Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 454 Star Sea Messenger!

During Jin Zhaoyan's communication with Fang Mu, Jin Xuan has been observing Fang Mu's expression.

Jin Xuan found that when Jin Zhaoyan was talking, it was difficult for him to see any emotional changes on Fang Mu's face.

This made it impossible for Jin Xuan to see what Fang Mu was thinking.

The older generation of powerhouses who often conduct transactions on behalf of the forces generally have such qualities.

But how old is Fang Mu?

It's hard not to be shocked that a young boy can do this.

No wonder the old patriarch at home gave Fang Mu such a high evaluation!

Even the eldest lady admired Jianmu!

Fang Mu had no interface to bring up the matter of changing the list.

Before seeing the trading items prepared by the Brilliant Clan, it is meaningless to mention the list.

Based on Fang Mu's understanding of Qin Shao, the materials Qin Shao provided for him should satisfy him!

"It's no problem to trade all of these twenty boundless silver silkworms to your Brilliant Clan."

"Now tell me about the materials exchanged!"

"If it's appropriate, I can hand over the Infinite Silver Silkworm to you immediately."

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu took out a brocade box containing twenty twilight amethyst test tubes.

Open the brocade box, so that the four members of the Brilliant Clan can clearly see the endless silver silkworm wriggling in the test tube of the brocade box.

Jin Zhaoyan was in charge of talking with Fang Mu and taking charge of the transaction.

Jin Xuan is responsible for assisting Jin Zhaoyan, counting and sorting out the materials given by the family.

Jin Zhaoyan picked up the teacup in his hand and took a sip of the tea in the cup.

"Jin Xuan, come and tell Your Excellency Jianmu the resources we use for trading!"

Jin Xuan's business ability has always been extremely strong, and he has already memorized all the materials on the list.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, our Brilliant Clan is going to exchange forty-five evil spirits for nine boundless silver silkworms."

"These forty-five evil spirits are only one step away from the earth evil spirit."

"Whether you want to use it to cultivate heroic spirits or to strengthen other evil spirits, it is a good choice!"

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows upon hearing this.

Qin Shao and himself walked all the way in the ancient battlefield, and knew what resources he needed.

So deliberately use the resources you need to trade with yourself.

This love is never in my heart.

Every five evil spirits that are only one step away from the earth evil spirit will be exchanged for one infinite silver silkworm.

No matter how you look at it, Fang Mu's side is more advantageous!

Although evil spirits can be obtained in ancient battlefields, evil spirits of this level can only exist in large ancient battlefields.

The Brilliant Clan housed forty-five evil spirits of this level. I don't know how many large ancient battlefields they have explored over the years.

This kind of resource requires a lot of effort and can only be obtained through time accumulation.

Fangmu can only be obtained through trading with major forces.

Fang Mu didn't have time to hoard such resources.

Fang Mu has two evil spirits that he wants to cultivate, one is the evil spirit that has the function of enchantment.

The other one is Liuxi.

Fang Muruo gave these forty-five evil spirits to Liuxi who had become an earth evil spirit to devour them.

It is supplemented by a large amount of pure dead air and bloody aged wine.

It is very likely that Liu Xi's strength will be further improved!

Even if Liu Xi failed to be promoted to the Sky Evil Spirit, as long as his strength reached the limit of the Earth Evil Spirit.

With Liu Xi's ability, it may not be impossible to control the seriously injured orderly strong man.

The Brilliant Clan did not talk about these resources in general.

Instead, these resources are subdivided into each of the boundless silver silkworms.

"In addition to these forty-five evil spirits, our Brilliant Clan will also provide you with twelve dragon balls above Sequence Six with the blood of the main dragon."

"These dragon balls are exchanged for four boundless silver silkworms."

"The remaining seven infinite silver silkworms, our Brilliant Clan, will exchange them with fifteen spirit-absorbing goldfish and two other plant-like beasts that can release spirit energy."

"These are the resources accumulated by our Brilliant Clan in large ancient battlefields."

"Although the ranks of these spirit-absorbing goldfish are not high, one of them contains a trace of dragon blood."

"If you have enough aura, you can consider cultivating this spirit-absorbing goldfish."

After Jin Xuan reported the resources, Jin Xuan looked at Fang Mu rather anxiously.

Jin Xuan sensed the inclination of the resources prepared by Qin Shao.

Jin Xuan didn't know Fang Mu well, so he couldn't be sure whether Fang Mu would be interested in these resources.

Fang Mu decisively pushed the brocade box forward and said with a smile.

"Deal! Remember to thank Aunt Qin for me!"

The royal beast that can produce aura is related to the exploration of the fifth and sixth eras.

With the research of Reiki by the founders, the value of Reiki has been increasingly confirmed.

This kind of imperial beast that can produce aura is extremely rare.

It is self-evident how sincere Qin Shao is willing to hand over these imperial beasts to himself.

Of course, Fang Mu didn't thank Qin Shao too much.

Because Fang Mu knew the value of the boundless silver silkworm from the very beginning.

Before trading with the Brilliant Clan, Fang Mu contacted Yi Han.

Yi Han is now attached to Qixing.

As Qixing, Fang Mu can order Yi Han.

Fang Mu disclosed the situation of the infinite silver silkworm to Yi Han, and asked Yi Han to help estimate the price.

The price estimated by Yi Han is equivalent to the transaction price at this time.

Different resources have different values ​​in the eyes of different people.

As long as the resources are at the same level, the fairness of the transaction can be guaranteed.

Jin Zhaoyan, Jin Xuan, and the other two members of the Brilliant Clan did not expect Fang Mu to agree so happily.

Seeing that Fang Mu directly finalized the deal, the four of them all showed expressions of relief.

In case Fangmu was not interested in the resources to be traded, he proposed some materials that the Brilliant Clan could not provide.

Then things will be difficult to handle!

This transaction was in charge of four people including myself.

For whatever reason, things didn't work out.

Returning to the family will inevitably be squeezed out!

Jin Zhaoyan did not take the brocade box that Fang Mu pushed over, but spoke to Fang Mu seriously.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, since you have agreed to this transaction, I will reply to the family immediately."

"The family will send extra strong people to deliver this batch of supplies."

"After you get the supplies, just hand over these boundless silver silkworms to us!"

"The four of us can't guarantee that we can keep an eye on these boundless silver silkworms."

Fang Mu didn't say anything more when he heard the words, and directly put the brocade box back into the purple ice crystal ring.

Fang Mu had already heard it, and the four of them didn't want to take over the twenty boundless silver silkworms now. "

In fact, to put it bluntly, he didn't want to take on the responsibility of taking care of these twenty boundless silver silkworms.

Fang Mu, who completed the transaction, was very happy.

Whether it is evil spirits, dragon balls, or beasts that can produce aura, they are what Fang Mu needs most now.

The abdominal space of the abdominal worm can indeed produce aura now.

But the output of aura is still a bit too little.

The aura in the abdominal space is undergoing a process of changing from quantitative to qualitative.

It's a pity that the imperial beast that can produce spiritual energy is too rare.

Before Fang Mu got the Boundless Silver Silkworm, he never thought of being able to trade resources of this level!

Now Fang Mu can finally continue to build the abdominal space!

When the abdominal space reaches a certain scale, any gas in the abdominal space can be bottled and sold as aura.

After Fang Mu left the reception room, he went to the cultivation room.

In front of the porcelain vat containing the sacred object, the essence of falling cherry blossoms, I began to meditate with a mouthful of brilliant golden honey.

Every time Fang Mu meditates, he can feel that his spiritual power has improved.

Suddenly Fang Mu felt the call from the Land of Star Wheels.

Fang Mu hurried into the dark room inside the cultivation room and closed the door.

He summoned the Nebula Messenger who was promoted by him not long ago.

At this time, the blood of the Nebula Messenger of the golden rank has successfully broken through and became the Galaxy Messenger.

The enhancement of the Nebula Messenger's bloodline can be said to be within Fang Mu's expectations.

But it went more smoothly than Fang Mu expected.

At this time, the appearance of the Galaxy Messenger who has completed the bloodline promotion is very different from before.

At a glance, the body of the galaxy messenger seems to have a river of stars flowing.

Much more magnificent and shocking than before!

Fang Mu used Shadow of the Fool's innate supernatural ability [Eye of All-knowing] to check the data of the Galaxy Messenger.

【Name of Royal Beast】: Galaxy Messenger

[Genus of Royal Beast]: Star Guard/Star General

[Beast Familiar Level]: Gold Rank (10/10)

【Beast Familiarity】: Space System/Star Spirit System

[Beast Familiar Potential]: Platinum Rank

[Beast Royal Quality]: Epic Quality


[Empty Star Guide]: The space portal is formed through the positioning of the stars, and the life that crosses the space portal is indexed to the pre-marked area. The target will be protected during the transmission. After the transmission, an empty star seal will be condensed on the target. The target can pass through. The empty star seal retreated back to its original position.

[Airborne Protection]: In the case of actively transmitting or passively pulling into the space environment through space energy, it can effectively protect itself or the designated target to prevent damage from space energy.

[Galaxy Infusion]: In an environment with starlight, use starlight as the medium to restore energy to the target. During this process, every time the target loses energy, it will breed energy in the body and increase the energy in the body.

Exclusive features:

[Starlight Tempering Body]: Invoke the power in the starlight to temper the body, improve one's own strength and physical fitness, and when the physique reaches a certain level under the tempering of the starlight, the wounds on the body can be healed by the starlight.

[Blessing of the Stars]: Blessed by starlight, one's resistance to curses can be improved, effectively preventing the effects of curses on oneself (the consumption will be doubled when cast on other targets!).

Evolution direction:

①: Xinghai Messenger, ②: Falling Star Messenger, ③: Brilliant Star Ancient Beast.

This is not the first time that Galaxy Messenger's data log has been checked.

It's just that Fang Mu was much more serious about checking the data of the Galaxy Messenger this time than when he checked the data of the Galaxy Messenger several times before.

The Bronze-level skill of the Galaxy Messenger [Empty Star Guide] is the key to Fang Mu's ability to enter the Star Wheel Land to participate in the Star Wheel Gathering.

It is for this reason that this kind of courier with dual attributes of space and protoss will become the standard beast of the star wheel.

This kind of messenger has the opportunity to transform into an angel species, and Fang Mu has been developing towards this road.

From now on, only the Galaxy Messenger will evolve into the Galaxy Messenger along the first evolution route.

When the bloodline evolves again, it will almost be able to evolve into a star mark angel!

Compared with the evolution route of Xinghai Messenger, the Falling Star Messenger and Canxing Ancient Beast, no matter how powerful they are, did not meet Fang Mu's expectations.

The silver-level skill of Galaxy Messenger [Airborne Protection] is a functional skill.

With the skill of [Air Transmission Protection], Fang Mu will no longer suffer from vomiting, dizziness and other negative symptoms due to violent space fluctuations and space turbulence when Fang Mu carries out space transmission in the future.

This allows Fang Mu to obtain great convenience when teleporting later.

Even if the strong have just finished the long-distance teleportation, they will still feel dizzy and nauseous.

If both parties had just finished teleporting, Fang Mu would not be affected by the space teleportation.

It can naturally gain the upper hand in the battle!

With the help of the contract, Fang Mu can make unlimited contracts with the imperial beast.

This makes Fang Mu pay more attention to functional skills than those offensive skills.

The gold-level skill [Galaxy Infusion] can be regarded as an auxiliary ability.

Let the cosmic courier use starlight to restore the damaged body of the designated unit.

If [Galaxy Infusion] only had this effect, then [Galaxy Infusion] could only be regarded as an ordinary recovery skill.

However [Galaxy Infusion] is far from that simple.

During this process, there will be energy loss in the bodies of those targets that are boosted.

Galactic Messenger itself gains energy regeneration.

This allowed the skill [Galaxy Infusion] to continue in battle.

Solved the battery life problem of Fang Mu's entire team.

Fang Mu, as a contractor, can also use skills without summoning the Galaxy Messenger.

Compared with skills, Fang Mu pays more attention to the exclusive characteristics of Galaxy Messenger.

Whether it is the exclusive feature [Star Tempering Body] obtained by perfect quality or the exclusive feature [Blessing of Stars] obtained by epic quality.

Both are of great benefit to Fangmu itself.

As long as it is not cloudy, you can always see the twinkling stars at night.

This allowed Fang Mu to continuously improve his physical fitness at night with the exclusive characteristic [Star Tempering Body].

Fang Mu has amazing physical fitness under the cover of bloody mist.

Even so, the imperceptible improvement of physical fitness still has great benefits for Fangmu.

What's more, after the body has been tempered by the stars to a certain extent, even if there is no healing beast at the time of injury.

You can also rely on starlight to recover from your own injuries!

The exclusive feature [Star Blessing] has the ability to protect against curses.

The curse ability is far more harmful to the opponent than the poison in the battle.

And if there is no corresponding solution to this curse, it will be left on this person.

have long-lasting aftereffects on the person.

As the rank of the Galaxy Messenger continues to increase, with the exclusive feature [Blessing of the Stars], Fang Mu's ability to resist the curse will become stronger and stronger.

Not only that, Fang Mu can also rely on the effect of [Star Blessing] to protect other targets.

With the recovery effect of the skill [Galaxy Infusion], even if you protect other targets through [Star Blessing], it will cause double consumption.

Galaxy Messenger can also sustain it.

Surrounded by galaxy messengers, Fang Mu's figure appeared in a place where stars gathered.

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