Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 456: Fang Mu's Helper!

"Di Yuan will still be able to prepare a life potion with a purity of 98% as the only indicator to measure the Holy Creator!"

"I'm not the creator, but judging by it."

"A spirit potion with a purity of 80% is more rare than a life potion with a purity of 98%!"

"For those who are strong in order, a life potion with a purity of 98% is as important as a potion with a purity of 80%."

"Either one is an indispensable resource for the strong in order."

"Xiao Mu, I didn't know that you had so many spiritual energy potions on hand. I wonder if I can use resources to trade these spiritual potions with you in the future?"

Fang Mu's heart was shocked when he heard the words, and he sent a voice transmission to Shu Liangjun.

"Old Shu, you are my guardian, responsible for protecting my safety."

"What is there to be polite between us?"

"If you need spiritual energy medicine in the future, just talk to me!"

"I'll give you as much as you want!"

"The master has been collecting beasts that can prepare spiritual energy for these years. It is not difficult for the master to prepare pure spiritual energy medicine."

What Shu Liangjun said just now revealed a very important content.

That is, the strong in order need pure aura.

And the value of this pure spiritual energy can reach the level of life potion prepared by the Holy Creator!

Fang Mu didn't know what the use of spiritual energy potion was for the strong order.

But he knew the value of the spirit medicine in his heart.

He also understood why the members of the star wheel in front of them would fight for the spiritual energy potion released by them regardless of face.

Knowing the value of the spirit potion, Fang Mu couldn't help thinking that he was reckless.

Such a precious resource, I should never release it easily.

Fortunately, after releasing these resources, I asked Shu Liangjun.

Otherwise, if you don't have a clear grasp of the situation, it is very likely that there will be gaps.

Fang Mu took a deep breath, and the actor Fang Xiaomu went online immediately.

Fang Mu had an idea, and suddenly thought of how he would bring back the matter of actively releasing spiritual energy potion resources to the outside world!

During the conversation between Fang Mu and Shu Liangjun, the competition among the Star Wheel members was still going on.

Faced with something like spiritual energy potion, no one would be willing to give it up to others.

This is a real good thing that can improve one's own strength!

Fang Mu watched the other members of Star Wheel scrambling for resources, and didn't speak immediately.

Fang Mu only spoke seriously when the contention among the Star Wheel members became a little angry.

"I proposed to trade spiritual energy potions not because I have a lot of spiritual energy potions on hand."

"It's not necessary to use aura potions to trade and replace resources."

"Everyone who is doing it should know better than me the magical effect of spiritual energy potions."

"I proposed to trade spiritual energy potions because I hope Capricorn can do me a favor."

"Or whoever of you can help me with this, I can trade spiritual energy potions with whoever!"

Fang Mu's words made the atmosphere stagnate.

But this didn't make the Xinglun members feel that there was anything unreasonable in Fang Mu's words.

The value of the spiritual energy potion is there, Fang Mu really has no reason to take out the spiritual potion to trade at will.

Moreover, Fang Mu, as a disciple who created a master, is not qualified to do so.

Fang Mu's actions must have been inspired by Qixing.

It might not be easy to help Qixing.

But whether it is Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio or Sagittarius, several people have ideas that they want to know.

Since it is a transaction, it is naturally good to be able to facilitate the transaction.

This time the transaction cannot be facilitated, and there will be opportunities to facilitate the transaction again later.

Since Qixing is willing to let Fang Mu pay the level of resources such as spiritual energy medicine, there must be time to release spiritual energy medicine in the future.

Capricorn didn't speak this time, but continued to raise the weird doll in his hand.

There was a loud, high-pitched sound from the doll.

"Libra, if I want to trade spiritual energy potions with you, what do I need to do?"

"And how pure is the spirit potion you provided me?"

Fang Mu pondered for a moment and then said.

"I can't say this in front of everyone, it needs to be dealt privately."

"I am currently in the Soaring Dragon Federation, who of you can rush to the Soaring Dragon Federation within two days, come and talk to me about this deal!"

"I need thugs above the sequence."

"As long as you are willing to go to the Dragon Federation to help me, I will directly provide three bottles of spiritual energy medicine with a purity of 60%."

"If this matter can be successfully completed, although I can't give you more spiritual medicines."

"But I can give you a chance to trade two bottles of spiritual energy medicine every month."

"As for whether to trade or not, it's up to the individual to decide!"

After Fang Mu threw out his request and the benefits he could give, he waited for the other star wheel members to reply.

Capricorn shook his head decisively upon hearing this.

"Based on my current position, it will take at least two weeks to reach Longteng Federation."

"I don't meet your requirements."

"I can find a thug above the sequence for you, but I can't guarantee that the thug I find can keep his mouth shut."

After all, Capricorn curled up on the golden seat and stopped talking.

Obviously, he was a little disappointed because he couldn't make a deal with Fang Mu.

Capricorn has always been a very weird existence in the star wheel.

It is also the most emotional one among all Star Wheel members.

The shooter shook his head too.

"I can't make it to the Dragon Federation within two days."

"And judging from my current situation, it's not suitable for me to go out and be a thug."

Cancer did not express too much after confirming that he could not make a deal with Fang Mu.

Instead, Scorpio got tangled up.

After pondering for a while, Scorpio asked Fang Mu.

"Libra, the two days are really tight."

"I don't know if I will rush to Longteng Federation in three and a half days, will it delay your business?"

The Star Wheel members present were so disappointed, not just because they couldn't get the three bottles of spirit medicine.

Instead, he lost the channel to trade aura potions with Fang Mu.

This channel can guarantee the acquisition of twenty-four bottles of spiritual energy medicine every year.

If these aura potions can be obtained, the speed of any orderly expert can be greatly improved in terms of strength improvement!

Fang Mu shook his head upon hearing this.

Fang Mu had communicated with Shu Liangjun in advance.

Judging from the performance of the blood race, it is likely that they will act within two days.

Shui Miao will arrive at Longteng Federation within two days.

There are two strong men of order, Mr. Zi controlled by Liuxi, Meng Sha, the Void Beast Witch, and these people from the Brilliant Clan to arrest a blood queen.

There is only a small chance of failure.

And this kind of failure does not refer to the inability to catch the blood queen.

It was the blood servants under the blood queen's command who took advantage of the chaos to escape, causing news to spread.

The reason why Fang Mu now wants to find another helper at the star wheel party is to ensure that the action is foolproof.

The second is to meet more Star Wheel members offline and form friendship with Star Wheel members.

"Sorry Scorpio, if you want to help me, you have to arrive at the Dragon Federation within two days!"

Scorpio didn't show any displeasure when he heard the words, but spoke seriously to Fang Mu.

"Libra, if you need my help in the future, just ask."

"Maybe next time we will have a chance to cooperate!"

The virgin who had not spoken all the time chuckled twice.

"I can arrive at the Soaring Dragon Federation within two days. It just so happens that I am currently active in Luoyue Canyon outside the Soaring Dragon Federation."

"I'm going to leave the party immediately and rush to the Dragon Federation."

"Libra, please give me a contact information!"

"When we arrive at Longteng Federation, I will contact you as soon as possible."

Fang Mu heard the words and directly sent a Xu Nianlan butterfly to the woman on the Virgo seat through the messenger.

"At that time, you can use this messenger beast to contact me."

"I will meet you as soon as I receive your message!"

The woman sitting on the Virgo seat heard this and said with a smile.

"I will bring more supplies this time. Among them are the shadow stones you want to trade and the bodies of the higher blood."

"If we really want to trade, let's do it offline, don't waste time here!"

After all, the woman sitting on the Virgo constellation directly withdrew from the star wheel party.

Fang Mu traded a large number of Shadow Eye Stones and bodies of high-level blood races, as well as a large number of body-sewing hackers, just like the last time.

The body-slicing hacker is a humanoid weapon made by the evil sect and the Alchemy Society of Immortality.

When the Evil Heart Sect and the Eternal Life Alchemists go out to perform missions, they always bring a certain number of body-slit hackers with them.

This makes some body-slit hackers circulate outside the Evil Heart Sect and the Alchemy Society of Eternal Life.

Body-sewing hackers require a special way of envoys.

The refining method of controlling the body-sewing hacker's dead soul is an untold secret of the Evil Heart Sect and the Immortal Alchemy Society.

Without Revenant, Body Ripper would be of no use.

In order to be able to trade with Fang Mu, these members of Tadian have harvested so many hackers in a short period of time.

It can be said that it took a lot of effort!

Although Fang Mu had traded a lot of Grandmaster resources, the members of Xinglun didn't feel much joy in their hearts.

These resources are simply not comparable to the deal that Virgin is about to make with Fang Mu.

Fang Mu has always been a very safe person.

With a stable apprentice like Fang Mu, Qixing must be more secure in his actions.

So this thing can basically be completed 100%.

Virgins can be said to have picked up a big bargain!

Cancer saw that the time was almost up, and the star wheel party was coming to an end, so he asked Fang Mu.

"Libra, besides the resources you mentioned before, do you have any other resources you want to acquire?"

"These kinds of resources we have collected for you during this period of time will certainly not be as many as the previous few times."

"If you have a need for other resources, you can tell them directly, and it will be convenient for us to collect them!"

Fang Mu waited for the other members of Star Wheel to ask themselves this question.

Fang Mu smiled at Cancer and expressed his needs.

"In the future, I hope to be able to use various pollutants, sources of pollution, and undead as trading resources."

Fang Mu originally wanted to mention the imperial beast that could produce aura.

But Fang Mu finally gave up on using the beast that can produce aura as a resource for trading with Star Wheel members.

This kind of foundation-level material does not match the trading resources Fang Mu previously proposed.

And once the star wheel members are willing to reach a related deal with themselves.

After that, when the members of Xinglun asked him for help, Fang Mu couldn't refuse it!

Like these royal beasts that can produce aura, Fang Mu can exchange them with boundless silver silkworms when trading with other forces in the future.

Hearing Fang Mu's words, the other members of Xinglun were somewhat surprised.

Fang Mu's ability to trade spiritual energy shows that Qixing was also a high-level creation master at the last time.

As for the level of the Holy Creator, unless real evidence is found, few people will think about it.

Because a holy creator is too rare.

The number of holy creators in the entire world is also very small.

Although several people don't know Qixing's realm, they know that Qixing must be a dangerous guy.

Otherwise, Qixing would not study pollutants and pollution sources, which would have a great impact on the beast master.

Fortunately, no matter whether it is pollutants, pollution sources or undead, it is not difficult to obtain.

As long as you put in some effort, you can get a good harvest from Fang Mu's hands at the next gathering.

Fang Mu has not joined Star Wheel for a long time, but under the influence of influence, it can be said that he has become more and more important in the Star Wheel party.

The star wheel gatherings these few times revolved around Fangmu.

Fang Mu is firmly in the C position of the star wheel.

In the future, as Fang Mu will continue to meet with the regular members of Star Wheel offline, he will continue to conduct transactions with other members at Star Wheel gatherings.

It was only a matter of time before the square wood became the core of the star wheel.

Not only Fang Mu himself noticed this, but other members of Xinglun also noticed this.

Fang Mu deliberately facilitated this matter, and the other members of Xinglun didn't dislike it at all.

Because Fang Mu brought tangible benefits to all members of Xinglun.

After Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn and others said they would help Fang Mu pay attention to these resources.

A party among the stars ended quietly.

Fang Mu returned to reality surrounded by Xinghe messengers.

Next, Fang Mu only needs to wait for the virgin and contact him through the summoning beast.

For the past few nights, Fang Mu and Hu Tao have been fighting against each other on Battle.net.

Although the Taomu team of the two has been promoted to the gold rank, the battles these days are much simpler than the two exhibition matches in the Silver Battle Hall.

Fang Mu didn't take that exhibition match seriously, but the exhibition match between Fang Mu and Hutao caused a huge storm on Battle.net.

Not only that, even many people on Yuwang.com discussed this matter.

The twin stars of the Zeyuan Club, Feng Yue and Feng Xing, are married to Jianmu and Hutao, and are believed to be shady.

For one thing, Feng Yue and Feng Xing's strength shouldn't be in the silver rank at all.

Secondly, the abilities of the two were too restrained against Fang Mu.

At first, the Zeyuan Club was delighted by the growing popularity of Feng Yue and Feng Xing.

But soon the Zeyuan Club discovered that many passer-by fans of Feng Yue and Feng Xing had become black fans.

Feng Yue and Feng Xing are taking the elite route, and the most afraid of this kind of route is black and red.

Because once the number of black fans of those who take the elite route exceeds the normal fans, the elite route is equivalent to being cut off.

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