Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 467 The Emblem of Blood

Fang Mu allowed the blood queen to survive, but in the end there were only two possibilities.

One possibility is that this blood queen has become a combat force under her command, and is in a state of absolute control by herself.

Another possibility is that the body of the blood queen has become a new template for the electronic butterfly.

as a tool to be used by oneself.

As long as this tool is in hand, Fang Mu can pay for strengthening the tool.

So what Fang Mu said, although he was actively seducing the blood queen.

But it's all true.

Fang Mu had always threatened Yisi before, emphasizing to Yisi that life and death were in his hands.

Now after Fang Mu slapped Yisi several times in succession, he gave the sweet date to Yisi.

As for whether to accept this sweet date, it depends on Yisi herself!

Seeing the drastic change in the expression of the blood queen in front of him, Fang Mu did not rush to let Yi Si make a decision.

Instead, it gave Yisi enough time to think.

Creatures with higher IQs are more rational when making decisions.

Although occasionally make some irrational decisions because of impulsiveness.

But as long as this highly intelligent creature makes some reflections, it will make a decision based on its own existing interests.

Doing what you can is what a highly intelligent creature should do.

Seeing that Yi Si's expression gradually calmed down, a faint smile appeared on Fang Mu's face.

There is no need for Fang Mu to threaten and seduce Yisi, Yisi has already spoken.

"If you are willing to help me improve my bloodline, I can tell you what you want to know."

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows upon hearing this.

The blood queen in front of her thought it out, but she was still unwilling to lower her noble head.

What was going on between himself and this blood queen was not a transaction at all.

"If I don't help you improve your bloodline, won't you answer the question I asked you?"

"If this is the case, there is really no need for you to survive!"

After that, Fang Mu raised his hand and summoned Carlos, the blood prince controlled by the mechanical heart.

A blood prince, especially a blood prince who has just stepped into the sequence, will immediately be intimidated by Yisi's blood when he sees a blood queen like Yisi who has stepped into order.

But Carlos stood respectfully behind Fang Mu as if he didn't see Yi Si.

Carlos used to be Yisi's subordinate, and Yisi knew Carlos.

Carlos was able to become the prince of blood because he had been helped by Yi Si.

This all depends on Carlos having an excellent appearance even among the high blood races.

Carlos obviously still has this life characteristic on his body, but he doesn't care about himself at all.

This shows that Carlos must be controlled by the young man in front of him somehow!

"Low-level bloodlines devouring high-level bloodlines can improve bloodlines."

"As long as you don't answer any of the questions I ask, I will let him absorb 10% of your blood."

When Fang Mu was speaking, Carlos had already crouched beside Yi Si.

He opened his mouth to reveal Senbai's fangs.

At this moment, Yi Si completely panicked.

A blood prince does have the ability to suck his own blood.

Because this small purple-black tower has no way to struggle by itself.

Once the blood is sucked away, it is basically difficult to recover.

At this moment, Yisi finally understood that she had to please this human teenager right now.

To please this human teenager is not only to survive, but also to gain benefits.

From a blood knight all the way to the present, Yisi has too many reasons to want to live.

"My name is Yisi, if you have any questions, just ask me."

"I will try my best to answer for you!"

"But it's very likely that many of your questions are unknown to me."

"It's not easy for me to perfuse you with questions that I don't know."

Fang Mu looked at Yi Si playfully.

It wasn't until this moment that Yisi had learned to be good.

"Let me ask you, why does the energy in this small tower attract you so much?"

As soon as Fang Mu came up, he asked the question he wanted to know the most.

According to Si's current attitude towards Fang Mu, Fang Mu is quite satisfied.

The queen of the blood clan blew her name to mean surrender.

Calling yourself by your name shows the heart of the blood queen.

If she was really not afraid of herself, the blood queen would not put on such a humble posture even if she pretended.

Yi Si was very surprised by Fang Mu's question.

The small tower that radiates the energy that seduces him is obviously the treasure of the boy in front of him, why does the boy in front of him seem to not know the magical function of this treasure?

While feeling strange in her heart, Yisi spoke very seriously.

"The energy in your small tower is like the fragrance of fascination to our blood race."

"I can be sure that this energy can be directly absorbed by any blood race, thus nourishing the blood."

"It's fundamentally different from the promotion obtained by our blood race's predation of other creatures' blood!"

"Just like those beast masters are instinctively fascinated by the pure life energy."

Fang Mu frowned slightly upon hearing this.

The efficacy of blood-colored aging is not clear, and it is useful to any living being.

It is reasonable to be attractive to vampires.

But what really drives these blood races crazy is the blood mist!

The bloody mist doesn't have any attraction to other creatures.

This attraction is only for vampires.

And this attraction even reaches the level that Yisi can describe it as an enchanting fragrance.

The abundance of blood can also directly absorb the energy in the heart of the blood race.

This made Fang Mu feel more and more that the existence of Xue Zhifeng Rang had a deep relationship with the blood race itself.

Fang Mu can slowly pry open Yisi's mouth in the future.

Right now, what Fang Mu wants to know most is about his own situation.

Thinking of this, Fang Mu decided to simply release the bloody mist and let Yisi feel it at close range.

Maybe Yisi can have a new understanding of the bloody mist.

After all, Yisi's perception of the bloody mist was too one-sided before.

While Fang Mu was thinking, Yi Si kept looking up at the human boy in front of him.

Until now, Yisi has not figured out why this human teenager can easily control a blood queen like herself! ?

There is no ghost flame burning on this small purple-black tower, and there is no energy circuit, which is not a spiritual weapon.

However, such a thing is so hard to handle.

Concentrate on yourself, let yourself mobilize your energy and you can't even do it!

At this moment, Yisi saw Fang Mu's whole body suddenly gushing out that energy that made her blood tremble!

Before Yisi was fascinated by this majestic blood-colored energy, Fang Mu's black hair turned blood-red.

Long blood-red hair hangs down to his shoulders, and two evil and noble black goat heads are spinning in Fang Mu's eyes.

The black bubbles that seem to be there are covered on the heads of these two black goats.

It made Fang Mu's eyes feel deep and distant.

For a moment, Yi Si had a thought that she should not look directly into Fang Mu's eyes.

Transforming under the bloody mist was already a routine for Fang Mu.

Fang Mu enjoyed the feeling of transforming under the bloody mist.

Every time after transforming under the bloody mist, Fang Mu's body is full of strength.

Fang Mu has never had the opportunity to try his own physical strength.

The Shayan Yatyrannosaurus and Lanfeng Yapterosaur that were dealt with by two punches before were not enough for Fang Mu to use his full strength.

Just when Fang Mu was thinking that Yisi would give some new explanations after feeling the bloody mist at close range.

Yi Si really lived up to Fang Mu's expectations.

It's just that this statement is not aimed at the bloody mist itself, but Fang Mu himself.

"You...you...you are the holy son in the prophecy of the blood clan!?"

Fang Mu's face remained calm when he heard the words, but in his heart he didn't believe what Yisi said at all.

My attraction to the blood race comes entirely from a natal beast of mine.

And in this natal royal beast, it is not only inclusive of blood clans, but inclusive of all living creatures known to Fangmu so far.

Even mechanical beasts with non-life energy systems can be contracted by blood contracts.

Gain a boost under Bloody Aging!

Yisi mistook herself for the holy son of the blood clan, which made it easier for Fang Mu to ask Yisi about the internal situation of the blood clan.

"Oh? Why do you say that I am the Holy Son of the Blood Race?"

"It's too arbitrary to say that I am the holy son of the blood race just based on the bloody mist that has a nourishing effect on the blood race!?"

Yi Si guessed Fang Mu's identity in surprise just now, because Fang Mu was too similar to the description of the Holy Son in the Blood Family Secret Code.

Only those blood queens who sit on the Red Moon Seat are eligible to read the Blood Clan Secret Code.

Yisi, the newly-promoted blood queen, only won the seat of the Red Moon Council a few years ago.

Therefore, in the secret book of the blood clan, the record of the Holy Son is quite clear.

Yi Si struggled mentally before asking Fang Mu.

"Actually, it's not difficult to judge whether you are the holy son of the blood clan. There are three ways you can try!"

"It's just that two of these methods are very likely to cause damage to you."


Yisi hesitated for a long time, but failed to say these three ways.

I even regret mentioning these three ways.

Now I am completely controlled by the young man in front of me, and I can't even stir up the slightest storm.

In this case, it is really not wise to say the two methods that would harm the young man in front of him.

It would be bad if the human teenager in front of him felt that he had something to plot!

And that kind of practice that does not harm the other party is very likely to make him lose his freedom.

Seeing that Yisi did not mention these three methods for a while, Fang Mu said in a cold voice.

"The first question I asked you was answered so hesitantly, Carlos, it's time for you to eat!"

Fang Mu has already seen that Yisi still has various concerns even after making a decision.

Fang Mu hated this kind of inefficient communication.

Instead of continuing such inefficient communication, it is better to let Yi Si clearly understand her current situation!

Carlos is completely controlled by suction.

Yi Si wanted to kill herself before, which made Xi Xi's teeth itch with hatred.

If it wasn't for the fact that the blood queen was useful to him, the blood queen would have been killed as soon as she was controlled by the small tower.

Carlos absorbed Yisi's original energy without hesitation.

The mutual sucking between blood races absorbs more than just each other's blood.

Instead, after invading the target's body with its own toxin, it directly draws out the target's blood.

Under Carlos' sucking, Yisi uttered a series of howls.

Pain is one aspect, and what really makes Yisi lose control is the sense of powerlessness that feeds back in her body.

After absorbing one-tenth of Yisi's blood, Carlos bared his fangs and raised his head again.

Fangs are something that every vampire has.

Looking at Carlos' bloody fangs, Yisi felt a sense of fear for no reason.

"Now you should be able to say the three ways?"

Yi Si heard the words and struggled to prop up her body.

"My lord, I say!"

"The first way is to let me bite you."

"The holy son of the blood clan is immune to the poison of the blood clan."

"Being bitten by a blood queen is more convincing than being bitten by a blood prince!"

"The second is to actively suck the blood of the vampire."

"After drinking the blood of the blood clan saint son, the energy will increase significantly."

"The third is to see if it can respond to the coat of arms of blood."

"According to the classics, the holy son of the blood clan has the ability to control the coat of arms of blood."

Now Fang Mu knows why Yisi didn't want to speak up just now.

Fang Mu is definitely not willing to accept the first way.

Only a fool would let a blood dynasty woman inject poison into her own body.

There are only two possibilities for being injected with venom by the blood queen.

Or die directly from the poison and die in pain, transforming into a half-human, half-blood monster.

Either become the blood servant or the blood servant of this blood queen.

The second type actively sucks the blood of the vampire, and Fang Mu doesn't have such a heavy taste.

However, this second method is indeed more suitable for the situation of the richness of blood.

After Xue Zhifeng absorbed a large number of hearts from higher blood races, the area covered by the bloody mist has indeed increased.

As for the third way, Fang Mu can give it a try.

Fang Mu learned about the blood race from Shu Liangjun.

The coat of arms of blood is a symbol of blood clan hierarchy.

Every blood queen must have coagulated the coat of arms of blood.

But the coat of arms of blood is not unique to blood queens.

The blood prince also has the possibility of the coat of arms of coagulated blood.

It is impossible for a blood prince like Carlos, who has just stepped into the sequence, to have such an opportunity.

However, among the two veteran blood princes who followed Yisi, one had the coat of arms condensed with blood.

Only after the coat of arms of blood is coagulated, male blood races are eligible to transform their bodies through the coat of arms of blood, causing their bodies to mutate.

Finally became a blood clan woman with the coat of arms of blood.

Only by achieving this step can we launch an attack on the blood queen.

Except for the blood queen, there is no female blood clan in the entire blood clan.

This is what Fang Mu learned from Shu Liangjun.

Fang Mu suddenly realized.

No wonder the vampires I usually see, whether they are vampire knights, barons, viscounts, dukes or even princes.

All are images of handsome men!

Except for the two natal beasts, there is nothing special about his body.

It is impossible to react to the Emblem of Blood.

Suddenly Fang Mu had an idea.

I can't control the coat of arms of blood, the contract blood that is condensed by my heart and blood brewed by the abundance of blood.

Can you control the blood coat of arms of a blood queen by contract?

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