Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 476 Sleepy Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty!

This evil spirit has an ability called enchantment stripping, which can reversely destroy the enchantment or create a link between its own energy and the enchantment.

Use the power of the original enchantment to peep and perceive the energy in the enchantment.

When Fang Mu was negotiating with Jin Xuan, the Brilliant Clan made it clear that among the evil spirits they provided for them were exceptionally high-quality existences.

This evil spirit is obviously one of them!

Although this kind of evil spirit that can break the enchantment shield has great limitations compared with those evil spirits that create the enchantment.

But it can play a huge role in critical moments.

The purpose of setting up an enchantment is to isolate the perception of the outside world.

Once Fang Mu mastered the ability to see through the enchantment, he could even use these enchantments to defeat the enemy when facing the enemy's enchantment ability!

Now the strength of this evil spirit is only at the peak of the handsome level.

After being promoted to the evil spirit, the ability of this evil spirit will be enhanced, and even new abilities will be evolved!

In addition to its ability, this evil spirit is also quite handsome in appearance, living up to the name Sleeping Star Beauty!

This handsome evil spirit doesn't look aggressive at all.

A girl in plain pajamas wore a nightcap, her long hair hanging like seaweed down to her ankles.

It almost covered most of the woman's body.

The eyes are closed tightly, and there is a sweet smile on the delicate little face, just dreaming some sweet dream.

There are six stars twinkling on the head.

The mood of this evil spirit named Sleeping Star Beauty is far from being as calm as it looks.

Sleeping Star Beauty will enter a sleep state when attacking or defending.

The sleeping star with the ability to visualize will light up around you.

You Yisi controlled the evil spirit named Sleeping Star Beauty through blood magic, and Sleeping Star Beauty couldn't resist Yi Si even if she tried her best.

Just when Yi Si grabbed Sleeping Star beauty and was about to put her in front of Liu Xi.

Only Fang Mu's eager voice sounded from the side.

"Stop! Put this evil spirit back and replace it with a new evil spirit!"

"I'm going to keep this evil spirit!"

Yi Si was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and then looked enviously at the sleeping star beauty who was struggling in her hands.

This evil spirit had a stroke of luck.

Fang Mu is willing to cultivate this evil spirit, and this evil spirit will probably enjoy the same treatment as Liu Xi in the future.

It can be said to be a step up to the sky!

Obviously, one second was the bait of being imprisoned, and the next second he became the lucky one who can enjoy high-quality resources.

Yisi followed Fang Mu's instructions and continued to feed the evil spirits for Liuxi after taking back the sleeping star beauty.

Fang Mu could feel that Liuxi's aura was constantly rising.

Gradually, Liuxi's breath raising speed became slower and slower, and it seemed that it was about to reach a critical point.

And the speed at which Liuxi absorbed the blood-colored aging wine also became faster on the original basis.

This barrel of blood-colored aging wine has bottomed out at this time.

Fang Mu hesitated for a while, then took out another barrel of blood-colored aged wine and put it in front of Liu Xi.

Fang Mu didn't say anything, but what Fang Mu did was tantamount to expressing his attitude directly.

Originally Yisi was envious of Liu Xi, but now Yisi's heart is completely unbalanced!

Fang Mu provided more resources for Liuxi than for himself.

But Yi Si dared not show any dissatisfaction or jealousy towards Liu Xi in front of Fang Mu.

Yisi kept calming down and gradually figured out one thing.

Fang Mu provided Liuxi with so many resources so that Liuxi could control Mr. Hei outside.

In the future, as long as the other party is useful to me, I can dig out my own value with Fang Mu.

Fang Mu will definitely focus on cultivating himself in the future!

Fang Mu originally thought that among the evil spirits provided by the Brilliant Clan, it would be great to have an existence like the Sleeping Star Beauty.

Unexpectedly, Yisi took out another evil spirit that made Fang Mu's heart flutter.

This evil spirit is called Awakening Moon Beauty, and just by looking at the name, it is known that it is related to Sleeping Star Beauty.

From the appearance, the two look like a pair of twins.

It's just that what surrounds Sleeping Star Beauty is not a star, but a crescent moon.

This crescent moon gradually transitions to a full moon.

The body of Awakening Moon Beauty, who was fully awake, trembled, showing a frightened look.

Evil spirits are a collection of evil thoughts, and they are fierce creatures that can only be bred by death.

Ordinary people's impressions of evil spirits are fierce, ferocious and evil.

But when an evil spirit faces a powerful kind, it will show its weak side.

Not to mention that Awakening Moon Beauty is controlled by Yisi at this time.

Even if Beauty Awakening Moon is not controlled by Yisi, Liu Xi can easily subdue Beauty Awakening Moon, and then devour Beauty Awakening Moon.

Sleeping Star Beauty's ability is to disintegrate and see through barriers.

The ability of this Moon Awakening Beauty is to create barriers.

From the perspective of ability, the ability of Awakening Moon Beauty is comparable to the evil spirit that Fang Mu obtained in the ancient battlefield before, which has the ability to create enchantment.

But in terms of appearance, Beauty Awakening Moon is much stronger than the evil spirit that Fang Mu captured before!

Moreover, with the continuous improvement of Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty, it is very likely that there will be a linkage in the later stage.

Therefore, cultivating Awakening Moon Beauty is much better than cultivating the evil spirit that Fang Mu captured before.

Fang Mu kept Beauty Awakening Moon just like he had asked Yisi to keep Beauty Sleeping Star.

Then he directly took out the evil spirit that was left before, and asked Yisi to feed it to Liu Xi, who had faintly shown signs of a breakthrough.

The previous evil spirit, Fangmu, hadn't had time to be cultivated, nor had it been contracted with contract blood.

Fang Mu has no relationship with this evil spirit.

Before this evil spirit formed a bond with Fang Mu, it was a handy tool.

Now that there are better tools to replace, it can be easily discarded.

Fang Mu and Liu Xi have worked together for a while, and they already have a deep bond.

Even if Fang Mu didn't control that Mr. Hei, he wouldn't choose to put Liu Xi in danger.

But before Fang Mu made a contract with Liu Xi, Liu Xi's status in Fang Mu's heart was equal to that of this abandoned evil spirit.

To Fangmu, it was a surprise for Fangmu to gain the Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty.

But Fang Mu didn't intend to thank the Brilliant Clan in particular.

It would be a bit of a fuss to make a fuss if he thanked the Huihuang clan with great fanfare because of these two evil spirits.

Fang Mu can control the evil spirits, but others cannot.

If it weren't for the fact that Sleeping Star Beauty and Awakening Moon Beauty were too low in rank, they would have been transformed into heroic spirits by the Brilliant Clan long ago!

Just when Fang Mu withdrew his mind from Beauty Sleeping Star and Beauty Awakening Moon, and was about to put it back on Liu Xi.

A violent energy exploded from Liu Xi's body.

This energy will not harm Fang Mu, the contractor, but it obviously makes Yisi's breath tense up.

While running the energy to fight against the frenzied energy erupting from Liu Xi's body, Yi Si whispered to Fang Mu.

"Master, with the input of your resources, this earth evil spirit has already begun to transform into a sky evil spirit."

"After the evil spirit of the earth is successfully promoted to the evil spirit of the sky, one crown and six decorations will become two crowns and eight decorations and one volume."

"You have provided enough resources for this earth evil spirit, and this earth evil spirit is also very smart, and the energy absorbed has been excessive."

"Completing the promotion with sufficient energy can basically be regarded as a certainty."

"If the energy in this evil spirit is short, I will give the energy in me to this evil spirit to help it go further!"

The blood race has an extremely profound inheritance and has a deep understanding of the situation of evil spirits.

Knowing that in the process of promoting the evil spirits from the earth to the sky, the most feared thing is the lack of energy.

Once the energy is insufficient, the promotion of the evil spirit will fall short.

Some evil spirits once sought shelter from the vampires.

Under the resource supply of the blood clan, he was promoted to the evil spirit of the sky.

It's just that the evil spirits are a bunch of uncooked bastards.

After gaining the benefits of integrity, this evil spirit finally betrayed the blood clan.

The occurrence of this incident caused the blood race to completely change its attitude towards evil spirits.

But the evil spirit raised by Fang Mu is obviously much closer to Fang Mu.

And obey Fang Mu wholeheartedly.

After Liu Xi was promoted to Sky Evil Spirit, his strength was already comparable to that of an orderly powerhouse.

Afterwards, she and Liu Xi worked together by Fang Mu's side, and Yi Si had a plan to make friends with Liu Xi.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said that he was willing to use his own energy to make up for the lack of energy in Liuxi's promotion process.

Of course, the reason why Yi Si said these words was not only because she wanted to make friends with Liu Xi, but also because Yi Si wanted to please Fang Mu.

After his original source was consumed, Fang Mu rewarded him with a bloody mist anyway.

These bloody mist can quickly help him restore his origin.

Fang Mu was still very worried about Liu Xi's situation.

Fang Mu had no previous experience in nurturing an earth evil spirit into a sky evil spirit.

I'm afraid that Liu Xi will be in danger due to some problems during the promotion process.

Hearing what Yi Si said, Fang Mu put his heart in his stomach.

"Thank you for your hard work, Yisi!"

"If Liuxi needs your help during the promotion process, you can just let go and help."

"I'll make it up to you when it's done."

Yi Si felt excited when she heard Fang Mu's words, but Liu Xi didn't give Yi Si this chance.

It can be said that Liu Xi's promotion went extremely smoothly.

The crown that Liu Xi gave birth to when she was promoted to the evil spirit became more luxurious than before.

The crystals in the flower buds of the head crown are splitting, and clusters of broken crystals are like stamens.

A bun was tied under Liu Xi's crown.

A larger crown almost covered the back of Liu Xi's head.

The crown of the head is full of coquettish poppies, and soft flower vines hang down from the crown of the head.

Like a tassel, it will sway gently with Liu Xi's movements.

Originally, the color of Liuxi's first crown was only pink and purple, but the new crown has added black, red, light green and dark green.

Added layers to the crown.

This made Liu Xi's aura increase in an instant!

After Liuxi gave birth to the second crown, the original six decorations became more gorgeous.

The cloud shoulders that originally only reached the back fell to the waist.

Fang Mu was very curious about where Liuxi's other two ornaments would appear.

At this moment, Fang Mu saw a huge sachet on Liu Xi's waist.

After the sachet appeared, Liu Xi's body was permeated with a strange fragrance.

Fang Mu's complexion was normal when he smelled the strange fragrance, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with the strange fragrance.

After Ke Yisi smelled the strange fragrance, there was a slight change in the way she looked at Liu Xi for a moment.

This kind of fascinated look should never appear on a blood queen.

Especially when facing a female creature.

The seventh ornament that Liu Xi gave birth to did not target him, but it had such an impact on him because of the leakage of his breath.

This made Yi Si have a surprised expression on his face.

It's not that Yisi has never met the evil spirit of the sky, but the evil spirit of the sky should never be so powerful.

You must know that you have already broken through to the level of the fourth blood sacrifice, but Yisi has just been promoted to the Heavenly Evil Spirit.

Yisi has never absorbed the blood-colored aging wine provided by Fang Mu, so she doesn't know the magic of the blood-colored aging wine.

Fang Mu used nearly 10,000 milliliters of blood-colored aged wine to cultivate Liuxi, which can be said to be creating a miracle.

At the level of life, the ordinary Heavenly Evil Spirit couldn't compare with Liu Xi at all.

It's just that Fang Mu himself didn't realize this.

After seeing the momentum on Liu Xi, Fang Mu became curious about the position of the eighth ornament.

A pink-gold anklet appeared on the ankle of Liu Xi's left foot, and streamers hung down from the anklet.

The body of the bracelet itself is engraved with poppy patterns, and the ribbon is embroidered with poppy totems.

There is a pink-purple bell hanging under the streamer. These bells seem to be weightless and fly with the streamer in the sky without making a sound.

After the appearance of the eighth ornament, Liu Xi's eyes quietly opened.

Lifting Liu Xi's left hand, a simple ancient book appeared in Liu Xi's hand.

Fang Mu secretly thought that this classic book should be the one that Yi Si just mentioned?

The two crowns and eight decorations have been completed, and Liu Xi is now a real evil spirit!

After being promoted, Liu Xi didn't feel the change of her aura immediately, but came to Fang Mu's side and bowed to Fang Mu Yingying.

His eyes were full of gratitude.

Just like a filial child who has grown up and sees his parents when he returns home.

Fang Mu raised his hand to pull Liu Xi up, and said with a smile.

"It seems that your promotion went very smoothly."

"Just now Yisi said that if you have problems during the promotion process, she is willing to expend her own resources to help you get promoted!"

How could Fang Mu not know Xiao Jiujiu in Yisi's words.

Even if Fang Mu knew about Yisi's tricks, he still thanked Yisi.

As a high-ranking person, Yisi was required to make sacrifices during Liuxi's promotion process.

Even if Yisi would follow her instructions, she would inevitably feel dissatisfied.

Now Yi Si is willing to take the initiative to establish a good relationship with Liu Xi, and Fang Mu is also very happy to facilitate this.

In the process of being promoted just now, Liu Xi tried her best to sort out the energy in her body.

Didn't hear what Yi Si just said.

Hearing this, Liu Xi bowed her hands solemnly to Liu Xi.

"Thank you, if there is anything you can ask me to help in the future, I will not hesitate!"

After finishing speaking to Yi Si, Liu Xi spoke to Fang Mu very seriously.

"Master's evolutionary improvement this time is beyond my imagination."

"I originally thought that even if the Evil Spirit wants to control Mr. Hei and his contracted beast master and those two bone hackers, he needs to give up one of Mr. Zi and Meng Sha."

"It now appears that there is absolutely no need to make such a trade-off."

Speaking of this, Liu Xi paused for a moment, with a sad expression on his face.

Seeing this, Fang Mu had some guesses in his heart.

Liuxi was transformed from the soul of a strong man in a certain period before the seventh era.

Mostly remembered something after being promoted!

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