Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 471: Ant heirs divide and new queens marry and fly!

Soon Yinyang Li Anbao was placed on the ground by Jin Xuan, Jin Zhaoyan and four others.

Fang Mu released the abdominal worms from the purple ice crystal ring, and covered Yin Yang Li An Leopard with a clever bunker.

Fang Mu must immediately treat Yin Yang Li An Leopard.

Yin Yang Li An Leopard's physical condition is not suitable for carrying it back and forth.

On the one hand, Shui Miao, Su Qing and others are very measured.

With Shu Liangjun here, it is impossible for several people to check the inside of the clever bunker.

On the other hand, the ingenious bunker also has the function of shielding detection.

If anyone is watching in the dark, they can also be blocked by the energy emitted by the mechanical heart of the ingenious bunker.

After hearing that Fang Mu was able to heal himself, Day An was extremely excited and delighted.

As long as his injury can recover, then this injury will not be in vain!

He wanted to wait for Fang Mu to heal his injuries, so he had to distribute the rewards for himself.

Day An's own little calculations have never been shown, and Fang Mu will not maliciously speculate on himself.

With the soul ants in his soul, Dayan must be absolutely sincere from the other party!

It has been a few months since Fang Mu used the soul ant heir to control Dayan.

During this period of time, the rank and quality of the servant soul ant queen have been continuously improved.

This has greatly strengthened the control ability of the soul ants!

【Name of Royal Beast】: Deed servant soul ant queen

[Genus of Royal Beast]: Formicaceae/Soul Parasite

[Beast Familiar Level]: Gold Rank (8/10)

[Beast Familiar]: Soul

[Beast Familiar Potential]: Platinum Rank

[Beast Royal Quality]: Epic Quality


[Soul Ant Heir]: Through the production and cultivation of young ants, they parasitize the target's soul, and usually help the target's soul resist external attacks. Under the condition of being urged by the mother, the offspring can turn around and devour the target's soul.

[Ant Heir Listening to the Soul]: Use the ant heir to detect the parasitic soul, and judge the target's mental state and thoughts according to the target's soul energy fluctuations.

[Ant Scion Sacrifice]: When the target's soul is seriously injured, you can sacrifice the ant brood and nest, and use the soul energy of the ant brood and nest to repair the damaged soul of the target.

Exclusive features:

[Ant heir division]: After the parasitic ant heir parasitizes in the soul of the target and completes the nesting, the ant heir will split itself and split into multiple units according to the soul state of the target. The split ant heir will strengthen the target's soul The control of it can also enhance the defense ability of the target's soul.

[New Empress Marriage Fly]: There is a certain probability that the ant heirs produced will have too many offspring that inherit their genes. Let the offspring marry and fly to become the new queen.

Evolution route:

(The mother as a group cannot evolve, and will lose its authority and ability as a mother after forcibly inducing mutation.)

Relying on the silver-level skill [Ant Si listens to the soul] of Ant Si, Fang Mu strengthened his control over Day An.

Darkness is aware of this.

Not long after Fang Mu controlled Dayan with the soul ant heir, the queen servant soul ant was promoted to perfect quality.

Obtained the exclusive feature [Ant Heir Meridian].

The only soul-hosting ant that was originally in the dark soul of the day has split into seven or eight units to form nests in various parts of the dark soul.

Since Day Darkness can provide a large amount of energy for the soul-hosting ant broods, the nests built by these soul-hosting soul ant broods almost envelop the souls of the dark days.

Fang Mu not only controls Dayan.

In addition to control, Fang Mu also gave Day An the resources he wanted, as well as his status in the Emperor Beast Court.

This made Dayan gradually no longer regard the soul-hosting ant heir as his constraint.

Instead, he regarded it as an opportunity for himself, a channel to maintain the relationship with Fang Mu.

Fang Mu now not only relies on the soul ant heir to control other living beings.

In addition to the soul ants, Fang Mu can also use the boundless silver silkworm.

This made Fang Mu no longer need to cultivate his own control ability after contracting the servant soul ant, but hoped that the queen servant soul ant could add other functions.

For example, the gold-ranked skill [Sacrifice of Ants] is a new manifestation of the functionality of ants who live in souls.

Let the soul ants not only control the target, but also treat the target at critical moments.

For any living being with a soul, the wounding of the soul is the greatest trauma to the source.

With the skill [Ant Heir Sacrifice], the servant soul ant queen can repair the damaged soul of the target in the first place by sacrificing the ant heir and the nest it casts in the soul.

This healing ability is much more useful than defense ability!

If the soul cannot be healed within a short period of time after being traumatized, it will probably cause intellectual and other obstacles.

Even the six-pointed star beast master has a precedent of becoming a mentally handicapped person due to trauma to the soul.

Fang Mu currently has no good way to heal his soul.

At a critical moment, letting the ants' descendants sacrifice their nest and themselves would most likely become a way to save their lives.

In Fang Mu's view, the exclusive feature [New Empress Marriage Fly] obtained by healing the servant soul ant and promoting the epic quality is a kind of reproductive ability.

Once the bond servant soul ant queen gives birth to too many soul-hosting ant heirs who inherit her own genes, Fang Mu can give the soul-hosting ant heirs to other people for contracting.

Slowly warm up this soul-hosting ant heir to become a servant soul ant queen.

The emergence of this ability, Fang Mu felt, was probably related to the blood-colored aging wine that he often fed the servant soul ant queen.

Otherwise, why would there be such exclusive characteristics of supermodels?

If a wild bonded soul ant queen has the exclusive characteristic of [new queen marrying and flying], a large number of bonded soul ant queens will appear.

As the servant soul ants and queens continue to control other creatures, a terrible disaster will set off in the whole world!

Fang Mu can train a few trustworthy people, and then let a few trustworthy people specialize in training new queens.

In this way, even ordinary employees of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce can be under the control of the servant soul ants.

Completely put an end to the possibility of other forces planting spies in the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce!

After Fang Mu handed over the thank you gift to Shui Miao, Su Qing and the others didn't say anything more, and went directly into the ingenious bunker.

Fang Mu pondered for a moment looking at Dayan's painful appearance, and finally took out the sleeping moss.

"Darkness, this is a pot of Sequence-level sleeping moss, which doesn't have a good effect on you."

"So you have to eat as much as possible later!"

Even if Dayan is now under Fang Mu's absolute control, he will not betray Fang Mu again.

But Fang Mu still kept a hand on Zhou An, and didn't intend to let Day An know the existence of sucking.

This is because Day Darkness can be controlled by oneself, and can also be controlled by other people in a special way.

If Dayan knew about the existence of Sui, it was inevitable that he would not reveal the existence of Sui when he was under the control of others.

For Fang Mu's distrust, Day An didn't think there was anything wrong.

To be honest, Zhou An also felt that there were not many intersections between himself and Fang Mu.

Many creators let the beasts eat the sleeping moss in the process of healing and promoting the beasts.

In addition to the consideration of not wanting to reveal his own methods, it is more necessary to use the sleeping moss to paralyze the beast master and reduce the pain of the beast master.

It saves the beasts from being cultivated or treated when they are awake, and the things in the cultivation room are destroyed due to pain.

Dayan chewed the sour sleeping moss.

In less than ten minutes, the sleeping moss took effect, and Dayan fell into a drowsy sleep.

Seeing this, Fang Mu waited for a while before taking out a knife and cutting open the place where Dayan was stabbed by the tail of the Charming Bone Stinger.

Fang Mu found that the flesh and blood here had been infected by scorpion venom.

In addition to the bones becoming soft and rotten, the surrounding flesh and blood also rotted.

Fang Mu simply cut off the injured leg of Dayan, and then summoned Susi.

Let Xixi poke its mouthparts into the bone of Dayan Section.

Suction uses the exclusive feature [Garbage Recycling] to start sucking the toxins in Dayan's body.

Fang Mu took out two cans of raw bone lotus root powder and handed them over to Xixi.

During the process of absorbing toxins with his mouthparts, let Xixi also send these raw bone lotus root powder and life potion to Dayan's body.

After the toxin dropped, the hardness of Dayan's bones recovered a lot.

This makes it unnecessary to be as cautious as before when sucking toxins in the bones.

Dayan devoured so many sleeping mosses, at least it would take a day to wake up.

Through Fang Mu's communication with Xie, Fang Mu learned that Xie can remove the toxin from Dayan's body within forty minutes.

Fang Mu is going to bring Dayan back to the mountain manor.

Dayan has helped him so much, so he must reward him.

Dayan got his call to meet with him this time, and he must have brought a lot of resources that he wanted to trade with him.

I didn't have a chance before, but I will have a chance when I come to the mountain manor!

Those two cans of raw bone lotus root powder may not make Zhou An grow hind legs.

But Day An's hind legs can wait until Day An wakes up, and then help him recover.

An hour later, Fang Mu absorbed the absorption back into the natal illustrated book, and then left the ingenious bunker.

Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun, Su Qing and the four members of the Brilliant Clan are waiting outside the ingenious bunker.

Fang Mu solemnly bowed to the seven people.

"Although this operation is not complete, thank you for your help!"

"Ah Shui, Ah Qing, the channel we agreed on before is still valid."

"Welcome to trade with me!"

When Shui Miao and Su Qing heard this, they first showed surprise expressions on their faces.

After the two heard from Fang Mu that the blood queen had fled, they both felt that the operation had failed.

From the beginning, Fang Mu's purpose of this operation was to capture this blood queen.

When Fang Mu just handed him the brocade box containing the resources, both Shui Miao and Su Qing felt flattered.

Fang Mu's purpose is not achieved, how can he and others have the face to accept Fang Mu's reward?

Shui Miao was protected by Yin Yang Li An Leopard, causing Yin Yang Li An Leopard to be poisoned by the Charming Bone Scorpion.

The consumption of treating the Yin Yang Li An Leopard has to be borne by Fang Mu himself.

This made Shui Miao extremely embarrassed!

As a result, Fang Mu is still willing to give himself the opportunity to trade spiritual energy potions.

This made Shui Miao, who already had a very good relationship with Fang Mu, and Su Qing, who had just gotten acquainted with Fang Mu, have a great affection for Fang Mu.

Although the escape of Yisi, the blood queen, was Fang Mu's own drama.

But judging from this situation, there is really no need for Fang Mu to provide resources for Shui Miao, Su Qing and others.

However, building a stable trading channel with Twelve Pavilions and Chonghuaju can deepen the relationship between Fangmu, Twelve Pavilions and Chonghuaju.

Fangmu's aura can be canned from the abdominal space at will.

Being able to exchange these auras for resources is also of great benefit to Fangmu.

Shui Miao and Su Qing feel somewhat ashamed when they take up the trading opportunity given by Fang Mu.

However, in the face of such an opportunity, it is difficult for the two to say no.

Finally, Shui Miao said through gritted teeth.

"Amu thank you for giving me the opportunity, I owe you this time!"

"If you need help with anything in the future, just ask, I will definitely go through fire and water!"

After Shui Miao accepted the opportunity given by Fang Mu, Su Qing also spoke in a very serious tone.

"Amu thank you for your willingness to trade with us even though we haven't done things well."

"If this opportunity will affect your status with the master, I will never take it!"

"Our Chonghua Residence has cultivated many flower spirits in recent years. When I trade with you, I will bring a four-winged flower spirit and give this four-winged flower spirit as a gift in return."

Su Qing knew that Fang Mu and Shui Miao had a personal relationship.

I have just met Fang Mu, and my relationship with Fang Mu is still shallow.

Su Qing needed to get closer to Fang Mu, so Su Qing gritted his teeth and took out a four-winged flower spirit.

Only forces like Chonghuaju, whose main function is to cultivate vegetation, can trade a four-winged flower spirit.

Fang Mu's face showed joy when he heard this.

For Hualing, Fang Mu likes it very much.

Like Ningyu camellia, Tianxiang peony, Fang Mu intends to move them towards the road of Hualing.

Once Tianxiang peony, Ningyu camellia condenses flower spirit.

The petals of Tianxiang Peony and Ningyu Camellia will turn into flower jade when they fall.

Its efficacy is three to five times that of the original petals.

But until now, Fang Mu has not even cultivated a flower spirit.

And the flower spirit that Su Qing bestowed upon herself has directly reached the level of Four Wings!

Each beast that can condense flower spirits has a unique effect.

No matter what the four-winged flower spirit Su Qing gave herself, it was like giving Fang Mu another money tree.

Su Qing has always expressed his sincerity in the transaction with him.

After Fang Mu felt Su Qing's sincerity, he naturally had to respond.

"Ah Qing, then I will thank you for your flower spirit first!"

"You should have heard that the faction I belong to is called the Boundless Tower."

"Besides my master, the other founding masters in the Boundless Tower may also be interested in doing business with Chonghuaju."

"So if you need any resources in Chonghuaju in the future, you can ask me!"

"Maybe I can facilitate a deal between the two parties!"

This was Fang Mu's first mention of the Boundless Tower in front of people since he left the large ancient battlefield.

Fang Mu could feel that people like Shui Miao and Su Qing, who were strong in order, were cautious when dealing with him.

Fang Mu didn't like this at all!

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