Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 465: The Lost Dog Queen!

A strong man who has contracted several space-type order-level beasts is the most suitable for preventing blood races from escaping in the dark.

Su Qing was good at assassination, so Fang Mu stayed here.

Except for the blood queen Yisi, the other blood clan members Fang Mu planned to leave none behind.

By Su Qing's action against the members of the blood clan, the nearly hundred blood clan members can be wiped out as quickly as possible.

Fang Mu commanded Liu Xi, the evil spirit, and led Mr. Zi from the Evil Heart Sect, Meng Sha, the Void Beast Witch, together with Shui Miao and Day An, to deal with Mr. Hei who controlled the two bone hackers.

Even if he can't win Mr. Hei, he can still stand in a stalemate with Mr. Hei.

Because of this Mr. Zi who was controlled by Liuxi, even if they were at a disadvantage, the members of the Evil Heart Sect would definitely not flee!

After Shu Liangjun and Su Qing deal with the blood race here, they will help Shui Miao and Dayan, and attack the evil sect members with all their strength!

If it is said that Fang Mu's attack on the blood race is to cultivate and improve his natal royal beast bloody aging wine.

I also don't want myself to be missed by the huge group of blood races.

That Fang Mu took action against the Xiexin sect entirely because of hatred!

After Yisi noticed that Mr. Hei's breath was gone, she couldn't help showing a surprised expression on her face.

According to Yi Si's expectation, Mr. Hei would at most go to a location ten kilometers away to put on a show.

At most, Mr. Hei would block his aura again, so that several sequence-level humans around the boy could not detect Mr. Hei's existence.

But I never thought that Mr. Hei didn't restrain his breath, but really stayed away from here.

Yi Si didn't think there was anything weird about it, only that people from the evil sect were more knowledgeable about current affairs.

This transaction was originally led by the blood race.

The evil sect has to rely on the help of the blood clan for many things.

As a pure-blooded person, Yisi didn't like these guys who had messed up their bodies.

If you really want to talk about the way the Evil Heart Sect and Immortal Alchemy can transform the body, it is not as good as the ancient germination that uses pollutants to transform the body.

The ancient germs lost their emotions because of the pollutants.

But it gives those who don't have the opportunity to become a beast master a chance to become stronger.

The people of the Evil Heart Sect and the Eternal Life Alchemist Society are completely perverted and crazy because of the torture of their own bodies.

If it is not necessary, Yisi is not willing to trade with the bastards of the Immortal Alchemist Society and the Evil Heart Sect!

It's just that the decent forces won't join forces with the blood race at all.

In recent years, the queens of the various blood races have discussed this issue in the Red Moon Council.

But the existence of Kediyuan has curbed various plans of the blood clan.

Diyuan seems to have given the blood race a living space in the human world, but in fact, the creators of Diyuan have increasingly strict control over the blood race.

Yisi wanted to obtain the small purple-black tower in Fang Mu's hands, in addition to wanting to improve her own blood.

I also want to bring the blood race to break the current situation.

"According to your request, I have driven away all the people from the evil sect."

"Now you should be able to hand over the small tower in your hand to me?"

Hearing this, Fang Mu showed a tangled and apprehensive expression on his face.

In the end Fang Mu looked up at Yisi like a ignorant teenager and asked seriously.

"I should be able to trust you!?"

Fang Mu's voice seemed to vibrate because of the fear in his heart.

Fang Mu's expression and voice hit Yisi's heart.

Yi Si only felt her index finger moving, eager to taste Fang Mu's blood.

For the vampires, food is not only about appearance.

The mood of food can also add flavor to a meal.

Just thinking about sucking the blood of this poor little milk dog makes me happy!

"Yes, of course you can trust me!"

"The blood queen will not lie to the recognized existence!"

Heh, the blood race will not lie to the recognized existence.

But food is not an existence recognized by oneself.

When trading among blood queens, their favorite thing to play is word games.

Yisi only waited for Fang Mu to put the small purple-black tower on the ground, and then immediately asked her blood servants to bring the small purple-black tower over.

It is impossible for a noble blood queen to pick things up from the ground herself.

Even if this thing is a treasure that is of great use to him!

Yisi watched Fang Mu walk forward step by step.

Just when Fang Mu was about to bend down to put the small tower on the ground, Yisi saw Fang Mu's movements paused and said in a serious tone.

"I don't know the name of this tower, but this tower is currently activated."

"I have benefited from this tower before, so when I hold this tower, I will no longer be warmed by the energy in this small tower."

"I'm not sure if the energy in this small tower can still nourish a living being."

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu put the small tower on the ground calmly, and immediately prepared to retreat.

At this moment, Fang Mu only heard a blood prince beside Yisi speak urgently.

"Master Yisi, let me pick this up for you..."

The blood prince hadn't finished speaking when he was interrupted by Yisi's cold voice.

"Why? Don't you want to be the target of this small tower's energy nurturing?"

"Unexpectedly, you have been with me for so long, and you still hide ambitions that I can't see!"

Yi Si could tell that Fang Mu was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he was a genuine human teenager.

How many minds can a sixteen or seventeen-year-old human boy have?

Now I am afraid that he has already been overwhelmed by his own strength!

The reason why this young man voluntarily revealed Xiaota's secret now, in Yi Si's view, is to show his favor.

Under the circumstances that the energy in this small tower may not be able to nourish the second target.

Even if the behavior of picking up the small tower on the ground hinders the dignity of the blood queen, Yisi still has to pick up the small tower by herself.

Fang Mu saw Yisi's figure pulling away an afterimage.

Before Fang Mu stepped back two meters, Yi Si had already appeared in front of Fang Mu.

Yi Si grinned at Fang Mu.

Fang Mu could see the sharp fangs in Yisi's mouth.

At this moment, Fang Mu clearly felt Yisi's murderous intent towards him.

But compared to killing himself, it is undoubtedly more important to hold this small tower in his hands.

The moment Yisi touched this small purple-black tower, Yisi only felt that this small tower had an inexplicable suction.

Not only did he freeze his body, but he was also continuously sucking the life energy in his body.

The speed at which this small tower sucks life energy is not fast.

The life energy in a blood queen's body is far more than that of other creatures.

It's not a problem to stick to it for a few days.

But the most important thing is that I can't move anymore, and I can't even do the blood magic of the envoy!

Now he is like a living target in a cage.

Yi Si saw that the boy who was retreating did not retreat but advanced instead.

After coming in front of him, he actually looked at his face carefully.

Slender fingers pinched his chin.

There was no need for Yisi to speak, and the blood clans came towards Fang Mu's direction.

These vampires don't know how Yisi was controlled.

In the situation just now, I am afraid that only Dayan can understand the reason.

Even now, the little purple-black tower still exudes an aura that the vampires cannot refuse.

After a brief astonishment, all the blood races had the same thought in their hearts.

This idea is escort!

Under the astonished gazes of the vampires, Fang Mu pinched Yisi's chin and slammed Yisi's head to the ground.

Shu Liangjun sent his order-level domain-type space-type beast to open up a space domain outside the Red Moon Castle, confining all the blood races present.

As long as these blood races want to flee, they must first get rid of the control of Shu Liangjun's order-level space-type beast.

This area can also prevent the aura generated by this confrontation from leaking out!

Shu Liangjun and Su Qing have a clear division of labor.

Shu Liangjun was in charge of controlling the situation, controlling and killing those blood clans who wanted to flee.

Su Qing is in charge of cleaning up all blood races in the domain.

Fang Mu notified Su Qing immediately after confirming that the small purple-black tower had perfectly controlled the blood queen Yisi.

Tell Su Qing not to care about this blood queen who has been reduced to a prisoner.

Instead, he directly took advantage of the panic to attack other high-level blood races.

Jin Xuan, Jin Zhaoyan and others came to Fang Mu and summoned the Royal Beast.

The task assigned to the four members of the Brilliant Clan is to protect Fang Mu's safety.

Instead of fighting with a group of blood races.

This puts the pressure on the four of them much less.

Pink-purple flames burned out of thin air in this space.

Accompanied by the pink-purple flame burning, is the rain of flowers falling from the sky.

A long thorn appeared on Su Qing's hand, which was obviously Su Qing's ghost weapon.

It's just that the length of this long thorn is astonishing, much longer than Su Qing's body!

The thorn weapon is chosen by the beast master as the ghost type, because the thorn is very flexible and has full penetration.

Su Qing's long thorn looked extremely clumsy no matter how he looked at it.

Su Qing appeared like a ghost.

If Fang Mu could not see Su Qing with his eyes, it would be difficult for Fang Mu to detect Su Qing's aura.

The long thorn in Su Qing's hand was still expanding and getting bigger.

Suddenly Su Qing's figure swam away, and the petals danced around the long thorns.

In the end, it turned into a series of chains, which were precisely bound to the bodies of all the blood races.

Under the traction of the flower chain, these blood races were strung on this long thorn one after another like candied haws.

Yisi's powerful blood warriors and blood princes were not drawn by the flower chain.

Instead, it was deadlocked with Hualian.

These blood princes and blood warriors have already seen that something is wrong.

Right now, it's clearly a human hunt for the vampires.

The four blood dukes who had been strung on the thorns must have leaked the news of Yisi's arrival!

Among the blood clans present, only a few blood clans who were not under Yisi's control escaped.

These blood races were all cleaned up by Shu Liangjun.

After Shu Liangjun stabilized the situation, he began to shrink the domain of his domain beast.

The shrinking of the domain not only compresses the space, but also makes the domain stronger.

Shu Liangjun joined the siege of these blood princes and powerful blood warriors.

Now is simply not the time to enjoy the fruits of victory.

Because Shui Miao and Day An are still waiting for reinforcements.

Shu Liangjun took out a bronze mirror, raised his hand and printed four silver leaves on the bodies of these blood races.

Su Qing raised his hand, and the long thorn in his hand suddenly softened.

It turned into a long whip.

The effect of Su Qing's ghost weapon is "sleep kill".

When the target is sedated and asleep, the soul will be annihilated by the ghost flame.

Su Qing's ghost weapon was designed to match his own beast and physique.

The flower rain that just fell has a powerful calming and drowsy effect.

Unknowingly, these blood races lost their lives without much fighting.

The long whip fell on these blood princes and blood warriors.

The long whip hit their bodies, and the few people didn't feel much pain.

Instead, I felt an irresistible sense of distress in my soul.

Under the cover of Huayu, Su Qing swung his whip one after another.

Just now, these vampires were using rats to describe themselves.

Su Qing was wantonly venting his anger.

In the process of attacking the opponent's body, his own ghost weapon stabbing meteor whip will not cause much damage to the opponent's body.

Therefore, it will not affect Fang Mu's subsequent recovery of these higher blood race corpses.

And Fang Mu did order to kill all blood clans except the blood clan queen.

After doing all this, Su Qing glanced at the blood queen who was being cursed by Fang Mu as she buried her head in the soil.

He opened his mouth and asked Fang Mu.

"Amu, are you sure you can guarantee the safety here?"

"If there is a slight possibility of danger, why not let Mr. Shu stay here."

"It's enough for me to support Ah Shui alone!"

Shu Liangjun also nodded seriously when she heard the words.

Shu Liangjun never doubted the treasure that Qixing gave Fang Mu, but there are accidents in everything.

Only by being here by himself can we better guarantee Fang Mu's safety.

Fang Mu heard the words and said loudly.

"Old Shu, Ah Qing, go and help Ah Shui and Dayan together!"

"Just keep these few to protect my safety."

"Remember that no one from the Evil Heart Sect will stay, it's best to help me bring those two bone hackers back!"

"At that time, I will provide you with a certain amount of resources as compensation based on the price of these two bone hackers!"

Having said that, Fang Mu dragged Yisi's body and led Yisi towards the inside of the clever bunker.

The small purple-black tower has been firmly imprinted on Yisi's body.

And with the increase of time, the control over Yisi has been continuously consolidated.

As the owner of this small tower, Fang Mu can feel the state of this small tower's control over Yisi.

Otherwise, Fang Mu would definitely keep Shu Liangjun by his side.

Next, Fang Mu will interrogate Yi Si, the blood queen.

Fang Mu is sure that as long as he can pry open the mouth of the blood queen, he will learn many secrets.

It's just that if you want to control Yisi, the blood queen, it's not an easy task to let Yisi open her mouth honestly.

Fang Mu needs to think of some solutions.

Fang Mu believed that Yi Si, the blood queen, would be able to see the current situation clearly.

A blood queen must have a strong desire to survive.

Driven by the desire to survive, no matter how proud the blood queen is, she must make compromises.

If Yisi is completely unwilling to cooperate with her.

After confirming that he could not pry Yisi's mouth open, Fang Mu didn't mind disposing of Yisi, the queen of the blood clan, just like other blood clans!

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