Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 478: The Concern of the Court of True Knowledge!

At the beginning, I didn't want to represent Zhenzhiduting to participate in Grandmaster Lan Ye's birthday banquet, and these guys strongly recommended me to go.

Now that something happened, I have to bear the blame all by myself.

How can there be such a reason! ?

Grandmaster Lanye has outstanding abilities, but he is very greedy.

Among the founding masters He Wen knew, one of the rare founding masters would recruit a large number of assistants.

Grandmaster Lanye is openly recruiting assistants. I don't know how many hidden forces and wealthy families will want to hand over their children to Grandmaster Lanye for teaching.

Grandmaster Lanye never refuses anyone who comes, but if he wants to become Grandmaster Lanye's assistant, he needs to give him a lot of apprenticeship gifts.

Rather than saying that these are teacher apprenticeship ceremonies, it is better to say that this is a benefit fee!

There is still a big difference between assistants and disciples who create a master.

The reason why He Wen clashed with others at Grandmaster Lanye's banquet was because an assistant of Grandmaster Lanye wanted to take advantage of her.

While socializing, he not only held his hand, but also wrapped his arms around his waist, and his palms tended to move down from his waist.

This made He Wen extremely humiliated.

He Wen had never experienced anything like this before.

As the archangel of the court of true knowledge, life has already been given to faith.

Being taken advantage of in such a frivolous way not only makes He Wen feel that her dignity is humiliated, but also tarnishes the loyalty of He Wen's faith!

A filthy body is not worthy of believing in the one who loves the world.

He Wen was furious on the spot.

Although the imperial beast was not summoned, he slammed the left fist burning with holy flames on the assistant of Grandmaster Lan Ye.

With one punch, Grandmaster Lan Ye's assistant was half-dead.

Because this incident happened at the birthday banquet, my behavior is equivalent to ruining the face of Grandmaster Lan Ye.

This made Grandmaster Lan Ye stand out for his assistant.

Otherwise, Grandmaster Chang Lanye's attitude towards assistants in the past would not have asked about this matter at all.

The light-attribute spiritual materials provided by Zhenzhiduting to Grandmaster Lanye every year have not less generated income for Grandmaster Lanye.

But being blatantly smacked of face at the birthday banquet, Grandmaster Lan Ye always needs to make a show.

At the moment when Grandmaster Lan Ye got angry, He Wen realized that she was really impulsive.

But this does not mean that when they return to the Court of True Knowledge, their colleagues can blame themselves for the breakdown of their relationship with Grandmaster Lan Ye.

No one would be able to endure this kind of thing.

"How do I do things?"

"This matter was not what I wanted to do from the very beginning, it was you who insisted that I represent Zhenzhi Duting to congratulate Grandmaster Lanye on his birthday!"

"Otherwise, nothing like this would have happened!"

"You have the time to accuse me now, why did you say you didn't have the time to attend Grandmaster Lan Ye's birthday banquet?"

"It's a fact that the channel is broken, why do you still want me to kowtow to Grandmaster Lan Ye to make amends!?"

"Without Grandmaster Lan Ye, it's good to find other channels to create a grandmaster."

"Our family of true knowledge has the resources, and other founding masters will definitely be willing to cooperate with us!"

In anger, He Wen simply pretended to be dead.

Since you have accused me, I will simply push the responsibility back on you!

The reason why these colleagues were so angry was because Zhenzhiduting cut off the cooperation with Grandmaster Lanye, which affected the interests of others.

All of these people knew how bad Master Lan Ye was.

Otherwise, who would give up an opportunity to make friends with the founding master at the birthday banquet?

One of the old men with long beard hanging down to his chest shouted angrily.

"He Wen, what you said is simple!"

"Do we really know where to make friends with a founding master in the court?"

"And it costs money to make friends with a creative master!"

"The resources we invested in Grandmaster Lan Ye in the early stage were wasted, you don't think you have no responsibility at all, do you?"

"In the future, you can only get half of the original amount of clean light produced in the Temple of True Knowledge."

"The remaining half is filled to other people as compensation."

"Until we find another channel to create a master to offset your sins, and then return the half of the cleansing glory to your hands!"

The Sanctuary of True Knowledge is the secret realm where the Supreme Court of True Knowledge is in charge, and the clean light produced inside has a strong effect of cultivating and enhancing any angelic beasts.

The archangels of the Court of True Knowledge have always equally shared the clean light produced in the Temple of True Knowledge.

It can be said that the clean and bright light is related to the improvement of the strength of the archangels.

The old man's proposal was tantamount to cutting off He Wen's way forward.

It is extremely difficult to make a founding master and build a smooth trading channel with him.

He Wen did not have such a channel, nor did she have the ability to obtain such a channel.

If he succumbs to it at this time, it is very likely that his strength will improve at a much slower rate than other colleagues in decades.

When he finds another channel to create a master, he will also widen the gap with those colleagues.

He Wen would never agree to this kind of thing that cut off her way forward.

"Zheng Hui, why do you let me lose half of my cleanliness with just a single word of mouth!?"

"I disagree with your statement!"

"If it is necessary to reduce the clean light in my hand, it is better to remove my seat of Archangel!"

"I took my lineage and left the court of true knowledge."

"The Zhenzhidu family treats me like this, and there is no need for my He family to contribute to the Zhenzhidu family."

What He Wen said was very decisive.

It's not that He Wen really wants to leave the Court of True Knowledge, it's just that in front of this group of people, only by being unyielding can she keep her interests.

Once you accept this softness, you will really be suppressed to death!

I have to bear the blame for offending the founding master.

Looking at the farce in front of him, Wang Xu frowned tightly.

This kind of farce has not happened once or twice in the past three years.

The emergence of this farce made the family even more decadent.

The Family of True Knowledge is constructed by twelve families with common beliefs.

The reason why these twelve families who control the angelic beasts will be combined is because the ownership of the Temple of True Knowledge has not been determined.

The twelve families check and balance each other because of the Sanctuary of True Knowledge, and no one can obtain the resources in the Sanctuary of True Knowledge.

Only by merging can the resources in the Temple of True Knowledge be developed.

This way of combining made the interior of the family of true knowledge unstable from the very beginning.

If He Wen left the banquet with the He family, there would be complete chaos inside the Zhenzhidu Court.

Now is the critical juncture for the major forces to compete for hegemony.

Once there is chaos within the Court of True Knowledge, it will lose the opportunity to compete with other forces for hegemony.

If it is said to create a guru channel, I just know one.

It's just that Wang Xu doesn't know if this channel can solve the urgent need of the family of true knowledge after using it.

But it is better to have a channel than to have no channel.

Wang Xu decided to try it out to see if his channel could work.

He Wen was really forced and had no choice.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said that he would leave the Court of True Knowledge with the He family.

If I help He Wen out of the siege, I will definitely gain He Wen's favor.

After this channel ran through, I helped the Zhenzhi family maintain a link with the founding master.

As the archangel, his status in the court of true knowledge will inevitably rise!

Thinking of this, Wang Xu broke the deadlock by opening his mouth.

"I don't think He Wen is to blame for this."

"Anyone here would have no reason to tolerate this kind of thing."

"There will never be anyone who really doesn't even want dignity!"

"I will visit a founding master during this time."

"If we can reach an agreement with this founding master, we will probably be able to help the Zhenzhi Family regain a channel for obtaining the resources of the founding master."

Hearing Wang Xu's words, many archangels present showed surprised expressions on their faces.

Wang Xuke has never been the kind of character who will stand out from others.

Besides, the relationship between Wang Xu and He Wen is not close.

Since Wang Xu said so, it must be because Wang Xu felt that his channel was reliable and he could give it a try.

And so it is.

These colleagues who worked with Wang Xu really knew Wang Xu very well.

Inside the ancient battlefield, Wang Xu got a few bottles of master-level medicine from Fang Mu, but he didn't help Fang Mu much.

This made Wang Xu feel the generosity of Fang Mu's hand.

At that time, Fang Mu didn't have the messenger beast at hand, so naturally he couldn't continue to communicate with Wang Xu after leaving the ancient battlefield.

But Fang Mu told Wang Xu about the existence of Changlefang.

Let Wang Xu find himself through Changlefang.

When Fang Mu continued his business with Lang Huan and Li, he agreed to use Chang Le Fang as his eyes and ears to communicate with the outside world.

At that time, Fang Mu's subordinates did not have order-level power, so they couldn't use the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce as the front of the Boundless Tower to contact the outside world.

Wang Xu is going to contact Changlefang.

The family of true knowledge is very willing to spend resources in making friends with the founding masters.

As long as the creator doesn't have any objections to the true knowledge family, the true knowledge family can basically maintain the relationship with the founding master.

There was really no other way for He Wen to say what she just said.

As long as there is a way, it is not necessary to bring the He family away from the family of true knowledge!

Leading the He family out of the Zhenzhi family not only has an impact on the Zhenzhi family, but also the He family!

It even has a much greater impact on the He family than on the Zhenzhi family.

He Wen secretly nodded to Wang Xu, expressing her gratitude to Wang Xu.

There are many things that are inconvenient to say in public.

It would undoubtedly be more convenient to speak in private!

The He family is the weakest among the twelve families currently building the True Knowledge Family.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be repeatedly coerced by other colleagues to do things I don't want to do.

If Wang Xu really has the ability to find a channel to create a master.

Maybe I can lead the He family to attach to the Wang family.

Fang Mu didn't know that Wang Xu missed him.

At this time, Fang Mu had sent Jin Ya away.

Fang Mu, who had returned to the mountain manor, was answering a call from Jiang Weng, the spiritual master.

"Master, I'm ashamed to say that I haven't been able to comprehend the method of building a diamond-level spirit box for such a long time!"

"It was your people who told me the fusion technology of metal spiritual materials after they arrived, so that I mastered the method of building a diamond-level spirit box."

"I have now been able to create a diamond-level spiritual box that meets the standards."

"I don't know if my future work will mainly focus on the creation of spiritual weapons, or to make these diamond-level spiritual boxes?"

When Jiang Weng reported the situation to Fang Mu, there was no joy on his face.

Some are just full of shame.

Fang Mu clearly told himself that the diamond-level spiritual box was obtained from the ruins of the ancient battlefield.

Fang Mu handed the diamond-level spirit box into his hands, allowing him to comprehend.

The secret of building a diamond-level trapped spirit box was revealed in advance by Fang Mu's subordinates who did not obtain a diamond-level trapped spirit box.

No matter how you look at it, it is to say that you are incompetent.

Fang Mu could feel Jiang Weng's guilt.

When Lu Zhong came from the capital to report the news to Fang Mu two days ago, he also mentioned this matter.

Because of guilt, Jiang Weng has been secretly competing with himself in the cultivation room.

Jiang Weng has now become Fang Mu's subordinate, the most important producer of blacksmith resources under Fang Mu's subordinates.

There is no need for Fang Mu to take advantage of Jiang Weng's guilt and let Jiang Weng produce more resources for himself.

Fang Mu must build Jiang Weng's confidence so that Jiang Weng can go further in the future.

"Elder Jiang, you don't need to worry about it."

"The fusion technology of the metal spiritual material was researched by the master."

"After you have mastered this technology, you only need to be able to use it flexibly."

"There is no need to worry about who mastered the technology first."

"You have to know that there is a higher level above the Spirit Forging Master."

"With the resources I provide you, you are not without opportunities for promotion!"

"So I suggest that you put more thought into improving the rank of the blacksmith."

"I heard from the master that it doesn't take a lot of advanced technology to build a sleepy spirit box."

"You can take in some disciples, teach the techniques to these disciples of yours, and let your disciples produce the trapped spirit box."

"You will still be responsible for creating the serial spirit weapon."

"Otherwise, it will be very difficult to raise your rank as a blacksmith just to build a spirit box!"

When Jiang Weng heard Fang Mu's words, Fang Mu was deeply grateful.

It turned out that Fang Mu had the intention of cultivating himself and raising his status as a blacksmith to a higher level!

Fang Mu's words can be regarded as a promise to himself that he will not lose the resources he consumes daily.

Fang Mu mentioned that there is a higher level above the Spirit Forging Master, which made Jiang Weng subconsciously think that Qi Xing had a higher level of Spirit Forging than the Spirit Forging Master.

The creator above is called the holy creator.

Should the spiritual forging master be called the holy forging spiritual master?

It's just that there is no blacksmith in the whole world who publicly declares that he is a holy blacksmith.

He still regards himself as a master of forging spirits.

It's true that it's not difficult to build a spirit box. After mastering the technology, experienced senior blacksmiths have a 50% success rate.

The success rate of the spirit forging master can reach more than 80%.

It's just that this kind of technology must not be handed over at will.

Once leaked it will be a huge loss!

Jiang Weng felt that he had to inform Fang Mu of his concerns in this regard.

Fang Mu smiled slightly when he heard Jiang Weng's words.

"Elder Jiang, I don't know if I will give you a contract servant soul ant to make a contract later, are you willing?"

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