Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 455: The Saint Builder's Standard!

Fang Mu looked at the bright starlight in front of him, and felt both familiar and strange to the land of star wheels.

There have been several stargatherings done before.

Although Fang Mu is a newcomer to Xinglun, he is already familiar with other members of Xinglun.

The reason why Fang Mu felt strange was probably because he had experienced too many things in the past month or so.

It feels like the Star Wheel Party hasn't been held in a long time.

Just as the other members of Xinglun were about to say hello to Fang Mu, they suddenly noticed the golden-ranked epic-quality Galaxy Messenger behind Fang Mu.

How difficult it is to train a messenger, every star wheel member who has a messenger knows it well.

If you want the courier to reach this level in the golden bloodline, you must invest a lot of high-end master creation resources.

If it is promoted to Platinum rank, Fang Mu's Galaxy Messenger can be successfully promoted to Star Sea Messenger.

Fang Mu's messenger before the sequence has a high probability of being promoted to Starscar Angel and becoming an angelic beast.

At that time, Fang Mu can go to the place of inheritance of the star wheel and obtain a treasure from the place of inheritance of the star wheel.

The official members of Xinglun have always set their goal of entering the place of inheritance of Xinglun.

Unexpectedly, this goal will be achieved by Fang Mu, a newcomer!

Every time a star wheel gathering is held, everyone refreshes their understanding of Qi Xing through Fang Mu.

In the beginning, Shui Miao invited Qixing only because Qixing is a master of creation.

If there is a creation master inside the star wheel, it will be much more convenient for everyone to obtain the resources of the creation master.

Even those who have the channel to create a master and can obtain the resources to create a master.

It's also hard to turn down such an offer.

Because high-level creator resources are not enough for forces or individuals.

But after several transactions, the members of Xinglun discovered that Qixing was not an ordinary founding master.

An ordinary founding master has no way to help people increase their lifespan.

The longevity of the Taurus has been significantly improved.

It can be seen from the performance of Taurus at the last star wheel gathering.

Fang Mu, who represents Libra, also met with Shui Miao, who represents Aquarius, and Jin Ya, who represents Gemini.

Fang Mu has seen a total of three Star Wheel members in reality.

All three of them have benefited greatly from the deal with Fang Mu.

Otherwise, they wouldn't greet Fang Mu warmly immediately after seeing Fang Mu.

Especially Jin Ya who represents Gemini.

In the Star Wheel Gathering before, Jin Ya would not even show obvious mood swings.

Now there is a feeling that Fang Mu is an old friend.

This made the rest of the Star Wheel members, who had no contact with Fang Mu in reality, look at Fang Mu with a hint of inquiry.

Capricorn raised the puppet stitched in a strange way in his hand.

Fang Mu could clearly find that the puppet photo had changed a lot before.

The two eyes of the original puppet were pulled out for some reason, and there were two obvious holes in it.

But next to the hole, three eyes were sewn on each.

The doll's mouth was also cut open, and it was sewn with dark red silk threads.

The puppet asked Fang Mu in a noisy and strange voice.

"Do you have any good gains over there?"

Fang Mu knew immediately after hearing the words that Capricornus wanted to trade the creatures of the dead with him.

Fang Mu said with a smile.

"Naturally, there are good harvests on my side."

"Besides the creatures of the dead, I have other harvests here!"

"I wonder if you have plans to trade spiritual energy?"

"I found that many imperial beasts have certain reactions to aura, especially those inherited from the fourth and fifth eras!"

Fang Mu's words stunned Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun, Jin Ya and others who were familiar with Fang Mu.

He secretly guessed what Fang Mu meant by these words.

Could it be that Qixing has achieved the freedom of aura, and there is so much aura that he can trade it out! ?

If it weren't for this, Fang Mu wouldn't have rashly mentioned trading aura.

When Capricorn heard Fang Mu's words, he was obviously interested.

Capricorn rarely used the doll in his hand to speak for himself this time.

Instead, he spoke in a soft-sounding voice.

"Aura, I'll trade as much as you can!"

"If you are willing to trade more spirit energy to me, I am willing to accept your favor!"

"Afterwards, if you have something to ask me for help, as long as it doesn't endanger my interests."

"I will help you solve it!"

Fang Mu was a little surprised when he heard this.

Fang Mu would come up with the idea of ​​trading aura is simple.

One reason is that the aura produced in the abdominal space is enough for Fang Mu himself.

Instead of keeping these resources in their own hands, it is better to use these resources to accumulate other resources.

For Fangmu now, aura is a resource that can be continuously regenerated!

It's like well water gushing out of a well!

Fang Mu would give priority to the Brilliant Clan when trading the Boundless Silver Silkworm, because Fang Mu likes to exchange valuable resources with forces close to him.

Because the relationship between the two parties is good, in the cooperation with the Brilliant Clan.

The stronger the strength of the Brilliant Clan, the more value they could create for Fangmu.

This is why Fang Mu would choose to trade with Star Wheel members when trading aura.

In this way, it is equivalent to internal resource interaction.

Starwheel members are cooperative with each other.

Secondly, Fang Mu also wanted to use these resources to make friends with those Star Wheel members who hadn't gotten along very well.

Fang Mu has never liked the kind of person who makes promises one after another in order to obtain immediate benefits.

Because such people are often not responsible for their commitments.

People like Capricorn who put ugly words in front of them will pay more attention to their promises.

Before Fang Mu could answer Capricorn, the woman sitting in the Virgo seat had already spoken.

"Capricorn, this transaction is between Libra and all our Star Wheel members."

"Where is the reason for all the transactions to you!?"

"If the scales have no special inclinations, the auras will be equally divided according to the number of people traded!"

"Reiki is not only useful to you, it is useful to all of us!"

The woman sitting on the Virgo seat is talking like a lotus flower, and there are flower shadows flowing around from time to time.

Fang Mu didn't know about this situation before, he just thought that this woman contracted some kind of special spiritual weapon or imperial beast.

Later in the conversation with Shu Liangjun, Fangmu learned about it.

After the beast master of Sequence One stepped into order, the beast master received the corresponding energy feedback and would activate his own dharma.

The situation of this woman at this time is the manifestation of the dharma.

Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao also possessed dharma appearances.

It's just that some people are willing to show the Dharma, while others are not.

Seeing Capricorn's gloomy eyes looking at her, the virgin didn't have any fear, and looked directly at Capricorn indifferently.

Virgos won't budge when it comes to aura deals!

The Sagittarius Da Ma Jindao sat there, not at all ladylike.

But it was this bravery that added a heroic spirit to Sagittarius that ordinary women don't have.

"Capricorn, why do you always like to eat alone?"

"Eating alone is not a good habit!"

After all, the shooter looked at Fang Mu seriously.

"Libra, if you want to trade aura, count me in."

Sagittarius also made it clear that he would make a deal with Fang Mu, which prevented Capricorn from continuing to target Virgo.

Both Scorpio and Cancer also expressed their willingness to trade aura.

Cancer like the Black Tower is not good at words, but Scorpio is a very shrewd person.

After weighing his own situation and confirming that his need for spiritual energy is extremely urgent, Scorpio spoke.

"Libra, I am willing to use any resource to trade aura with you."

"As long as you speak, I will never go back on my word!"

Through these several contacts with Fang Mu, Scorpio has seen what kind of person Fang Mu is.

In the transaction, Fangmu pays attention to fairness.

This kind of fairness not only guarantees Fangmu's own interests, but also protects the interests of the other party's traders.

Under such a premise, it is impossible for Fang Mu to open his mouth like a lion.

Friendship is formed little by little.

One of my goodwill may not get me Fang Mu's friendship.

But the more times, the relationship between myself and Fang Mu is always closer to others!

Shu Liangjun quietly watched the other members of Xinglun fighting over the resources proposed by Fang Mu.

Before Fang Mu joined Star Wheel, this kind of situation never happened.

Previously, transactions were mostly between two parties.

Trading between one party and multiple parties leads to multiple parties scrambling, which loses the face of the trader on the one hand.

Secondly, there are few resources that can have such attractiveness!

However, what Fangmu traded was the most essential and irreplaceable resource.

After joining Fang Mu's command, he became Fang Mu's guardian.

Any resource blocks needed will be provided to themselves.

This makes Shu Liangjun no need to compete with others.

After confirming that Qixing is a holy creator, Shu Liangjun felt that it was very reasonable for Fang Mu to take out any precious resources.

Shu Liangjun was able to ignore the temptation of pure aura, but Shui Miao couldn't.

In fact, the reason why spiritual energy is so scrambled by everyone is that the value of spiritual energy is more scarce than pure life energy.

It is because after a royal beast steps into the order, it will have a great reaction to the aura.

It is necessary to use aura to promote the promotion of rank.

This can be said to be a secret that only the strong in order can grasp.

Jin Ya is obviously not aware of this situation.

In addition, the Brilliant Clan has been committed to collecting those imperial beasts that can produce aura.

This made Jinya not join the competition with other Star Wheel members, but chose to wait and see what happened.

Before meeting Jin Ya, neither Shu Liangjun nor Shui Miao knew that Jin Ya was so young.

The two always thought that Jin Ya was smart and wise, but this time Jin Ya didn't know the importance of aura to the strong in order.

So I failed to realize the importance of this transaction.

When everyone was preparing to compete for the aura of Fang Mu's shot.

Reminding Jin Ya will undoubtedly cause dissatisfaction among other Star Wheel members.

So neither Shu Liangjun nor Shui Miao chose to do this.

When Jin Ya finished attending the Star Wheel Gathering and asked Qin Shao about the situation of the aura.

Only then did Jin Ya realize what an important opportunity she had wasted!

Fortunately, this spiritual energy transaction cannot be done only once.

After Jinya knew the importance of spiritual energy, there was still a chance to continue trading spiritual energy.

In fact, not only Jin Ya is unaware of the importance of aura, Fang Mu is also unaware.

Fang Mu was still a little strange. When he took out the life potion before, he didn't see these Star Wheel members fighting like this.

Just as Fang Mu is not good at pricing the Infinite Silver Silkworm, Fang Mu is also not good at pricing Reiki.

Fang Mu had never traded spiritual energy before, so he did not know the specific value of spiritual energy.

Fang Mu coughed lightly, and looked up at Shu Liangjun.

Because of the mark of the guardian, even in the place of the star wheel, Mu can still transmit the soul to Shu Liangjun.

"Old Shu, the purity of the liquid spiritual energy I have ranges from 40% to 80%."

"I don't know how to price my spiritual energy?"

"The master didn't tell me the specific value of the spiritual energy. I'm afraid that it will be overreported or underreported during the transaction."

"I can't even explain to the master!"

Shu Liangjun said after hearing the words and pondering for a moment.

"Seven years ago, Yincheng, a wealthy family in the hidden world, held a trade fair to exchange resources with the outside world."

"I have been invited to this fair."

"At this trade fair, a prepared spirit medicine appeared."

"What I'm quoting you is the price at this trade fair."

"Most of the resources at this level are bartered."

"Measuring its value is biased anyway!"

"An aura potion with a purity of 40% is comparable to a bottle of life potion with a purity of 80%."

"A spiritual potion of this level of purity is worthless."

"As long as you have a beast that can produce aura, it will be prepared by a master creator."

"Several bottles can be prepared every day!"

Fang Mu couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this.

The purity of the aura in one's own abdominal space is about forty-six percent after inhalation measurements.

That is to say, as long as the Wufu Lanshou spirit-absorbing goldfish compresses the spirit energy into a liquid state, it can be filled at will.

Each bottle is equivalent to a life potion with a purity of 80%.

Wufu Lanshou's spirit-absorbing goldfish's speed of liquefying spirit energy is not as slow as that of Master Creator.

It is not a problem to liquefy dozens of bottles a day!

Fang Mu only listened to Shu Liangjun continue talking.

"When the purity of spiritual energy potion reaches 60%, only the master creator can prepare it."

"Not only do you need a large number of beasts that can produce aura, but it also takes a long time to create a master."

"The price of a spirit potion with a purity of 60% is equivalent to that of a life potion with a purity of 92%."

"As for the spiritual energy potion with a purity of 80%, Moon Moon Silver City did not trade it."

"However, I have heard that Han Ming has the ability to concoct spiritual energy potions with a purity of 80 percent."

"Han Ming also proposed at one point that he wanted to use whether he could prepare a spiritual medicine with a purity of 80% as the standard for measuring the holy creator."

"But in the end it was rejected by Diyuan."

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