Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 474 Twelve Blood Sacrifice!

Fang Mu looked at Yisi, and was about to talk to Yisi.

But after seeing Yi Si looking at him, Fang Mu couldn't help frowning slightly.

Fang Mu is not a blank sheet of paper, he has been in serious love several times in his previous life.

Fang Mu is not the so-called straight man of steel in the traditional sense, on the contrary Fang Mu is very good at observing words and deeds.

It's just because he is too good at observing words and expressions, and can feel the other party's emotions through the other party's expressions and actions.

Instead, it made the feeling boring.

Fang Mu not only observes people, but also goes to the wild to observe animals and insects as a biologist.

To feel and probe the emotions of animals and insects.

Fang Mu's heart is delicate enough, so he can keenly capture the changes in the expression in Yi Si's eyes looking at him.

The way Yi Si looked at her was very similar to the way a senior girl who had a crush on her in the research group in her previous life looked at her.

Fang Mu doesn't think that Yi Si will suddenly fall in love with him for no reason.

What I did to Yi Si can be described as bad.

Even if Yi Si had Stockholm Syndrome, it would never happen so quickly!

Therefore, the change in Yisi's eyes looking at her is probably related to her soul touching the blood crystal.

This is the only intersection between Fangmu and Yisi.

Yisi hadn't absorbed the bloody mist yet.

Because Fang Mu informed Yisi to let Yisi enter the clever bunker at night.

Fang Mu wants to watch Yisi absorb the bloody mist to find out the effect of the bloody mist on the blood queen.

Every time Fang Mu released the bloody mist before, the bloody mist was in a full state.

Fang Mu also wanted to try it out. After the bloody mist was consumed, what was the ability of Xue Zhifeng to replenish the bloody mist!

If the blood mist grows very slowly, Fang Mu can't use too much blood mist to cultivate Yisi, the blood queen.

Because the amount of blood mist is directly related to the increase of the opponent's strength and physique.

"Master Shengzi, my physical injuries have basically recovered."

"It's just that the original source will be weak for a period of time after being injured."

"I want to absorb the bloody energy you gave me as soon as possible, so that I can return to my full state as soon as possible."

"This way we can work better for you!"

When Yisi was controlled by Fang Mu's soul just now, because of Fang Mu's strength and the control of the small purple-black tower, Yisi had no choice but to do so.

But how long has it been now?

Even if there is no benefit to hanging herself, Yisi still couldn't help but develop a good impression of the boy in front of her, and let Yisi attach her heart to Fang Mu.

Yisi had never experienced this feeling before.

The affection of attaching one's heart to a living being is beautiful, but it also carries a sense of out-of-control taboo.

This feeling made Yi Si, the proud blood queen, instinctively soften in front of Fang Mu.

Affection belongs to affection, dependence belongs to dependence.

Yisi would still make demands in front of Fang Mu.

Yi Si didn't like this sense of weakness from the original trauma.

After undergoing a great change, only by recovering her strength can Yisi make up for her missing sense of security.

Otherwise, with Yisi's current physical condition, even controlling the Red Moon Castle would be a bit difficult!

Of course, what Yisi said also meant that the other party was not trying.

Yisi is not sure how Fang Mu will arrange herself in the future.

How Fang Mu arranges himself in the future is very important to Yi Si.

Rather than following Fang Mu's side, Yisi prefers to go back to the base of the blood clan.

Following Fang Mu's side, he is just a servant.

But in the blood clan base, she is the supreme queen!

After he said that he was guarding Fang Mu, if Fang Mu had other arrangements, he would definitely correct his words.

Hearing this, Fang Mu stared at Yisi's face for a moment and then spoke.

"Come and absorb the bloody mist now!"

"I will naturally make arrangements for you when your original source is restored."

"You should remember the blood ancestor rose that bloomed in the Red Moon Council. I am interested in the blood ancestor rose."

"I need you to think of a way, how to help me get the Blood Ancestor Rose!"

Speaking of this, Fang Mu paused for a moment, then continued.

"Liuxi is currently absorbing dead souls over there, and will absorb the blood-colored aged wine in a while. I hope she won't disturb you when she absorbs the blood-colored aged wine."

Dead Soul and Scarlet Aged Willow Creek are absorbed separately.

Fang Mu asked Liu Xi to open up the use of these blood-colored aged wines, but Liu Xi did not dare to waste the slightest amount of these blood-colored aged wines.

Hearing Fang Mu's words, Liu Xi suddenly had evil thoughts in his heart, revealing the naughty side of the evil spirit.

Even if Liu Xi doesn't need to absorb the blood-colored aged wine now, Liu Xi still moved out the vat of blood-colored aged wine that Fang Mu gave her.

The breath released from a large vat of blood-colored aging wine made Yisi's body tremble continuously.

If this bucket of Jinze's blood is allowed to be absorbed by himself, his bloodline will definitely grow from the current basis.

Yi Si has recognized Liu Xi's identity.

Liu Xi is nothing more than an evil spirit, and he hasn't even reached the peak of the evil spirit.

Such an existence, Fang Mu, is willing to provide such abundant resources!

Then if I do things for Fang Mu wholeheartedly in the future, Fang Mu will definitely not treat me badly.

After all, his own strength and ability are much stronger than an earth evil spirit, and he can accomplish more things for Fang Mu!

Originally, when Fang Mu talked about Xuezu Qiangwei, Yisi's heart tightened.

Blood Ancestor Qiangwei only dares to think about the Queen who sits at the top of the Red Moon Council, and she is not among them!

Coveting Blood Ancestor Rose would bring him a lot of trouble.

If Fang Mu can reward herself so generously, Yisi is willing to take the risk.

And after his bloodline is promoted, his authority in the Red Moon Council itself will be raised.

Now that he is by Fang Mu's side, he can still maintain his sanity.

But as the influence of blood crystals on him became more and more serious, facing Fang Mu's orders, he would most likely want to obey from the bottom of his heart.

Yi Si is glad that Fang Mu is a generous host.

Following Fang Mu's subordinates can give him more benefits than before.

Otherwise, Fang Mu would not give him even the slightest benefit, and he could only serve as a slave!

Fang Mu couldn't help laughing at Liu Xi's actions.

Fang Mu and Yisi confirmed that the effect of the blood mist on Yisi is greater than that of the bloody aging!

If it hadn't been related to the control of a strong man of order, Fang Mu would have given out so much blood-colored aged wine for Liu Xi to absorb.

Coagulating the blood of the contract is Fang Mu's top priority.

After a long while, Yisi withdrew her envious gaze and took out the bloody mist that Fang Mu had given her.

In front of Fang Mu, he greedily and satisfactorily absorbed it.

The bloody mist entered Yisi's body, causing Yisi to groan in joy.

Fang Mu could clearly feel that Yisi's wounded origin was rapidly recovering under the nourishment of the bloody mist.

Yisi absorbed the bloody mist without even a trace of blockage.

This made Fang Mu secretly think, and he didn't know that Xue Zhifeng Rang himself had a certain relationship with the blood clan.

It was because Xue Zhifeng had been consuming and absorbing the hearts of high-level vampires that Bloody Mist fit the vampires so well!

It didn't take long for Yisi to absorb all the bloody mist that Fang Mu gave Yisi.

Not only is Yisi using the energy of the blood mist to restore the source of the wound, but she is also using the blood mist to stimulate her own blood.

In just three or four hours, Yisi felt that she had grown more than in the past five years!

After becoming the queen of the blood clan, Yisi was often suppressed by other queens of the blood clan.

Especially after entering the Red Moon Council, Yisi, who was ranked last, had to work hard to improve herself.

It's not that they don't even have the slightest right to speak!

These five years can be said to be the hardest five years for Yisi.

Yisi regretted that the bloody mist given by Fang Mu was exhausted so quickly.

However, his injuries did recover a lot.

Just when Yi Si was about to listen to Fang Mu's instructions to her, she saw the bloody mist instantly diffuse from Fang Mu's origin.

Filled every corner of the second floor of the ingenious bunker.

"You let go to absorb the blood mist, and you stop immediately when I say stop."

Yisi was ecstatic when she heard the words, and hurriedly circulated her own blood, greedily devouring the bloody mist that surrounded her.

Yisi wasn't sure when Fang Mu would stop, so Yisi was trying to absorb the bloody mist every minute and every second.

Four hours later, when Liuxi had absorbed all the dead souls.

Fang Mu yelled heavily to stop.

Even if Yisi misses the bloody mist any more, she doesn't dare to continue absorbing the bloody mist.

Fang Mu calculated that these four hours consumed about one-tenth of the sum of all the bloody mist in him.

Yisi absorbed the bloody mist with all her strength, and the speed at which she considered absorbing the bloody mist was completely different.

However, during these four hours, Feng Xuefeng only regenerated a little bit of bloody mist.

Under the experiment, Mu found that the bloody mist was actually a by-product released by his own blood when brewing bloody brew and contract blood.

Looking at the amount of bloody mist released at the moment, it will probably take nearly a month to make up for this tenth of the gap.

This experiment let Fang Mu roughly know how much bloody mist can be provided to Yisi every once in a while in the future to help Yisi improve her blood.

Feeling Yisi's breath, Fang Mu didn't feel happy.

Instead, he frowned and asked Yi Si.

"It won't be long before you will drive the Red Moon Castle and return to the blood clan's base camp."

"Your own blood energy has increased so much, won't it arouse the suspicion of other blood queens after you go back?"

Upon hearing this, Yisi quickly restrained her breath.

"Master Shengzi, the blood race can control its own breath at the level of a queen."

"I can precisely control my blood aura, so as not to let my elevated blood aura show!"

"So there is no such thing as being noticed by other blood queens."

"This operation lost two blood princes and hundreds of blood servants, and it will not cause any trouble."

"These blood princes do have other relationships in the blood clan."

"But I can find any excuse to prevaricate."

"And as a queen, she also has the right to execute those princes who disrespect her."

"As for the blood servants, they will be recruited and trained soon."

Yisi gave Fangmu a serious explanation, and these words were full of gold.

Let Fang Mu generally know the status and living status of the blood queen in the blood clan.

It can be said that in the blood clan, the queen only talks to the queen.

Other blood clans, even blood clan princes, are still ants in front of the queen and can be slaughtered at will.

Yisi's words made Fang Mu feel relieved, Fang Mu didn't want to cause some follow-up turmoil in his training of Yisi.

"So good!"

"You should hold back your edge and plan among the blood clan!"

"If there is any request, I will communicate with you through the whispering Landie."

"You can also let me know what's going on with the blood clan through Xuyu Landie!"

"Every month from now on when the moon is full, I will provide you with a piece of blood mist to help you grow!"

"When the blood race has reached the level of the queen, there should be a division of realms, right?"

If Fang Mu asked Yisi such a question when she was under Fang Mu's control, Yisi would be very entangled and didn't want to answer.

Even if the answer is not so detailed.

But now that she has realized the benefits of submitting to Fang Mu, the interests of the blood clan are no longer important to Yisi.

Because Yisi has already given birth to a longing for the blood queen.

Once I become the queen of the blood clan, my own interests are equivalent to the interests of the entire blood clan!

"My lord, the queen class in the blood clan is against the order class of humans and beasts."

"The order is divided into twelve levels, and the same is true for the queen level of the blood race."

"I was originally in the state of the second blood sacrifice, and it was through absorbing the blood energy you provided me that my queen's bloodline was successfully promoted to the third blood sacrifice."

"When the bloodline reaches the twelve blood sacrifices, you can sacrifice your own blood emblem and blood crystal, let the blood crystal evolve into a blood baby, and the blood emblem evolve into a scarlet crown."

"Only when these two conditions are met at the same time can we launch an impact towards the queen class!"

"This is also the reason why, in the legend of the blood clan, the queens are all brought here under their belts!"

Fang Mu had never heard of any blood legends, but now his eyes were opened.

He also clearly understood what the classification of blood races was all about!

"Don't call me Holy Son, just call me Master like Liuxi!"

"Have the pinnacle queens you told me about reached the level of the Twelve Blood Sacrifice?"

Yi Si shook her head lightly upon hearing this.

"Master, the strongest of the blood clan is currently asleep."

"This decades-long slumber is to launch an impact from the tenth blood sacrifice to the eleventh blood sacrifice!"

"It's like the blood race has the strength to crush imperial beasts and alien beasts in other ranks."

"A queen who reaches the tenth blood sacrifice is comparable in strength to a human being at the peak of order!"

Yi Si's expression was quite arrogant when she said these words.

Blood races have always looked down on other races, including humans.

But Fang Mu didn't think so, the fact that the blood race was suppressed by humans was the best proof.

Otherwise, how could the blood clan be willing to sign an agreement with Diyuan and live in a corner?

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