Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 457 Star Wheel Members Arrive!

The Zeyuan Club immediately communicated with Yang Mingyu, the person in charge of the Silver division of Battle.net.

But Yang Mingyu didn't have time to pay attention to the Zeyuan club he wanted to make friends with.

Because at this time Yang Mingyu was already battered.

Yang Mingyu originally thought that with the traffic he had obtained for the Silver Battle Hall, it would be a certainty to defeat his opponent and become the person in charge of the Golden Battle Hall.

But the situation was far from as simple as Yang Mingyu imagined.

Battle.net officials took the initiative to contact Yang Mingyu the day after Fang Mu participated in the exhibition match.

He asked Yang Mingyu about the situation.

Battle.net officials have always given great power to the heads of each division.

And there is no restriction on the person in charge of each division of Battle.net.

It often happens that the person in charge of each division of Battle.net decides to arrange the opponents in the exhibition match.

But the opponent Yang Mingyu arranged for Fang Mu was a bit too outrageous.

Outrageous enough to raise doubts.

This is not something that Battle.net officials can accept!

Once such doubts arise, the authority of Battle.net will undoubtedly be affected.

In addition, whether it is Jianmu or Feng Yue and Feng Xing, they all have a lot of traffic.

Even if there is no behind-the-scenes pusher, the incident will naturally ferment.

After knowing the situation, the general manager of Battle.net hesitated again and again and finally chose to inform the Beastmaster Alliance of the situation.

As a subordinate strength of the Beastmaster Alliance, Battle.net is directly led by the Beastmaster Alliance.

Jianmu's background was clear to Wen Xun, the person in charge of Battle.net.

Wen Xun didn't want to be affected by what Yang Mingyu did.

If Wen Xun wanted to suppress this matter, he could suppress it.

But Wen Xun didn't want to cover the whole story for Yang Mingyu.

How to deal with this matter will be left to the Beastmaster Alliance to make a decision.

If the members of the Beastmaster Alliance were going to punish Yang Mingyu, they would implement the decision made by the Beastmaster Alliance.

Yang Mingyu couldn't blame himself either.

If Yang Mingyu, an old man of Battle.net, was punished by himself, he would inevitably be offended.

Because Wen Xun has always been in favor of arranging opponents for exhibition games to attract traffic.

Fang Mu didn't know about this episode.

But as the anchor of Battle.net, Hu Tao knew it very clearly.

Hu Tao was quite dissatisfied with Yang Mingyu's actions.

Although Hu Tao has just become the anchor of Battle.net, it doesn't mean that Hu Tao didn't like to eat melons on Battle.net before.

Hutao knew very well that Fangmu couldn't afford to lose in the current situation.

Once Fang Mu loses the duel, he will face great doubts.

It will also have a major impact on Fangmu's popularity!

It would be fine if the person in charge of Battle.net negotiated with Fang Mu and made such a decision with Fang Mu's permission.

However, the person in charge of the silver division of Battle.net not only did not communicate with Fang Mu in advance, nor did he ask Fang Mu to explain afterwards.

In other words, Fang Mu didn't care about these things.

If someone else had changed, I'm afraid they would have discussed with the person in charge of the Battle.net Silver Division long ago!

Therefore, in the face of the doubts and rhythm of the audience in the live broadcast room, Hu Tao did not stop, nor did he provide any explanation for Yang Mingyu.

Most of the content of Walnut's live broadcast revolves around the duel that night.

In the previous two exhibition games, the heat in the Hutao live broadcast room continued to soar every moment.

After Jianmu and Yan Luo, Hu Tao also became a star on Battle.net.

In the past few days, Hu Tao's personal popularity is even greater than Yan Luo's.

Hu Tao is not like other anchors, who become arrogant when they become popular.

Walnut still maintains the humble and rigorous attitude from the beginning.

This makes it difficult for walnut fans to decrease due to personal reasons after the increase.

Fang Mu is very satisfied with the situation in the Walnut live broadcast room.

It should be within one or two months that Ludu officials will invite Hu Tao conveniently.

After the walnut contracted the boundless silver silkworm, the rank of the moat luanjiu was improved on the original basis.

Because Fangmu provided Hutao with a large amount of high-quality resources, the bloodline of Luanjiu, the city guard, was promoted again in the process of being promoted to the gold rank.

It unexpectedly evolved into the barrier Yinluan at noon today.

【Name of Royal Beast】: Barrier Silver Luan

【Genus of Royal Beast】: Longwings / Steepwings

[Beast Familiar Level]: Gold Rank (1/10)

[Beast Royale]: Gold

[Beast Familiar Potential]: Platinum Rank

[Quality of Royal Beast]: Legendary Quality


[City Wings]: Make the wings as strong as a city wall, which greatly improves the hardness of the wings. Using the wings to resist the attack can rebound most of the physical damage. When receiving an elemental attack, the damage of the elemental attack will be double wings energy storage.

[Fortified Protection]: When helping a designated target resist damage, you can use your own energy to form a barrier on the target. The barrier can transfer the damage received by the target to yourself, and the damage transferred by the strong protection can improve your own combat power Intent, to resist the trauma from the spirit and soul through the will to fight.

[Unbase]: Apply a base unloading command to the enemy target. The target that is given the base unloading command will reduce the defense power of the defense effect applied by itself. Spell breaking effect.

Exclusive features:

[Thorn Feather Crown]: When guarding other targets, the damage you receive is halved. The more targets you guard, the lower the damage you will suffer. When the guarded targets are healed, you can also receive weak healing Effect.

[Suffering Siphon]: When the self or the target it guards is injured, it can absorb the injury according to the degree of the injury and transform it into vitality to heal itself, and the overflowing life energy will be stored in the wings.

[Barrier Protection]: All defense effects will continue to increase as the rank increases. When receiving an attack that is enough to break the shield, a barrier will be formed after the shield is blown. The barrier will block the target once and does not exceed the upper limit of its own tolerance s damage.

Evolution route:

①: Phoenix Luan fortress, ②: Arrow Luan for defending the city, ③: Dragon Ostrich fortress.

For the city guard Luanjiu's bloodline transformed into a barrier Yinluan when it was promoted to the gold rank, it obviously exceeded Fang Mu's expectations.

To improve the bloodline of a royal beast, in addition to relying on the accumulation of resources.

It also has a lot to do with the foundation of this imperial beast.

The foundation of the barrier Yinluan is good enough, but the foundation of a royal beast cannot be seen from the appearance alone.

Even a holy creator cannot directly tell whether a beast master is good or bad.

It is to discover a little bit through follow-up training.

Barrier Yinluan's gold-level skill [Unloading Base] seems to be a not-so-excellent auxiliary ability.

But if it is related to the defensive effect of the barrier Yinluan, when the barrier Yinluan applies [Unloading] to the enemy unit.

As long as the strength of the opponent's beast master does not exceed one level of his own.

Barrier Yinluan can be said to be 100% able to reset the opponent's armor to zero.

When facing those beasts with weak defense ability, the effect of [Removing Base] of Barrier Yinluan can also reduce the opponent's resistance to elements.

This ability undoubtedly makes the barrier Yinluan more comprehensive in actual combat.

Whether it is paired with the toxin attack of the Huyan Twins, or with any teammate's attacking monsters in the future, it can have a perfect effect!

Because it was just promoted today, Battle.net viewers don't know about the improvement of the strength of the walnut beast.

Waiting for Hu Tao to summon the barrier Yinluan during the battle, just from the appearance.

Those with discerning eyes will see that Hutao's royal beast has the blood of both the Barrier Sparrow and the Luan Bird.

As for the evolution route, just choose to continue to deepen the bloodline of the Thousand Miles Barrier Finch and the bloodline of the Luan Bird, and evolve towards the Barrier Phoenix.

The Walnuts have taken off in just one week.

It's like a phoenix that has just broken its shell and is about to fly away in the rays of the sun.

In the evening, just after Fang Mu accompanied Hu Tao to the Battle.net duel, he noticed that someone was sending a message to him through whispers.

Fang Mu marked each whispering butterfly that he sent out differently.

This Whispering Butterfly, which conveys a message to itself, is exactly the one that Fang Mu sent to the virgin through a messenger in the Star Wheel Gathering.

Fang Mu thought that Shui Miao would arrive first, but he never thought that the virgin would arrive first!

The distance between Xingyue Canyon and Longteng Federation is not too close.

For the virgin to arrive in such a short period of time, it must be the Longteng Federation who rushed to immediately after leaving the star wheel party.

This is enough to show Fang Mu that Virgo wants to cooperate and make a deal.

Fang Mu summoned the whispering butterfly to accept the communication, and a soft-sounding but very majestic female voice sounded in his soul.

"Libra, I am currently in Hanshui Province of your Dragon Federation."

"Should I wait for you in Hanshui Province, or go to the royal capital of Longteng Federation first?"

Fang Mu heard the words and said directly.

"Where..., which city are you in Hanshui Province?"

"You tell me about this city, and then wait for me at the gate of the Beastmaster Alliance headquarters in this city!"

"I'll be right there."

When Fang Mu first came into contact with Star Wheel members, they always referred to each other by their titles.

It was only after they got to know each other slowly that they called each other by their first names.

But in reality, the code name "Virgin" is really hard for Fang Mu to call out.

Hearing that Fang Mu failed to call out his code name, he hastily changed his words.

The bright woman on the other side of Xu Yulandie couldn't help but smile.

This smile made the peonies blooming in the flower garden look eclipsed.

Hanshui Province is rich in various types of flowers and beasts.

At least 40% of the peony beasts in the entire Longteng Federation came from Hanshui Province.

This smile not only covered the peonies in the flower garden, but also amazed several beast masters who happened to pass by.

"I should be in Luoming City."

"If you don't want to call me by my code name, you can call me by my name directly."

"My name is Su Qing!"

Fang Mu hurriedly said upon hearing this.

"Senior Su Qing, then I'm leaving now!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu put away the chattering Landie.

If you have something to say when you see Su Qing face to face, it is far better than saying it through a summons.

Su Qing couldn't help smiling when he heard Fang Mu's address.

The title "Senior" shows that Fang Mu, a junior, respects him.

The title "Senior" was heard in her ears, and Su Qing felt that it was much better than being called Sister Qing or Aunt Su.

As a person who has lived for more than a hundred years, even if I don't want to admit the traces left by the years in my life.

But it is inevitable that it will also be contaminated with the maturity and prudence accumulated over the years.

Su tends to hate perverse and frivolous people.

Walking in the Human Federation, Su Qing hesitated for a moment and put on the faceless paper mask.

In an instant, Su Qing's appearance became ordinary.

The lightness and elegance of the gestures still make passers-by look back frequently.

Su Qing had just rushed to the gate of the Beastmaster Alliance in Luoming City.

I saw a young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, wearing a white and blue slim-fit windbreaker, coming out from the gate of the Beastmaster Alliance.

Su Qing could confirm with just one glance that this young man was Libra.

One reason is that the feeling given to him by the young man in front of him is exactly the same as the feeling Libra gave him in the star wheel party.

Secondly, it was because the temperament of the young man in front of him was too rare.

This kind of temperament is difficult to cultivate even in the children of the hidden world.

Only those who are truly confident can cultivate such calm and calm self-confidence.

Su Qing waved at Fang Mu.

When Su Qing recognized Fang Mu, Fang Mu also recognized Su Qing.

Su Qing obviously used the faceless paper to cover up his original appearance.

The feeling that Su Qing gave Fang Mu at this time was very similar to the feeling Fang Mu had when he first met Shui Miao.

Both of them have ordinary appearance, but they can catch their eyes at once.

Fang Mu walked up quickly and spoke enthusiastically.

"Senior Su Qing, you have worked hard all the way here."

"You haven't eaten yet, have you?"

"I don't know if you want to eat some special snacks of Hanshui Province in Luoming City, or to eat in my manor?"

Su Qing shook her head lightly upon hearing this.

"Because I contracted a special imperial beast, my physique has changed."

"I can only eat flowers."

"If you haven't eaten yet, I can accompany you to fill your stomach first."

"If you've already finished eating, why don't you follow me to the park ahead!"

"I see that the flowers in the park ahead are blooming well."

After hearing the words, Fang Mu pondered for a while, and then understood the meaning of Su Qing's words.

Fang Mu was not curious about Su Qing's physique.

It is not news in the world of beast masters that the contracted beast master changes its physique.

There are several types of this kind of Beastmaster Guang Fangmu.

It's just that among the beasts that Fang Mu knew, none of them had to be swallowed by the contractor.

Su Qing invited herself to the park not just for a pure stroll.

Instead, he wanted to find out from himself who he was going to attack.

The news that Fang Mu was going to do something to a blood queen did not intend to hide it from Su Qing.

Besides, even if Fang Mu wanted to hide it, he couldn't hide it.

Su Qing would always know who the target was when he acted.

"Since Senior Su Qing thinks that the flowers in the park are blooming well, I am willing to enjoy the flowers together with Senior."

"It just so happens that I also have several good flowers here."

"If senior Su Qing is willing, I can let senior to taste it!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu made a gesture of invitation to Su Qing.

After the two entered the park, Su Qing used his mental power to wrap himself and Fang Mu within a radius of five meters.

"I know your name is Jianmu, Libra."

"I've always liked to discuss friendship with people on the same level. Why don't I call you Amu from now on, and you can just call me Aqing!"

"I want to know who is the target you asked me to deal with this time?"

"Only if I know the goal in advance, can I cooperate with you."

"I hope you don't mind!"

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