Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 475 Reunion with Jin Ya!

Among human beings, there is more than one powerhouse at the pinnacle of order.

However, in the long years of the blood race, there has never been a blood queen whose strength has reached the eleventh blood sacrifice!

The stronger the party, the more power to speak.

This situation is not only applicable to human forces, but also applicable to different life groups.

At noon the next day, Jin Zhaoyan came to look for him before Jin Xuan was waiting, and the summoning beast that Jin Ya had given to Fang Mu at the beginning became active.

"Amu, I have received your coordinates, and I will be there in twenty minutes!"

"What are you doing all the time running to this wilderness?"

"I heard that Longteng Federation has many special delicacies. This time, if you have time, can you take me around to taste?"

As the only noble daughter of the Huihuang clan, Jin Ya bears the honor inherited from the family and has always been proud to the outside world.

Because once Jin Ya's momentum weakened, it was equivalent to the weakening of the momentum of the Brilliant Clan.

So this made Jinya doomed not to make friends.

The Brilliant Clan and the Boundless Tower became close allies, creating an opportunity for Jin Ya and Fang Mu to become friends.

In addition, Jin Ya and Fang Mu are both formal members of the mysterious organization Xinglun, so the relationship between them is very close.

She rarely showed her little girl side to her friend Jinya!

Fang Mu has two things to do during this time.

One is to vigorously develop the Boundless Tower and use the existing resources at hand to replace other materials.

The second is to improve your personal strength.

Iron needs to be hard by itself, and the square wood itself is the pillar of the entire infinite tower.

But these two things didn't take Fang Mu much time.

There is still some time for Fang Mu to take Jin Ya to wander around the Longteng Federation!

Before that, Fang Mu really didn't know that the Brilliant Clan would send Jin Ya over.

Jin Ya's position in the Brilliant Clan is absolutely clear.

Qin Shao is expressing the sincerity of the Brilliant Clan to himself to the greatest extent.

Fang Mu specifically told the four members of the Brilliant Clan, including Jin Xuan and Jin Zhaoyan, not to disclose this operation to the outside world.

This includes the Brilliant Clan of the four of them.

As the saying goes, one thing more is worse than one thing less, and this matter is over.

The four of them told the situation to the inside of the Brilliant Clan, and there would inevitably be problems if there were too many people.

The four of them agreed to Fang Mu, and from Jin Ya's words, Fang Mu could be sure that the four of them hadn't revealed their previous plan against the blood queen.

"No problem, I have basically eaten all the delicious specialties of our Longteng Federation."

"I will pick a few time-honored brands that have been passed down for hundreds of years to show you a taste!"

"How long are you going to stay here this time?"

When Jin Ya, who was on the side of the summoning beast, heard Fang Mu's words, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up.

The eyebrows and eyes were bent down, as if hiding an amber.

"I can't stay long."

"You should have heard of it, right? Diyuan has prepared a competition among the major powers, which has caused many hidden wealthy families to choose to participate in this hegemony in this world!"

"I have to go back and improve my strength with grandma after staying for three or two days!"

"Your Boundless Tower should also send people to participate in this duel, right?"

It has been a long time since the major forces have gathered together to participate in a certain event.

In particular, this grand event was planned by Diyuan, which was full of gold.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for ordinary gatherings to attract the hidden wealthy family.

Fang Mu said with a noncommittal smile.

"It's natural. When you contract the strength of the Infinite Silver Silkworm, you will definitely be able to make further progress on the current basis in a short period of time!"

"We've already finished the negotiation before the bargaining chip, just meet and make a deal directly!"

"Two or three days is enough time for me to take you to taste the delicacies of the Dragon Federation."

"I will ask people to buy more special snacks and bring them to you when you leave!"

"Store in space equipment for a long time without deterioration."

Jin Ya didn't choose to end the call after finishing talking with Fang Mu.

Instead, he kept communicating with Fang Mu.

Fang Mu regards Jin Ya as a friend, and is also willing to chat with Jin Ya.

Fang Mu found that Jin Ya's thoughts were extraordinarily unconstrained, and many viewpoints were strange but very reasonable, and he could be regarded as an interesting soul.

Fang Mu has finished dealing with the things that should be dealt with.

Fang Mu let the blood queen Yisi enter the secret room, while Liu Xi waited on the second floor.

Fang Mu personally came outside the ingenious bunker to meet Jin Ya, a friend who came from afar.

Seeing Fang Mu coming down the stairs, Jin Xuan hurriedly greeted him.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, members of our Brilliant Clan should be arriving soon."

"I will go to contact the family, and I will notify you as soon as they arrive!"

Hearing this, Fang Mu pointed to the outside of the clever bunker.

"It's here."

"You go out with me to greet you!"

Fang Mu's words made Jin Xuan startled, Jin Xuan didn't know who the family sent to trade this time.

Jin Xuan did not expect that the family would send Jin Ya, the only heir, to trade.

Jin Ya is favored by the Huihui clan, and her status is no lower than that of Qin Shao, the mother of the clan, and she is the eyeball of the entire Huihuang clan.

The fact that the family dispatched Jin Ya directly made Fang Mu's status in Jin Xuan's heart infinitely elevated.

Unexpectedly, Jin Ya was so familiar with Fang Mu, she didn't inform herself immediately after her arrival, but contacted Fang Mu first.

Fang Mu didn't care about the beating thoughts in Jin Xuan's heart, and saw Jin Ya standing beside the beast-chariot as soon as he got out of the Tricky Bunker.

Under the noon sun in the wilderness, he smiled and waved to Fang Mu.

The style of the goose-yellow dress was extremely simple, but Fang Mu could tell at a glance that the fabric of the dress was spun from the new silk of the Xiguang Morning Spider.

Xiguang morning spider is a very special spider beast, which lives on osmanthus trees and feeds on Xiguang all the year round.

Only when feeding offspring will they spit out a large amount of spider silk.

The new silk is the first silk of a dawn morning spider's nest. It is the lightest in color, but it is the most similar to the morning light that breaks the night.

The color of the silk thread spit out by the Xiguang morning spider is orange-yellow, far less stunning than the first thread.

The eastern and western woods of clothing fabrics were unknown before.

But Fang Mu couldn't help having She Wan, a textile master, by his side.

When a person reaches a certain level, his knowledge and vision will also become broadened.

Simple style, delicate and complicated cut, the only decoration of the whole dress is the gold beads embroidered from the shoulders to the cuffs.

These golden beads are not metal, but pearls produced by the blue tide golden clam under the bottom of the sea.

She Wan has one in her collection, which has always been regarded as a treasure.

However, there are nearly forty gold beads embroidered on Jin Ya's body.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Jin Ya's outfit would only be praised for its beauty.

People who can understand can see Jin Ya's background and the background behind Jin Ya from Jin Ya's clothes.

"Amu, it's been almost two months since we last said goodbye."

"What is the effect of Brilliant Golden Honey?"

"This time I brought you a few bottles of Brilliant Rose pollen. Burning Brilliant Rose pollen as incense also has the effect of promoting spiritual growth."

"The effect is much better than Brilliant Gold Honey!"

"It's just that the pollen of the Brilliant Rose is rare, and it is usually only used by internal members of the family."

Fang Mu greeted him with a smile, he was not polite to Jin Ya.

What Jin Ya took out was exactly what Fang Mu needed now.

After Qin Shao's lifespan was restored, the Brilliant Clan planned to show their strength.

The event led by Diyuan this time is a good opportunity for the Brilliant Clan to show off their talents.

Fang Mu took out a brocade box and handed it to Jin Ya.

"These five flower beads can be used to improve one's perception of the Xuan Wen."

"Swallowing a flower bead when you are in the epiphany stage, there is a high probability that you can directly comprehend the Xuanwen."

"If you want to comprehend a specific black pattern, you can also use this flower bead to assist you!"

Jin Ya took out a high-grade treasure as a gift for herself, and she naturally had to respond.

Jin Xuan, who was following Fang Mu, and Jin Zhaoyan looked at each other, and felt that the boy and girl standing under the noon sun were a perfect couple.

But the two of them dare not mess around with Jin Ya and Fang Mu.

It is best not to entangle young people's emotional matters with interests.

The Brilliant Clan would not do such a cheap thing.

It is also impossible for a holy creator to use the happiness of his disciples as a bargaining chip to achieve a certain goal.

After Fang Mu and Jin Ya finished talking, Jin Xuan was about to open his mouth and stepped forward to salute Jin Ya.

Jin Ya came to Jin Zhaoyan excitedly.

Looking at Jin Zhaoyan's growing left leg, Jin Ya said with reddened eyes.

"Second Elder, your body has finally recovered!"

"I didn't believe it when I heard what the clan mother said!"

Jin Ya grew up under the watchful eye of Jin Zhaoyan.

When Jin Zhaoyan was secretly injured, Jin Ya was not born yet.

In Jin Ya's impression, Jin Zhaoyan has always been an elder who wears prosthetic limbs, is very kind to him but has a rather gloomy temperament.

Jin Zhaoyan felt Jin Ya's closeness and admiration for him.

But Jin Zhaoyan's heart tightened, and he hurried to speak.

"Xiaoya, how could you not be able to do what His Excellency Jianmu promised!?"

Hearing this, Jin Ya stuck out her tongue lightly, and looked at Fang Mu apologetically.

Jin Ya felt a little too relaxed seeing Fang Mu as a friend, otherwise Jin Ya would never have said such demeaning words.

Fang Mu smiled at Jin Ya, not caring at all.

On the contrary, Fang Mu liked Jin Ya's relaxed state in front of him very much.

If Jin Ya put on a social attitude in front of her like a young lady from a wealthy family, Fang Mu wouldn't need to regard Jin Ya as a friend!

Jin Xuan said to Jin Ya at the right time.

"Miss, Your Excellency Jianmu has already handed over the twenty boundless silver silkworms to me."

"Take a look, and then you can hand over the resources we prepared to Your Excellency Jianmu!"

Jin Xuan knew that Fang Mu had the idea of ​​letting the earth evil spirit under his command control Mr. Hei, and now he urgently needed to devour these newly acquired evil spirits to be promoted.

Otherwise, there is no need to wait here!

Closing the deal as soon as possible is also a way of showing favor to the other side.

Hearing this, Jin Ya directly handed Fang Mu a piece of space equipment that looked like an ornament.

Space equipment is often used to make jewelry, but space equipment in the shape of decorations of the same level can indeed hold more than space equipment in the shape of jewelry!

Jin Ya trusts Fang Mu, and it is impossible for Fang Mu to play tricks in the transaction with the Brilliant Clan.

Jin Xuan has always done things safely.

Since Jin Xuan took the initiative to bring up this matter, he must have checked the condition of the twenty boundless silver silkworms.

Fang Mumosuo took a look at the space equipment that looked like an ornament in his hand, and then spoke to Jin Ya seriously.

"Aya, you guys sit down on the first floor of the ingenious bunker, I need to deal with some things."

"I'll take you to various places in Longteng Federation to taste all kinds of delicacies after I'm done!"

Jin Ya said with a smile when she heard the words.

"It just so happens that I'm tired from the journey, and I need to take a good rest."

"You take your time and call me when you're done!"

After Fang Mu returned to the second floor of the ingenious bunker with the space equipment in the shape of a decoration, he carefully inspected the resources in the space equipment.

Not only was the material promised to him by the Brilliant Clan not missing at all, but they also gave him some extra dead souls.

Fang Mu first handed these dead souls to Liu Xi, and let Liu Xi wantonly absorb these dead souls.

Then Fang Mu called out Yisi from the secret room, and asked Yisi to release the evil spirit in the space equipment when Liuxi made a request.

Feed them to Liuxi one by one.

With Fang Mu's current strength, he is simply not qualified for this job.

You must know that those handsome evil spirits who are only one step away from the earth evil spirits are all at the level of sequence.

If these evil spirits struggled during Liuxi's absorption process, it would affect Liuxi's absorption effect on these evil spirits.

It also takes longer to absorb.

Yisi can control these evil spirits so that they cannot struggle when they are absorbed by Liu Xi.

These more than forty evil spirit square trees have not been carefully inspected, but the number of these evil spirits has only been initially confirmed.

Later, when Yisi feeds these evil spirits in Liuxi, Fang Mu will investigate these evil spirits one by one.

Under Yisi's envious eyes, Liu Xi absorbs these dead souls at an extremely fast speed in conjunction with the blood-colored wine.

After Liu Xi concentrated on absorbing the dead soul for more than half an hour, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Seeing this, Yisi quickly released an evil spirit, and then imprisoned the tall and strong evil spirit with blood magic.

While the evil spirit was constantly struggling and howling, he handed the evil spirit to Liu Xi.

Liu Xi opened her mouth and sucked lightly at the evil spirit.

A wave of energy was drawn out of this evil spirit, and it continuously gathered towards Liu Xi's body.

Fang Mu could keenly feel that the aura of this evil spirit was rapidly decaying.

It's like dropping ice into hot water.

The ability of this evil spirit is to accumulate power and explode, condensing its own power at one point during the attack, and playing an attack effect much higher than its own power.

Many monsters have this ability.

Although brilliant, it is not irreplaceable.

If this kind of evil spirit is captured by other forces, it is afraid that it will not spend resources to transform it into a heroic spirit.

One by one, the evil spirits were continuously fed to Liuxi by Yisi.

Every time Liuxi devours an evil spirit, it will absorb nearly one hundred milliliters of bloody aged wine.

Yisi, who was feeding at the side, was experiencing a feeling of scratching her heart and liver, extremely longing but helpless.

It's like a person who has been hungry for three days is watching a very appetizing broadcast.

When Yi Si released an evil spirit from the space equipment as usual, Fang Mu's pupils suddenly shrank when he saw the ability of this evil spirit.

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