Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 464: The Hooked Blood Queen!

Hearing this, Fang Mu clenched his fists suddenly, and said to himself fiercely in his heart.


It has been a full month since the last time Blood Rich Rang's exclusive feature [Jin Dye End Yan] was activated.

The cooldown of [The End of Ember Dye] has been completed.

The last time when Blood Rich Rang's exclusive feature [Jin Dye End Yan] took effect, Fang Mu had already obtained the full moon pendant.

The judgment of [Jin Dye Ends] is before the full moon pendant.

If there is really a strong orderly person who attacks him, he may be able to get another person by virtue of the judgment of "Jin Ran Ends Yan"!

Fang Mu is a man with cards.

It was precisely because of his hole cards that Fang Mu dared to make such a decision.

"Old Shu, assuming that everyone from the Evil Heart Sect and the Blood Race are present."

"Let's do it now!"

"Remember, don't let anyone escape from here!"

"If someone really paid the price for this, I will repay it multiple times after I talk to the master about it!"

Among the few orderly men present, except for Shu Liangjun, who was his guardian, he had the responsibility to protect his own safety.

And Dayan is completely controlled by himself and has no choice.

Others came to help for the sake of chance.

The same is true for Shui Miao.

Even if Fang Mu has a deep relationship with Shui Miao, he doesn't think that Shui Miao will bear the price of being traumatized for himself!

The previous guardianship in the underground palace, Shui Miao has already repaid all the favors owed to him.

Shu Liangjun will definitely pass on the second half of what Fang Mu said.

This was Fang Mu's reassurance for Shui Miao, Su Qing and the four powerful members of the Huihuang clan.

With this reassurance, Shui Miao, Su Qing and others will have no scruples to fight this Mr. Hei and the blood queen of the evil sect!

In the eyes of everyone, it wasn't the one-pointed star beast master who was helping him, but Qi Xing, the holy creator!

As a biologist in his previous life, Fang Mu understood the cruelty of the law of the jungle best.

Fang Mu is not the kind of person who thinks that whoever has a good relationship with him will definitely pay for himself.

Shu Liangjun's heart was completely relieved by Fang Mu's words.

Shu Liangjun confessed Fang Mu's words through the voice transmission of the soul.

Shui Miao, Su Qing, and members of the Brilliant Clan headed by Jin Zhaoyan did not put their hearts in their stomachs until this time.

The fight between the strong in order is not a trivial matter.

In case of being injured by some means of the opponent, the original source will be injured.

Jin Zhaoyan's previous state is a living example.

Now with Fang Mu's words to tell the truth, everything will be different!

Qixing can not only increase the lifespan, but also has the ability to regenerate severed limbs.

The double feedback that Fang Mu said must have worked.

How dare Fang Mu make such a promise if he didn't get Qixing's instruction?

Shui Miao said after feeling it for a while.

"Mr. Shu's current members of the Blood Race and the Evil Heart Sect are all within two kilometers of this place, within the range we can kill!"

"Act according to the original plan!"

Shu Liangjun waved directly at Jin Zhaoyan and Jin Xuan when he heard the words.

Jin Xuan took the four members of the Brilliant Clan, and immediately set off to appear around the ingenious bunker.

Surrounded the ingenious bunker.

Standing on the Red Moon Castle, Yisi, the blood queen, looked down at Jin Zhaoyan and the others and spoke contemptuously.

"It turns out that the strength of these little mice is only in the sequence!"

"Below the peak of the sequence, it's not even a big mouse."

"Just because you dare to design blood races here!?"

Among the four members of the Brilliant Clan, Jin Zhaoyan is the strongest.

But Jin Xuan is definitely the one who is the best at acting.

Jin Xuan said with a face full of horror and determination.

"The four Blood Dukes before you have been coveting the treasures in our hands."

"We just want to lure the four blood dukes to show up and ask about the situation."

"You, a blood queen, brought the Red Moon Castle to the human world, aren't you afraid that the news will spread and offend Diyuan?"

"After knowing the situation, Diyuan will definitely hold your blood clan accountable!"

After Yi Si heard Jin Xuan's words, the expression on her face changed obviously.

Even though she is ready to go to the human world, the newly-promoted blood queen Yisi still can't completely fear the existence of Diyuan!

The dispute between Di Yuan and the blood race six hundred years ago ended in Di Yuan's concession.

But the loss of the blood race is much more than that of the human side!

But soon Yisi's expression changed back to a charming and noble look.

"Hehe, if Di Yuan finds out that I have appeared in the human world, she will naturally attack me!"

"Diyuan will not give up easily!"

"But you rats don't need to use Diyuan to suppress me, because you have no chance to pass the news out."

"You must all die here today!"

Yisi's words were a declaration of death for herself and the group of humans under her feet.

As soon as Yisi's words fell, Yisi's vampires and the accompanying vampires all left Red Moon Castle.

Surrounded the ingenious bunker guarded by four members of the Brilliant Clan.

The expression on Jin Xuan's face didn't change when he saw this, but he was very happy in his heart.

I didn't expect that my words would have such an excellent effect!

The blood queen thought she was a hunter, but she didn't know the reason behind the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole.

The blood queen surrounded the place with her blood servants and the accompanying high-ranking blood, which narrowed the scope of the crowd.

At the same time, it also restricted the actions of Mr. Hei, the evil sect.

Apparently, the Blood Queen was not at ease with Mr. Hei, for fear that Mr. Hei would compete with her for the treasure in the Tricky Bunker!

This blood queen's luck is really bad.

She didn't want to offend Diyuan, but she offended a holy creator!

What is the difference between offending the Holy Creator and offending the Biyuan?

In particular, Qixing, the holy creator, is not stingy with resources and is very willing to trade with others.

It's hard to imagine how extensive Qixing's network is!

Just when Jin Xuan was about to continue speaking, he heard a light and joyful voice from behind him.

"We admit it!"

"If we are willing to hand over the treasure that can attract your blood race to your hands."

"Is it possible to let us live?"

"Otherwise I'll just have to destroy it!"

After saying that, Fang Mu flipped his hands, and a small purple-black tower appeared in Fang Mu's hands.

The moment Fang Mu took out this little purple-black tower, all the vampires present were immediately attracted by the little purple-black tower that Fang Mu took out.

A breath of energy that was enough to fascinate the vampires came from the small tower.

Yisi even felt that the smell in the small pagoda was several times more attractive to her than the smell in the air just now!

Just the breath in this small tower made Yisi tremble uncontrollably.

It can be seen at a glance that the small purple-black tower held in Fang Mu's hand is absolutely extraordinary!

Obviously a nice baby!

But if it hadn't been known in advance that Fang Mu decided to fight the Blood Race and the Evil Heart Sect to the end.

Plan to capture the blood queen and kill the evil sect's Mr. Hei.

Jin Xuan thought that Fang Mu really planned to surrender to this blood queen!

At this moment, Jin Xuan felt a creepy feeling in his heart.

At such a young age, Fang Mu had to be in such a deep city to have such acting skills that even he was deceived!

If Jin Xuan had discovered that Fang Mu is a person who is good at acting from the very beginning, he would have tried every word of Fang Mu and analyzed Fang Mu everywhere.

But now after so many things, Fang Mu has left a deep impression on Jin Xuan.

This made Jin Xuan feel no doubt about Fang Mu's acting skills and city mansion, even if Jin Xuan felt no doubt about Fang Mu!

Anyone who is familiar with Fang Mu will not question Qi Xing's identity.

If there is no holy creator behind him, how can these resources be produced out of thin air! ?

The small purple-black tower in Fang Mu's hand is too attractive to the blood race.

Even with Yisi, the queen of the blood clan, in charge, other blood clan members around couldn't help commotion.

Yisi let out a scream, and the coercion of the Blood Queen rolled over to the surroundings.

It finally stopped the arrogance of other high blood races!

This purple-black small tower itself has an extremely restrained aura.

There will be no attraction to the blood race at all.

If Fang Mu only took out this purple-black small tower, even the strong order would hardly detect the aura of this small tower.

If this small tower could make people feel the aura of danger, Dayan would not be overwhelmed by this small tower.

Fang Mu believes that he must be very careful when he explores the ruins of the large ancient battlefield.

Fang Mu compressed the concentrated bloody mist into the small tower.

A bottle of blood-colored aged brew loaded with a special reagent bottle was also placed in the small tower.

This kind of reagent bottle can also release the breath of blood-colored aging.

Fang Mu had discovered before that the volatilized blood-colored aged wine was also amazingly attractive to blood races.

The effects of the two are superimposed, and Fang Mu is not at all afraid that the blood queen in front of him will not take the bait.

Yisi could sense the low strength of Fang Mu.

Such low strength might not be aware of his movements, so he could snatch this small purple-black tower into his hands.

But what Fang Mu said about destroying this small purple-black tower really calmed down Yisi.

Destroying this treasure is obviously not something the young man in front of him can do with external force.

Yisi can be sure that if the breath in this small tower is absorbed by herself, it can immediately promote her bloodline to be improved!

Under such circumstances, Yisi did not want this small tower to be destroyed anyway.

So Yisi did not act immediately, but prepared to take a tactic of delaying the attack.

"Our blood race is not willing to cause killing at will on your human territory."

"In this way, you place the small tower in your hand on the ground ten meters in front of you."

"I will let you go immediately after I get the small tower!"

Fang Mu didn't pay attention to Yisi's words when he heard the words.

Instead, he pointed at Mr. Hei who was manipulating the two bone hackers.

"Even if your blood race doesn't attack us, this person from the evil sect is very likely to kill us!"

"I need your blood clan's help to drive away this evil sect member!"

"I will make a deal with your blood clan according to what you said!"

Hearing Fang Mu's words, the four powerhouses of the Brilliant Clan were startled.

Didn't Fang Mu want to wipe out all the people from the Blood Race and the Evil Heart Sect? Why now let the blood clan go to drive away this Mr. Hei of the evil sect?

This will cause the two parties to disperse.

Although he didn't understand what Fang Mu did, Jin Xuan hurriedly said to Fang Mu.

"Master, we have never traded with the blood clan, so we cannot determine the reputation of the blood clan!"

"But the Evil Heart Sect has never talked about credibility."

"If the blood queen doesn't drive away the evil sect, you might as well destroy this treasure directly."

"It's better than letting treasure flow into the hands of foreign races for nothing!"

"All four of us are ready to sacrifice!"

Jin Xuan's words were very decisive, which made Yi Si feel dizzy.

Yisi knew very well that if she didn't drive this Mr. Hei away, she wouldn't be able to obtain this small tower that improved her own bloodline!

According to these blood dukes who are attached to him, this small tower can continue to emit attraction.

This shows that this small tower's promotion of bloodlines is also lasting!

Yisi was not prepared to let these human beings who negotiated terms with her live.

Even if Diyuan found out afterwards, it would still be a big trouble.

If you want to drive Mr. Hei away, you don't have to do it yourself, you can also make a deal with Mr. Hei.

Afterwards, resources were supplied to this Mr. Hei as a condition for Mr. Hei to cooperate with him.

Thinking of this, Yisha turned her momentum towards Mr. Hei, and made a "three" gesture with her left hand while twirling her hair.

Seeing this, Mr. Hei let out a sharp shout.

"Ace, we are a cooperative relationship."

"You don't want to turn against me because of these guys, do you?"

While speaking, Mr. Hei's slap slapped the bone hacker's body, making a sound like metal and iron.

Seeing Mr. Hei's outstretched five fingers, Yisi frowned suddenly.

Then it slowly stretched out.

"If you still want to cooperate with me, get out of here immediately!"

"We are not allowed to attack these humans in the future!"

There was a half-smile expression on Mr. Hei's face.

He directly took the two bone hackers by his side and more than twenty subordinates who controlled the body hackers, and set off to leave here.

But Mr. Black didn't go far.

Because Mr. Hei knew that once Yisi got the small tower, these humans would immediately become Yisi's lunch.

The kind of young man with thin skin and tender flesh suits Yisi's appetite best.

Just when Mr. Hei was about to turn back after waiting for ten minutes, he suddenly looked in one direction sharply.

Then he waved his hand and said.

"Follow me, I want to see what Xiao Wu is doing!"

"Obviously not dead, but why don't you return to the organization!"

Hearing this, several of Mr. Hei's subordinates had a strange light in their eyes.

He hurriedly followed Mr. Hei and fled towards the distance.

This situation occurred because Fang Mu and Shu Liangjun reworked the plan after discussion.

Mr. Hei of the Evil Heart Sect is at odds with the Blood Queen.

But once they encounter a common enemy, they will immediately unite and help each other.

Instead of doing this, it is better to separate the two and carry out the siege separately!

Even if someone from the Xiexin sect really escaped, they would not dare to speak out about the death of the blood queen Yisi.

If the blood clan who can't find the mastermind behind the scenes is very likely to take their anger out on the evil sect!

Mr. Black will not fail to understand this.

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