can be used, it will be extremely helpful to the battle of the beast master.

First of all, having a weapon transformed from a beast controller, in a place like Battle.net, is like using a spiritual weapon to fight.

Secondly, the beast master can protect himself in battle through the weapon transformed from the beast master.

When the beast master needs to fight, the tooled beast master can also be restored to its original body.

It's just that the tools that appear in the beast-monitoring tool are too random, and the ability cannot be detected before the tool is turned.

This makes many beast masters who have contracted the beast master with the ability to transform animals lack an exclusive characteristic in battle.

Zhang Yao is undoubtedly the lucky one.

Under the investigation of the [Eye of All Sense], the data of the folding fan in Zhang Yao's hand appeared in front of Fang Mu.

【Name of Royal Beast】: Whirlwind Lost Snake

【Genus of Royal Beast】: Mythidae/Scaled Snake

[Beast Familiar Level]: Gold Rank (8/10)

[Beast Familiarity]: Wind

[Beast Familiar Potential]: Platinum Rank

[Beast Royal Quality]: Perfect Quality


[Wind Satin Lock]: The whirlwind forms a semi-substantial ribbon to wrap and block the target.

[Wind pressure infusion]: Inject wind pressure into the blocked target, put the target in the wind element environment, and reduce the sensitivity to other elements.

[Blade Wind Strike]: The whirlwind turns into a blade to slash targets within the specified range. After multiple wind blades hit the same target, a wind pressure will be injected from the target's wound.

Exclusive features:

[Apparatus]: Transform one's body into an appliance, which is used by the beast master.

Although the whirlwind snake is not an elemental beast, in Fang Mu's opinion, it is much more precious than Zhang Yao's magic wind giant with the perfect quality of the sixth level of gold rank.

Zhang Yao obviously invested more resources in Whirlwind Misnake.

The snake bloodline is considered to be the leader among the snake bloodlines.

The resources consumed to cultivate the whirlwind snake are also much less than that of the magic wind giant.

After inspecting Zhang Yao's two royal beasts, Fang Mu turned his attention to Xie Ming's three little cyan minks.

In the world of beast masters, very few people would contract the same beast master.

Because the more types of beast masters in the contract, the more comprehensive the beast master's ability will be.

Once a situation like Xie Ming's contracting with the same kind of beast appears, there must be something to say.

[Name of Royal Beast]: Green Sickle Wind Mink

【Genus of Royal Beast】: Mustelidae / Mink

[Beast Familiar Level]: Gold Rank (7/10)

[Beast Familiarity]: Wind

[Beast Familiar Potential]: Platinum Rank

[Beast Royal Quality]: Perfect Quality


[Three Shadow Slash]: When slashing the target, it will cause three damages to a part of the target at the same time. The first two attacks have the effect of piercing armor, and the third damage has the effect of splitting.

[Fast Wind]: The more active the surrounding wind elements are in the wind element environment, the faster the speed will be.

[Wind Gathering Strike]: Gather the wind elements around the body, compress the energy of the wind elements in the surrounding environment, and attack the target with sacrifice.

Exclusive features:

[Wind Mink Alliance Attack]: Whenever the wind minks of the same bloodline cooperate with each other, the wind minks who share the energy of the wind element will strengthen each other's ability to use elements and the speed of energy recovery.

After exploring, Fang Mu understood the reason.

The exclusive characteristics of these three green sickle wind minks are [Wind Mink Alliance Attack].

Xie Ming wanted to use the exclusive feature [Wind Mink Alliance Attack] to make these three green sickle wind mink cooperate with each other.

Fang Mu was not surprised that the five imperial beasts of the two were all of perfect quality.

It is not easy to improve the quality of the beast master to perfect quality!

Fang Qin, Fang Yuan, and Fang Yan did not have epic-quality beast masters before they awakened their natal illustrated book and became beast masters.

In addition to the excellent beast masters, the cooperation between the two beast masters is also perfect.

The environment created by Zhang Yao's Magic Wind Giant and Whirlwind Lost Snake can maximize the effect of the Green Scythe Wind Mink's skill [Fast Wind].

Let the green sickle wind mink greatly increase its lethality when it uses [Wind Gathering Strike].

The Huyan twins are not suitable to participate in this battle.

The strong wind will change the direction of Huyan Gemini Yusi.

In terms of attribute restraint, the beast of the wind attribute is quite restrained against the Huyan twins.

Thinking of this, Fang Mu raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

A violent roar of the tiger exploded in front of Fang Mu.

Immediately after the roar of the tiger, there were three very different high-pitched dragon chants.

Yulong was summoned by Fang Mu again after a long absence.

There are several dragon tails on the battle net, which can easily crush the Lanfeng sub-pterosaur, and the Yulong of the broken rock sub-tyrannosaurus has become a star.

The appearance of Yulong brought Hutao's popularity to a peak.

[Still water is not quiet]: Wow! Jianmu summoned this tiger royal beast again! We can have good luck again!

[Mr. Next Monday]: Did you find out? Before this tiger beast only had two dragon tails, but now it has three dragon tails! Obediently, this is another increase in strength!

[Chen Ruo Ming Lantern]: This tiger beast master is at least in the gold rank in terms of momentum and strength, and Jianmu is only so big, so he has been promoted to a two-pointed star beast master! ?

[Fengshan Yeyu]: It's really boring, I thought Jianmu could summon a new royal beast! Last time, the tiger-like beast directly crushed two platinum rank sub-dragons. What's the point of continuing to kill opponents in seconds this time?

[Fire Spirit King]: Some people don’t know much at first glance. The dragon tail of Jianmu, a tiger-like beast, contains extremely high dragon blood. It was because of blood pressure that it easily defeated two platinum-ranked Asians. Dragon, none of the five royal beasts on the opposite side has a bloodline related to dragon beasts. This tiger royal beast can no longer defeat the opponent with only blood pressure!

Seeing Fang Mu's tiger beast again, Millennium Di couldn't help but shudder.

The millennium flute can tell the depth of this tiger beast.

Jianmu was willing to use the dragon ball of the main dragon of the sequence to cultivate this tiger-like royal beast!

This level of luxury is far beyond the imagination of the millennium flute.

Each dragon ball is equivalent to a powerful sequence spirit weapon.

The complete Dragon Ball can only be obtained by killing the Sequence-level Dragon Beasts in seconds.

Although the millennium flute saw the situation of Fang Mu, a tiger beast, but the millennium flute didn't dare to say these words at all.

Even Millennium Flute is afraid to share in the skinning area, his own analysis of Jianmu Yushou!

After Fang Mu summoned the Crouching Dragon, Nightmare Tiger, the battle officially started.

Between Zhang Yao and Xie Ming, Xie Ming is the conductor.

Xie Ming shouted at Zhang Yao.

"Yaoyao, let the magic wind giant expand the wind field, and use the wind pressure bombs to set up the wind element!"

"Then create a field of wind with your whirlwind snake-like folding fan."

Xie Ming and Zhang Yao are old partners. Xie Ming only needs to clarify the battle strategy, and Zhang Yao will play the details.

Hearing this, Zhang Yao gave Xie Ming an OK gesture.

The abdomen of the magic wind giant swelled instantly.

The four wind pressure bombs did not attack the city guard Luanjiu summoned by Hu Tao, but exploded towards the surroundings of Crouching Dragon and Nightmare Tiger.

Once the wind pressure bomb bursts, it will form a hurricane with a splitting effect in a large area.

In terms of lethality alone, it can't hurt the Crouching Dragon Nightmare Tiger whose strength has reached the legendary quality of the tenth gold rank.

But it can limit the actions of Crouching Dragon, Nightmare Tiger to a certain extent.

Before the wind pressure bomb exploded, Zhang Yao had already waved the folding fan in her hand.

A whirlwind like a forged knife flew out under Zhang Yao's fanning.

In an instant, the entire arena was blown by a gust of wind.

But Zhang Yao didn't stop there, but used the gold-level skill [Blade Wind Strike] to hit Fangmu and Hutao with nearly a hundred wind blades.

Zhang Yao and Xie Ming set up the stage very smoothly, it can be said that they made a perfect start.

Hu Tao didn't have the chance to face many golden rank beasts before.

It was the first time to fight a battle of this level, which made Hu Tao extremely nervous.

But Hu Tao still equipped Fang Mu with the skill [Protection].

At the same time, he commanded the city guard Luanjiu to launch the skill [City Wings] to protect himself and Fang Mu.

The exclusive feature [Thorn Feather Crown] is also activated.

Fang Mu looked at Hu Tao's reaction, and nodded to Hu Tao in affirmation.

Walnut's on-the-spot response was recognized by Fang Mu.

However, in this battle, Fang Mu only planned to let Hutao summon the beast, and did not intend to let Hutao resist the attack for him.

It is rare for him to summon Yulong.

When facing two sub-dragons before, Yulong had no chance to show his strength because of the suppression of his blood.

This time Fang Mu is going to let Yulong relax!

Save Yulong on weekdays, he can only gnaw around with two balls in his arms.

"Yulong can play freely."

"But you can only choose one and use the ability of the python's tail at most!"

Hearing Fang Mu's order, Yulong let out a roar eager to try, and activated the gold-level skill [Dragon and Tiger Roar].

The roar of the tiger can stimulate one's own ferocity and increase the growth rate of one's own ferocity.

The roar of the dragon that resounded after the roar of the tiger made the flow of wind elements in the environment stagnate.

Although there was no blood suppression, the roar of the dragon still had a strong deterrent effect.

After Yulong aroused his fierceness, Fang Mu thought that Yulong would activate the skill [Blood] and rush forward to fight the three wind minks.

After killing the three wind minks, let's deal with the magic wind giant beside Zhang Yao.

If this is the case, Fang Mu needs to summon the Huyan Twins.

In case Xie Ming activates the skill [Fast Wind], he directs the three green sickle wind minks to attack him and Hu Tao, the two beast masters.

Regardless of whether it is a single player or a double player, killing the enemy's beast master is a good way to win!

As a result, Yulong did not stand in front of him as Fang Mu expected.

The tail of the dragon that absorbed the Buyujiaolong and the Styx Qianlong was coiled on the back, and the dragon tail that absorbed the Tianhe Waterfall Dragon was raised high.

The semi-elementalized dragon tail rang out a dragon cry again.

The water element filled the environment in an instant, competing with the wind element in the environment.

These water elements condensed into a swift waterfall and fell from the sky, hitting all parts of the arena.

There is a tendency to change the entire arena into a body of water.

The reversal of the situation made Zhang Yao and Xie Ming's hearts tremble.

The stage that the two of them had worked so hard to set up was so easily destroyed by Fang Mu's tiger-like royal beast!

You must know that Zhang Yao spent nearly half of the energy in her body to spread the scene!

Without this cloth field, the combat effectiveness of Xie Ming's three Green Sickle Wind Mink would be greatly reduced.

The sudden change of the situation stunned the audience in the live broadcast room.

Fang Mu just let his imperial beast use the ability of a dragon tail, which aroused such a great power.

What would happen if the abilities of the three dragon tails were used together?

Everyone thought this was Yulong's counterattack against Zhang Yao and Xie Ming, but in fact it was just Fulong Yanhu clearing his throat.

Crouching Dragon Nightmare Tiger has not displayed the true ability of Tianhe Waterfall Dragon and Dragon Tail.

Energy surged from Crouching Dragon Nightmare Tiger's body, and this energy was injected into the dragon's tail that devoured the Tianhe Waterfall Dragon Dragon Ball.

The semi-elementalized dragon tail swelled suddenly, and the phantom of Tianhe Pulong appeared behind Yulong.

A scene like a natural disaster appeared in this small promotion arena.

Sky blue waterfalls formed by the compression of water elements slide down from the sky.

It hit the ground and splashed water tens of meters high.

Even with the water surface as a buffer, the aftermath of the impact can still smash the ground of the arena into a huge pit with a diameter of two meters!

Under the attack of these waterfalls, Zhang Yao and Xie Ming dodged one after another.

In desperation, Zhang Yao and Xie Ming cast Xuanwen at the same time.

Xuanwen has always been the bottom of the box for the two, and it is also the key to Xifeng Club's inclusion of the two as regular members of the reserve team.

But at this time, even if the two of them sent Xuan Wen to strengthen the beast master, their beast master was still swaying in the wind and rain.

Like a rootless duckweed, it doesn't even have the slightest ability to resist!

The whirlwind ribbon that Zhang Yao fanned out with a folding fan could not stop these waterfalls falling from the sky at all.

Instead, under the attack of the waterfall, it turned into a dissipating gust of wind, adding to the stormy waves on the water.

Fang Mu could feel that Crouching Dragon Nightmare Tiger was very happy at this time.

Fulongyanhu has been imprisoned in a cage since he was captured before.

Fang Mu made a contract with Fulongmaihu, and Fulongmaihu was free, but he never had the chance to fight.

For a ferocious beast like Crouching Dragon Nightmare Tiger, fighting and hunting are instincts.

Now Crouching Dragon Nightmare Tiger can finally vent his instincts!

It's just that Fulongyanhu's mentality at this time is more about having fun than fighting.

After all, Zhang Yao is his fan. Fulong Yanhu is now playing with Zhang Yao, Xie Ming and the beasts of the two with the mentality of a cat playing a mouse.

Somewhat disrespectful to the two.

Fang Mu had no choice but to give orders to Fulongyanhu.

"End this battle, Yulong!"

Hearing this, Fulong Yanhu's eyes showed a fierce light.

Tiger Palm stepped hard towards the water surface, and the wind and waves on the water surface suddenly churned even more violently.

The original three green sickle wind minks, with the blessing of the exclusive characteristic [Wind Mink Joint Attack], used the skill [Gathering Wind Strike] to wrap themselves in a strong wind.

It can barely resist the tearing of the water waves.

But now, under the active attack of Crouching Dragon Nightmare Tiger, the water waves tore open the hurricane that protects the three Green Scythe Wind Mink.

The three green-scythe wind minks were torn into pieces by the waves, and three flowers of blood splashed in the water.

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