Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 468 The Queen's Blood Crystal!

Fang Mu felt that there was a possibility!

After all, blood race is also a kind of creature.

It's just that controlling the blood clan through a natal beast is different from the so-called holy son of the blood clan that Yisi said.

If you have to be seated on the same number, you should also say that Xue Zhifeng is the holy son of the blood clan!

But Fang Mu is not.

However, to verify this, a drop of contract blood is needed.

Fang Mu had already used the contract blood that had just been congealed by Xue Zhifeng Rang on Huan Ya Nie Que.

Fang Mu didn't have a ready-made contract Jinxue to test Yisi's blood emblem.

This made Fang Mu change the subject, instead of confining the topic to the Holy Son of the Blood Race, he asked Yisi.

"I myself have a certain understanding of the situation of the blood race."

"Now I need to get a more accurate understanding of the internal situation of the blood race through you."

Having said that, Fang Mu's eyes stared at Yisi closely, which gave Yisi a great sense of oppression.

Fang Mu did ask Shu Liangjun about the blood race.

Shu Liangjun also told Fang Mu some information about the blood race.

The internal situation of the blood clan has always been secretive, and Shu Liangjun doesn't know much about it.

Fang Mu's understanding of the situation of the blood race is only superficial.

But since Fang Mu said so, Yi Si will definitely have concerns when she tells Fang Mu about the internal situation of the blood clan.

Yisi has learned her lesson because of her hesitation in answering the question just now.

In order not to be sucked away by Carlos without 10% of the blood in her body, Yi Si had to disclose as much as possible about the blood race to Fang Mu.

"My lord, there are a total of thirty-seven members of our blood clan, including me, who are eligible to participate in the Red Moon Council!"

"Those blood races who are not eligible to enter the Red Moon Council have fifteen people."

"Our blood race has been restricted by Diyuan for these years, basically there is not much development."

Yisi didn't know where to start, so she simply thought of what to say.

After Yisi put down her dignity and decided to live under Fang Mu, Yisi no longer cared so much about the overall interests of the blood clan.

Because the overall interests of the blood clan conflicted with Yisi's survival.

Fang Mu listened for a while, and then asked a question that he always wanted to know.

"You said Di Yuan has been restricting your blood race, but as far as I know there is cooperation between your blood race and Di Yuan."

As a queen who is qualified to enter the Red Moon Council, she naturally knows what the deal between the blood clan and Diyuan is.

There was no need for Fang Mu to continue asking questions, Yisi had already spoken first.

"Our bloodline has been trading pure bloodline energy with Diyuan."

"Although the pure bloodline energy is not as good as the blood mist released by you, my lord, it is of great benefit to our bloodlines."

"Our blood race has been seeking breakthroughs."

"The human side needs our blood race to provide spiritual materials produced in the blood castle world."

When she said this, Yi Si had a somewhat displeased expression on her face.

Yi Si doesn't like the transaction between the vampires and humans.

Because the spiritual materials provided by the blood race to create the masters of human beings are far more than the blood medicines given back.

Diyuan let the blood race leave the super-dimensional crack and move in the human world.

Many blood races believe that this is a human conspiracy to obtain resources in the hands of blood races.

It just so happened that Yisi thought so!

Fang Mu heard that Yi Si's answer was quite reasonable.

Bloodline spiritual materials have a strong healing effect.

If the blood spirit material produced in Blood Castle is paired with high-purity life potion, it can heal the beast master's original wound.

Therefore, the price of spiritual materials produced in the blood castle world has always remained high.

Even if you have money, it's hard to buy!

Diyuan is raising blood clans like pigs!

But if the pig is too fat, it can hurt the owner.

Fang Mu always felt that the long-term maintenance of this kind of transaction between humans and blood races was not necessarily a good thing.

In particular, human beings obtain resources from blood races, just to heal the origin of some people's wounds.

However, the blood medicine provided by human beings for the blood race can enhance the strength of the strong blood race.

While Fang Mu was thinking, Yisi was also turning his mind quickly.

I was thinking about how I should show my favor to Fang Mu.

Now that he has become Fang Mu's prisoner, he can only make himself feel better if he pleases Fang Mu!

Thinking of the topics discussed at the Red Moon Council not long ago, Yisi said to Fang Mu with a heart.

"My lord, the blood potions that our blood race has traded from humans over the years are basically used to irrigate the bunches of blood ancestor roses in the Red Moon Church!"

"Those bunches of blood ancestral roses are then watered with some blood medicine, and there is a possibility of blooming."

"The five adults at the head of the Red Moon Council, after absorbing the Blood Ancestor Rose, each have a chance to further their blood."

Fang Mu had a surprised expression on his face when he heard this.

Above the blood queen is the legendary blood queen.

In human records, since the dimensional rift in the Pi-level blood castle appeared, there have only been rumors about the blood queen.

There is no queen in the entire blood family.

The bloodline of the pinnacle queen of the blood clan is almost the same as the powerhouse of the pinnacle of order.

Shui Miao once revealed to Fang Mu that the blood clan has five peak queens.

This was also one of the reasons why Diyuan didn't attack the blood race back then.

In the human world, there have never been rumors of a strong person above order.

The five queens of the peak bloodlines of the blood race are there, and the human beings insist on fighting to the death with the blood race.

Humans have to pay at least three or more peak order powerhouses as a price.

Humans cannot afford this price.

Those at the pinnacle of order are also unlikely to be willing to pay.

Fang Mu secretly thought that this news must be passed on by himself.

Once the five bloodline queens of the peak bloodline devour the bloodline rose bloodline to be promoted, even if only one bloodline is promoted, it is likely that they will no longer be restricted by Di Yuan as they are now.

Let Di Yuan know about this, so he can prepare early.

Fang Mu is very interested in the blood ancestor rose, a spiritual material that can help the blood queen break through the bloodline.

This spiritual material must be useful to Feng Rong of Blood.

Fang Mu looked at Yisi in front of him, and began to calculate in his heart.

Brute force alone is not enough to snatch these blood ancestor roses.

No matter how strong a human being is, unless he can slaughter all blood races.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the blood race to allow this human being to enter the Red Moon Council and take away the blood ancestor Qiangwei.

The best way for Fang Mu to obtain Blood Ancestor Rose is through Yisi, the blood queen.

The vampires controlled by electronic butterflies are in two different states from the living vampires.

Units with strong probing power will be able to spot the difference between the two.

Fang Mu cannot use the electronic butterfly to control Yisi.

But when another drop of contract blood was condensed, Yisi's life energy had already been sucked dry by this small purple-black tower.

Fang Mu pondered for a moment, then said to Yi Si.

"I heard that a blood queen can condense a blood crystal in her heart in addition to condensing the coat of arms of blood."

"After the blood crystal is marked, it can temporarily control a blood queen."

"I don't know if the legend I heard is true?"

Yi Si felt a burst of humiliation when she heard the words.

It is a fact that blood crystals will coagulate in the heart of the blood queen.

This kind of thing that only the Queen of the Blood Race can condense has always been the big secret of the Blood Race.

The lower vampires didn't know about this situation, and it was impossible for the vampire queens to disclose the relevant situation to other creatures.

The reason why human beings know this is because there was a big war with human beings when the blood race just came to this world.

In this war, two blood queens fell.

The corpse of one of the blood queens was protected by the blood race, and the other blood queen was captured alive by humans.

The blood clan has negotiated with humans many times, hoping to trade the life of the blood queen with Di Yuan.

But Diyuan did not agree to this matter.

Soon after, the rumor that there is a blood crystal in the heart of the Queen of Blood came out.

Controlling the blood crystal can temporarily control the blood queen, and it has been passed down since then.

This incident has always been regarded by the blood race as a shame for the entire race.

But since Fang Mu asked, it was impossible for Yisi not to admit it.

"My lord, it is indeed as you said."

"It's just that if you want to control me through blood crystals, you must break my heart. This will have a great impact on my origin."

"And you rubbed the soul energy on the blood crystal, and reimplanted the blood crystal back into my heart."

"Surging by the blood energy, you will not control me for more than two months."

"After that, if you want to control me in the same way again, the blood crystal's control time will be shortened again because it is familiar with your soul energy."

"It will lose its effect after three times."

In the process of Fang Mu asking her questions, Yi Si could feel that Fang Mu didn't want to kill herself.

No wonder Fang Mu said that as long as he was obedient, he would use the bloody mist to cultivate himself!

In this case, Fang Mu certainly didn't want his origin to be damaged.

Rather than being imprinted on the blood crystal with Fang Mu's soul breath, Yisi hopes that Fang Mu can use other means to control herself.

Some special royal beasts cultivated by humans have a strong ability to control other creatures.

It's not that there is no existence that can control the blood queen.

Yisi was not afraid that her heart would be ripped open.

As long as Fang Mu allows himself to absorb the bloody mist, the origin of his wounds will soon be restored.

The blood queen who was captured by humans was too staunch and did not allow humans to discover another mystery of blood crystals.

Blood crystals are the product of the coagulation of the blood, spirit, heart and soul of the blood race.

After being imprinted with the soul breath of other creatures, this vampire will instinctively have a good impression of the creature whose breath is rubbed by the blood crystal.

This favor will reach its peak within a month.

This kind of emotion will make the blood queen regard the creature combined with breath and blood crystal as her life partner.

This enslavement of the mind is terrible.

During the process of dealing with Diyuan, the blood clan has been releasing a message.

That is, enslaving blood crystals cannot truly enslave a blood queen.

This makes some high-level creators among human beings also acquiesce in this statement.

But Yisi knew that the news that the blood race spent hundreds of years changing human concepts was a complete lie!

If it weren't for the captured blood queen's staunch self-destruction blood crystal, this blood queen would most likely become a prisoner of humans.

Driven by love, she completely turned against the blood race!

Yi Si thinks she is not that strong.

Yisi wanted to live, not to mention that if she survived, she could get the bloody mist that Fang Mu provided her.

Fang Mu didn't hesitate at all when he heard the words, and said directly to Yi Si.

"Two months is enough, since it is effective, you should take out the blood crystal now!"

"After you take it out, these bloody mist will be yours!"

While speaking, Fang Mu released a bloody mist.

The content of this bloody mist is five times that of the square wood compressed into the small tower.

It can be regarded as Fang Mu's compensation for Yisi's injury caused by digging out the origin of the blood crystal.

Fang Mu thought very clearly that if he could contract the Blood Clan Queen's Emblem of Blood through the contract.

Fang Mu will leave the blood queen behind.

If Fang Mu couldn't do it, he would directly deal with the blood queen.

To prevent the blood queen from finding the opportunity to backstab herself later.

Fang Mu will not keep any unstable factors by his side.

Yi Si was very tangled and sad in her heart, and even had some doubts and fears about the future.

It can be seen that after seeing Fang Mu's generous shots for her, Yi Si's face could not restrain the expression of surprise.

It's like a dry rose quietly blooming, with sweet dew on it.

Even Fang Mu, who doesn't care about appearance, has to admit that Yisi's complexion is extremely beautiful.

Fang Mu had never seen other blood queens before, and he didn't know that the queen blood of the blood would bring such a good skin to the blood.

Or is Yisi herself exceptionally well-off among the blood queens?

Under Fang Mu's generous reward, Yisi pierced the chest cavity with her bright red claws without blinking her eyes.

Even gouging out the heart was done by Yisi in just one second!

Yisi dragged her own blood crystal with a flattering face, and handed it to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu used his mental power to moisten the blood crystals.

Soon Yisi's blood crystals were filled with Fang Mu's soul breath.

Fang Mu can keenly feel that he can use this blood crystal to control Yisi's blood, heart, spirit and even soul.

After Fang Mu finished controlling Yisi's blood crystal, he indicated that Yisi could put the blood crystal back into his heart.

"You don't need to rush to absorb these bloody mist, just put it away first."

"I will remove the control of this small purple-black tower on you, and you set off to escape from this clever bunker."

"Remember not to hurt the four humans outside guarding this clever bunker."

"You take this messenger beast, and after you receive my message, you will join me with the Red Moon Castle outside."

"I heard that the Blood Queen can include the Red Moon Castle in the Blood Emblem."

After hearing the words, Yisi thought for a while and understood the meaning of Fang Mu's words.

Fang Mu didn't want people outside to know that he controlled a blood queen.

This probably shows that Fang Mu doesn't trust people outside enough.

For Fang Mu's approach, Yi Si is quite satisfied and fortunate.

The more cunning the boy in front of him, the more secure he would be by his side.

It's more comfortable to be around a cunning master than the fool of a simple Madonna!

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