Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 461: The Hunt Begins!

After nurturing the phantom arrow, Fang Mu fell into a deep sleep under the urging of the servant soul ant queen as usual.

It can be said that in this world, what Fang Mu worries about most when he doesn't sleep is the queen servant ant.

Qi servant soul ant queen Fang Mu's rest can be said to have broken his heart.

The Qi servant soul ant queen has completely built a nest in Fang Mu's soul.

The queen servant ant was extremely satisfied with the nest she built with all her heart.

It's just that Fang Mu's soul energy is the only source of energy for the Qi servant soul ant queen.

If Fang Mu doesn't provide energy to the queen servant ant, the queen will be affected no matter whether it is cultivating the soul ant offspring or building a nest.

Qi servant soul ant queen has been thoroughly familiar with Fang Mu.

Whenever Fang Mu chooses to stay up late and not provide soul energy to the Qi servant soul ant queen, the Qi servant soul ant queen will go crazy in Fang Mu's soul.

There is no honor for the queen ant.

Instead, she looks like a little girl who bargains.

The nest of the queen servant ant is the shell of Fang Mu's soul defense.

The stronger the nest made by the servant soul ant queen, the stronger Fang Mu's soul defense will be.

So Fang Mu is also very willing to let the servant soul ant queen urge himself.

Fang Mu was just lying on the bed.

Just as the servant soul ant queen squeezed her own soul energy, she fell into a deep sleep.

As soon as Fang Mu woke up the next morning, he received a summons from Shu Liangjun.

"Xiaomu, the Blood Race has already started moving out of the city!"

"The class of the blood clan is much stronger than the ordinary beast clan."

"In order to welcome the Queen of the Blood Race, it is not impossible for these Dukes of the Blood Race to wait for the Queen's arrival one day in advance!"

"I suggest that we set off for the outskirts of the Dragon Federation in five hours."

"You need to borrow that treasure from your master, otherwise you should have no way to lure these blood races to areas outside the Dragon Federation!"

"If these blood races are not led to areas outside the Dragon Federation, then we will attack the blood race queen."

"The Soaring Dragon Federation will definitely suffer revenge from the blood race!"

Shu Liangjun has never been a talkative person, but now in order to clarify the stakes for Fang Mu, Shu Liangjun speaks in great detail.

This can be regarded as caring for Fang Mu as a guardian.

Fang Mu pursed his lips when he heard this.

"Old Shu, keep watching for me."

"Five hours is a bit too long. After three hours, I will teleport through the teleportation circle of the Beast Master Alliance according to the location you gave me."

"Then go to the area closest to those blood races, and use that treasure to attract these blood races."

Shu Liangjun was very satisfied with Fang Mu's answer.

Even with the gathering of three strong men of order, Fang Mu still paid enough attention to this operation.

Not so arrogant as to despise the blood race.

In fact, even if three powerful men of order acted together, Shu Liangjun still couldn't guarantee that he could capture the blood queen alive as Fang Mu asked.

You must know that killing the blood queen and capturing the blood queen alive have completely different difficulties.

After Fang Mu finished communicating with Shu Liangjun, he immediately left for the restaurant.

Then unceremoniously contacted Shui Miao, Su Qing and four members of the Brilliant Clan including Jin Zhaoyan through Xu Nian Landie.

The evil spirit Liuxi was also sent by Fang Mu to leave the capital with Mr. Zi and the Void Beast Witch Meng Sha.

She was going to let Liu Xi join in this operation.

For the troublesome Shui Miao, Su Qing and the four members of the Huihuang family, Fang Mu was not polite at all.

Because a few people came here to help themselves.

Whether it is Shui Miao or Su Qing, there are many things to do.

There is simply no time to stay here by myself.

If the matter is resolved early, Shui Miao and Su Qing will be able to leave earlier.

Soon Shui Miao, Su Qing and the four members of the Huihuang family gathered in the restaurant.

Lu Xiaoyin had already asked the servants in the manor to prepare meals.

Shui Miao, Su Qing, and the Brilliant Clan all had serious expressions on their faces.

Several people already knew that Fang Mu was going to attack a blood queen.

But when it's time to do it, I still can't help but think about the consequences of doing it.

However, this action was not disclosed, and the blood queen did not hear the news in advance and was prepared.

There will be no serious problems!

Among the crowd, it was Fang Mu who was very calm.

"We don't leave until three hours later, so you might as well have some food first."

"There is no reason to be hungry before acting!"

In front of Su Qing was a dinner plate, on which were several precious flowers.

These flowers are unusually delicate and beautiful, and it is obvious that they have just been picked from the flower stems.

In addition to the peony garden, Fangmu's mountain manor also has other auspicious gardens.

Su Qing's meal was specially prepared by Lu Xiaoyin.

Neither too expensive nor too shabby.

As a host, there are a lot of specialties in preparing meals.

Everyone is a guest, even if someone has a special dining habit.

There should also be no bias in the overall preparation of the meal.

Otherwise, it is likely to make other people feel unhappy!

As a personal butler, this kind of thing must be taken into consideration.

Su Qing sat at the table with a smile and said to Fang Mu.

"It's hard for you, Amu, can you think about my eating habits."

"I just don't know about the transaction. Have you already asked Mr. Qixing?"

When Shui Miao heard what Su Qing called Qixing, she knew that Su Qing already knew that Qixing was a holy creator.

As for Su Qing wanting to make a deal with Fang Mu, Shui Miao was not surprised at all.

It can be said that anyone in this world who can get in touch with the Holy Builder wants to do business with the Holy Builder.

It's just that Su Qing was a little too urgent.

Based on Shui Miao's understanding of Fang Mu, if Fang Mu agreed to the deal.

Even if he doesn't take the initiative to mention it, Fang Mu will take the initiative to mention it.

Fang Mu is not the kind of person who likes to take advantage of others.

Especially the relationship between Su Qing and Fang Mu is not bad!

Fang Mu was planning to bring this up with Su Qing during dinner.

Since Su Qing took the initiative to mention it, Fang Mu took advantage of the opportunity to speak.

"I had a long discussion with the master last night, and only then did I obtain thirty-seven heavenly fragrant peonies from the master."

"I will give you these thirty-seven heavenly fragrant peony flowers at once, and after that, you can have about fifteen heavenly fragrant peony flowers taken away from me every month."

"The flowers of the Tianxiang peony are produced by the flower beads themselves, and we cannot directly guarantee the yield for you."

"You must be able to understand this, Ah Qing!"

Fang Mu not only happily agreed to the deal with Su Qing, but also told Su Qing about the subsequent deal.

This put Su Qing in a good mood.

It also let Su Qing know that Fang Mu is a carefree person.

If it is said that Su Qing and Fang Mu made friends before, more than 90% of them were because of Qi Xing.

Now that Su Qing made friends with Fang Mu again, it was more because he admired Fang Mu very much!

Su Qing coughed lightly, and then asked Fang Mu.

"Yesterday, I already agreed with you about the materials for the transaction. I wonder if you need so many of these materials?"

"If you don't need it, I can replace the supplies here."

Su Qing didn't directly mention Boluo Bodhi at the dinner table, which meant that Su Qing didn't want Shui Miao or the Huihuang family to know his identity.

Naturally, Fang Mu would not expose Su Qing's identity.

"The materials we have finalized before are very good and do not need to be changed."

"Just proceed with the transaction as previously set."

Fang Mu traded thirty-seven heavenly fragrant peony flowers, and he could directly obtain thirty-seven pieces of Bodhisattva.

After that, about fifteen flowers per month, almost one hundred and eighty Bodhisattvas can be obtained in a year.

It is just right to feed a Bodhisattva to the Magic Ya Nieque in two days on average!

After the meal, Shui Miao, Su Qing and the four members of the Huihuang clan all expressed that they would make some preparations.

Two hours later, everyone met in the lobby on the first floor.

Fang Mu communicated with Shu Liangjun through his soul, after knowing that these blood races were in the dense forest of Xiadu Fulong Canyon.

Fang Mu was overjoyed.

Xiadu is not far from JA City, and it is considered the southernmost city in Longteng Federation.

Under normal circumstances, border cities are often relatively desolate.

But the prosperity of Xiadu is no worse than that of Jinghai Province.

The reason for this is because of the Fulong Canyon outside Xiadu!

Fulong Canyon is rich in earth dragons, and there are more than 400 kinds of earth dragons produced.

Some of the earth dragon bloodlines are very cherished and have the possibility of being promoted to the main dragon.

As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to eat water.

Xiadu, which is next to Fulong Canyon, relies on Fulong Canyon to generate a lot of income every year.

Moreover, the space near Xiadu is relatively stable, and there are very few dimensional cracks opening.

Every opening of the dimensional rift will cause great loss.

Similar situations rarely occur in Xiadu.

Not only did Xiadu save money, but also many wealthy people chose to move to Xiadu to settle down.

The reason why Fang Mu was happy was not because of the excellent scenery here in Xiadu.

Instead, Fulong Canyon is connected to Xianglong Plain.

The Xianglong Plain is bordered by the six federations, and the junction between the Xianglong Plain and the Fulong Canyon is very narrow like a bottleneck.

Fang Mu is at the mouth of this bottle, whether it is to attract those bloody dukes or ambush the bloody queen.

All are excellent locations!

These blood clans decided the location here, which can be said to have done Fang Mu a big favor!

Fang Mu rushed to the Beastmaster Alliance in JA City.

In order not to attract attention, Fang Mu let Shui Miao, Su Qing and others enter the clever bunker inside the belly worm.

Otherwise, it would be too eye-catching for the mighty No. 7 and 8 people to teleport to Xiadu together!

In case things are not handled smoothly, it is very likely that someone will touch him along this clue.

If Fang Mu teleports by himself, he won't attract attention.

Anyway, Fang Mu is just a junior.

Even if he has the status of creating a disciple of the master, his strength is low in the eyes of outsiders.

Even if his whereabouts were revealed, no one would associate this matter with himself.

After Fang Mu arrived in Xiadu, he would use faceless star paper to cover up his appearance.

Lu Yuyu just returned to JA City two days ago.

Lu Yuyu always wanted to invite Fang Mu to dinner, but Fang Mu really didn't have time.

Fang Mu rushed to the Beastmaster Alliance without notifying Lu Yuyu in advance.

Ke Lu and Yu immediately set off to the teleportation room after knowing that Fang Mu had come to the Beastmaster Alliance to teleport.

Sure enough, I saw Fang Mu in the teleportation room.

Seeing Lu Yuyu, Fang Mu smiled and said.

"Brother Lu, I don't have any major affairs here, but I just want to go to Xiadu."

"You really don't need to be so polite!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuyu smiled and reached out to grab the broken hair on the back of his head.

The Wood Building Chamber of Commerce is currently building a visualization hall, and Fang Yuan appointed Cornerstone Construction to take the lead in building it.

Lu Yuyu and Fang Yuan didn't have many personal relationships.

Fang Yuan made such an arrangement entirely because of Fang Mu's face.

The foundation stone was built in Ludu because of its relationship with the Construction Wood Chamber of Commerce, and its reputation has become more and more prosperous.

Lu Yuyu was very moved after knowing this incident, and kept thinking about what opportunity to find to give back to Fang Mu.

Lu Yuyu glanced at the deputy beside him.

Lu Yuyu's deputy quickly emptied the surrounding people.

In the Beast Master Alliance in JA City, Lu Yuyu is the veritable second in command.

Because Lu Yuyu is strong enough, and Qian Jian, the vice president of the Beastmaster Alliance, intends to promote Lu Yuyu.

This made Lu Yuyu even more authoritative than the vice president of the JA City Beast Masters Alliance.

Qian Zhe, an old guy who sees money and likes to cling to power, will promote himself.

It is clear that there is an inseparable relationship with Fang Mu.

Fang Mu perfectly explained to Lu Yuyu what a noble person is.

Since getting acquainted with Fang Mu, both himself and the family have been steadily improving in a good direction.

"Brother Fang, thank you for everything you have done for me during this time!"

"Thank you so much, if you have anything that you can use me for in the future, just ask me!"

"I have an old friend in Xiadu, who is an expatriate deacon like me."

"When you get to Xiadu, you can find him for anything!"

Hearing this, Fang Mu raised his hand and patted Lu Yuyu's shoulder.

From Lu Yuyu's point of view, he has been helping him.

that's the truth.

But in Fang Mu's view, what he did was nothing more than small gestures.

After Fang Mu went to Xiadu, he would immediately accept Shu Liangjun's teleportation from Kongzhi and Yinman. There was no need to know Xiadu's deacon sent by the Beastmaster Alliance.

"Brother Lu, I'm in a hurry here."

"In summer, I have to help the master run a deal."

"When I come back, I will invite Brother Lu to the manor as a guest!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu nodded to Lu Yuyu, and then stepped into the teleportation circle.

Lu Yuyu did it himself and helped Fang Mu carry out the teleportation.

With the protection of the Xinghe Messenger, Fang Mu who appeared in Xiadu did not feel uncomfortable at all.

After Fang Mu left Xiadu's Beastmaster Alliance, he came to the place designated by Shu Liangjun.

Immediately afterwards, a silver glow appeared at Fang Mu's feet like a portal.

Fang Mu took a step forward, and then Fang Mu's figure disappeared into Xiadu out of thin air.

After Fang Mu appeared in the real world again, he raised his eyes and saw Shu Liangjun standing in front of him.

Shu Liangjun said to Fang Mu in a solemn tone.

"Amu, I have two latest discoveries here."

"One is good news and one is bad news."

"I don't know which one do you want to hear first?"

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