High blood races are the most respectable.

Not to mention a blood queen, even a blood prince would not easily show his face without attendants around him.

Right now, this woman who is obviously of a higher blood race will make such an unreasonable reaction.

It was because of the deep fascination hidden in the woman's disdainful eyes.

This woman is the blood queen Yisi.

Only the blood queen Yisi is qualified to put on such a show on the Red Moon Castle.

Yisi took a deep breath, and subconsciously groaned in enjoyment.

Soon, Yisi forcibly suppressed the intoxication that was enough to dominate her behavior.

This feeling of intoxication comes from the body of the mechanical beast below.

The thing that is stared at by oneself must be oneself.

Yi Si has great confidence in this.

After the four blood dukes saw Yisi on the Red Moon Castle, they jumped in front of Yisi.

The Duke of Blood, who was proud in front of everyone, was performing ancient aristocratic etiquette to the fourteen or fifteen-year-old woman in front of him.

While showing a gentleman's demeanor, he also showed extreme humility.

Yisi came down with the Red Moon Castle, dispelling the fear in the hearts of the four blood dukes.

Obviously just now I was waiting for someone to be the prey, but now, the hunter and the prey have exchanged identities!

"Master Yisi, that thing here is exactly the source of the aura I reported to you earlier!"

"Originally, this breath should be inside the Dragon Federation, but for some reason it appeared here!"

"I think it must have been done on purpose!"

Yi Si's eyes flickered twice when she heard this, and then a playful expression appeared on her face.

"Oh? So there are mice in ambush here?"

"Rats, my king has arrived, so hurry up and stick out the mouse's head and let me see who has such courage!"

While Yisi was speaking, two high-ranking vampires who looked young but were extremely tall stood beside Yisi.

The four vampire dukes who had just greeted Yisi showed the same humility to the two male vampires.

At first glance, these two male blood clansmen were the blood clan princes.

In a place where the bloodline level is extremely strict like the bloodline, with the presence of the bloodline queen.

Only the blood queen can call herself king.

The blood prince has no qualifications to be king.

Under normal circumstances, blood princes are unwilling to go with blood queens.

Because it will lower your prestige.

The blood queen was surrounded by two blood princes, which was enough to show that the new queen must be protected by an old queen.

But whether it was Su Qing, Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun or the four members of the Brilliant Clan, none of them cared about this at all.

The veteran blood queen would indeed choose to support an excellent blood woman with her own blood.

The veteran blood queen did not do this to inherit her own blood.

The lifespan of the higher blood race is extremely long, close to immortality.

There is no need for blood inheritance at all.

Veteran blood queens often use the blood women they support as tools.

This makes these vampire women supported by the old queen, after being fortunate enough to be promoted to the vampire queen.

They will all hate the vampires who support them.

The unity of the blood clan lies in the games with other ethnic groups, and the strong members of each blood clan will jointly safeguard the overall interests of the blood clan.

In the game of blood clan individuals, there are often situations where the two parties fight to the death.

This is exactly the complexity of advanced intelligent life at the social level.

These two blood princes are only one step away from order in terms of strength.

Jin Zhaoyan, who has recovered from his physical condition, has the ability to play against these two blood princes.

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun didn't care what the blood queen called them.

The blood queen has always acted arrogantly, and it is very common to describe the enemy as a mouse!

The wings of the blood race are very similar to the wings of bats.

And the blood race has the means to turn into a bat-like creature.

This made human beings often like to describe the vampires as flying mice after they discovered such creatures as vampires.

After hearing this statement, the blood race also learned to use this statement to insult other creatures.

Just because Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun don't care about this kind of title doesn't mean that other people don't care either.

Su Qing's eyes sharpened after the blood queen finished speaking.

Li Mang flashed through Su Qing's beautiful eyes.

Su Qing secretly said in her heart, tear off your wings in a while, and let everyone see who is more like a mouse!

Jin Zhaoyan had seen the blood queen before, and had already expected the formation of the blood queen.

But Jin Xuan, as the steward of Brilliant Castle, rarely had the chance to go out.

Inquiring about the gorgeously dressed and powerful blood queen in front of me, I couldn't help feeling a little flustered in my heart.

But soon Jin Xuan suppressed all the panic in his heart.

There are four strong men of order on my side, so there is really nothing to panic about!

And from Fang Mu's point of view, Fang Mu probably still has means to suppress the market!

Jin Xuan looked at Shu Liangjun.

Fang Mu's absence, Shu Liangjun, Fang Mu's protector, became Fang Mu's substitute for giving orders.

Shu Liangjun shook his head lightly.

"Wait a minute, the people from the evil sect haven't shown up yet."

"We will act after the people from the evil sect show up!"

"Since a Blood Queen has chosen to cooperate with human forces like the Evil Heart Sect, it is impossible for the Evil Heart Sect to hide behind her safely."

"Instead, we will drive the evil sect as much as possible to demonstrate the dignity of the bloodline."

Jin Xuan nodded heavily upon hearing the words.

Seeing that no one responded to her, Yisi raised her hand and pointed towards the sky.

Extremely thick and turbid blood energy escaped from the Red Moon Castle.

"Since the mice don't want to show their heads, I'll find you mice one by one in a while!"

"I want to see where you can hide under the cover of the scarlet blood domain!?"

Sensing fluctuations in the space not far from her, Yisi waved her hand downwards vigorously.

A bloody long whip appeared in Yisi's hand.

When the bloody long whip was about to reach that space, a pair of hands came out from the space.

The originally pale palm was covered with brown-green scales in an instant.

After the palm grabbed the blood whip, it tore the blood whip with force.

"Iss, you are the one who chooses to cooperate with our evil sect."

"Our evil sect is not your running dog, don't mess with the wrong person!"

"As the saying goes, half of the meeting is divided."

"This thing is not needed by your blood race, it must belong to your blood race!"

"Let me help you tear off that iron lump underneath and take out the contents!"

Upon hearing this, Yisi raised her bewitching red eyes.

"What is the evil sect? It's just a group of garbage monsters who manipulate corpses to transform themselves!"

"Don't forget that your evil sect still has something to ask of me!"

"Otherwise, why do you have to act with me?"

"If you want to grab something from me, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Yisi's eyes seemed to be rippling with spring water.

But those high-ranking vampires who are familiar with Yisi know that Yisi has murderous intentions at this time.

These monsters of the evil sect are the most shameless.

Obviously begging the blood clan for something, but still put on such a gesture in front of Mrs. Yisi!

The figure shrouded in black robe flicked the wrist that had just grabbed the blood whip.

All the scales on his body faded away, revealing his pale palms.

"Iss, the blood queen who was just promoted a hundred years ago calls herself this king."

"It's a bit overwhelming!"

"Your blood clan does not have only one queen, this deal is not discussed with you, and other blood clan queens are definitely willing to contact our evil sect!"

"No matter how pretentious the blood race is, it is a heresy in this world."

"Jiyuan can accommodate you to exist in this world, but it won't allow your blood race to mess around!"

"This time I brought two bone hackers."

"You don't know what kind of bone hacker exists!"

While talking, two bodies, one big and one small, with blue shiny bodies, appeared behind this Mr. Hei.

Both bodies consist entirely of bones.

Each bone emits a different shrill scream.

Thousands of different screams gathered together, carrying an indescribably strange feeling.

After Shu Liangjun felt these two auras, her heart sank suddenly.

The bone hacker can be said to be the strongest weapon of war of the evil sect.

Bone hackers use the bones of order creatures as raw materials, and then use the souls of order creatures as the source of power to drive these bones.

Sealed in the bones in a special way.

It is extremely costly to create a bone hacker that can compete with the strong of order.

This Mr. Hei was able to take out two at once, and summoned nearly a hundred body-sew hackers behind him.

Obviously, he wanted to avoid being suppressed by the blood queen in the process of dealing with the blood queen.

Shu Liangjun hadn't thought of this before.

In this way, there are also four enemy order units.

I can no longer take advantage of the quantity on my side!

Shu Liangjun was not afraid of anything.

Although bone hackers have order-level power, they are not as good as living order-level creatures.

To be honest, I still have the upper hand here.

But besides defeating the enemy, he also had to ensure Fang Mu's safety.

The existence of Fangmu will become a weakness exploited by the enemy.

Shu Liangjun notified Fang Mu immediately.

Fang Mu is the one who really makes up his mind on his side.

After Shu Liangjun told Fang Mu about the situation, Fang Mu needed to make a decision.

Whether to continue to hunt the blood queen as prey.

If he stopped hunting the Blood Queen, with his own strength, he would be able to retreat 100% unscathed.

Shu Liangjun told Fang Mu the situation very quickly.

But Shu Liangjun didn't give Fangmu any advice.

Fang Mu is a very thoughtful person, and Fang Mu's action this time also carries a task arranged by Qixing.

Shu Liangjun felt that after Fang Mu knew the situation, he would probably contact Qixing as soon as possible to explain the current situation to Qixing.

Then Qixing will make the decision.

Even if Fang Mu is favored by Qixing again, it should be difficult to decide a dispute involving eight strong men of order.

The current situation is not only beyond Shu Liangjun's judgment, but also beyond Fang Mu's judgment.

Fang Mu did not expect such an accident to happen!

It's just that the main purpose of Fang Mu's finalizing this operation was not to capture the blood queen.

But for self-preservation.

Fang Mu didn't want to be targeted by a blood queen.

Especially after the blood queen knew the strength of her side.

Once they find that they cannot succeed with their own strength, most of them will share the situation with other blood queens.

At that time, what Fang Mu will have to face will be the intrusion of the entire blood race group!

Instead of that, it's better to give it a go.

Even if someone escapes and the news leaks out, the end is no different from the other option!

Fang Mu reached out and touched the full moon pendant he had been wearing on his chest.

The full moon pendant is the same as the exclusive characteristic of Feng Rong of Blood [Jin Dyeing End Yan], and it is Fang Mu's life-saving trump card.

It will trigger itself when attacked by the outside world.

This cannot be regarded by Fang Mu as a means against the enemy.

But the small purple-black tower hidden in the full moon pendant can.

Fang Mu still remembers how Day An, an order-level powerhouse, was suppressed by that small purple-black tower and couldn't even move!

This shows that this small purple-black tower has power above order.

After contracting the full moon pendant, he was able to use the small purple-black tower.

With this small purple-black tower, Fang Mu can probably control an order unit if he uses it properly.

Fang Mu asked Shu Liangjun as calmly as possible.

"Old Shu, who is stronger, the Mr. Hei of the evil sect you mentioned, or the blood queen?"

Shu Liangjun thought that Fang Mu would make a direct decision.

But he didn't expect Fang Mu to ask himself such a question.

Fang Mu asked such a question, which in itself explained Fang Mu's thoughts.

Fang Mu still wanted to attack the blood queen and Mr. Hei of the evil sect.

Shu Liangjun replied firmly.

"With the blessing of the Red Moon Castle, this Queen of the Blood Race must be stronger than the Mr. Hei of the Evil Heart Sect by virtue of her abilities!"

"Otherwise, this Mr. Hei from the Evil Heart Sect would not bring two bone hackers to fight against the Blood Queen!"

Fang Mu asked solemnly after hearing the words.

"If I can control this blood queen, can we wipe out all the other blood and evil sects with our current combat power?"

"Old Shu, I hope you can answer my question carefully."

"Your answer will affect my next decision!"

Shu Liangjun was secretly surprised when Fang Mu said that.

Shu Liangjun can be sure that there have been no spatial fluctuations since the appearance of Mr. Hei from the evil sect.

It was obviously impossible for Fang Mu to send any more people from Qixing.

This shows that Qixing gave Fang Mu a certain treasure, so that Fang Mu can use this treasure to directly suppress a strong person at the order level.

This is enough to see how profound Qixing's background is.

Shu Liangjun pondered for a moment, then said after thinking about the situation on the field.

"Xiaomu, if you can control this blood queen, I can swear on my life."

"Even if you pay a certain price, you will definitely be able to keep this Mr. Hei of the Evil Heart Sect and all the blood clans!"

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