Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 469 Charming Bone Scorpion!

Jin Xuan, Jin Zhaoyan, and two other powerful members of the Brilliant Clan stood guard outside the ingenious bunker.

There is no pressure in my heart.

All the vampires here have been killed by the helpers Fang Mu found.

Fang Mu used the secret treasure to control the order-level blood queen, and Mr. Hei had been transferred out of here.

You Shui Miao and the order-level Yin-Yang Li An Leopard ambushed Mr. Hei, and Shu Liangjun and Su Qing went to support after defeating the blood clan.

Few people set foot in this land of right and wrong at the junction of six states.

Fang Mu's favor sounded dangerous, but when they really helped the four of them, they found that they had no chance to make a move.

After helping Fang Mu, the errands of the others will be over.

You can set off and go back to the Splendid Castle.

Jin Xuan was looking forward to the reward he would receive after returning to the Splendid Castle.

This time he came here not only to make good friends with Jianmu, but also to become a bridge of communication between the Brilliant Clan and Jianmu.

It also restored Jin Zhaoyan's lifespan.

After Shouyuan recovered, even Jin Zhaoyan's disability was cured.

This is tantamount to enhancing the high-end combat power of the Brilliant Clan.

After this trip, a deep friendship has been formed between him and Jin Zhaoyan.

After returning to the Brilliant Clan, if he encounters a problem.

Jin Zhaoyan will help him to some extent.

What makes Jin Xuan feel that he can get a lot of rewards is because he traded such treasures as the infinite silver silkworm from Jianmu.

Although it was Jianmu's initiative to trade the boundless silver silkworm with the Huihuang clan.

But as the representative of negotiating with Jianmu, I will always be credited with part of the credit.

Just when Jin Xuan was in a good mood and was full of infinite reverie, four blood whips came out from the ingenious bunker.

Tightly bound to Jin Xuan, Jin Zhaoyan and others.

The strong blood energy and the special fluctuation of blood magic made Jin Xuan, Jin Zhaoyan and others turn pale with shock.

Being able to use such a powerful blood-type magic, it was so powerful that it even controlled Jin Zhaoyan, who was at the peak of the sequence.

Only the blood queen who was brought back to the ingenious bunker by Jianmu could do it!

Could it be that this blood queen broke free from the control of the small purple-black tower and escaped! ?

Jianmu controls the blood queen through the small purple-black tower.

After the blood queen escaped, she would definitely find trouble with Jianmu.

If Fang Mu is killed by the blood queen, everything will be over!

As a member of the hermit family, he has been educated to put family first since he was a child.

Whether it was Jin Xuan or Jin Zhaoyan, they were all ready to dedicate themselves to the Brilliant Clan.

The four don't want to die, but they are not afraid of death when fighting for the family.

The four of us will become the heroes of the Brilliant Clan when they die, and the descendants will be supported by the family as the heirs of the heroes.

If Jianmu dies, the Brilliant Clan will lose their bridge with Qixing, the holy creator.

Regardless of whether they were killed by the Blood Queen or not, they were all sinners of the Brilliant Clan.

Jin Zhaoyan struggled to break free from the blood whip, raised his hand and summoned all his imperial beasts including his natal imperial beasts.

Yi Si obeyed Fang Mu's instructions and did not get entangled with Jin Xuan, Jin Zhaoyan and others.

Even if Yisi is really like Jin Xuan and Jin Zhaoyan expected, she broke free from the control of the small purple-black tower.

In the case of Yisi digging out the heart and taking out the blood crystal.

Due to the extremely serious damage to the original source, he is not willing to make any further complications.

Yisi stood in front of the Red Moon Castle in the air, and a huge bright red coat of arms appeared in front of Yisi.

The coat of arms is so big that it can cover Yisi's figure.

This coat of arms resonates with the Crimson Castle.

The Red Moon Castle was stored like space equipment.

Yi Si didn't even look at Jin Xuan, and Jin Zhaoyan and the others immediately left here.

Just as Jin Xuan and Jin Zhaoyan were feeling desperate, a young boy's voice of annoyance came from Shenhou.

"Let her run away!"

"It seems that it is difficult for this baby to control a strong orderly for a long time!"

Jin Xuan, Jin Zhaoyan and others breathed a sigh of relief at the sound coming from the ingenious bunker.

It's good that Jianmu is not dead!

But the four of them were secretly surprised.

The blood queen was captured and her dignity was lost.

He didn't do anything to Jianmu when he was able to get out of trouble, which is enough to explain a problem.

That means that Jianmu must have other means of self-protection, so that the blood queen can only escape!

Otherwise, even if the blood queen didn't kill Jianmu, she would arrest him and keep him in the Blood Moon Castle even if she knew Jianmu's status was extraordinary!

As a means to control and threaten the forces behind Jianmu!

With the help of his beast master, Jin Zhaoyan finally released the control of the blood whip.

Jin Zhaoyan made the other three members of the Brilliant Clan of the Royal Beast Gang get rid of the control of the blood whip, turned around and bowed to Fang Mu, and said apologetically.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, I am truly sorry!"

"The four of us were directly controlled by the blood queen!"

"I failed to stop this blood queen for you, and I also failed to fulfill my obligation to protect your safety!"

Hearing this, Fang Mu shook his head directly.

It is true that Jin Xuan, Jin Zhaoyan and others are more convenient to protect themselves when they enter the inside of the clever bunker.

But Fang Mu would never allow this to happen.

No matter how close Fang Mu is to the Huihuang clan, he will not regard the members of the Huihuang clan as his true own.

Given the strength of the four of them, it was simply impossible to stop a blood queen.

There is no need for Fang Mu to embarrass the four of them.

"It doesn't matter, this blood queen didn't hurt me, it's just a pity to let her escape!"

"It was I who sent those two seniors to support them."

"I will explain this to the master when I go back."

"This blood queen has the restriction left by the secret treasure in her body. Even if she escapes, she probably won't dare to make a fuss. You don't need to worry!"

There are some things that Fang Mu thinks he should say or need to say!

After a while, not only the four members of the Brilliant Clan will know the news that the Blood Queen Yisi has escaped.

Shui Miao, Qin Shao, and Day An will also know about it.

These people would take risks to help themselves against a blood queen, and Fang Mu didn't want to reveal that he had controlled the blood queen.

Always want other people to take a reassurance!

The four members of the Brilliant Clan felt relieved when they heard the words.

For one thing, Fang Mu didn't blame himself and others for doing things badly, and it wouldn't affect the cooperation between Fang Mu and the Huihuang Clan.

Secondly, Fang Mu said that the blood race would probably not have any follow-up troubles.

Even if the blood race is looking for trouble, there are tall people who will stand up.

If you want to find it, you will definitely find Fang Mu and Qixing first!

Fang Mu has what the blood race wants in his hands.

The Brilliant Clan is indeed on good terms with Fang Mu, and wants to make friends with Qixing, a powerful creator.

But for things like risks and consequences, it is impossible for the Brilliant Clan to help take the blame.

No matter how strong a hermit clan is, it cannot withstand the attack of a powerful race like the vampire.

Jin Xuan has always felt that Fang Mu is very sophisticated in his work and does not leak water.

Now it seems that he is a young man after all, and there are times when he is fraught with things.

If Jin Xuan is allowed to lead this operation as the commander-in-chief, Jin Xuan will definitely not let Shu Liangjun also support him.

When the blood queen escaped from the ingenious bunker, her breath was a little weak.

With the strength shown by Shu Liangjun, he will definitely be able to suppress this blood queen.

Thinking that Fang Mu did not complete the task arranged by Qixing well, he would probably be punished after returning.

Looking at the impact on Fang Mu through this incident, we can clarify Fang Mu's position with Qi Xing.

The Brilliant Clan has been communicating with Fang Mu, and it is a good thing for the Brilliant Clan to understand Fang Mu's influence and status in Qixing.

Fang Mu made a mistake once, which made Jin Xuan feel that Fang Mu became real.

Otherwise, the feeling Fang Mu gave Jin Xuan before was too perfect, so perfect that he looked like a dummy!

"Let's go, let's go to Mr. Shu's side."

"By the time we arrive, the fighting over there will basically stop!"

Fang Mu's behavior of directing the blood queen to escape deceived other people, not Shu Liangjun.

Shu Liangjun, as Fang Mu's guardian, has to stay with Fang Mu day and night.

There is no way to cheat even if you want to cheat.

When Fang Mu meets the blood queen, Shu Liangjun will definitely be able to find out!

Secondly, Fang Mu didn't want to deceive Shu Liangjun either.

The mark of the protector made Shu Liangjun Fang Mu's true own.

When Fang Mu made this plan, he had a discussion with Shu Liangjun in advance.

Shu Liangjun gave Fang Mu a lot of ideas.

Shu Liangjun also felt that Fang Mu controlled the situation of a blood queen and should not be known by others.

Otherwise, Fang Mu would leave a handle for others.

In the beast world, the strong are respected, and there are only eternal interests, but no eternal friends.

For example, the Twelve Pavilions once had some cooperation with the Xiexin Sect.

Isn't Shui Miao mobilizing the core figures of the evil sect for Fang Mu now?

Shu Liangjun has lived for so many years and knows the dangers of the human heart.

Fang Mu uses three points of sincerity to make friends, but he will use seven points of interests to tie people to his own front!

In Shu Liangjun's opinion, this is the best way to forge alliances.

Compared with Fang Mu's strength and identity, Fang Mu's wisdom may be the place where Fang Mu far surpasses most of his peers!

During the communication between Fang Mu and Shu Liangjun, Shu Liangjun also told Fang Mu about Mr. Hei's situation.

Mr. Hei couldn't figure out why the Beast Familiar faction headed by the Emperor Beast Court would cooperate with the Twelve Pavilions, a human force.

Naturally, Shui Miao and Dayan couldn't give Mr. Hei an answer.

Shui Miao and Day An joined forces to fight against Mr. Hei, when Mr. Hei summoned an order-level royal beast.

Mr. Hei's order-level monster beast cooperated with the two bone hackers.

Put Shui Miao and Day An at a disadvantage.

Mr. Hei didn't care about the ghostly day dark, but focused on Shui Miao who had just consumed a lot of energy.

The two bone hackers and the order-level main battle beast, the Charming Bone Scorpion, launched a joint operation.

The water area formed by Shui Miao's Zhenhai Lingshan is like a domain.

It has absolute suppression power against the body-sewing hackers who are not as powerful as themselves.

But it is not so useful for the Bone Hacker and Charm Bone Scorpion who are at the same order level!

The Twelve Pavilion is an information-selling force, and its members are extremely strict with their mouths.

What Mr. Hei wanted was to kill Shui Miao, capture this Order-level Yin-Yang Li An Leopard, and then interrogate the Yin-Yang Li An Leopard.

If the Emperor Beast Court wants to cooperate with human forces, there is no difference between cooperating with the Twelve Pavilions and cooperating with the evil sect.

If enough benefits can be given to these Yin-Yang Li Anbao, it may not be impossible to pry the Yin-Yang Li Anbao's mouth open.

It is not impossible for this Yin Yang Li An leopard to become a bridge between the evil sect and the Emperor Beast Court!

Mr. Hei thought very well, and at the cost of seriously injuring a bone hacker in the fight, he found a flaw in Shui Miao.

This flaw, which cost a lot of money, made it impossible for Shui Miao to return to defense.

The toxin of the Charming Bone Scorpion has the function of [rotten bones], which can instantly rot the bones of living beings.

Once the bones rot, all living things become squishy worms.

Can only rely on skins for defense.

In addition, Mr. Hei's target is not Shui Miao's Beastmaster Hai Lingshan, but Shui Miao himself.

Shui Miao will most likely die under this blow!

Once Shui Miao dies, Shui Miao's imperial beast will no longer cause him any trouble.

Seeing this menacing blow, Shui Miao frowned suddenly.

Shui Miao thought to himself, it seems that he must use some hole cards here!

If he was the only one here, Shui Miao would have used his hole cards to fight Mr. Hei long ago.

But at this time, there are still more dark days here, and Shui Miao doesn't want the Beast Familiar forces to know about his cards.

Fang Mu didn't know how to make this yin and yang Li An leopard follow his lead.

But I can't control this Yin Yang Li An Leopard.

Shui Miao doesn't believe that a race related to the legendary prophet who is the supreme beast clan would stand on the side of the beast clan!

Just when Shui Miao mobilized his soul power and was about to use his means.

Dayan actually used the power of light and darkness to distort the space, and used his body to block Shui Miao.

The tail needle of the Charming Bone Thorn Scorpion broke through Dayan's fur and pierced into Dayan's hind leg.

The pain of the tail needle piercing the flesh of the hind leg was not strong, but the tail needle found the position of the bone with a slight movement, and pierced hard into the bone.

Immediately afterwards, Dayan felt that all the bones in his body were itching in an instant.

Yinyang Li Anbao immediately used the light and dark elements in his body to protect his bones, but the effect was not obvious.

It can only reduce the speed at which bones are disintegrated by toxins.

On the one hand, the Yin Yang Li An Leopard is a royal beast that is good at speed and attack, and its resistance to toxins is not strong.

On the other hand, the Charming Bone Scorpion is one of the few royal beasts that use poison as the main means of attack and set foot in order.

The Charming Bone Scorpion's attack is very difficult to succeed.

Once it succeeds, it will pump the toxins in the body as much as possible into the target's body through the poisonous glands like a high-pressure water pump.

Shui Miao was very surprised by Ri An's behavior.

There is far no such deep affection between himself and Dayan.

But Day An firmly blocked the blow for himself.

Shui Miao didn't know that what drove Dayan to act of self-sacrifice was a small calculation in Dayan's heart!

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