Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 477: The Waywardness of the Holy Creator!

Fang Mu didn't know what Liu Xi thought of, but Fang Mu could be sure of one thing.

A strong man like Liu Xi who was active in the fifth, sixth, or even fourth and fifth eras must have many stories about him.

The evil spirits transformed by these strong men and the ruins that were silent in the ancient battlefield showed the glory of that era.

"Master, I remember something."

"This includes the fusion method of metal spiritual materials."

"If Jiang Weng has no clue, I think I might be able to help Jiang Weng!"

Fang Mu was startled when he heard Liu Xi's words.

Fang Mu originally thought that the memories Liu Xi obtained after being promoted to the Heavenly Evil Spirit were a shortcut to understand the world before the Seventh Era.

But I never thought that such abilities are still contained in the memory of awakening!

The space equipment called the diamond-level sleepy spirit box is of great significance. Once it can be forged in batches, the space system spirit equipment will no longer be the most expensive existence in the same level.

Although the storage space of the diamond-level spirit box is smaller than that of the space spirit tool, it is still enough for a strong person to store supplies.

And the diamond-level spirit box is as exquisite as the space spirit weapon from the outside.

If one had to look for shortcomings, it would probably be that the space spirit weapon was difficult to open after it was taken away by others.

Unless the contractor of the space spirit weapon is killed.

However, after the diamond-level sleepy spirit box is obtained, as long as the mental power is injected into the sleepy spirit box, the access to the items can be realized.

This may seem like a disadvantage, but in a way it is a good thing!

For example, if the chamber of commerce transports supplies, each of the dispatched troops needs to contract a space spirit weapon, and use the space system spirit weapon to load the supplies.

The spiritual weapons that a beast master can acquire are limited.

There are indeed some special spiritual materials that can increase the number of marrow contracts of the beast master to the spiritual weapon.

But this kind of spiritual material is expensive and rare, and it is difficult to use even the children of great powers.

Therefore, there is no way to popularize it at all!

This makes the caravan's transport personnel have to be equipped with one less spiritual weapon.

If it is possible to use the spirit box to transport the supplies, replace the space spirit weapons of these caravan members.

It can definitely improve the overall strength of the caravan!

Fang Mu knew that if there was something in Liu Xi's awakened memory that he needed to tell him, Liu Xi would definitely tell him.

Fang Mu didn't intend to get to the bottom of Liu Xi's awakening memories.

There are many sad memories for Liu Xi to bury in his heart, and repeated mentions will only keep touching Liu Xi's wounds.

"After Liu Xi finishes this matter, you can go back to the capital to communicate with Grandmaster Jiang Weng, and just give Jiang Weng the method of metal spiritual material fusion!"

Jiang Weng is his own, and Fang Mu has already controlled Jiang Weng.

Jiang Weng mastered the method of fusing metal and spiritual materials, which is equivalent to being mastered by Fang Mu.

Before Fang Mu had been letting Mr. Zi, whose strength reached the peak of the sequence, protect Fang Yuan's safety in the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

Shu Liangjun, a strong man of order, was by his side to protect his safety.

Let Mr. Hei follow him again, Fang Mu always felt that it didn't make much sense.

It's better to leave this Mr. Hei, who has stepped into order, in the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce when Liuxi completely controls him.

On the one hand, let Mr. Hei guide Fang Yuan, on the other hand, it can also protect the safety of Fang Yuan and the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

In the future, when encountering the kind of situation that requires a strong man to take action to control the scene, a strong man at the order level is enough to suppress any scene.

Shu Liangjun is Fang Mu's guardian, and Fang Mu can let Shu Liangjun help him, but he can't control Shu Liangjun at will.

But Mr. Black is different.

As a puppet completely manipulated by Liu Xi, Fang Mu just let Mr. Hei gnaw the food on the ground like a dog and beast in front of him without the dignity of a strong man.

Mr. Hei will obey him wholeheartedly!

Liu Xi is now a Heavenly Evil Spirit. A Heavenly Evil Spirit with the ability to control allows Liu Xi not only to control a strong man like Mr. Hei.

This action gave Fang Mu's subordinates a new breakthrough in their strength!

Holding the two cards of Liuxi and Yisi, Fang Mu can do many things.

Liuxi came to Mr. Hei's side through the changing wall of the ingenious bunker.

Shu Liangjun has been tense these days and has been paying attention to Mr. Hei's situation.

Shu Liangjun was very afraid that Mr. Hei would break free from the control he and Su Qing had laid down.

Shu Liangjun was not afraid of fighting Mr. Hei.

Su Qing's control over Mr. Hei is destructive, and Mr. Hei has been damaged from the very beginning.

Even with two bone hackers by his side, Shu Liangjun is sure that he can defeat Mr. Hei.

But once Mr. Hei got out of control, he would fight with himself.

The news that the blood queen is in the ingenious bunker is bound to leak.

Mr. Hei went crazy and attacked Fang Mu one after another. Even if he and Liu Xi were protecting Fang Mu, it was difficult to guarantee that Fang Mu would not be in danger.

Feeling the aura of Liu Xi, Shu Liangjun couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Others don't know about Liuxi, but Shu Liangjun does.

Liuxi is an evil spirit lurking on the top of Panfeng Mountain, controlling Huang Yuan, the leader of the Panfeng Federation.

Back then, Shui Miao and Qin Shao wanted to kill Liu Xi, but Fang Mu saved Liu Xi.

Fang Mu not only promoted Liu Xi to the Earth Evil Spirit, but also promoted Liu Xi to the Sky Evil Spirit on the basis of the Earth Evil Spirit in just a few months.

It's hard for Shu Liangjun to imagine what kind of resources Qixing gave Fang Mu!

No matter how these resources are invested on an evil spirit, doesn't Qixing feel that it is a waste?

Perhaps this is the waywardness of the Holy Creator!

Liu Xi stood in front of Mr. Hei and looked at Mr. Hei for a moment.

Two days ago, Liu Xi could only look up at Mr. Hei, and was played by Mr. Hei like an ant.

But now the roles are reversed, and this Mr. Hei is about to become his own puppet.

A substantial spiritual force gushed out from Liu Xi's body.

Climb the coquettish poppy totem in the spiritual power.

This spiritual force was injected into Mr. Hei's body, and Mr. Hei's restrained body struggled and twisted strangely.

Liu Xi stroked her forehead with her slender fingers, looking a little tired.

Just when Mr. Hei's body was struggling to the limit, even the flower vines and stagnant space ability on his body were about to snap.

A book appeared in Liu Xi's hand.

Liu Xi opened the book, and read it out solemnly.

After a while, Liu Xi closed the book, allowing Shu Liangjun to release the restraint on Mr. Hei.

As soon as Mr. Hei raised his hand, he regained control of the two bone hackers.

Take back the two Bone Hacker and Charm Bone Stinger into the mental space.

Liu Xi took Mr. Hei back to the secret room of the ingenious bunker, and Fang Mu returned to his life.

This time the plan was a complete success, Fang Mu looked at Mr. Hei and stretched his waist happily.

Such gains are not in vain for Fang Mu's planning during this time!

Fang Mu asked Jin Ya to go all the way to Xiadu, which is next to Fulong Canyon.

As the southernmost city in the Dragon Federation, Xiadu's cuisine can be said to be the most charming in the entire Dragon Federation.

The flavor of the food is mainly hot and sour.

Other cities in Longteng Federation seldom use fruits to make dishes, but there are many dishes made with fruits in Xiadu.

The dishes in Xiadu are very popular among ladies, and it is one of the most visited cities!

But Jin Ya could not stay in Longteng Federation for long.

Fang Mu is going to take Jinya to play in Xiadu for a day, to taste more delicious food in Xiadu.

Then take Jinya to the capital.

Jin Ya can only stay in the capital for a day and a half, and then she has to lead the team back to Brilliant Castle.

Fang Mu and Jin Ya both changed their appearances.

The strong men of the Brilliant Clan and Shu Liangjun hide in the dark, protecting Fang Mu and Jin Ya in secret.

This made Fang Mu and Jin Ya very happy to play.

Liu Xi followed Fang Mu, but under Liu Xi's control, Mr. Hei rushed to the Wood Building Chamber of Commerce.

Jiang Weng always likes to be in a daze in the studio with a sad face during this time.

A spiritual forging master has a supernatural status, and Fang Yuan treats Jiang Weng extra favorably.

Provide Jiang Weng with the best living environment.

If Jiang Weng is asked to forge spirit weapons every day, even if the creation of sequence spirit weapons is very troublesome, Jiang Weng can still enjoy it!

During this period of time, Jiang Weng didn't even create a sequence spirit weapon, and all his thoughts were put on the research of the diamond-level spiritual box.

But there is no result at all!

Jiang Weng racked his brains to come up with several methods before, all of which ended in failure after the experiment.

This made Jiang Weng not know how to explain to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu not only saved Jiang Tuo, but also allowed Jiang Tuo's natal beast to successfully merge with himself.

He also provided Jiang Tuo with a number of natural disaster grade ice attribute ghost beasts.

Ever since Jiang Tuo hit Fang Mu's side, he felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

He even joined Fang Mu's team and became a teammate trained by Fang Mu.

Jiang Weng felt that his grades were really hard to match Fangmu's kindness.

The pressure made Jiang Weng's temperament a little gloomy, and his appearance was much older.

When Jiang Weng, who was feeling bored, heard the knock on his door, he knew that Fang Yuan must have something important to find him.

Otherwise, no one would bother a spirit forging master in the studio.

But when Jiang Weng opened the door, what he saw was not Fang Yuan and Fang Yuan's assistant Lu Bo.

It was a man covered in robes all over his body.

In the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, Jiang Weng has always been in a soothing state even if he is anxious.

But the moment he saw this figure, Jiang Weng's body tensed up.

Jiang Weng keenly realized that the figure in front of him must be a strong man stronger than himself!

The moment Jiang Weng released his momentum, a hoarse voice exploded in Jiang Weng's ears.

"I am from the Boundless Tower, and the master asked me to come to you!"

"Master has already researched a way to build a diamond-level spirit box."

"Seeing that there has been no movement from your side, I specially asked me to come and inform you."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xi controlled Mr. Hei to walk in swaggeringly, ready to impart knowledge to Jiang Weng.

Liu Xi didn't plan to talk nonsense to Jiang Weng, so he just instructed Jiang Weng directly after explaining the background.

After guiding Jiang Weng, Liu Xi will still manipulate Mr. Hei to report to Fang Yuan!

The most important thing to make a diamond-level spiritual box is to master the fusion process of metal spiritual materials.

This kind of fusion does not mean that the two metals become one, but that the characteristics of the two metals stimulate and promote each other.

Achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two!

This requires the use of supernatural fires to temper metal spirit materials.

Traditional blacksmiths also use different fires when forging spiritual weapons, and Jiang Weng already has them here.

With Jiang Weng's ability, he can probably produce twelve or thirteen diamond-level spirit boxes every week.

This kind of shipping speed is much faster than creating a sequence-level space spirit weapon!

And it does not need to consume expensive beast souls, which further reduces the production cost.

After receiving Liu Xi's guidance, Jiang Weng felt suddenly enlightened.

After half a day of experimentation, a diamond-level spirit box was forged with a size that was not up to the standard.

But even so, the internal storage area of ​​this diamond-level spirit box is half the size of a football field.

"Since you have initially mastered the ability to build a diamond-level sleepy spirit box, you should hone and improve this technique in the future!"

"After the storage area of ​​the diamond-level spiritual box you built reaches the size of two football fields, you can return to the master!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Xi directly ordered Mr. Hei to leave Jiang Weng's studio.

Although under Liu Xi's guidance, Jiang Weng has mastered the production technique of the diamond-level sleepy spirit box.

But after mastering this technology, Jiang Weng only felt that the pressure was gone.

After understanding the principle, Jiang Weng discovered that the making of the diamond-level spirit box is so simple!

Give yourself a week to perfect the skills you just mastered.

Let the specifications of the diamond-level spiritual box meet the standard.

The construction of the diamond-level sleepy spirit box does not need to describe the energy circuit at all.

The purpose of the blacksmith to describe the energy circuit is also to stimulate the effect of the metal spiritual material.

Jiang Weng is going to use the metal spiritual material fusion technology he has just mastered to try whether it can be fitted with the energy circuit.

If it is possible, the serial spirit weapon I created will definitely be improved to a higher level!

It is even possible to create a legendary order-level spiritual weapon!


The major federations, including the Longteng Federation, have not yet launched any action because of Diyuan's notice.

Implementing a measure in the federation will often affect the whole body, and it requires complete preparations!

However, the major forces have long been in turmoil because of Diyuan's decision!

This includes the court of true knowledge.

At this time, the twelve archangels of the Court of True Knowledge were arguing because of a misunderstanding between the Court of True Knowledge and a founding master.

"He Wen, how do you do things?"

"Let you represent Zhenzhiduting to celebrate Grandmaster Lanye's birthday, why did you conflict with other guests at Grandmaster Lanye's birthday banquet?"

"As a result, Grandmaster Lan Ye tore up the invitation card presented to the Court of True Knowledge, and publicly stated that he would not invite the Court of True Knowledge again for any future activities!"

"Grandmaster Lanye has always been good to the Court of True Knowledge before, basically every year he will take out a batch of medicines to trade with the Court of True Knowledge."

"If you cut off the channel for trading resources with Grandmaster Lanye, do you know how much the True Knowledge Court will suffer every year!?"

The holy and loving archangels of the court of true knowledge condemned their colleagues for their unusual anger and severity.

The female archangel who was criticized verbally and in writing blushed, and put her hands in front of the desk.

Because of the intense anger, his body trembled slightly.

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