Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 470: Su Qing's Means!

Fang Mu made it clear before acting.

Anyone who is injured during the operation will be compensated!

Fang Mu's words were firmly remembered by Zhou An in his heart.

Dayan is very clear about how generous Fang Mu's shots have been all along.

As one of Fang Mu's subordinates who acted as a bridge with the Emperor Beast Court, it was actually not difficult to obtain resources from Fang Mu.

But Dayan was not satisfied with this.

In addition to resources, Day An also had to find ways to deepen his position with Fang Mu.

Getting injured for Fang Mu's plan in this operation is the best way to realize your own value.

This will make Dayan know that the poison of the Charming Bone Scorpion will cause great damage to his own origin.

But still blocked the attack for Shui Miao.

Day An calculated the time and felt that Fang Mu's support should be arriving soon!

Dayan's behavior not only surprised Shui Miao, but also surprised Mr. Hei.

Mr. Hei's plan is to kill Shuimiao and leave Dayan behind.

However, Dayan's behavior disrupted Mr. Hei's plan.

Mr. Hei himself, as the contractor of the Charm bone scorpion, does not have the ability to detoxify the charm bone scorpion.

Shui Miao supported Day An's body with one hand, and suddenly moved forward with the other hand.

A brilliant blue light slashed at the body of the Charming Bone Thorn Scorpion.

A blue-gold scale shadow can be faintly seen from this ray of light.

Although the Charming Bone Thorn Scorpion's body was not split in half by the brilliant blue light, there was a huge gash from the beginning to the end.

A light blue-gold mark appeared around the wound.

Even under the sunlight, it is difficult to see what the blue-gold imprint depicts.

However, all the energy of the water element in the surrounding area seemed to have found a vent.

Converging towards the wound of the Charming Scorpion.

A large amount of water elements invaded the wound of the Charming Bone Thorn Scorpion, so Mr. Hei hurriedly ordered two bone hackers to set up an energy net to cover the Charming Bone Thorn Scorpion.

Then he took the Charming Bone Scorpion and escaped from the waters controlled by Zhenhai Lingshan.

At this moment, hundreds of silver branches filled the space around Mr. Hei.

These branches did not climb onto Mr. Hei's body to control Mr. Hei's actions.

But these silver branches fixed the space around Mr. Hei.

Let the space around Mr. Hei be in a closed state.

Mr. Hei is stuck in the quagmire of space.

Several red and purple plum blossoms quietly appeared in the space controlled by the silver branches.

These plum blossoms are in bloom, and their tails grow long thorns that are much longer than their forearms.

These plum blossoms with long thorns fell towards Mr. Hei's body like rain.

Most of the long thorns nailed to Mr. Hei's body failed to break through Mr. Hei's defense.

Mr. Hei's body under his robe grew a layer of strong green scales.

Even so, there are still some places where the green scales are weakly defended and pierced by the long thorns.

The long thorn softened quickly after piercing into the body, and continued to extend and wrap around Mr. Hei's body.

Red and purple plum blossoms bloom on the long thorns.

After blooming, a new long thorn will condense under each plum blossom.

Shu Liangjun pursed her lips and glanced at Su Qing.

The flower beasts inherited from Chonghuaju look delicate and beautiful.

But when causing harm to the target, each flower is a cruel instrument of torture.

This bunch of soul nails can effectively seal the target's soul and imprison the target's physical body.

The successful sneak attack made it impossible for Mr. Hei to summon the ghost monster.

An absolute high-ranking member of the evil sect will definitely contract the ghost beast.

Moreover, the development rate of ghost-type beast masters is very likely to have reached the level of order.

Only beasts with special targeting abilities like Shuhun Dingmei can play such a role in battle.

After Su Qing restrained Mr. Hei by using the soul-binding nail plum, he still adopted other means to strengthen his control over Mr. Hei.

A goblin in a wide red skirt appeared in front of Su Qing.

This elf has fair skin, and the long hair that hangs down to her waist has a golden arc at each end.

There is a bright yellow demon crystal embedded on the forehead of this goblin, and there are three pairs of wings on the back.

This is a fairy who has stepped into order.

In order to complete the task arranged by Fang Mu, Su Qing could be said to have used his hole cards.

Otherwise, Su Qing would not easily reveal this level of background in front of others.

The order-level goblin raised his hands, and the power of the goblin landed on Mr. Hei's body.

Mr. Hei's body twitched quickly.

Mr. Hei's eyes, nose, ears, mouth and other openings on his body grew a luxurious chrysanthemum bigger than the mouth of a bowl.

After these chrysanthemums grew out of Mr. Hei's orifice, Mr. Hei's spirit and soul began to gradually become completely silent in his body.

Shu Liangjun and Su Qing have a clear division of labor.

Su Qing mainly targeted Mr. Hei.

Apart from restraining Mr. Hei's movements, Shu Liangjun also launched an attack on the two Bone Hackers and Charming Bone Scorpions.

The two skeleton hackers are connected to Mr. Black's soul.

After Mr. Hei's soul fell silent, the actions of the two bone hackers were affected at the same time.

After all, the Charming Bone Scorpion is an order-level insect guardian.

Mr. Hei's state aroused the ferocity of the Charming Scorpion.

All things have spirits, and the Charming Bone Scorpion, as Mr. Hei's contract beast, has a very deep relationship with Mr. Hei.

But in front of Shu Liangjun, Shui Miao and Su Qing, a Charming Scorpion of Order level can't make any trouble at all!

Seeing that Shui Miao was about to kill the Charming Scorpion, Shu Liangjun hurriedly said.

"Ah Shui, it might be useful to Xiaomu to keep this Charming Bone Thorn Scorpion!"

"Su Qing has finished controlling Mr. Hei now, just let Su Qing use the same method to control this Charming Bone Thorn Scorpion later!"

While speaking, Shu Liangjun set his eyes on Zhou An.

Day An was stabbed in the body by the Charming Bone Thorn Scorpion, injecting most of the toxins in his body.

This made Dayan seem to have turned into a liquid bread at this time.

Fortunately, without the action of external force, even if the bones infected by the toxin become extremely soft, they will not break.

Shu Liangjun took out a shriveled yellow-brown object from his spiritual storage device.

After the yellow-brown object was taken out, a stench immediately filled the air.

Shu Liangjun brought it to Day An's mouth, and said to him.

"You swallow this scorpion slough."

"The scorpion slough of this ancient abyss mud scorpion has a miraculous effect on the poison of any scorpion-like beast."

"You swallow it first and see if it can be relieved!"

"Otherwise it would be difficult to wait for Fang Mu to arrive in your current state."

Day An has been in pain ever since he was hit by the Charming Bone Scorpion.

The bones were itchy at the beginning, and finally turned into pain all over the body.

During this process, Dayan did not dare to move his body vigorously.

I am afraid that the softened bones will break and let the toxins flow into the flesh and blood.

Under normal circumstances, the scorpion slough of the Guyuan mud scorpion would not be able to swallow it at all.

But now when swallowing the ancient abyss mud scorpion scorpion scorpion, Dayan deliberately bit it to make it easier for his body to absorb the scorpion slough.

Anyway, it is a fact that I helped Shui Miao block the blow of Charming Bone Sting Scorpion.

Even if he swallowed the scorpion scorpion of the ancient abyss mud scorpion now, part of the toxin of the charm bone thorn scorpion was removed.

Fang Mu still has to admit his love!

When Shu Liangjun was devouring the ancient abyss mud scorpion scorpion, he absorbed the scorpion for the convenience of the day.

He also deliberately took out a bottle of life potion with a purity of 96% and fed it to Dayan.

As Fang Mu's guardian, Shu Liangjun belongs to Fang Mu's elders.

Shu Liangjun's daily resources are all provided by Fang Mu.

At this time, Shu Liangjun was helping Fang Mu solve the problem as an elder, not as thoughtful as Day An.

If this scorpion sloughed off from an order-level ancient abyss mud scorpion, at least half of the toxins in Dayan's body could be eliminated at this time.

But unless the beast master carefully cultivates it, how can it be so easy to obtain the scorpion slough of the order-level ancient abyssal mud scorpion! ?

The scorpion scorpion provided by Shu Liangjun to Dayan was a sequence-level ancient abyssal mud scorpion.

This made Dayan swallow the scorpion slough, but only remove the toxin that spread from the bone to the flesh.

The toxins in the bones are simply hard to contain.

The status quo of the bones has not changed in any way, which makes Dayan can't help being frightened.

Dayan had never thought about whether Fang Mu would not be able to help him get rid of the toxins in his body after he arrived.

If this is the case, then even if you don't die, you will be injured at the root.

Become a waste leopard!

I went out secretly this time, and did not report to the Emperor Beast Court.

If he returned to the Emperor Beast Court with his origin damaged, not only would he be expelled from the Council of Eternal Darkness.

I'm afraid that even the Yongan Elder's Pavilion, a place of leisure for the elderly, has lost its place.

Shu Liangjun emphatically told Fang Mu about the situation of Dayan.

Fang Mu had never been exposed to the poison of order-level beasts before.

In his previous life, Fang Mu mostly relied on serum to detoxify insects.

In this life, there is no serum at all.

There are two main ways to detoxify, one is the spiritual material targeted to the toxin.

Allowing the two to react with each other reduces the effect of the toxin.

The second way is to use a large amount of high-purity life medicine to stimulate the resistance of the living body to the toxin so as to defeat the toxin.

The second method is generally only applied to powerful beasts.

But Yinyang Li Anbao's situation at this time is not suitable.

Because the Yin Yang Leopard Leopard has been infected with the toxin for too long!

After the toxin infected most of the body's tissues, Dayan's body had little resistance to the toxin.

Fang Mu can use his own unique method to detoxify Dayan, just like how Fang Mu detoxified She Junjie's imperial beast back then.

Use the suction probe to suck out the toxins from Daydark's body.

This will not only help to detoxify Dayan, but also allow Fang Mu to obtain the pure Charm bone scorpion toxin.

Most of the Huyan Gemini's previous toxins were aimed at flesh and blood, and there was no toxin aimed at bones.

With this kind of toxin that can target bones, the lethality and combat effectiveness of the Huyan twins will be greatly improved!

Sensing Fang Mu's aura, Shui Miao, Su Qing and others all looked at Fang Mu.

Fang Mu said with a gloomy expression.

"The blood queen escaped, but it didn't get in the way."

"You guys are doing a great job here, thank you all for being willing to help me!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu directly took out seven brocade boxes and handed them to Shui Miao, Su Qing, Shu Liangjun and the four members of the Huihuang clan.

The brocade box Fang Mu gave to Shui Miao, Su Qing, and Shu Liangjun was obviously larger than the brocade box for the four members of the Huihuang family.

Even so, Jin Zhaoyan, Jin Xuan and the others were extremely grateful.

The four of them didn't help much in this operation, and even let the blood queen escape!

Fang Mu is still willing to reward the four of them.

The four of us came to help Fang Mu, which was a deal between the Brilliant Clan and Fang Mu.

This situation is completely different from Shui Miao, Su Qing and others.

After Shui Miao took the heavy brocade box, she knew that there were definitely a lot of resources in the brocade box.

This is obviously an extra gift from Fang Mu.

After pondering for a moment, Shui Miao asked Fang Mu seriously.

"Will the escape of the blood queen have any follow-up impact?"

"If there are follow-up effects, I think it is necessary to notify Diyuan in advance."

Shui Miao knew very well that after the news that a blood queen was besieged and killed by humans reached the blood clan, the blood clan would definitely take action.

The queen of the blood clan had probably already guessed that Fang Mu was from the Soaring Dragon Federation, so the blood clan should stop retaliating against the Soaring Dragon Federation!

Hearing the words, Fang Mu shook his head firmly at Shui Miao.

"The escape of the blood queen has no effect on the follow-up."

"Otherwise, even if I try to destroy those secret treasures, I will keep this blood queen!"

Fang Mu's words made Shui Miao feel relieved.

Shui Miao knew very well that Fang Mu could not lie about this kind of matter!

Fang Mu must have said that with certainty!

Fang Mu's reluctance to explain in detail must have his own reasons.

Shui Miao didn't ask any more questions.

Fang Mu's answer to Shui Miao also dispelled Su Qing's worries.

At this time, Fang Mu has turned his attention to Yinyang Li Anbao.

Fang Mu used Shadow of the Fool's innate supernatural ability [Eye of All-knowing] to carefully inquire about the situation of Dayan, and then asked about Xixi.

Xixi immediately made an affirmative expression to Fangmu.

It means that Fangmu can absorb the toxins in the bones of the dark day.

It's just that doing so would cause damage to the dark's skeleton.

Hearing this, Fang Mu thought to himself, it seems that he is going to use up the raw lotus root powder that he had hoarded with great difficulty before!

Whether Dayan has his own thoughts or not is not important to Fang Mu at all.

Day An can be said to have made great contributions to Fang Mu.

It would be difficult if this injury appeared on Shui Miao's body!

When Fang Mu was treating Shui Miao, it was difficult not to expose the existence of suction.

Day An's huge leopard eyes looked at Fang Mu, eyes full of anticipation.

Dayan was very afraid that Fang Mu would shake his head regretfully.

At this moment, Dayan only heard what Fang Mu said to the four members of the Huihuang clan.

"Senior Jin, help me gently place Dayan on the ground, and remember to put some soft things under my body."

"I need to heal it immediately!"

"After I finish the treatment, I will not be able to recover to the state before the injury."

"After about two months of cultivation, I will definitely be able to recover to a good state!"

Jin Zhaoyan didn't have the slightest doubt about Fang Mu's words.

At the beginning, all his injuries could be healed by Fang Mu.

If Fang Mu is willing to spend resources, healing this Yin-Yang Li An Leopard will definitely be a no-brainer!

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