Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 462: The Queen Arrives!

Fang Mu smiled when he heard this, knowing that the current situation is not serious.

Otherwise, Shu Liangjun would never have joked with herself at this juncture!

"Old Shu, let's tell the bad news first!"

Fang Mu planned to attack the blood queen, and decided to receive all the resources of the blood queen.

Among them is the Red Moon Castle of the Blood Queen.

The blood queen's things are all her own.

If it's just a simple gain, it won't be a good thing.

So the benefits Shu Liangjun mentioned should probably be the favorable situation on his side.

Fang Mu asked Su Qing, Shui Miao, and the four members of the Brilliant Clan to help him, and it seemed that only Su Qing and Fang Mu paid the resources with clearly marked prices.

But in fact, Fang Mu and Shui Miao, the four members of the Brilliant Clan, also carried out a transaction.

In the future, when a few people ask Fang Mu for help, Fang Mu has to help a few people because of this deal!

So the advantage in the battle situation is good news for Shui Miao, Su Qing and others, but not for Mu.

As a time traveler, Fang Mu was influenced by the Three Views of his previous life.

There are many ideas that are somewhat different from people in this world.

Now that the blood queen has not arrived, Fang Mu knows the bad news so he can make corresponding preparations in advance according to the bad news.

"According to my follow-up and investigation of those Blood Dukes, there should be Mr. Zi from the Evil Heart Sect who acted with the Blood Queen this time."

"It might even be a Mr. Black!"

Fang Mu's heart moved when he heard this.

It seems that the relationship between this blood queen and the evil sect is quite close.

Previously, he teamed up with the evil sect to launch an attack on JA City.

Now that the turmoil is over, the blood queen is still involved with the evil sect.

The strength of Mr. Zi of the evil heart sect is mostly at the peak of the sequence, only one step away from the order.

Given the current situation, even if there is one more Mr. Zi, there is nothing to fear.

But Mr. Hei's strength is at least orderly!

Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun, Su Qing and this Mr. Hei are both strong in order, and Fang Mu can't determine who is stronger.

This is really bad news!

Fang Mu pursed his lips, and then spoke seriously to Shu Liangjun.

"Old Shu, I may need you to spend some energy to send me a strong man!"

"I will give you the coordinates of this strong man."

During the conversation between Fang Mu and Shu Liangjun, Fang Mu contacted Yinyang Li Anbao through Qi servant soul ant queen.

Let Yinyang Li Anbao no matter what he is doing right now, immediately find a place where there is no one and wait to be sent.

Day An, a beast that has set foot in order, is inferior to the real orderly powerhouse in terms of combat power.

Because at least a person with a strong order will contract more than two beasts.

But Day An can help Fang Mu a lot.

Dayan has been waiting for Fang Mu's news during this time, for fear that Fang Mu will forget himself.

Day An's status in the Emperor's Beast Court has been improved, and he seems to have become an upstart in the Emperor's Beast Court.

There are people fawning on you everywhere, which can be said to be proud of the spring breeze!

In the Beast Familiar Force, the stronger and more sought after the stronger ones are, the more free they are.

After receiving Fang Mu's news, Dayan immediately found a place where there was no one there.

Then Fang Mu made a reply.

Fang Mu gave Shu Liangjun the coordinates of the parasitic ant heir parasitic in Dayan's soul.

Shu Liangjun used the empty sesame and silver vines to trace the space, and directly sent the Yinyang Li Anbao over.

Yinyang Li Anbao was very surprised to see two familiar faces, Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun.

Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao also looked at Ri An in surprise.

Shu Liangjun, Shui Miao and Fang Mu explored in the ancient battlefield together, and they were able to confirm that Fang Mu did not know Ri An, a strong man of the Beast Familiar Force.

The only intersection between Fang Mu and Dayan is the place of inheritance.

So something must have happened in the land of inheritance, which made Day An choose to join Fang Mu.

Otherwise, a strong orderly man of the Beast Familiar force would not immediately agree to rush to the human world after receiving Fang Mu's news.

In addition to Dayan, Fang Mu also has a full moon pendant and the little purple tower.

These two things are the trump cards that Fang Mu can mobilize.

The power of the full moon pendant is not clear, but the small purple tower can easily suppress the strong of order!

Dayan was almost buried under the little purple tower.

Fang Mu grandly let himself appear in front of these strong human beings, which shows that these strong human beings are worthy of Fang Mu's trust.

The second is to explain that I don't need to deliberately hide my identity from these people.

Zhou An bowed to Fang Mu and asked respectfully.

"Master, I don't know what you call me for?"

Hearing Zhou An's words, Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun were even more surprised.

If Dayan had been a participant in this event in advance, Fang Mu would have invited him in advance.

It is reasonable for Dayan to come here.

But Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun and others learned about what Ri An said.

Day An was specially approached by Fang Mu after hearing the bad news. He didn't know the purpose of this visit, so he called him Young Master.

Its posture is no different from that of a servant.

Hearing this, Fang Mu said to Zhou An very seriously.

"In a while, our opponent will be a blood queen, and a Mr. Purple or Mr. Black from the Evil Heart Sect."

"You prepare in advance!"

Hearing the words, Dayan immediately entered the fighting state.

Su Qing originally thought that after Fang Mu said that he would attack the blood queen, Dayan would feel unhappy.

Whether it is the Yin Yang Li An Leopard Clan or the Emperor Beast Court, it is not good to provoke the Blood Clan.

But in the end, Zhou An actually sided with Fang Mu without even asking.

What exactly did Fang Mu do to Day An, a beast master at the order level, to make Day An Fang Mu so determined!

In fact, Zhou An was really taken aback when he knew that Fang Mu was going to attack the blood queen.

Where is the blood queen so easy to target?

But now his wealth and life, as well as the future of the Yin Yang Li An Leopard clan, are all in Fang Mu's hands.

No matter what level it is, Dayan can only obey Fang Mu's arrangement.

Since Fang Mu is going to attack a blood queen, he must be sure.

Otherwise, even the Boundless Tower would hardly be able to bear the blood clan's revenge!

Dayan believes that Fang Mu will not cause trouble for the Boundless Tower.

As for Mr. Zi and Mr. Hei of the Evil Heart Sect, Day An didn't pay much attention to them.

Not to mention the evil sect and blood clan are not forces at the same level.

The evil heart sect is far from united like the blood race.

Even if Mr. Hei died, the evil sect's first thought was not revenge.

Instead, he was thinking about how to divide up the inheritance left by this Mr. Zi or Mr. Hei.

Because of Fang Mu's enmity with the evil sect, Day An deliberately paid attention to and inquired about the situation of some evil sects.

The disappearance of Mr. Zi really caused an uproar in the evil heart sect at first.

But the Evil Heart Sect didn't want to find this Mr. Zi.

It's just a symbolic trouble for the Panfeng Federation.

After being stopped by the Federation of Nations, there was no follow-up action.

The evil sect had some internal problems half a month ago.

It is said that it was caused by the uneven distribution of the property left by Mr. Zi.

Yinyang Li Anbao has been thinking about how to please Fang Mu, but Naihe can't follow Fang Mu.

No matter how much he thinks about it, it won't help.

Now that he finally has the chance to be by Fang Mu's side, Day An wants to perform well no matter what!

"Ah Shui, Shu Lao, Ah Qing, Jin Lao, I will choose a position and take out the treasure of the master to attract these blood races."

"Master never likes to show his treasures in front of others, so I hope you don't spy on this treasure when I take it out!"

"Otherwise, I can only truthfully tell the master the situation."

"Maybe the master stopped cooperating with everyone when he got angry."

"I'm using myself as bait, and I hope everyone can protect my safety!"

Having said that, Fang Mu jumped onto the back of the belly worm, and started to let the belly worm head towards Xianglong Plain.

Fang Mu rarely said such harsh words.

Shu Liangjun, Shui Miao, Su Qing and others all understood Fang Mu's words.

Fang Mu, a young man, is working for his master, so he must abide by the rules set by his master.

Several people are on good terms with Fang Mu, so naturally they won't do things that embarrass Fang Mu.

And I don't want to cut off my way of trading Saint Founder resources in the future!

The Fulong Canyon goes deep into the Xianglong Plain, which greatly affects the terrain of the Xianglong Plain.

Soon Fang Mu found a place suitable for an ambush in the core area of ​​Liubang, and then Fang Mu issued instructions to the ingenious bunker.

The ingenious bunker immediately turned into a sky full of mechanical gears.

After Fang Mu took the mechanical heart of the ingenious bunker to the selected position, the mechanical gears all over the sky were reassembled into the ingenious bunker.

Fang Mu put away the belly worm and walked into the inside of the ingenious bunker.

Fang Mu didn't summon Feng Rang of Bleeding, but raised his hand lightly to fill the inside of the Artful Bunker with the bloody mist.

Fang Mu's appearance changed immediately.

Fang Mu took a look at himself through the long mirror turned into mechanical gears inside the ingenious bunker.

Fang Mu can be sure that his appearance is very different from that of the traditional vampires.

The indistinct bubbles and the black goat's head in the center of the blood pupil made him look full of evil.

However, Fang Mu can perfectly control the increased energy of the physical body under the blood fog.

There is no saying in some literary works in the previous life that one's mind was affected by power.

The ingenious bunker can indeed block the aura inside, but it can also choose to release the aura inside.

Fang Mu didn't let the ingenious bunker cover up the atmosphere inside.

Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun and others are ambushing around the clever bunker.

Several people didn't feel any energy fluctuations inside the ingenious bunker.

Instead, there was an indescribable smell in the air.

This smell is very faint, somewhat similar to the smell of blood, but not as stench like blood.

Instead, it has a mellow feeling full of vitality.

From this breath alone, it can be confirmed that the treasures that Fang Mu took out in the ingenious bunker are by no means extraordinary.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be targeted by a blood queen!

Not long after, the blood dukes who had been followed by Shu Liangjun came to Fang Mu's area.

Seeing all four high-ranking vampires present, Shu Liangjun felt relieved.

Shu Liangjun was very afraid that only two or three of the four high-level blood races came, and one or two were not present.

With the Queen of the Bloodlines likely to arrive at any time, I couldn't spare any energy to find and capture the two Dukes of the Bloodlines.

This made it very likely that the two blood dukes would choose to hide when they attacked the blood queen.

Then spread the news to the blood clan.

Now the four blood dukes are all here, so that it is convenient for me and others to catch them all in one go.

The wisdom of the high-level blood race is extremely high, and these high-level blood races rushed here precisely because they found the breath that made the blood power in their bodies throb.

This breath made it difficult for the four blood dukes to hold on.

But after realizing that this breath came from the body of the mechanical beast not far away.

The four blood dukes all realized that something was wrong.

Previously, this aura had always appeared within the Dragon Federation, limited to the surrounding areas of JA City.

Why did this breath happen to appear very close to me and others when I was waiting for the queen to come?

Almost instantly, the word "bait" flashed in the minds of the four high-level blood races.

The four blood dukes looked at each other and did not act immediately.

Instead, he pretended to be extremely relaxed.

The four blood dukes thought that the other party was catching only themselves, and they didn't know that a blood queen was about to arrive.

I and others used the internal communication method of the blood clan to contact Master Yisi.

It is impossible for those who want to catch themselves to know!

Soon the positions of bait and hunter will be reversed.

With Master Yisi's bloodline, he must be able to detect the existence of this breath.

There is no need to wait for someone to lead the way.

The four blood dukes didn't do anything, neither did Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun, Su Qing and others.

Rather, it is in a state of being ready to go.

Even if the blood queen arrives in a while, the four members of the Brilliant Clan headed by Jin Zhaoyan will be the first to stop the blood queen.

As well as Meng Sha and Mr. Zi, the Void Beast Witch controlled by Liu Xi.

Fang Mu had his own ideas for letting the two puppets under Liu Xi's control stop him.

The Mr. Zi or Mr. Hei sent by the evil heart sect must be able to detect the existence of this Mr. Zi.

The existence of this Mr. Zi is bound to make the people sent by the evil heart sect conduct a full investigation into the matter.

They will not flee immediately after the orderly strong appear.

Of the four strong men of order, including Yinyang Lianbao, one must guard in the dark and take charge of the overall situation to prevent anyone from escaping.

Yin Yang Li An Leopard is especially suitable for this job.

One was responsible for the assassination, causing fatal wounds to the blood queen by surprise.

Fang Mu didn't expect that Su Qing would be the most suitable assassin!

Suddenly, outside the ingenious bunker, a large area of ​​sky suddenly darkened.

A thick bloody smell hit from the depths of the night.

On the ground under his feet, there are blooming bewitching roses condensed by blood.

At some point in the sky, a red moon rose.

The red moon fell from the sky, and finally turned into a huge and powerful floating castle!

A tall and slender woman with long pink hair and flying in the air is looking down at the ground beneath her feet.

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