Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 466 Zhenhai Lingshan!

"Jie Jie Jie, who are you guys?"

"You dare to do anything to people from our evil sect!"

"Today, no matter what, I will keep you here and make you into war weapons for me to drive!"

Where is Mr. Zi's strength, even if he is controlled by Liu Xi, his strength is still at the peak of the sequence!

This made Liuxi even if he controlled Mr. Zi to flee with all his strength, he was still caught up by Mr. Hei.

Not only did Liu Xi not panic after estimating the distance, but she was very satisfied in her heart.

Through Mr. Zi, I led Mr. Hei and the two skeleton hackers out of the evil sect for two hundred kilometers.

Even if a big battle is triggered here, it will not affect Fang Mu's side.

Just now Mr. Hei chased all the way, but he didn't find any abnormalities on the side of the blood race.

The goal of his mission has been achieved.

The next confrontation with Mr. Hei will be handed over to Shui Miao and Day An!

Liu Xi thought that Mr. Hei was catching Mr. Zi, and found out that Mr. Zi was under control.

Will kill Mr. Zi immediately.

Unexpectedly, this Mr. Hei did not do this, but studied Mr. Zi's situation.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it was controlled by an evil spirit."

"It seems that this underground world is more dangerous than expected!"

After discovering that Mr. Zi was controlled by an evil spirit, Mr. Hei didn't think too much.

I didn't think the evil spirit controlling Mr. Zi was controlled by other creatures.

Because in this world, apart from transforming evil spirits into heroic spirits, there is no way to manipulate evil spirits at all.

Furthermore, an evil spirit who can control the peak combat power of the sequence itself has extremely strong strength.

After the evil spirits control the living beings, they can obtain the thinking and consciousness of the living beings, so as to further understand the current world and situation.

It's just that Xiao Wu probably doesn't know about the deal between himself and the blood queen Yisi.

This matter has not been disclosed to other members of the force.

This evil spirit appeared here, could it be that Xiao Wu had been secretly learning about his situation before! ?

Thinking of this, Mr. Hei's eyes narrowed.

Just when Mr. Hei relaxed his vigilance and was about to find out the evil spirit hiding in the dark.

A water curtain appeared out of thin air, precisely separating Mr. Hei from the two bone puppets.

Shui Miao violently waved the blue fan in his hand, and a large number of fish emerged from the two water curtains.

These schools of fish are all transformed by water elements, carrying a bone-piercing chill.

It fell on the two bone hackers, causing hoarfrost to form on the bodies of the two bone hackers, covering a thin layer of ice mist.

As the school of fish drilled out of the water curtain continued to attack the two skeleton hackers, the quality of the ice fog also continued to increase.

Shui Miao has been waiting for an opportunity.

The ability of these swimming fish is [Soul Suppression], which can reduce the reactivity and sensitivity of the order beast soul in the bone hacker.

Weaken Mr. Hei's control over these two bone hackers.

The weaker Mr. Hei's control over the two bone hackers, the harder it will be for Mr. Hei to exert power on himself and Dayan during the battle.

When Shui Miao appeared to attack, Mr. Hei finally realized that all this was not the personal behavior of the evil earth spirit.

But someone is planning behind it!

There is no way for the evil spirits to use a strong person of order as a tool.

However, those who are strong in order can suppress the evil spirits and reach cooperation with the evil spirits.

Mr. Hei had such an idea in wanting to find out Liu Xi.

Faced with Shui Miao's attack, Mr. Hei did not panic.

Instead, there was a mocking expression on his face.

These two skeleton hackers are not weapons of war that I obtained from outsiders.

It was specially refined after I got the corpses of two order-level beasts.

In order to ensure his complete control over the corpses of the two bone hackers, Mr. Hei fused his soul into the corpses of the two bone hackers.

With their own souls fused into the Bone Hacker, the two Bone Hackers became their own incarnations.

These icy mist are aimed at the sequence beast souls in each bone, and have little effect on the separated souls.

There are two reasons why Mr. Hei did not confront Shui Miao immediately.

First, Mr. Hei wanted to paralyze Shui Miao, making Shui Miao mistakenly think that his two bone hackers were under control.

Secondly, Mr. Hei recognized Shui Miao's identity.

Mr. Hei was very puzzled why the people in the twelve pavilions wanted to do something to him.

Not long ago, the Evil Heart Sect spent a lot of money to inquire about information in the Twelve Pavilions, and they have never had any enmity with anyone in the Twelve Pavilions.

"Why did the owner of the Twelve Pavilions and Jingtao Pavilion, who didn't know how to behave, want to do something to me?"

"You Twelve Pavilions are not good at selling news, so why did you start fighting and killing?"

Shui Miao has two identities in the twelve pavilions.

The identity of the owner of Jingtao Pavilion, one of the twelve pavilions, is Shui Miao's public identity in front of the major forces.

Only the internal members of the Twelve Pavilions and the people Shui Miao really wants to befriend know the identity of the chief pavilion master of the Twelve Pavilions of Shui Miao.

Shui Miao knew that Mr. Hei must be wondering why he was here.

The faction of the Twelve Pavilions has industries all over the world.

This kind of power that has property on the surface is most afraid of being retaliated by someone with a heart.

So forces like the Twelve Pavilions, even if they want to attack someone.

It will only spend resources to hire some strong men who have nothing to do with the Twelve Pavilions, or offer rewards to forces like the Palace of Bliss that use killers as their function.

Even Mr. Hei knew this, and Shui Miao knew it even more.

Shui Miao would be willing to participate in this operation because Fang Mu invited him.

I owe Fangmu favor.

And with the continuous transactions between each other, I owe more and more favors to Fang Mu.

In terms of resources, Mu, a junior, takes care of himself more.

On the other hand, Shui Miao participated in this operation because Fang Mu didn't want things to leak out.

So Fang Mu would not allow these people to escape, no matter it was the evil sect or the blood race.

This also eliminates the risk of making Twelve Pavilions feud with the evil sect.

Shui Miao smiled lightly.

"The Twelve Pavilions are indeed mainly selling news."

"But Twelve Pavilions also do things for friends."

While speaking, Shui Miao raised her hand, and a huge palace-like coral appeared behind Shui Miao.

The coercion of the order-level beasts gushes out from the coral without reservation.

In the blink of an eye, the wasteland was centered on the coral, forming a sea area.

This sea area is not the sea area formed spontaneously by Shui Miao summoning her main battle beast town, Hai Lingshan.

Instead, after Shui Miao summoned Zhenhai Lingshan, she immediately asked Zhenhai Lingshan to use the skill [Current Surging] and the exclusive feature [Wang Yang Shock].

Shui Miao was not targeting Mr. Hei's two skeleton hackers.

It was the rest of the Evil Heart Sect members, and the more than 300 body-sewn hackers.

If these body-slit hackers and members of the evil sect were not dealt with quickly at the beginning.

Once you fight with Mr. Hei, you will fight with Mr. Hei's two bone hackers.

In case the members of these evil sects choose to escape.

Before Fang Mu's reinforcements arrived, he and Dayan had no way to stop it.

But after he controlled these more than 300 hackers and killed more than 20 minions of the evil sect.

Only Mr. Hei was left.

I just need to keep an eye on Mr. Hei with Dayan.

Summoning the main combat beast of the order level, and immediately letting the beast perform ultimate moves consumes a lot.

But Shui Miao achieved his desired goal.

Mr. Hei did not expect Shui Miao to do this.

From the very beginning of Shui Miao's appearance, she has been targeting herself.

With two skeleton hackers on his side, his strength is obviously stronger than Shui Miao's.

Mr. Hei didn't think Shui Miao would waste energy on his subordinates.

It can be said that it is a very dangerous thing for the strong to consume excessive energy in battle.

At this moment, an idea suddenly appeared in Mr. Hei's mind, that is, what he had to face might not only be Shui Miao, a strong orderly man.

Mr. Hei's thoughts were spinning rapidly, and for a while he couldn't figure out who he had offended.

This person can even invite people from the Twelve Pavilions!

Let a pavilion master of the twelve pavilions not care about the interests of his own forces!

The moment Mr. Hei had just escaped from Zhenhai Lingshan's attack range with the two skeleton hackers.

The noumenal dark day rushed behind this Mr. Hei.

One of the two sharp claws is engulfed in light attribute energy, and the other is engulfed in dark attribute energy.

The two kinds of energy, light and dark, hit one place under the swipe of the sharp claw, and an inexplicable suction appeared.

This suction tore at Mr. Hei's body, making it difficult for Mr. Hei to back off.

The top leaders of the evil sect will constantly use various materials to transform their bodies.

If it is an ordinary strong human being, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured by Dayan's sneak attack.

Relying on his physical fitness and explosive power abruptly, Mr. Hei took a few steps back.

Pulling a bone hacker to stand in front of him.

The light and dark dual attribute energy exploded on the body of the bone hacker.

The bone hacker looked quite embarrassed under this blow.

Many souls under the bones died under this blow.

But the bone hacker's bones did not show any tendency to crack due to this blow.

Seeing this, Ri An's expression froze.

It seems that the main skeleton used to make this bone hacker is not simple.

Most of them have reached the median level of order!

Otherwise, the skeleton wouldn't have such a strong defensive power after being transformed into a bone hacker and boosted by a group of serial beast master souls!

Day An darkly sighed, but luckily Shui Miao got rid of the other members of the Xiexin sect as soon as he made a move.

Otherwise, when it is necessary to take into account other members of the evil sect.

It is impossible to delay Mr. Hei!

The silver-colored ghost flames ignited from Mr. Hei's body.

A huge black bone bow appeared in Mr. Hei's hands.

"Since when did the beast-following forces collude with the human forces?"

"The Yinyang Li Anbao family is the nobles in the Emperor Beast Court. The Emperor Beast Court is active in the human world. If Di Yuan finds out, he might be angry!"

"My evil sect is also one of the forces recognized by Diyuan."

Although the strength of Yinyang Li Anbao would not shock Mr. Hei, the current situation really shocked Mr. Hei.

As long as two forces belonging to different camps collude together, what happens will definitely not be a trivial matter!

Shui Miao and Dayan just want to confront Mr. Hei.

Mr. Hei's eyes flickered, wanting to know why the Twelve Pavilions and the Emperor Beast Court colluded.

In Mr. Hei's perception, the Beast Familiar Force has always been very loyal to the Emperor Beast Court.

It is impossible for members of the Yinyang Lianbao clan to do anything against the will of the Emperor Beast Court.

Otherwise, this will affect the ranking of the Yinyang Li Anbao clan in the Emperor Beast Court.

The current scene is maintained in a strange state of balance.

Fang Mu in the ingenious bunker listened to the blood queen Yisi swearing and cursing endlessly.

He raised his foot and stepped on the top of Yisi's head fiercely, and stomped hard a few times.

Fang Mu said calmly.

"I've always heard that the Queen of the Blood Race insists on her own identity, even if she becomes a prisoner, she shouldn't completely ignore her quality."

"You have to snatch other people's things for your own. You should understand it when you have this idea."

"If you kick the iron plate, you have to pay for the purpose!"

Fang Mu didn't have the slightest thought of pity for a blood queen who wanted her own life.

The blood queen's physical fitness is amazing.

In the case that Fang Mu did not amplify himself through the bloody mist, these few feet stepped on the blood queen's head just to let the blood queen recognize the reality.

Hearing Fang Mu's words, Yi Si stopped cursing.

He looked at Fang Mu fiercely.

Yisi understood what Fang Mu said.

It's just that Yi Si never thought that she would be reduced to a prisoner at the feet of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old human boy.

Seeing Yi Si stopped cursing, Fang Mu squatted down with a smile.

Looking directly at Yisi's fierce eyes, she spoke word by word.

"This small purple-black tower controls your body and absorbs your life energy."

"Even if I don't do anything, you will die under the suppression of Xiaota within five or six days!"

"You have to change what you think in your heart now!"

"The me who is in front of you now may become your savior."

"You do have a chance of surviving."

"Otherwise, I ordered you to be executed just now when you were outside."

"If you want to be a strong blood queen, you can tell me now."

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!"

"If you have the desire to live, you must answer all the questions I will ask you truthfully!"

It is difficult for Yisi to accept her current situation.

At this moment, Yi Si was very troubled in her heart.

If he cooperates with the young man in front of him, he will completely shatter his pride as the blood queen.

But compared to dignity, survival is more important to Yisi!

It's just that it's really hard for Yisi to open her mouth.

Looking at the struggling expression on Yisi's face, Fang Mu knew that Yisi's choice was more inclined to the latter.

That being the case, Fang Mu didn't mind promising some benefits to the queen.

Fang Mu snapped his fingers lightly, and the ingenious bunker immediately separated some mechanical gears to form a chair behind Fang Mu.

Fang Mu sat on the chair and said softly.

"Actually, what really attracts your blood race is not in this small tower."

"If you are willing to cooperate with me, I might as well use this kind of thing to help you improve your blood!"

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